The Index refers to the chapter texts and does not include captions to Index pictures and the Appendices. Abbey Lands, 58 Atkinson, Garry, 232 Bone, Peter and Andrea, 168 Abbey, Dissolution of, 59 Atkinson, Michael, 232 Bonner, Gustave Ferdinand, 100 Abbot Adulf, 121 Awdry, Rev AW, 243 Boongate, 39 Abbot Alexander of Holderness, 59 Aytoun, JW, 132 Boothby, Thomas, 235 Abbot Martin, 151 Badminton, Gloucestershire, 235 Borough Fen (now Newborough), 19 122 Abbot of Peterborough, advowson, 78 Bailey, Bill, 281 Boston, 38 Abbot Walter de St Edmundo, 178 Bailiff, Robert Wingfield, 60 Botham, Ian, 209 Abbot William de Waterville, 151 Baker Perkins, 195, 284 Bothamley and Ellington, 95 Abbot, Frank, 242 Baker, Charlie, 278 Boudicca –British queen, 20 Abbot, Lord of Manor, 59 Baker, Thomas Edward, surgeon, 265 Bourne, 36 Abbots of Peterborough, 157 171 Baldwin, Jim, 163 173 Bowyer, Hon George, 237 Abbots of Ramsey, 157 Baldwin, John, 223 Boyall, 267 Abbott, William, 187 Banks, David, 210 Boyall, G, 207 acqueduct, 39 Banks, Roger, 256 Boyall, Mrs C (Assistant Brownie Guider) 210 Adams, George, Huntsman, 226 237 Barclay, Mr James, 237 Boyce, PC Keith, 295 Adams, Mrs, 164 Barford, Mr, 235 bracken, 256 adder’s tongue fern, 256 Barley Mow, 61 108 115 196 199 201 branch line Blisworth to Peterborough, 239 Adler, Rev Tom , 78 89 208 338 Barlow, Jack, 208 Brass Band Castor and Ailsworth, 93 Advowson, Castor, 78 Barnack Hills and Holes National brass, bishop or abbot, Castor, 76 Aegelsworth, 105 Nature Reserve, 256 Brassey, Sir Leonard and Lady, 332 Æthelred, son of Penda, King of Mercia, 49 Barnack, 18 37 256 Braughing, 36 agger, 33 Barnes, Charles,271 Brawn, PC Ted, 294 Agincourt, 161 172 Barnett, John Alfred, 242 Breadholders, Castor, 78 Agness, Bill, 215 Barnewell, William, 266 Bretton Church, 164 Ahlfrith, King of Deira, son of Oswiu of Barnstock, 139 Bretton, 232 Northumbria & husband of Kyneburgha, 45 Barr, Susannah, wife of Thomas Barr, 265 Brewin, Harry, 280 Ailesworth, chapelry of Castor, 48 51 Barrett, Clem, 286 Bridges, 34 36 Ailsworth Heath, 256-7 Bass, C, 207 Brigadoon, 283 Ailsworth witch, 105 Bass, Cecil, 271 Briggmilne or Bridgemill, 123 Ailsworth, 33 38 105ff 255 256 260 301 Bass, Mr , 43 110 Briggs, Alfred, 297 Ailsworth, chapel-of-ease, Hales 1854, 68 Bass. Eileen, 201 Briggs, William, 193 Alban –Roman martyr, 26 Bastardy Orders, 264 Brisbourne, Roger, 207 Alhflæd, dau of Oswiu of Northumbria Bate, Thomas, 263-5 British Road Services, 196 wife of Peada, 46 Bate, William, churchwarden of Castor, 265 Britten , Ernie, 186 Allen, Thomas, 60 126 Beaufort, Duke of , 235 Britten , Steve, 133 186 Alleyne, Dr Giles, 97 Beby, Ricardus, rector, 74 Britten, Rosalie, 133 Allotment Lane, no 12, Castor, 92 Bede, Venerable, Jarrow historian, 45 Brocklesby, North Lincolnshire, 235 Almoner, Sutton, 135 Bedford Purlieus, 23 Brogden of Manchester, 239 Almshouses, 165 Beeching, Dr, 243 Brooms, Albert Edward, 242 altar rails, Lady Chapel, Castor, 76 Beeny, Mr, vicar Sutton, 135 Broughton, Alec, 215 Alwalton Lock, 38 Beeson, Mick, 220-2 Brown (Hill), Margaret, 283 Ambrose, Miss Bessie , 311-12 Bell, Lieutenant, 214 Brown, Amos, 271 Amies, George, 90 Bell, Mr & Mrs, 214 Brown, Colin, 210 Amos, Rev