
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • THE • Strange ne'' words make Football heads to the dictionary, Hofstra, Bl B8 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Disp ay draws City increases student protest wages, ups 8\ JESSICA THO\tPSO~ a\\are or do not understand the Swd.:m .lfhur.' Edanr magnitude of abonion." Burge~~ Picture~ alcohol fees of genocide. aborted ~aid. fetuses and mass dc::.uuction over­ However. due to the sensiti,·c took the center of Harrington nature of the issue, GAP's pulicy Beach on Wedne!:.dav -and 1s to ha' c member~ of Ia'' B\ LEAH CO"\\\A\ ing the increa,ed compen a­ Thursday as part of an initiative to enforcement on hand to rrurcct educate students about the horrors their safetv. Uni,·ersitv Police otli­ \I.1ff RL·wrrt rion at the meetmg and magnitude of abortion. cers were a~kt!d to 'monitor the '\ewark Cit\ Council '\e,, ark rc~1dcnt I 1m' ard The Genocide Awareness '>CCnc, passed t\\ o ordmanccs in ih Porach ,aid he feel, the Project, created by the Center for Burgess sa1d she ke s unbom meeting \londay e\emng. one mcrea~e 1' unneccssaf\. Bio-Ethical Refom1. was brought children arc in the class of increasing the mayor's and Porach agreed tlut the to campu~ by the registered s~tu­ unwanted people and abor•ion council members· \\ages and mayor's compan,on to the dent organi.lation Pro-Life should be weighted as hea\ il) a" another arpro\ mg an alcohol­ other citic-. \\,1~ not rca,on­ Vanguard.- genocide. as the display implied. related surcharge for ablc Large gr.tphic image~ of dead "A picture says a thousand A.lderman·s Court fines .. '\e\\ ,uk docs not rcalh fetu:.es co' ered multiple bill­ words:· she said. The motion of the council ha' e the ~a me number of rt.:,i­ boards. w1th headhnes such as Even though the s11e of the member~ to increase the1r pay dent:- as th.: Cl11e. it "a~ Ct1m­ "Kilhng a baby is a bad choice... display itself \\;IS m em·helming. was passed \\ llh a \ otc or pared to. becau'c of the uni­ Other posters displayed pic­ Bureess said. there ''ere dJ~­ :.e\ en to th rce. tures of ethnic cleansing in claimcr signs positioned around THERE\ lEW Tarra -'\\ 1~ \ersity:· hl! said The amendment raises the Yugo~la,ia with the slogan the perimeter of the Beach and no SAGE co-president Leah Snyder places a sign defending Porach ~aid most uni,cr­ "Different motives, dittl!rent one ''as forced to look at anv of it. abortion rights outside the anti-abortion display on counci; members· salar) from ,ity student- •md emplo: ees methods same results ... She said the display ,,;as not ':>5,-100 to 5"',000. and the do not reside in :\e\\ .ul for Over m o days. 'olumcers entirelv negative since it showed Harrington Beach Wednesday. mayor·s salary from S6.600 to the" ht1le year. approached ntdents " ·ith pam­ all sides to -hm'ing a child. includ­ X.-100 beginning \lay I. some fighting action [against] this Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, !-;.,!I hac her. ho'' e\ cr. ,;uJ phlets. while several Univer-.ity ing the steps of prl.'gnancy and '""·hen the propaganda is 12 feet said the putposc of the display Councilman Karl un1\ crslty -.rudcnts reside 111 Police ot1icers kept \\arch and what a ne,vbom looks like. talL" she said. \vas not to shock. but to educate. Kalbachcr. Di~rnct 3. , ·orcd in '\e\\ Jrk for al!n,ht nmc Blue !en mba ·sadors IW\ e I A Burgess said she felt this \\as On Thursd:t). ho\\'ever. the "This is probably a littk hit tin ur of the motion. munths out of the year, .md pro ·pecm ·e students and theitpar­ the first time m a long tim..: anyon~.­ !:,>TOup countered the display with different from normal [acti\ities] "The increase~ are only a considering them n:s1Jenh enh the option of bypa-.