F! MHS Basketball Ties for First Place... Page 48 I

F! MHS Basketball Ties for First Place... Page 48 I

Z4 - MANCHFSTFR HFRAl.D. Fridnv. Feh 10. 1989 194 i INVESTMENT ■99 J APARTMENTS loa ^MUSICAL [CARS I PROPERTY I< *^Ifor r en t 10^ I ITEMS FOR SALE BABY Grand, 5 foot, 6 1974 AMC JAVELIN^ 98/o ROCKVILLE. For sale bv HEBRON. Modern, two bedroom, heat, hot wa­ rA Specioli#D<^f! Inch. 1896 Ivers 8> Pond restored. Rebuilt 304 owner. Six family un­ 1 Mahogany finish. Ex­ modified engine and ter, appliances, park­ its. Good to excellent .......— quisite carving. $3500 transmission. Hurst condition. Willing to ing, no pets. $625. 228- 3245, 646-0882.________ or best offer. 647-7949, shifter. $600. 289-4174, consider owner financ­ 15 71 miscellaneous ing for qualified buyer. MANCHESTER. Three CLEANING f s n c a r p en t r y/ IgnPAINTtNG/ Coll for details. 225- bedroom, 2 full baths In SERVICES REMODELING 12 S J PAPERING iO i I SERVICES I PETR AND 1012, 9-5. two year old Duplex. SUPPLIES Very nice. $900 per CLEANING GSL CLYDE I RESORT month. No pets. Secur­ S « fv lc ln o th t AAonch«$(«r li Wtt* RENOVATIONS nance Co. Commerci­ FREE. Male, neutered, CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. ity and references a Itmonftc Ofta. HdnttF^nd rtilQ* al/Residential building ROUTE 83, VERNON C9«3Pl¥^to your hom tr PLUS PAINTING & gray, tiger cat. Three PROPERTY must. Call Ed, 649-2947. repairs and home Im­ years old. All shots offici or windows. ^ yoors ok* provements. Interior 83 Nissan 280ZX ‘7495 MANCHESTER. Two otrltnco end rofortncos. Coll Complete Home WAUPAP5RING Including Leukemia. GOT the cold weather and exterior painting, 84 Camaro Coupa *5995 bedroom Duplex. Com­ Lourio for 9 troo tsiimato. Maintenance Free Eettmetee Affectionate and very blues? Come to sunny light corpentry. Com­ 85 Cantury Wagon *8595 pletely redecorated. 742-02^7 Repair / Renew playful. Indoor cot Myrtle Beach, South No appliances. No Calf John plete lonitorlol ser­ only! 742-5902._______ 85 Cantury 4 Or. *8995 Cslllnga. Walls. Painting, vice. Experienced, rel- Carolina. $59,900 pre­ pets. Must be seen. $650 85 Sunbird 4 dr. •4995 construction prices. BOOKKEEPING/ Papertgg. Carpentry 649-3331 loble, tree estimates. per month. McCova- In$uf9ii • Sontor CMMOvnf 85 Spactrum 4 Dr. *5195 Two bedroom luxury nough Realty, 649-3600. INCOME TAX 643-0304. Automotive golf ylllas, free golf 85 Elactra 4 Dr. *10,495 MANCHESTER. First SNOW REMOVAL. membership. Call 1- Oomplele accounting services 646-2253 I ROOFING/ Resldentlai- 86 98 Regancy 4 Or. *9995 800-225-6897. floor, five room, 2-3 [CARS 86 Qrand Am 2 dr. *8395 bedroom unit. Conve­ Including A/R, A/P. P/R, CVL SIDING Commerclol. Drive­ nient location. $650 In­ P6L Statement and quarterly CARPENTRY WORK ways, starting ot $15. FOR SALE 66 Calabrity 4 dr. *7695 tax returns Can design Coll Bob, 872-8841. 