) AJIthe News of All tn. Point .. Every Thursday Moming • • • rosse ews Can TUxedo 2-4900 Complete News 'Coverage of. All the Pointes ~V;COiiLTu~MAiE=-;2O-NL:tJ(O~I~ ..i-J5~IlYP~er:jc~oP;PY;--lE.~!te;;'.::;erl;:-,;;U!!lc;;;.ll;;on;;jd-Cc:iiI...:;;-JM;{;a~tte;;r------,. G~Rn.OMSS~E~POMIN:l-Tr;:E;-,"7~7.~1;;C:;::HJiIG~A:-;:N'-,~A;-;P;;;R;-;;IL~A-,-;-1ft;;;5;;ft~-------:;2:::-::-:-:=-==:-:S-. -::-~. --------,-------- • f3.5!l Per Year at t.:.. P"'.t Office al Detroit. Mich. M'" "1 7 8 PAGES. Three Sections Section I HEADLINE~ Big Badminton Tourney Arouses Much lti;terest Memorial Center Incumbents ,. ..Z D' :,'. G.' . Returned in "'S COtllPi/,d by Ih, A nnua rIVe ..ets Thre~ Cities Gros~,Poilfl, 'NtWS City and Shores will Hold ..... Local Elections Later; Thunclay, April Z Off to Good Start IGNORING a Russian warn- Town!jhip Balloting ing, the United States Air Residents Urged to Contribute During Family Held . Force announced It will con. Participation Campaign: Big Expansion prins tinue high-altitude flying to Now. Underway ~ncumbent councibnen Berlin. Russia had warned the ---- .....__ and other officials in four United S.tates to stop. , After the fifth day of receipts in the Grosse Pointe of the Pointes were. swept Stepping up pressure else- War Memorial's 1959 Annual Family Participation Cam. bac~ into office at the bi- where, the Russians issued an paign, returns show that 765 families have contributed enn.ilil spring ..election on edict in MosCOw,. temporarily $9,510A3. This compares with $9,126.11 received. from Monday, April 6. banning all Wavel, by Western diplomats outside the Soviet 748 donors last year. -%----------- A total of 14,079 voters, or Capital and Leningrad be- I First class mailing was sent Get 'B'eels' about 45 percent of the 31,084 cause Of spring mil ita r y to all givers of record Monday qualified erectOrs went to the maneuvers, it was said .. of last week. Enclosed was a polls to pick local, col1l11tyand solicitation letoor firom Charles AbOltt De' _y sl.ate officials, and to vote on Washington immediately re- A, Parcells, Jr. President of W three state amendments. taliated by restricting travel the, Center's Board of Direc- The. Oity did not have an of Soviet diplomats to the tors. This was comibined with In Vo. 't. ing election of city officials 9ince Washington-New York ~ea pictures of some Of the Me- its regUlar election is held in in the United States. The State morial's acbivities, the 1959-60 November; and the Shores Department said that the re- Budget and a list of Sponsors. Farms Officials Acknowl- voted as. a township, and not . strictio.n will be lifted liS soon Also enclosed was a card as a viUage. The Village elec- as Mosco\\; lifts its ban. showing the amount of past edge l:'lconvenience tion will b~ .peld next month. • • • gifts and. asking for repeated, But Cite Peculiarities Complete ReJH;rt MRS. C. P. PARKER, 44, of or enlarged contributions. A of Electl'on Th Clarksdale, Mass., wife of a Po5tage-free return envelope e following. is a complete Methodist minister, made up report on how the Pointes her mind that she was going completed the package. Complaints about delays voted on all levels, includ~ng to see her doctor about a her- . SolJicitation letter-prochures in voting and the need for the amendments: nia. Four hours after she reo together with' postage-firee re- more machine,<; in some In the Park, 3,909 out of ceived an examination - she mittam:e envelopes wece also 8,287 qualified. voters cast their ,ave birth to a son. mailed to all families in Grosse Farms precincts were re- baHots, g i.v in g Incumbent . ., . ':-Plclure by .Fred Runnells Pointe who it is hoped will be ceived in the NEWS office Mayor Kenneth Cunningham The Interriation'al. Open Badmi~ton~ to~nament jOining the list of contributors on Tuesday following the 2,222 votes, all against his op. THE FOREIGN MINISTERS which .were won by LIM SAY HUP and TEH KEW thi:, year. Th<is bulk' mailing M 0 n day election. The ponent St.P.phen Walker who 01. the We s t ern Big Four~ held in Grosse Pointe High SchoOl'sauditorium-gym- SAN of Indonesia, shown in thef6reground. They de- should have reached the homes Farms offices said they had polled 796. '. ' ,pledged no retreat before nasium last week attracted audiences eager to see the I feated ALSTON and ROGERS of California; t.ated as C1!. all prospective gIvers over also had a few complaints, In the cOWlcil -race, 'incum- Sovie-t threats in Berlin .and world's. best players. This picture w,as take~ during the beSt men's double team in the United Stat~. the past week.end. It is hoped ".but not many." . ments were way ahead of op- the rest of Europe. They.said the finals of. the Men's Doubles Saturday afternoon, that returns from these COln- nnnents. , with" Thomft,. Mc- .