ANNOUNCEMENTS as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread McCorkle. “Now the Heavens Start to Whisper” is one of the many and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. extraordinary hymns by the inspired writer, Mary Louise Bringle (b. 1953), PRESENTATION OF OFFERING Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. who has created texts for our congregation. We sing her words to the tune Anthem E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come Paul Manz For thine is the kingdom and the power and the “Hyfrydol” by the Welsh musician, Rowland Hugh Prichard (1811-1887). The choir’s descant is by Michael Young. “Christ Is Coming” is one of a glory, forever. Amen. Doxology (sung) number of hymns by the Scottish pastor and author, John Ross Macduff th Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise HYMN 360 Christ Is Coming! (1818-1895). We sing his words to the 17 -century German tune “Unser Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, Herrscher.” The closing congregational response is the familiar opening proclamation from Steven Schwartz’s memorable “Godspell” (1971). ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy BLESSING IN WORD [A departing blessing] Organ Music: The prelude and postlude are both based on the melody of one of Ghost. Amen. CHORAL RESPONSE Prayer of Dedication the great Reformation hymns for Advent (see Hymn 349). The prelude is a Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord (Godspell) Stephen Schwartz sublime setting by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), the composer’s own transcription of a movement for voice and instruments from his church cantata HEARING THE WORD BLESSING IN MUSIC [During the playing of the music you are no. 140. The postlude is by the German musician, Friedrich Wilhelm Markull FOUR CENTS A MEAL OFFERING encouraged to greet one another, sharing the peace of Christ, or (1816-1887), celebrated organist Marienkirche in Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland Congregational Hymn 88 (sung seated) to remain seated and allow the music to aid you in fashioning O Come, O Come Emmanuel some final prayers. * If you are carrying a cell phone or some other electronic Sleepers, Wake! A Voice Astounds Us! GOSPEL READING Luke 21:34-36 NT (p. 81) device, please turn it off before worship begins. * Friedrich Wilhelm Markull OLD TESTAMENT READING Jeremiah 33:14-16 OT (p. 694) Please ask an Usher for assistance with hearing devices Those who are able may stand. SERMON Faith as Watchfulness William M. Klein & large print bulletins A TIME OF SILENT REFLECTION [A time to reflect upon All are invited and encouraged the implications of scripture and sermon for your life.] DON’T LET THIS BE YOUR PHOTO IN OUR to attend Coffee Fellowship in Brady Chapel. NEXT PICTURE DIRECTORY! HYMN 94 (tune: Hyfrydol) Now the Heavens Start to Whisper Choir Music: The choral call to worship, written (words and music) in 1963 by RESPONDING TO THE WORD the French liturgical musician Dominic Ombrie (b. 1933), is an eloquent offering for Advent. The English translation (1972) is by the well-known hymn AFFIRMATION OF FAITH [An expression of our common hope writer, Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000). The text: and purpose.] Come to us who wait here and tarry not. You only can deliver us, Lord Jesus. Affirmation in Words (unison) from the Iona Community In all our anguish, all our darkness, we search for you, Lord Jesus. We believe in God whose love is the source of all life You came among us once, a poor man, to save us all, Lord Jesus. and the desire of our lives, whose love was given a The anthem is a powerful creation of the American organist-composer Paul human face in Jesus of Nazareth, whose love was Manz (1919-2009), using words from Revelation 22. The text: crucified by the evil that waits to enslave us all, and Peace be to you and grace from him who freed us from our sins, whose love, defeating even death, is our glorious Who loved us all and shed his blood that we might saved be. promise of freedom. Therefore, though we are Sing Holy, Holy to our Lord, the Lord, Almighty God, sometimes fearful and full of doubt, in God we trust; Who was and is and is to come; Sing Holy, Holy, Lord! and, in the name of Jesus Christ, we commit Rejoice in heaven, all ye that dwell therein; Rejoice on earth, ye saints below, For Christ is coming soon!. ourselves, in the service of others, to seek justice and to live in peace, to care for the earth and to E’en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come, and night shall be no more; They need no light nor lamp nor sun, for Christ will be their All! share the commonwealth of God's goodness, to live in the freedom of forgiveness and the power