66 Calabrity Euro *7995 cluding heat plus se­ Ail Phases FOR Sale. 1974 Jeep J4000 curity and utilities. additional applications Framing, Roofs, Siding. Trim. LEAKY ROOF9 66 Spactrum 4 dr. *4995 MORTGAGES Most roofs esn tia rspsjrsd. pick-up, power steer­ tailored tor your business 66 Nova 4 Dr. *6995 Second floor, four Registered 4 Fully insured In ptsoo of tots) (•rooang sxpsnsel ing, power brakes, au­ rooms, two bedroom needs Call 644-6191, Very Rtaaonabla Piicat HOMEOWNERS Comptsts rarooang o l atl typos, DRESS MoKino, altera­ tomatic transmission, unit, plus porch. $625 Quality Work / Fraa Satlmataa Meyers 4 wav plow. • FORECLOSURE!! Including heotplus util­ 1^89 INCOME TAXES w e espuMres tions and most kinds of 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 742-1S79 Manchesfw Roofing sewing done. 647-8730. $2000 or best offer. • BANKRUPTCY!! ities and security. Ep­ Consultation / Preparation 871-0014.____________ stein Real Estate, 647- 64S-B830 • DIVORCED!! FOR Sale. 1987 Suzuki LT Falling behind on your mort­ 8895, osk for Joyce. Individuals f FARRAN0 REMODiUm DISTRIBUTION [AUTOS FOR gage payments? We can Sole Proprlotora ~ Room additions, dackt. root­ 500 Quad Racer. Never MHS basketball ties for first place... page 48 VERNON. Five room raced. Very low hours. helpl No payments up to 2 apartment. Two fam­ ing, aiding, windowa and gutt- UBEIS HENT/LEASE yearsi Bad credit, bankruptcy ily. Quiet, private area Dan Moaler & 49-33X 9 ara. Alt typaa of remodaltng and Tired ol menuBlty eddreselng $2500, firm. 871-0014. or unemployment Is not a FLOORING dittrlbutidn mel! —• we can FREE Mileage on low of Vernon. Working repalra. Cali Bob Farmnd, 4r. FOR Sale. 1986 Suzuki problem. Foreclosure assis­ euitmiBie this process providing cost auto rental. Vil­ tance available lor the di­ DIAL-A *TAX RETURN. Quad Sport 230. $1200 or adults preferred. $675 BB5.847-8S09 gueiHy service lor a tessooebic vorced and self-employed. Spectollst will profes- best offer. 871-0014. lage Auto Rental, 643- per month. Security Res. 645-8849 MIKE 6IACAL0NE price Cell S44-«191. 2979 or 646-7044. Consolidate bills — save your and references re­ slonollv prepare your imOLEttW SERVICE 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird. horn el quired. Call 643-5041. Income taxes. Conve-' Automatic, power SwIm Conservative Group «Ient, nationwide Mall- Fully tnaured [CARS MANCHESTER. Three Let ut ramodM your kRcban or Quality Wdrkmanshlp steering, power at (203) 454-4404 or In, Vla-Fax, or By- HAWK£$TREE^SERVKE brakes, air condi­ FOR SALE room apartment. $480 Phone Tax Service. bath from ftoor to catflng. Wa Free Eatimatss (203) 454-1336 plus utilities. Security. altar caMnats, vanltiM, coun­ Bucket, truck A oMppsr. Stump tioner, Am/Fm No pets. 646-2426, 9-5 F ed eral 1040, $40; tertops whatever your needs 843-5439 removal. Free sstimates. cassette stereo. High weekdays.__________ Stote, $20. Free Infor- ara. Call RALPH NADEAU at Spadal consttteatjon tor mileage, needs some New Pricing Policy z matlon. 1-800-TAX aittoriy and handiesppad. Rentals STORRS. Two bedroom, work. $500 or best offer. DIAL. ^ - 643-6004 647-9004, after 6pm. privote entrance, ap­ Altelwe * teth I t e ^ Cswtir ELECTRICAL 647-7SS3 li VOLUM E % pliances and carpeted. ICARPENTRY/ N«w Pricing Policy z anrhpBlpr Mpralb I ROOMS $515. Call 643-8516. IREMOOEUNG MFM Construction ELECTRiCAt& I PRICING I FOR RENT MANCHESTER. Second Kitchen, baths, attics, SECURITY WORK floor, four rooms, $550. basement additions, Rre, Burolor and jAUTO VOLUM E I BARGAINS % Heat Included. Secur­ Freeze Alarms. MANCHESTER. Sleep­ ity and references re­ garages, decks, texture SERVICES FRE 6 e S T IM A T B S * New Pricing Policy ^ ing room for working quired. 