George, 94 Bell, W, 206 214 Brown, Phil, 286 Ancaster, 36 Bells, 81 169 170 Brown, William, 91 Ancient woodland, 257 Belsize Farm, 159-161, 179, 191 Brown, William, cordwainer, 264 Anderson, Mrs Patricia, 237 Belsize Manor, 59 Browne, Joane, 154 Andrew close, 118 Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth/Jarrow, 46 Bucchere, Alyes, 174 Andrews, Betty, 164 Bening, Simon, 257 Budd, William, 161 Andrews, George, rector, 72 88 310 Berresford, JD, 100 Bunning Anne, 132 Angel Hotel, Northampton, 239 Berresford, JG, 211 Bunning, George , 132 Anker, Carl, 222 Berresford, Rev John J, 211 Bunning, George, sen, 132 Anker. John & Jean, 198 Berridge, Albert, 287, 307, 313 Burdett. Thomas, 197 Anne, mother of William Fourth Earl Fitzwilliam, Berridge, G (guider), 210 Burghley, 257 228-9 Berridge, Mr, 319 Burke, Diana, 78 Arles, Council of, AD314, 67 Berridge. William, 196 Burke, Mr, Church Commissioners’ agent, 188 Armitage, Roy and Di, 163 Berry, Mr Michael, 237 Burmer Wood, 25 157 158 ARP, 335 Berrystead Manor, 59 Burton Nellie, 275 Arrowhead, 258 Bessborough, Lord, 229 Burton, Harold, 275 Art Group, 216 Bettles, Mr Jack, 292 Burton, Maud, 275 Arthur Mellows Secondary School, Glinton, 310 Bew family, 121 Burton, Reg, 275 Artis, Edmund, 17 47 92 126 241 Bewcastle, 46 Burton, William, 275 Ascelin de Waterville 151 birch, 257 Butler’s Manor (or Thorold’s), 59 ash, 257 Bishop of Peterborough as Rector of Castor , 72 buttercups, 225 Ash, Wm, 265 Bishop of Peterborough, advowson, 78 Button, Jack, 128 Ashton nr Oundle, 26 black hairstreak butterfly, 258 Buxton Lady, 89 269 Ashton, Bill, 281 Blacksmiths Cottage, 165 Buxton, Bernard, 271 Ashton, Richard ,Abbott, 124 blackthorn, 258 Callard, Kay, 289 Assart, 179 Blisworth to Peterborough line, 241 Callow, John Thomas, 194 Assfortheby, John de, the Rector of Castor, 264 bluebells, 257 260 Camden, William, 57 Atkins, Ann, 279 Blyth, George, 193 Camoys, John, 144 Atkins, Irene, 279 Bodman. Joseph, 198 Camoys, Ralph, 144 Atkins, Jack, 279 Bond, James, 243 Campions Close, 103 375 Cant, Isaac, 137 Civil War, 60 161 Crane, Sheila, 133 283 Capon, Bill, 281 Clare, John, 239 Craven, William, 166 Car Dyke, 21 Clare, John, 256 259-260 266 Crawford, Arthur, 198 Carlton Court, 63 Clare, John, mother born Castor, 266 Craythorne, Gladdy, 187 Carlton, Canon, 75 89 290 Clarke, Charles, 294 Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Ten Carr, John of York, 229 Clarke, Helen, 210 Commandments (boards), 75 Carrington, David, 74 Clarke, Simon, 207 210 creeping bent, 255 Carter family, Ailsworth, 306 312 Clarke’s farm, 100 crested dog’s-tail, 255 Carter, Frank, 271 Claudius –Roman emperor, 19 Crofts, Dr Thomas, 229 Carter, George, 235 Clay Cottage Castor, 178 189 Cromwell, Oliver, 73 160 161 197 Carter, Mr and Mrs, 91 Clay Lane, - 1, 3, 4 Castor , 39 87 Cromwell’s Parliament, 60 Carter, Mrs, 329 Clay Lane, 39 Cross Keys, 140 142 283 Carter, William, 87 Cleveland Society’s Show, Redcar, 235 Cross, Village, Castor, 58 Caskey, Dr John Cliffe, Annie, 273 Crow, John, 199 CASPRA, 216 Cliffe, Arthur, 271 273 Crowden, Colonel, 280 Castle, Barbara Minister of Transport, 243 Cliffe, Jacob, 273 Culpin John, 146 Castor – Stibbington line, 241 Coates, William, 