c - H ightstown Gazette 98th YEAR—NUMBER 16 HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 PRICE-FIVE CENTS 10 Persons Hurt in Car Vets Completing Peddie Faculty Furloughs Counting Against Crashes Over Holiday Arrangements Includes Several 'Yermin^l Pay Are Listed *- For Block Dance Ex-Servicemen _____________ Labor Day week end accidents in A number o f questions has come into this area sent 10 persons to the hos­ Borough Relief Hightstown Post 571K), Vettraiis of; Vetcraii.s ironi the Army, Navy aiul F ' l O C l i 1^ 3 . m . l l ^ ^ The Gazette office from veterans who pital, none critically hurt, as state iForeign Wars, will complete final plans Coast Guard will be among the reliirn-1 _ . , are a bit confused about furlough or troopers at the local barracks were I at Thursday’s post meeting for its pub-1 ing faculty members of die Petldie ’ II ^ | J ^ RAntllOn leave time when applying for terminal kept busy handling six mishaps. Bill Hits New ilicI lie block dance and carnival to be heldiSdioolheld; i^cliool when I'cddie1 cddie opens for its 82nd i X L / l U O X V C U l l l X ^ l l leave pay. There are several types of A two-car crash shortly before 10 [Friday evening, September 13 on Broad .year on September 18 with a capacity i furloughs which must be figured in o’clock Monday night on the Hights- when a veteran adds up the number of town-Allentown road near Sharon in­ High of , Neck days' leave coming to him or her. jured six persons and they were taken , “ Z (dancing and a vaudeville show. Adm is-‘ Fverrett i.,. Swift of Laston, Alass^, On page three of the detailed in­ to Dr. Farmer’s Hospital at Allentown f f - T4 - m . 1 •* carnival street will be twen- ’ a lormer niemDcr ot the school sta . second annual Flock family re- structions o f the claim sheet being for treatment. State police said that Rehet costs m Hightstown hit a.jy.five cents and it is hoped that the:w ho left in 1942, is returning as a mas- issued by the post office it says enter vehicles operated by Lope Hampton summer high in the month of Augustgust patronsijauuus willwm comelumk- earlyc.u ly amiand M.iystay late,uuc, ‘yter of•-* the. -------^ a nand a AiMrs. rs. WWilliam illiam RoszelK osze of the number of days leave, furlough, or and Louis Thompson of Allentown col­ as $545.97 was doled out to 19 persons says Edward Kutch, general chairman after serung with A Neck. Featuring the event delay en route taken by you since Sep­ lided. The Allentown First Aid Squad of the public festivities. Army in New ^ firesence of the descendants of the tember , 1939. The exceptions are sick, along with Troopers Johnson and Du- according to a report submitted today 8 Special coiiimittces have been holding■;>3 te^of Bow fom ^ H ^ ifir s l John Flock. Games, visiting and convalescent and rehabilitation leave busky got the victims to the hospital. by Director of Welfare Elsie V. Frank­ frequent sessions to make the iieces- fiis Master of Arts Degree from Har recalling of events of the family his- authorized or recommended by a med­ Most seriously injured was Georgi- fin.lin. The biggest item on the bill was , R',: ™ ,i Universitv in 1937 . i evems oi me laiiiiiy $265.05 for hospitahaation. This amount! * he V h W Post;Vard University in SmiUitown, ‘ " Y also highlighted the affair. ical officer. anna Hampton, 17 and she was reported SKS more Inn the total siicnt fn, intembers have been devoting many I 'V- ■ .m r . ’ i The courtship ot John Hock Jr. ana suffering from shock and a possible 1 To clear up the situation, furloughs fracture of the skull. James Mathis, Siefrelief in Threlrrestthe corresponding nn^ JO-day iI'c>7 , j, *'’<= | ^ huKe5700 ; enter the CoastI p.nrdGuard, ‘y^^tit-iiingIs returning to Klizabeth^ Tindall, early members of that must be deducted from the accu­ mulated leave are: any furlough in 13, T ony Holland, 46 and Thompson ^%5mnre7th?luTustm5biU that the community will back.the Social Studies depart™ and^lalcL. Roszel. The were receiving treatment for bruises excess of three days; an emergency $3fe80 over the August 1945 bdl. ;the civic festivities being sponsored by boe faugln ttf,and mother of Elizabeth Tindall furlough or leave—for instance a fur­ and lacerations of the body. Charles The next highest expensewas a $'30 overseas veterans of Hightstown m ®bio befor h j ;„as acted by Mrs. William Roszel and and Clyde Thomas also in the acci­ nursing expenditure whde $88 was giv-|,^, borough citizens, ^ d i e m 942. He is a gradu al of lough for sickness or death in the fam­ dent were treated and released at the » towards food