Vol. 61 (3) September 2012 169 MARINE INVERTEBRATES Editor Ian Hunter, BU1619 Scott# Denom Binomial Name/Common Name Family/Subfamily Code UNITED STATES January 19, 2010 (Aloha Shirts) 4595 32c SHELLS on Aloha Shirt B 4596 32c Fish and STARFISH on Aloha Shirt B 4597 32c Fish and STARFISH on Aloha Shirt (coil stamp) B 4601 32c SHELLS on Aloha Shirt (coil stamp) B June 2, 2012 (Aloha Shirts) 4684 32c Fish and STARFISH on Aloha Shirt B 4686 32c SHELLS on Aloha Shirt B 4686b BKLT Booklet of 10 stamps including #4684, 4686 B ANGOLA December 7, 2009 (Pope Benedict XVI) 1342 100k Pecten jacobaeus, SCALLOP on coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI D ARUBA November 30, 2010 (Caribbean Reef Octopus) 371a 100c Octopus briareus, CARIBBEAN REEF OCTOPUS Octopodidae A* 371b 175c Octopus briareus, CARIBBEAN REEF OCTOPUS Octopodidae A* 371c 255c Octopus briareus, CARIBBEAN REEF OCTOPUS Octopodidae A* 371d 300c Octopus briareus, CARIBBEAN REEF OCTOPUS Octopodidae A* BELGIUM January 17, 2011 (Zodiac) 2484 1st Symbol of CANCER the CRAB C BRAZIL October 6, 2009 (Carmen Miranda) 3099 2.20r SHELLS on necklace B BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERR. December 3, 2010 (Marine Biodiversity) 418 27p BUTTON WORM A* 419 27p AMPHIPOD A* 420 27p POLYCHAETE WORM A* 421 27p SPONGE A* 422a £1.15 SOLITARY CORAL A* 422b £1.15 AMPHIPOD A* 422c £1.15 COMB JELLYFISH A* 422d £1.15 BASKET STAR A* Vol. 61 (3) September 2012 170 CAMEROUN 2009 (Pope Benedict XVI) 957 200fr Pecten jacobaeus, SCALLOP on coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI C 958 250fr Pecten jacobaeus, SCALLOP on coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI C CANADA June 22, 2011 (Zodiac) 2445d P CANCER, the CRAB A 2452 P CANCER, the CRAB (boooklet stamp) A July 7, 2011 (Roadside Attractions) 2484a P World’s Largest LOBSTER, Shediac, New Bruswick A 2485a P World’s Largest LOBSTER, Shediac, New Bruswick (booklet stamp) A 2484d P GIANT SQUID, Glover’s Harbour, Newfoundland A 2485d P GIANT SQUID, Glover’s Harbour, Newfoundland (booklet stamp) A May 11, 2012 (Franklin the Turtle Children’s Book) 2541c P Franklin and SNAIL C 2544 P Franklin and SNAIL (Booklet Stamp) C CHINA REPUBLIC June 8, 2011 (Sea Slugs) 3995 $5 Mexichromis multituberculata, a NUDIBRANCH Chromodorididae A* 3996 $5 Chromodoris willani, a NUDIBRANCH Chromodorididae A* 3997 $12 Gymnodoris ceylonica, a NUDIBRANCH Gymnodoridae A* 3998 $25 Glossodoris averni, a NUDIBRANCH Chromodorididae A* FRANCE May 28, 2011 (Regional Festivals) 4014 (58c) MUSSELS at La Braderie, Lille C 4018 (58c) MUSSELS at La Braderie, Lille C 4019a (58c) Booklet pane including #4018 C October 21, 2011 (Clipperton Island) 4097 1.00€ CRABS, bird, and map of island B FRENCH POLYNESIA March 8, 2011 (Images of Polynesia) 1047d 100fr CORAL REEF and fish B* 1047e 100fr BLACK PEARLS A* September 27, 2011 (Marine Birds and Sea Life) 1062i 100fr CORAL, fish, and sea turtle B* 1062j 100fr SEA ANEMONE and anemonefish B* 1062k 100fr CRAB A* 1062l 100fr CORAL and moray eel B* FRENCH SOUTHERN & ANTARCTIC TERR. January 2, 2012 (Land Snail) 454 60c Notodiscus hookeri, SUBANTARCTIC LAND SNAIL Endodontidae A January 2, 2012 (Aircraft Used in Polar Regions) 465 MS6 Jasus paulensis, stylized LOBSTER in c.o.a. on edge of miniature sheet D GREAT BRITAIN (Jersey) January 10, 2011 (Tourism) 1565 42p LOBSTER, MUSSELS, vegetables, and wine bottle B Vol. 