E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2019 No. 172 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The article describes America’s inhu- process. In these so-called courts con- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- manity unfolding in Matamoros, Mex- stitutional protections vanish, and pore (Mr. CUELLAR). ico, a border town in which I, as a civil liberties disappear. f child, spent much of my time and in The administration’s policy is se- which my ancestors are buried. It is a verely restricting and imposing bar- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO story about America’s cruelty, for riers on the very fundamental bedrock TEMPORE which the President of the United of our legal system—the attorney-cli- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- States is directly responsible. ent relationship. Lawyers representing fore the House the following commu- As I thought about what I could do these asylum claimants are reporting nication from the Speaker: about this situation, I couldn’t help that the MPP policy is making some- WASHINGTON, DC, but ask myself: What would Elijah do? thing as simple as the opportunity to October 30, 2019. By creating obstacle after obstacle, meet with their client an impos- I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY the Trump administration does every- sibility. As of this August, less than 2 CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on thing within its power to prevent asy- percent of those in MPP court even had this day. lum claimants from having their right- lawyers representing them. The forc- NANCY PELOSI, ful day in court, whether they are enti- ible removal of claimants to another Speaker of the House of Representatives. tled to stay or not. country while they await adjudication f Its latest obstruction is the Migrant is a judicial charade, represents a total Protection Protocols, which are any- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE abdication of the principles of fairness thing but protection. The MPP forces that are the foundations of our justice The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- asylum claimants to wait in dangerous system, and makes a mockery of our ant to the order of House of January 3, Mexican border towns as their claims Constitution. 2019, the Chair will now recognize are processed, and they have proven to Members from lists submitted by the Not only are asylum claimants being be nothing more than a weapon used to denied their rights, the public and the majority and minority leaders for destroy America’s longstanding reputa- morning-hour debate. press are consistently denied access to tion as the world’s greatest melting these proceedings. The Chair will alternate recognition pot. It is a blatant violation of the due What is there to hide? between the parties. All time shall be process clause of the U.S. Constitution. equally allocated between the parties, Our Nation’s asylum laws guarantee The presence of attorneys, advocates, and in no event shall debate continue the right to live in the United States the press, and the public at these hear- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other while claims are adjudicated. Over 1,500 ings preserves our democracy. The than the majority and minority leaders people now live in squalor in Mata- president of the National Association and the minority whip, shall be limited moros, Mexico. They have no running of Immigration Judges states as fol- to 5 minutes. water and a marginal number of toilets lows: f for all of them. They are housed in Normal immigration court is open to the tents and forced to bathe naked out in public. In civil proceedings in America, one DETERIORATING CONDITIONS AT the Rio Grande River. Their daily sub- of the fundamental tenets of our justice sys- THE MEXICAN BORDER tem is that there has to be accountability to sistence depends on the goodness of the the public. We do not do stuff behind closed The SPEAKER pro tempore. The volunteers from the Rio Grande Valley doors. That is not what America is about. Chair recognizes the gentleman from and across this Nation who cross into And yet, with each immigration policy deci- Texas (Mr. VELA) for 5 minutes. Mexico every day to provide a simple sion the last 3 years, we are moving closer Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, last Friday, meal. The conditions are worse than and closer to a model that does not resemble many of us attended the funeral for our those that I have seen in Syrian ref- anything in the American judicial system; it colleague, Elijah Cummings. His story ugee camps. is more like what you might see in China or and the service were inspirational. On This is not the way America is sup- Russia. that same day, this article concerning posed to work. In our system of criminal jurispru- the deteriorating conditions of the The administration claims that by dence, a person may be guilty, or they Mexican border appeared in The Texas creating secret, sham, tent courts may not be. But with regard to juris- Tribune about the consequences of the along the border that it is processing prudence, a party may be culpable or Trump administration’s Migrant Pro- asylum claims. This is nothing more not culpable. But one thing everyone tection Protocols, or MPP. than a glaring effort to obliterate due gets is the opportunity to be heard. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8599 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Oct 31, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30OC7.000 H30OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 30, 2019 So we have a choice. We can turn a land, Ohio, the recipient of the 2019 programs to better the care for individ- blind eye to the horror that is this ad- Black Professional of the Year Award. uals in the surrounding rural commu- ministration’s asylum policy, or we Ms. Whiting will become the 39th in- nities. can answer our colleague, Elijah’s, call dividual to receive this distinguished Over the last 2 years, the hospital’s to create a system that stands for jus- award given by the Black Professionals CEO, Ms. Angela Ammons, has added tice. Let’s tear down the Migrant Pro- Association Charitable Foundation at new programs to help people with sub- tection Protocols. Let’s hire the judges their annual scholarship and awards stance abuse issues, a swing-bed sys- so that we can efficiently and fairly ad- gala. Each year the organization hon- tem to more efficiently use their re- judicate asylum claims. Let the asy- ors an African American professional sources, and a new wound care unit. lum claimant live in dignity and give for their career accomplishments, com- But most importantly, she has nearly them back their right to be in this munity engagement, and civic con- miraculously turned around the hos- country while they wait for their cases tributions. pital’s financials, maintaining the to be heard. Through her considerable achieve- community’s access to healthcare and If asylum is denied after a fair and ments as an attorney, entrepreneur, keeping the local economy churning. just adjudication, let the claimant and civic leader, Ms. Whiting is most Clinch Memorial Hospital is more leave this country knowing that the deserving of this long overdue recogni- than deserving of the Hospital of the United States system of government tion. She embodies the mission of the Year Award. Congratulations, and keep up the gave them a fair shake. Black Professionals Association Chari- good work. If, on the other hand, a claimant is table Foundation, which is to create NATIONAL PHARMACIST MONTH 2019 given refugee status, let’s rally behind opportunities for African American Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- them. Let’s show them what America professionals by providing scholarship, er, I rise today to recognize October as is really like. Let’s help them achieve leadership, and career development. being National Pharmacist Month 2019. the American dream. I think that is As president of AES Management and what Elijah Cummings would do. According to Census data, there are a Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen over 200,000 pharmacists across the f franchisee, Ms. Whiting has made hir- U.S., with another 25,000 pharmacy CONGRESSIONAL GOLD STAR ing people from her community a pri- aides. Every day these pharmacists are FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM ority, creating employment opportuni- providing vaccines for a number of ill- ties where there are few options. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The nesses and carefully counseling pa- Ms. Whiting has more than 30 years Chair recognizes the gentleman from tients on prescriptions to help heal of experience as an attorney. Through- Oklahoma (Mr. KEVIN HERN) for 5 min- sickness and reduce pain. Through this out her law career, she focused her utes. work, pharmacists are considered one Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma. Mr. work on revitalizing struggling neigh- of the top three most-trusted profes- Speaker, Oklahoma native, Christopher borhoods and helping small and minor- sions in America. Horton, is one of the namesakes of H. ity-owned businesses succeed. Mr. Speaker, this month, as well as Res. 107 which passed the House yester- Ms. Whiting has committed her time through the rest of the year, I encour- day.
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