and $59 towards sliel-, Assisting Chairman Kutch with the Oberhn Ujlege^iUmre j ily; a furlough given at the end of training: a delay enroute, time given hospital. , , , , _ . In another collision Mrs. Mary Di Of the nineteen persons recfiving l°ai4degrees. Since being released fr o iy h e M r'. Henry Snedeker. Mrs. to travel from one post to another and Mattia 44, of Trenton, received contu­ town aid there were nine sjngle indi-1 Senior Vice Commander Frank i he has been doing graduate ’^ . Flock, Miss Elizabeth Jane a reenlistnient furlough, time given a sions of the face and body when the viduals and two families consisting of; Chaplain Walter Fenton Ad-':Work at the University of Michigan. ’ Flock, Mr. and Mrs, Albertis Flock, man for signing up for another hitch car in which she was riding collided ten persons. For the singles ^53.97 jngtant Max Bard Richard Ewart Another veteran, Oscar Rand of,M r. and Mrs. B>ron Flock and chil- in the service. ■with a vehicle driven by John W. W ol­ was spent and only $92 for the two ^ ^ a J d B?ced. S o r g e ^ L e l i s : Plymouth. N.H., who served in the.dren. Marguntc, Byron Jr. and Betty Leaves which do not have to be cott of Long Branch. Mrs. DiMaUia families. ’ ’ .~ counted are: a pass of three days or •was a passenger in the car with her In July $478.17 was expended and the less; convalescent, sick and and re- son. Joseph, 22 years old. Irooper August account as a result shows liabilitation leave as mentioned above; Crilley investigated. risese orof ^rt)/.ou.$67.tK). ibert Greenberg, Samuel Shuren, John ■ ment at Peddie. - _ Previ-'and Mr«; \fafthia/'rnm b« ’ Mr’ and leave granted a man on temporary duty Two persons escaped injury in a orders, such as a 30-day traveling from R 4“ w "o w i; j John Shuren und John West. ] at Peddie he taught; }essie Coleman^r. and son, U w is. two-car crash on the Allentown Inilays- August is as follows one theater of war to another, and fur­ at Yale Middle School, Changsha,' Also r. and Mrs. Jessie Coleman Sr., town road and the accident tied up Food ............................ _......$88.00 lough given a repatriated prisoner in China and Beck School, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Earl Coleman, Rich- traffic for nearly an hour before the Shelter .............- .............:.... 59.00 the United States for rehabilitation be­ Mrs. Mary Dey i William French of Concord, N.H., is 'ard Coleman, Virginia Coleman, Mr. wrecked cars were untangled. Involved Hospitalization ...... .265.05 fore being discharged. 'also joining the returning faculty.jand Mrs. William E, Flock Jr., Mr. and were George Skreener, Trenton and Medical Supplies ..........— 1.92 In regards lo w’hether a man is to French is a graduate of Virginia Poly-l^^rs. Howell V. Darnell, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Wiley of Imlaystown, who Nursing Home........- ..........130.00 account for time given to "settle his Expires at 80; technic Instimte and Columbia Univer- James A. Wilson. Mary A. Hutchinson, were the drivers. Troopers Dansbiiry Miscellaneous .................... 2.00 affairs at home,” upon being called for sity where he received his Bachelor of Mrs. Mildred Tindall, Paul and David »nd Bannister investigated and issued service depends on whether he was ac­ Science and Master of Arts degrees. He I'I'indall, Mrs. James I. Hutchinson, the men summonses for a hearing. Total ...$545.97 Rites Thursday tually in a pay status. If he reported wil teach General Science. French pre- ;^{rs. Malcolm Tindall, Patricia Ann for induction, was sworn in and then Tw o persons were admitted to tlie 'viously taught at St. Paul’s School, Con-Bruce Tindall, Barry Tindall, St Francis Hospital, Trenton Sunday given a period o f time to go home he afternoon when the truck in which Mrs. Marv Gertrude Dey. 80 years'cord, N.FI. ^ ^ [Wayne Tindall, Marilyn Tindall, Mrs. is not required to account for it be­ Arrest of Four old, o f 114 Park avenue, died vesterday | Dr. Montford Haslam has been ! John D. Butcher. Mr and Mrs. William they were riding overturned on Route cause he was not actually on the pay­ in the Trenton State Hospital pointed the school physician. Butcher Mr, and ^Hs. Glenn Hal- ts near Windsor. Charles Davis of roll. In these cases he w'as placed in She is survived by her luisbaud. [tended St. Paul s Preparatory bchool jaday. Carol Ann tne eniisiea Trenton was the driver and received Solves Home the enlisted men’s reserve until he re- chest injuria a ^ a c g a t o i o ^ t George R.
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