61 (3) September 2012 171 HONG KONG May 3, 2011 (Joint Issue with France) 1491 $2.40 Stylized CRAB sculpture by Cheung Yee A 1493a MS4 Miniature Sheet includes above stamp A JORDAN September 28, 2011 (Red Sea Coral Reefs) 2080 20p BRAIN CORAL A* 2081 30p CORAL, fish A* 2082 40p CORAL A* 2083 50p CORAL A* 2084 60p CORAL A* 2085 40p CORAL, fish (Souvenir sheet) A* KOREA (South) October 1, 2011 (Shell) 2193 360w Charonia sauliae, a TRITON SHELL Ranellidae A* MARSHALL ISLANDS January 22, 2012 (Marine Life) 1017 45c MARINE LIFE and whale B* MEXICO October 18, 2011 (Agricultural and Food Safety in Mexico) 2757 MS6 OYSTERS and SHRIMP in miniature sheet of six stamps D MICRONESIA October 6, 2011 (Sharks) 948 MS4 CORALS on edge of miniature sheet of four stamps showing sharks D 949 $2.50 CORALS on edge of souvenir sheet showing shark D November 1, 2011 (Christmas) 953 22c SEA ANEMONE and sea anemone fish B 956 $4.95 SEA SHELL A MOROCCO May 4, 2011 (Tom and JerryCartoons) 1131b 3.50d Tom and Jerry in hammocks on desert island with STARFISH B 1131h 3.50d Jerry listening to SHELL, Tom collecting SHELLS B NETHERLANDS October 14, 2011 (Postcrossing) 1399c 1€ Bridge, fish and CORAL, Antwerp building, Taj Majal, Asian woman, soccer, etc. C NEVIS 2011 (Tropical Fish of the Caribbean) 1682b $2 Sepioteuthis sepiodea, CARIBBEAN REEF SQUID Loliginidae A* 1683 $6 SEA ANEMONE and anemonefish B* July 25, 2011 (Seashells of the Caribbean) 1684 20c Scaphella junonia, JUNO’S VOLUTE Volutidae A* 1685 30c Strombus gigas, QUEEN CONCH Strombidae A* 1686 $1.80 Busycon contratium, LIGHTNING WHELK Melongidae A* 1687 $5 Arca zebra, TURKEY WING ARK CLAM Arcidae A* 1688a $2.50 Charonia variegata, ATLANTIC TRITON Ranellidae A* 1688b $2.50 Cypraea aurantium, GOLDEN COWRIE Cypraeidae A* 1688c $2.50 Cyphoma gibbosa, FLAMINGO TONGUE SNAIL Amphiperatidae A* 1688d $2.50 Chicoreus articulatus, ANTILLES MUREX Muricidae A* 1689 $6 Thais deltoidea, DELTOID ROCK SHELL Muricidae A* 1690 $6 Cittarium pica, WEST INDIAN TOP SHELL Turbinidae A* Vol. 61 (3) September 2012 172 NIUE April 11, 2012 (Shells) 872 $1.20 Leporicypraea mappa, MAP COWRIE Cypraeidae A* 873 $1.40 Gastridium geographus, GEOGRAPHY CONE Conidae A* 874 $1.70 Tonna perdrix, PARTRIDGE TUN Tonnidae A* 875 $2 Cypraea tigris, TIGER COWRIE Cypraeidae A* 875a MS Miniature sheet of four stamps including #872–875 A* NORFOLK ISLAND April 10, 2012 (Iconic Activites) 1045 50c Collecting HI HI SHELLS C PALAU October 26, 2011 (Crustaceans) 1068a $1.25 Calcinus elegans, ELECTRIC BLUE HERMIT CRAB Diogenidae A* 1068b $1.25 Dardanus pedunculatus, ANEMONE HERMIT CRAB Diogenidae A* 1068c $1.25 Odontodactylus scyllarus, PEACOCK MANTIS SHRIMP Odontodactylidae A* 1068d $1.25 Dardanus megistos, SPOTTED HERMIT CRAB Diogenidae A* 1069a $1.25 Birgus latro, COCONUT CRAB Coenobitidae A* 1069b $1.25 Goneplax rhomboides, ANGULAR CRAB Goneplacidae A* 1069c $1.25 Bellia picta, a CRAB Belliidae A* 1069d $1.25 Etisus dentatus, REEF CRAB Xanthidae A* 1070 $3 Grapsus grapsus, SALLY LIGHTFOOT CRAB Grapsidae A* 1071 $3 Lysiosquilina maculata, ZEBRA MANTIS SHRIMP Lysiosquilidae A* November 29, 2011 (Dangerous Creatures and Coral Reefs) 1072d $1 FEATHER DUSTER WORM A* 1072e $1 CORAL B* 1073a $1 PFEFFER’S FLAMBOYANT CUTTLEFISH A* 1073c $1 Diadema setosum, LONG SPINY SEA URCHIN Diademidae A* 1074 $3 BOX JELLYFISH A* PHILIPPINES 2011 (Marine Life) 3357 1p Dendronephthya sp., SOFT