643-1577. BUILDIRS catlings. Call § PRICING I Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm gentleman. Share bath, 561-2020 Saturday, Feb. 11, 1989 no cooking. $235 per 232-6832 • 581-4423 , TtERINNfS BARGAINS I #9202A month plus security 199 d CONDOMINIUMS 646-2787 1987 Buick Park Avenue and references. 643- i ^ J I for r en t • Planning Design Sarvica BRIAN’S HOME [HEATING/ Aotomoiiyi Eni^marlng, hie. o ' 4 Door Sadan 2121.________________ • Custom Hornet aUMBING 276 Hartford Rd., Manchastar -New Pricing Polic)"* Now *12,880"° ROOM for non-smoking MANCHESTER. Three • Additions IMPROVEMENTS • Dacka Kltohans, Baths, Ree Rooms, 649-5823 •9115A gentleman. Kitchen bedroom, 3'/3 bath Decks a Additions PJ’i PiumWiw, HiRiflO 6 privileges, washer and Townhouse. Full fin­ • Rscraation Rooms Cars. Trucks, Vans. 4x4’s 1989 Buick Pne GHlmere* > Lkedeed 1 laaonk Air CoRottlfinlRg -We do llta imuaual tatha ordinary’ 1988 Chevrolet Beretta dryer, parking. Call ished basement, car­ • Sunrooma 2 Door Coupe f JOtohan & Bath Ramodaiing Boilera. pumpe, hot water ^^^^Skyhawk 643-5600.____________ port. $900 plus utilities 646-3923 tanka, new and ' • VWndow Raplaeamant 2 Door Coupe Now * 9 5 9 0 ° " MANCHESTER. Clean, and security. Epstein replacamento. LEADERS SEE • Roofing ^ aulet, convenient to Real Estate, 647-8895. • SitNng [PAINTING/ FREE eSTIMATeS ^ F L O O R IN G Auto, AC. Tilt. FM Caas. busline. Coll anytime. MANCHESTER. Six • concrata work 643-9849/228-9518 Ftclory Lab*l: *li|002e 1987 Buick Regal 646-8337.____________ room, 2-3 bedroom, V/i • Framing Craw Avaliabla PAPERING Pricing fiAfi Cuatom Coupe MANCHESTER. Room In bath Ranch unit. Avall- ouni; quiet rooming house. able Immediately. Sailing Price: *1 0 ,3 9 4 . ow *9,660°" Off street parking. $75 Long or short term FRANK YOUNG M i l t t Simon Simon t»212A lease. $750 plus utilities per week. 646-1686 or o : : TIL.EMASTEF4S 1987 Olds Delta 88 569-3018. and security. Epstein PAINTING 1989 Buick Real Estate, 647-8895, □ D 4 Door Sadan BUDGET TRAP Tile Sales and Installation Skylark APARTMENTS ask tor Joyce. Interior SpeelellMa Now *11,990°° OPD 4 Door Sedan FOR RENT PfWe taken In every job we dol □ □ □ □ tazisA ( HOMES Auto, AC, Tilt, FM Stereo Ouaitty is our main concern. TILEMASTERS, INC 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity MANCHESTER. Two FOR RENT Factory Let>el: *1 2 ,1 1 6 . station Wagon bedroom Townhouse. N REASONABLE RATES ' imt Pricirvg e 07C Nice location, all ap­ We are bath remod^ and ceramic tile apeclallsta. ount: Now *8990°° MANCHESTER. Immac­ We cater to the home owner. pliances. Heat, hot wa­ ulate three bedroom Let US win yJur confldenoal Call ua today for a Selling Price: *1 0 ,8 4 1 . aaoooA ter, carpeting, olr con- / 2 FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED free estimate, commercial or residential. IN CDNGRESS Colonial with T baths dltlonlng. Coll 647-1595. 1987 Pontiac Grand Am and attached garage. Member Chsmbar o^Commerce _ _ _ _ _ _ 1989 Buick 4 Door Sedan MANCHESTER. Onebed- $900 plus utilities. Call -6 43-6774 By Alan From In their own analysis of Bush’s spending room apartment, heat, Contone Realty, 646- T m t iir y *8380°° The Associated Press olan. Senate budget committee Democrats hot water, carpeting, 5900.

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