~ing the had organized ~omethmg thi~ it:. O\\ n signs planted around the on campus... he said. ~mall. puny amount of ''a~ ".1rrantcd portion of the tour which cin.::les monumental. perimeter of the Beach. There are two uoab he smd money:· he sa1d. the Beach. ·'We're ju-.t showmg pic­ II' other council bu suJc''· Snyder said SAGE was better he \Vtb hoping to achle,·e w1th thi<; \layor Harold f. God"·in an amendment \\ Js pas,ed Junior ~fegan Burges~, presi­ Ulres.'' she said. prepared on th.: ~econd day and displa). sa1d d<:nt of Pro-Life Vanguard, ~aid the la ... t mcr'-a"e in the unpo~ing .111 additional 'ur­ Pro-Life Van!!uard did not had adequate umc to organize. The first, Arnl'--twng ..,Jid. is the organiz:ation deCI(ied to host announce the event because it did LOuncii -~ compcn~at1on ''a:-. charge of l 0 perlcnt O'l an~ To contrast with GAP\ dis­ tor peopk 1<1 understand th<Jt an this particular group becau~e of1ts not want to gi\ c any other group a tour y car' ago. Ald~rman\ Coun tine-. i ,ued claimer ~igns that read "Warning: unbom fetus .eallv i.., a child. and expcricncl! and volunteers who chance to inittate a counterdemon­ ··The council desen ed for an alcohtll-rel.n~d -:rimes Genocide Photos Ahead.'' SAGE the s.:cond i~ to aib\\Cr the qucs­ an.: prol~~sionally traint!d to stration, Hurgc::.s said. this ra1se because their current or otfclbcs planted its own signs "hich read l!on of whether ab,)rtion is justifi­ ans\\ er any questions or •trgu­ "This i~ an infurrnation proj­ slogans such as: "Waming: able. salaries an~ belO\\ a' crage C l) ollcitor Rogu Akm ments of those viewing the dis­ ect.'' she said. "1 didn't want anv­ Assault on Repnxluctive Freedom "People don't like seeing compared to cities of similar ~aid the amendment "a.., pby on~.- to haYe .1 head start on us."· \head" and ''Rt producuh. chot..:e thc~e 1111 gc- \<.: c;aid ·· fh.:. \ size:· he ..,aid. p.t"ed 111 ac co~d nrt: \\ llh %e satd displa} mg the p1c On Wednc~da; \c1.or le gh IS nu tt:n·onsm. KnO\\ your righ~ rcali.re chal•l.!:C~ need w be m.td~ \lorco' ct. God'' 111 s, 1d. '\c\\ark's d 1re .u '-r•l~k rures mtended as an mto1 ma­ Snyder. co-president of Students ''a:- <•nd protcLI them." "There ~cannot he am ~oc1al the council members often pay do'' n on drinl-.1ng rion project and not meant to be a Acting for Gender !.quality. satd Snvdcr satd the orga11ization rcfmm until pe0plc feel ·uncom­ for job-related expense~ out of The Mdinance rccei\cd demonstration. she wa!'> shocked at the size of the wanted-people to ,·oice their opi l­ fortable with theJ,tatus quo:· thc1r o\\·n pocket. no dispute fi·om cnuncll mem­ ··Thi~ I!> an educational dis­ display. ions ~o it started a pro-choice gar­ Junior Lmt.sC) 1>.-torgan. a HO\\ e\ cr, the ordmance pia) tor people who ''en: nN ··It\ hard to come up wirh bers or 0.e" ark residents pres­ t den. gi,ing passers-by a miniature resident of G1lbert Residence t~1ced opposition from other ent at the mcetmg stgn reading. "T am Pro-Choice" Hall, said she did not appreciate council members. A kin 'aid the e\.tra line to place in the grass directly ll1 issues of this magnitude being Councilman John H "ould generate apprtl\Illlately ti·ont of the larger part of the anti­ shoved in her face. especially f-arrell. District J, ~aid he \::!0.000 per year. abortion display where she lives. \Oted agam"t the pay increase lim. money "ill he incor­ ··we're just here to support 'T\'e ne\ er had o.omethuw: 111 woman's right to chouse and to my face) to get upset about.'' ';he because he IS an ad,ocate of porated mtt1 the city·, budget allo\\ people tu 'oice their opin­ said. community ... en icc. for the ne\\ lampatgn agam-;t ion . ., she said. Morean ~a1d she tl•ought \\ orkmg for the comH.:Il alcohol. he ,aid. Une of SAGE"s Slt,'Tls planted Trabant ~Univc:rsit\ (enter ~or ,hould be considered such a One "ay or another. \km 1n front of the display read, ·The inside another building wuuld ..,en ICC. he said. said. s!udenh \\Ill tind out freedom of choice is '\OT a ter­ ha'"c been a mudl more appropri­ Councilman Jerry <lhout the nc\\ 3ddltlon to the ronst act" in reference to pictures ate place to hold ~uch a display. C IIfton. Dtstrict , satd he pen3ltle' unposed h~ the eity or the attack at Pearl Harbor and Burgess ~:ud Pro-Life agreed the pay increase \\as for undcnge drinktng. the fall of the \\ orld Trade Center Vanguard originallv wanted to unneces~ar). ·· om.: ''ill learn of it haYe the dispJay phced on the 111 ~e\\ York Cltv. CIt fton said 111 additiOn ''hen the~ are standmg 111 Snyder said.she thought these Green. but the tmivcrsity di~c<)ur­ to feeling uncomfortable ui'­ front t1f 3 JUdge:· he said. \\ere blatant lies in compming ae:ed the idea and allo\\ed them to ing hum~lf a raise. he did~not \kin ,aid all resident' are abortion to ren-orism. use space on the Beach instead.
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