of the Congregational Hymns: “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” is a well- spirit of love, and in the company of the faithful so known hymn text (1744) of Charles Wesley (1707-1788). The tune to be the church, for the glory of God. Amen. (“Stuttgart”) is found in Psalmodia Sacra (1715), a collection by the German musician, Christian Friedrich Witt (1660-1716). The choir’s Affirmation in Song (sung through twice) Gloria, Gloria alternate harmonization (v. 3) is by David Willcocks. The descant (v. 4) is Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo! by William McCorkle. The familiar “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” is a We’re using your profile picture in REALM to create the next Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia! series of 9th-century Latin antiphons (known as the “O” Antiphons, since picture directory and need all users to upload their photos. each begins with “O” followed by a biblical title for the Messiah) for Advent Having trouble doing this yourself? No problem, send the PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE vespers. We know them in the wonderful English version by John Mason photo you’d like to use for your profile and picture directory Neale (1818-1866), an English scholar and priest, whom many consider to Kimberly at [email protected]. LORD'S PRAYER (unison) unsurpassed in his ability to maintain the sense of Latin and Greek texts Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy while creating wonderful English poems. The tune, found by Neale in a name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth 15th-century French Missal, was arranged by Neale’s colleague and collaborator, Thomas Helmore, in 1854. The choir’s descant is by William CALENDAR OF EVENTS Music at Noon December 6th! December 6 will feature Daniel Lexington Presbyterian Church SUN Advent 1 & 4¢-A-Meal Offering Brinson, organ and Rick Lord, classical guitar. We welcome both of 120 South Main Street (12/2) 9:15 Youth Choir these fine musicians back to Lexington Presbyterian. We’re delighted Lexington, VA 24450 9:45 Sunday School to have them brighten our Advent! Their program will include short www.lexpres.org 11:00 Worship works by Bach, Barber, Scarlatti, Hovland, and DeBlasio. Take a break 540-463-3873 5:00 Wholeness & Healing for music with these midday offerings! 5:30 Youth Group 7:00 Handbells Practice THANTASTIC THURSDAY: On Thursday, Dec 6 we will celebrate the SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY MON (12/3) 5:00 Communications Committee Meeting season with Christmas carols and hymns with Bill McCorkle at the 2 December 2018 piano. Come sings all the old favorites and maybe a few new ones, too. 11:00 AM TUES 10:00 Lectio Divina Dinner will begin at 5:45pm with the Christmas carols staring at (12/4) 7:00 Session Prayer 6:30pm. Dinner will be soup and salad! The cost is $6 per person or 7:30 Session GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE $16 per family (children under 5 are free). Lexington campus students WEDS 9:00 Indoor Farmer’s Market - free. MUSIC OF PREPARATION (12/5) 5:00 Antioch Network Presentation Sleepers, Wake! A Voice Astounds Us! (BWV 645) Joy Luncheon: On Sunday, December 16, the 11:00 morning worship THURS 12:00 Music at Noon Johann Sebastian Bach (12/6) 5:45 Thantastic Thursday service will be followed by a potluck lunch at Lexington Presbyterian 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal Church. Fried chicken, bread and beverages will be provided by CHORAL CALL TO WORSHIP Culinary Ministry Director Skip Hess and his team, and church Come to Us Who Wait Here Dominic Ombrie FRI (12/7) 6:00 Main St. Lexington Christmas Parade members are invited to contribute other items. Church members with SAT(12/8) 11:00 Memorial Service for Dick Minnix last names beginning with A through P are asked to bring side dishes, WELCOME SUN Advent 2 and members with last names beginning with Q through Z are asked LIGHTING OF THE FIRST ADVENT CANDLE (responsive) (12/9) 8:45 Worship to bring desserts. Please sign up with Kimberly Kennedy in the church We light this candle for all God’s people, struggling to be 9:15 Youth Choir office by Tuesday, December 11, for this time of good food and bearers of hope in a troubled world. 9:45 Sunday School fellowship! God, as we wait for your promise, give light, give 11:00 Worship JESSE TREE: The Jesse Tree gives us a chance to help those whom hope. 5:30 Youth Group 7:00 Handbells Practice Jesus would have us remember—”the least of these my brothers & TIME WITH THE CHILDREN RARA Pantry Item of the month (Dec): Canned Tuna/Salmon sisters.” Leah’s Circle is taking the lead to organize this collection.
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