~. , '11 be 11" One iNlte resident :e{)('rted ~- ... they want to "negoiate con- munlcaulons WI swe- mg ComUc..k leading .... th l,73i"', ~.:....J ,. ts d' that he went to the poLhS in ..., structively" with Ru.;sia at a . th e Cen.- s recelp urmg N fol.lowed b.",' S.• ~_.t-.:, .F"dew, th . .k ew KeI'by School shortly J, .......... .7 loa ~~:r:g%':iinf1,,~;:~;~Rev.~alPlaJisRill~tion of Rare Books, Symp.h~ny e commg wee . ... before 5 o'clock, hoping to beat with 1,611, and.,WHliam.Oddy. TeoUl ADnive~ the late lUtemoon rush: The 1,605. The losinC. challengers, plalls for a. possible Summit F' "'C"" lie";"" . V... M",.;.," ,:.'i.'.~' .':<1,', ,-,~, .'. " '., " .. ,~ BO,. ," 1 Sh' ',". This Campai'gn marks 1he ivotel'5wet'e piled upali over are. WiliiamConndlly, who' Concert Set Cen~er's Tenth Anniversa,ry .~.. the gymnasium and.M was had 1,162; ~es T?dd, J:" :JE:~=~~~!:{ri1~'•...or~_an. P' anuserlpts:' to:: ,'e'QWB servIce to the Grosse Pomtes. told by election officials that ~,130; .and Fred 'Potvm, trail- and West Germany, ~eeting Campaign... ., )U;~~',Qllripg~1Jkrary.;Week '!be Alger home and estate. at there would be a wait of at .tnIr WJtn 8&2. 1pri;l ~9 ~'.dLaketoShoreth.• GRc:Na!it,°Po~~ leutliitlfan. hour~' ~ '-.'~'-~'~~T~.!Or ~ ill: Washington, prepared to '. _._'_, .' •. , .' :~,<..,t., /.{:.: '. ,'-', . ... ..... .' " . r~r." ,:,,'::.>,:),1;,: .•-...•.,-, ,-,-' .~,"'",'. '\". J", oors. "l!' .~ ••. .!P~ could fret to a maChUle:' .• ' ~~.'; .....<.~: ........n;nlty ~ present their conclusions to Reside'i,ts' Asked' to 'Ois- Staff,' and Friends. ~Spons~Hn9. Pointe ,Program "Aftemoon".t.ffte Opera" pu~~~c::.an~LCC?!'JB.Il,~~~';!~~~ ",',"" SIuDe. c-uc..' Michi'll1l~&IIl:.fi,aej:l'oiri~V'Ot4!d; top diplomats of the 15 North D' Nfl Ob R 'd ts I 't d Ul MIlY IH9. as.tnelirosse .. " '.. the ,en... lpublk.b1tiw 'b. Atlantic Treaty Organization play Spring. Baskets of . urlng . a Ion.. .$erVlll~c:~;, eSI en ,nVI e ,T~ Be Presented Sunday Pointe War. Memol'ial Center. He went home and z:eturned elected); Democrats, Ellis. A. Nations, after ending a round Flowers on. Doors on .... to$ee. EXhIbit ,I~, Parcells Sch~r Servin,g as a living ,Memorial around 7,.O!JlY ~ find. the Wunsch-750, William KMc- of. strategy talks. ~~ D .to those who served in World sam~. condItIOn still eXlsted. Inally - 1,046; Republicans, • • • may lilY Robert Orr, Director of the Grosse Pointe Library GroSse Pointe Sy'mpho~y War II, its goal was to become Hit saId some of. the. would-be Ann T. Burges&--2,424; Frede. Friday, April S system, and Palmer. T., Heenan, chairman of the Prp- Orchest!'a members, under a cultural, educational an~ voters ~ave up 111 ~Isgust ~d rick C. Matthaei~2,794. THE UNITED S TATE S '''A Nosegay for May gram Committee for National Library Week, jointly recreational Center for the five left WIthOUt ~astmg tru;lr Superintendent of Public In- the direction of Felix Res- pledged its full might in the Day." This the slogan the announced the second observance. of National Library Pointes. This goal has been ballots. One r~sldent .left dis- struction, Dem., Lynn M. is nick, spend their evening defense' of its Atlantic Pact Grosse Pointe Gar den Week to be held from April 12 to April 19. aomeved quickly .anci far gruntled,. ~ym,g he ha<;i to Bartlett-9fl6; Repub. Hugh Allies, if it should become Council is using to launch Th e 'program in Gr0S5e~ hours together in l'ehears- more fully than ever envisioo- ca.tch a tram for, a busu.less H. Holloway -:- 2,202. State necessary. The pledge. was its 1959 "Clean-up Week" Pointe will be under the joint will be that of Wilkie Collins' als preparing for the fourth (CoDtiDUed OR r.ace 6) tri~ and couldn t possIbly Board ()f Educanon, Democrat, made after President Eisen- which will run ftom May 1, sp(msol'S~p of the G r 0 sse "The Devil's sPectacles." SiT concert of the season. The walt. Covnelia A. Robiruion .,.... 8lt3; There are three machm.es m Republican, Charles G. Bums hower cautioned the North At- throu~h 10.,. Po;nte Library staff and .the Arthur Conan Doyle wiij be presentation known as "An each of the Farms precincts. -247. State Board of Agricul- lanti6 Pact Allies against "sub- 'i' Fr.lends of the Grose. s Po,mte re'presented by the Ol;,,;nal Afternoon at the Opera" 't t' '11' f l'ty" M,ay,.. D.ay has 10nIT been M ... City Police Find ~he New Kerby Sch~l pee- ture, Dem.,iE.
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