Article in press - uncorrected proof J Lab Med 2006;30(5):317–325 ᮊ 2006 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/JLM.2006.999 2006/13 Ha¨ mostaseologie Redaktion: Ch. Schambeck Factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A substitution and hormone therapy: indications for molecular screening testing1) Faktor-V-Leiden, Prothrombin G20210A Substitution und Hormontherapie: Indikationen fu¨ r molekulare Screening Tests Maria Grazia Andreassi1,*, Nicoletta Botto1 and Zusammenfassung Silvia Maffei2 Venenthrombosen sind eine bekannte Komplikation bei 1 Laboratory of Cellular Biology and Genetics, CNR oraler Kontrazeption und Hormonersatztherapie. Erbliche Institute of Clinical Physiology, ‘‘G. Pasquinucci’’ Thrombophilie wird als wichtiger Faktor gesehen, der Hospital, Massa, Italy Effekte von O¨ strogenen auf das Thromboserisiko beein- 2 CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy flusst. Die Zahl kommerziell vertriebener Testkits fu¨r Thrombophilie-Mutationen (Factor V Leiden, G20210A Prothrombin und MTHFR C677T Gene) steigt und das Screening auf erbliche Thrombose-Risikofaktoren geho¨rt Abstract zu den am ha¨ ufigsten angeforderten Leistungen in mole- kulardiagnostischen Labors. Die Frage nach der routi- nema¨ ßigen Durchfu¨ hrung von Sceenings auf solche Venous thromboembolism is a well-known complication Risikofaktoren vor einer Verschreibung von Hormonpra¨- of oral contraception and hormonal replacement therapy. paraten wird jedoch kontrovers diskutiert. In diesem Inherited thrombophilia is viewed as an important deter- Artikel werden der Wert und die praktischen Anwen- minant in modulating the effects of estrogens on throm- dungsmo¨ glichkeiten von genetischen Tests auf Throm- botic risk. An increasing number of kits for thrombophilic bose-Risikofaktoren diskutiert, um zu definieren, welche w mutations factor V Leiden, G20210A prothrombin and Patientinnen im Interesse der Erho¨ hung von Sicherheit methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T und Effizienz einer individuellen O¨ strogentherapie getes- x genes are becoming commercially available, and tet werden sollten. screening for inherited thrombotic risk is among the most requested genetic tests in molecular diagnostic labora- Schlu¨ sselwo¨ rter: erbliche Thrombophilie; genetische tories. However, the question of routine genetic screen- Tests; Hormonersatztherapie; orale Kontrazeption; ing for thrombophilia before prescribing hormones is still Thromboserisiko. a matter of debate. The purpose of this article is to dis- cuss the usefulness and practical applications of throm- botic genetic testing to identify which women should be tested to improve both the safety and efficacy of individ- Introduction ualized estrogen therapy. Exogenous hormones are used worldwide by women as Keywords: genetic testing; hormonal replacement ther- oral contraceptives (OCs) and hormonal replacement apy; inherited thrombophilia; oral contraception; throm- therapy (HRT). Epidemiologic studies have shown a two- botic risk. to six-fold increase in the relative risk of venous throm- boembolism (VTE) with the use of either hormonal 1)This article is a re-publication with kind permission from the contraception or postmenopausal treatment w1x. Recent- authors. The original source is Andreassi MG, Botto N and Maf- ly, it has been suggested that the risk/benefit ratio could fei S. Factor V Leiden, prothrombin G20210A substitution and be, in part, mediated by the genetic predisposition of hormone therapy: indications for molecular screening testing. w x Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44:514–21. women 2, 3 . In particular, genetic thrombophilia might *Correspondence: Maria Grazia Andreassi, CNR Institute of be implicated in the risk of VTE in women who use exog- Clinical Physiology, G. Pasquinucci Hospital, Via Aurelia Sud- enous hormones w2, 3x. The most common causes of Montepepe, 54100 Massa, Italy genetic hypercoagulability known today are factor V Lei- Phone: q39-0585-493646 Fax: q39-0585-493601 den, G20210A prothrombin polymorphisms, and the E-mail: [email protected] genetic variant C677T of the methylenetetrahydrofolate Article in press - uncorrected proof 318 M.G. Andreassi et al.: Genetic testing and hormone therapy reductase (MTHFR) gene (where the association appears of excess risk for VTE, which was also significantly to be much weaker) w4–6x. Indeed, diagnostic assays of increased during the first year w19x. Recently, it has been VTE predisposition are among the most requested genet- suggested that the benefit of HRT could have been ic tests in molecular diagnostic laboratories w7x. However, obscured by an increased risk of cardiovascular disease the question as to whether it is beneficial to screen wom- in a subset of women genetically predisposed to a throm- en for genetic