CORAL Poraniidae A* 3359 4p Vexillum taeniatum, BRANDED VEXILLUM Costellariidae A* 3360 5p Pseudocolchirus violaceus, SEA APPLE Cucumariidae A* 3362 9p Sepia latimanus, BROADCLUB CUTTLEFISH Sepiidae A* 3363 10p Fungia scutaria, MUSHROOM CORAL Fungiidae A* 3365 20p SEA ANEMONE and Anemone Fish B* 3368 100p Cribochalina olemda, PINK TUBE SPONGE Octopodidae A* 2011 (Marine Life) 3390 2p Conus marmoreus, MARMORATED CONE SHELL Conidae A* 3393 7p Murex sp., MUREX SHELL Muricidae A* 3394 9p Pseudoceros dimidiathus, POLYCLAD FLATWORM Pseudocerotidae A* 3395 10p Charonia tritonis, TRITON TRUMPET Ranellidae A* 3398 20p Oxycomanthus bennetti, BENNETT’S FEATHER STAR Comasteridae A* 3401 35p Chromodoris kuniei, KUNIE’S CHROMODORIS Chromodorididae A* ROMANIA April 27, 2011 (Forests) 5262a 9.10l Helix pomatia, LAND SNAIL D Vol. 61 (3) September 2012 173 ST THOMAS & PRINCE ISLANDS February 2, 2007 (Popes and Their Arms) 1678c 10000d Pecten jacobaeus, SCALLOP on Coat of Arms of Pope Benedict XVI C November 5, 2007 (Marine Life and Divers) 1747a 7000d Montastrea cavernosa, GREAT STAR CORAL Faviidae A* 1747b 7000d Pisaster ochraceus, PURPLE SEA STAR Asteriidae A* 1747e 7000d Octopus vulgaris, COMMON OCTOPUS Octopodidae A* ST. VINCENT May 16, 2011 (Marine Life) 3784 MS Pecten jacobaeus, SCALLOP on cloak of Pope John Paul II in miniature sheet of six D SERBIA April 15, 2011 (International Year of Biodiversity) 543 50d STARFISH and GORGONIAN with SCUBA diver C SINGAPORE July 15, 2011 (Spices and Dishes) 1502 80c Tamarind and ASSAM PRAWNS B SLOVENIA September 23, 2011 (WWF Lobsters) 896a A Austropotamoblus torrentium, STONE CRAYFISH Astacidae C 896b B Austropotamoblus torrentium, STONE CRAYFISH Astacidae C 896c C Austropotamoblus torrentium, STONE CRAYFISH Astacidae C 896d D Austropotamoblus torrentium, STONE CRAYFISH Astacidae C SOUTH GEORGIA 2011 (Marine Life) 443a 70p Decolopoda australis, TEN-LEGGED SEA SPIDER Colossendeidae A* 443b 70p Odontaster validus, PINK CUSHION SEASTAR Odontasteridae A* 443c 70p Flabellina falklandica, WHITE-TIPPED NUDIBRANCH Flabellinidae A* 443d 70p Heterocucumis steineni, BRANCHING SEA CUCUMBER Cucumariidae A* 443e 70p Glyptonotus antarcticus, GIANT ANTARCTIC ISOPOD Chaetiliidae A* 443f 70p Margarella tropidophoroides, SOUTH GEORGIA TOP SHELL Trochidae A* SURINAM January 20, 2010 (Seashells) 1398a $1 Cardita megastropha, a CARDITA SHELL Carditidae A 1398b $1.50 Fragum unedo, PACIFIC STRAWBERY COCKLE Cardiidae A 1398c $2 Galeodea echinophora, SPINY BONNET Cassidae A 1398d $2.50 Architectonica maxima, COMMON SUNDIAL Architectonicidae A 1398e $3 Opeatostoma pseudodon, BANDED TOOTH Fasciolariidae A 1398f $4 Haliotis queketti, QUEKETT’S ABALONE Haliotidae A 1398g $5 Cymatium hepaticum, BLACK-STRIPPED TRITON Ranellidae A 1398h $6 Clanculus pharaonius, STRAWBERRY TOP SHELL Trochidae A 1398i $7 Harpa harpa, TRUE HARP Harpidae A 1398j $8 Hydatina nobilis, a BUBBLE SHELL Hydatinidae A January 19, 2011 (Shells) 1410 50c Tonicella lineata, LINED CHITON Ischnochitonidae A 1411 $1 Chione paphia, KING VENUS Veneridae A 1412 $3.50 Callanaitis disjecta, WEDDING CAKE VENUS Veneridae A 1413 $5 Angaria tyria, TYRIA DELPHINULA Angariidae A 1414 $8 Epitonium pallasi, PALLAS WENTLETRAP Epitoniidae A 1415 $9 Strombus pipus, ELEGANT CONCH Strombidae A 1416 $13 Haliotis marmorata, ROSY ABALONE Haliotidae A Vol.
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