307 Cumberworth, FH, 209 Castor and Ailsworth Cricket Club, 299 Cobbold, Nicholas, 224 Cunnington, Anthony, 224 Castor and Ailsworth Village codicaria, 34 Curteys, Robert, 75 Association (CAVA), 216 Colbert, Henry, 87 Curtis (Oundle) 195 Castor Backwater, 258 Colburt, Mr, 189 Cynewise, mother of Kyneburgha, 45 Castor Brass Band, 332 Colchester, 19 Daley, Kevin, sculptor, 74 Castor Church, 256 Coldewell, Johannus, 124 Dalgliesh, Robert, 234 Castor Church 800th Anniversary, 317 Cole, Arthur, 198 Dallington, 127 Castor Church 850th Anniversary, 320 Colin and ‘Brooky’, 220 Dames’ Schools, 305 Castor Fire Brigade, 289-9 common toads, 259 dams, 31 Castor Flood Meadows SSSI, 262 Communion Cup with Cover Paten, Castor, 78 damselflies, 258 Castor Flood Meadows, 256 Compton Census, 60 Danks, Leonard, 294 Castor Hanglands National Comrades of the Great War, 329 Darby Family, 87 191 Nature Reserve, 256-260 Congregational Chapel, Castor, 60 94 Darby, 267 Castor Hanglands, 38 Conkey, Kevin, 207 210 221 224 Darby, Charles, 271 Castor House, 58 88 97ff 180 306 Conkey,Steven, 221 224 Darby, CW, 214 Castor Lynch Backwater, 91 Conquest, Robertus, 124 Darby, Eleanor, 158-9 165 174 Castor Mill, 91 194 265 Constantine –Roman Emperor, 26 151 Darby, George, 281 Castor School, 18 95 261 Cook Family, 89 Darby, Jack, 281 Castor School reunion, 321 Cook, Jeff, 224 Darby, John Thomas, 88 297 Castor station open, 242 Cook, Jonathan, 322 Darby, Laurie, 191 Castor String Band, The, 332 Cook, Mrs Jonathan (Jackie), 78 Darby, Noel and Joan, 158-9 163 165 177 Castor Village Green, 299 Cooke DK (farms), 201 Darby, Noel, 158 159 163 164-5 174 191 Castor Windmill, 194 Cooke, A, 214 Darby, Thomas Rowe, 158 159 Castor, 39 47 48 112 164 255 258 Cooke, Alec, 271 280 Darby, William, 200 Castorware, 23 Cooke, AP, 206 Darby’s Farm, Castor, 87 Casworth way, 118 Cooke, Arthur, 201 Dark, Dr Ken, 68 Catesbie, Eusebius, 263 Cooke, Capt W, 214 Davies Family, 87 Cathedral, 39 Cooke, J, 212 Davies, Adrian Rev, 135 Catmull, Sam, 280 2 92 Cooke, Mr W, 302 D-Day, 242 Cattle market at Castor, 178 Cooke, Mr Will, 285 290 Dean and Chapter, 59 124 180 Catuvellauni –British tribe, 19 Cooke, Mrs Annie, 205 311 Dean and Chapter, advowson, 78 Cedar Centre, 42 47 78 95 Cooke, Will and Annie, 290 Deane, Major Charles, 237 Cedars of Lebanon, 169 Cooke, WJ, 335 dedication Castor Church, 69 Cedars, The, 85 89 178 306 Cooke, WT, 102 212-3 332 Dedication Inscription, Priest’s Door in Chancel, 93 Censuses, 266 Cooke, WT, Mrs, 329 della Robbia ceramic, 76 Chambers, Sir William, 229 Cooper, John Hedley,201 Dellar, Bryan, 209 chantry chapel, Sutton, 130 Cooper, John, 280 Dewberry, Elizabeth, wife of Chapel, 115 116 coot, 258 William Dewberry, 132 chapels-of-ease, Sutton, Upton, Corbridge Church, 68 Dexter, Percy, 293 Ailsworth, Milton, 68 Corby, 34 Diamond Jubilee Queen Victoria, 317 Chapman Assoc, 199 Corieltauvi- British tribe, 19 Dick Handcock’s Band, 332 Chapman, John, 271 272 corncrake, 260 Dick Longfoot, 287 Chapman, Mary, 272 Coronation King George VI, 318 Dickinson, Keith, Upton, 222 Chapman, William, 272 Coronation Queen Elizabeth II, 319 Dio, Cassius, 36 Charles I, 152 Coulson, 267 271
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