thrombophilia before prescribing hor- botic complication w20x. In particular, genetic polymor- mones remains controversial. On the other hand, there is phisms in genes regulating the coagulation and considerable debate over the new ‘‘predictive medicine’’ fibrinolytic cascade may contribute to estrogen-associ- that could generate serious ethical, social and psycho- ated increase in risk for thrombotic events observed in logical consequences. Receiving genetic risk information the trials w2, 3x. During recent years, several studies have may, therefore, be more harmful than positive by raising found an association between candidate genetic poly- unnecessary anxieties and providing a real prospect of morphisms (fibrinogen, plasminogen activator, factor XIII, discrimination based on a person’s genetic make-up thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor, angiotensin- w8, 9x. converting enzyme genes) and venous thrombosis Furthermore, genetic tests are generally time-consum- w21–25x. In addition, the search for amino acid substitu- ing and expensive, and they should not be used to tions in factor V, other than that causing factor V Leiden, ‘‘screen’’ the general population. However, testing for has identified some additional polymorphisms w26, 27x. inherited thrombophilia could have a positive impact on However, the association of these genetic variants with the possibility of preventing VTE in high-risk women, as thrombosis is still debated and definitive recommenda- well as for careful clinical surveillance. Both physicians tions are not available as yet. and women need to obtain accurate information con- Conversely, there is clinical evidence that indicates a cerning the appropriate use of genetic thrombophilia strong association between increased risk of VTE and screening. The purpose of this article is to discuss the factor V Leiden or prothrombin G20210A substitution. usefulness and the practical applications of thrombotic genetic testing to define which women should be tested Thrombosis gene polymorphisms to improve both the safety and efficacy of individualized and risk with estrogen estrogen therapy. Genetic risk factors for VTE have been known since Hormone preparations and thrombotic risk 1965, when the first family with an identified hereditary tendency caused by antithrombin deficiency to throm- The first case of thrombosis associated with hormonal bosis was reported w28x. However, genetic defects in the contraception occurred in 1961, when a nurse developed three principal anticoagulant proteins (antithrombin, pro- a pulmonary embolism shortly after starting a high-dose tein C and protein S deficiencies) appear to be very rare estrogen pill w10x. These early reports seemed to suggest and extremely heterogeneous. More recently, researchers that the thrombotic potential of OC use was related to its have described new genetic abnormalities in the genes relatively high estrogen content of 50 mg or higher w11x. encoding factor V and prothrombin w29, 30x. These Subsequently, a number of European epidemiologic genetic disorders predispose to a hypercoagulable state studies confirmed the association between OC and an and are well-conserved mutations. Moreover, a genetic increase in VTE, despite the lower overall estrogen con- polymorphism in the MTHFR gene has also been report- tent w12, 13x. The absolute risk of VTE is estimated at ed as a risk factor for deep venous thrombosis w4–6x. The one event per 10,000 individuals per year among non- relevance of these abnormalities lies in their high preva- users and 3–6 events per 10,000 per person-year among lence, which, contrary to deficiencies of natural antico- hormonal contraceptive users w12–14x. agulants, affects a large number of people (Table 1). As with hormonal contraception, a number of studies have shown an increase in the risk of venous thrombosis Factor V Leiden after postmenopausal estrogen therapy w15x. The risk of VTE is 2.1- to 3.6-fold higher among users of oral or Activated factor V (factor Va) is an essential cofactor for transdermal preparations w15x. Recently, the Women’s the conversion of prothrombin (factor II) to thrombin, and Health Initiative (WHI) reported 34 events of VTE annually factor Va is inactivated by activated protein C (APC). APC per 10,000 women treated with HRT vs. 16 VTE events cuts factor V into two parts. A common variation in the per 10,000 women who were non-HRT users w16x. Again, factor V gene (G1691A or factor V Leiden) is responsible the Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study for APC resistance. In fact, the resulting amino-acid sub- w17x and the Estrogen Replacement and Atherosclerosis stitution is located at one of the sites in factor V that is trial w18x found a 1.7% and 2.6% increase, respectively recognized,
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