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He would have the death of His upward to catch the last glimpse of their as- [One of the founders of THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES.] Son the great center of attraction. When cending Lord, He was received into the rejoic- UR Saviour compared the blessing of re- Christ came forth from the tomb, He pro- ing throng of cherubim and seraphim. As deeming love to a pearl of great price. claimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, I these heavenly beings escorted their Lord to He illustrated this truth by the His home, they sang in triumph; "Sing parable of a merchantman seeking goodly unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; 0 pearls, " who, when he had found one sing praises unto the Lord; . to pearl of great price, went and sold all that Him that rideth upon the heavens of he had, and bought it." heavens." Christ is the Pearl of great price. He God desired to impress the minds of is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
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