Abolition. Seeanti-Slavery Movement Achen, Sumatra. See Koeta

Abolition. Seeanti-Slavery Movement Achen, Sumatra. See Koeta

INDEX Aaron, Daniel, Men of Good Hope. A Story of American Jewish Historical Society, 468 American Progressives, rev., 118—119 American Magazine, 6$ Abolition. See Anti-slavery movement American Philosophical Society, 70, I9i«, Achen, Sumatra. See Koeta Radja 2i4n, 269, 34i», 469 Act of Uniformity (1558), 12 American Revolution, 177, 209?*, 320, 323, Adams, John, 317, 32077; and the prophets of 430; Am. prisoners in Madeira during, 299; progress, rev., 475~476 Capt. Thomas Bell in, 303; blockades in, Adams, John Quincy, 82, igjn; Phila. labor 379, 387; British casualties in, 380-381, and election of 1828, 164, 167-171 392; British consider attack on Md. (1781), Adler, Felix, 56-57 383-392 passim; British position in N. Y., Admonition to the Parliament, An, 20 379-393 passim; French aid in, 311; Henry Advertising, 129, 429 Hamilton and G. R. Clark in, rev., 237- Africa, 178, 301, 304, 305 238; letters of Scots officer in (1773-1780), Agriculture, 23-24, 143, 284; S. G. Fisher on, rev., 235-236; Navigation Acts and, rev., 178, 218-219, 33$-336, 339, 449-45O, 45i; 225-227; prices and inflation in Pa. during, of Indians, adopted by white man, 414; at rev., 238-239; prisoners in, 299, 3oon, 382; Mt. Harmon, 194, 217-218, 330-331, 345, projected British attack on Phila. (1781), 458, 463. See also Crops 379-393; southern campaigns in, 380-393 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 187 passim; Washington plans seige of N. Y., Albany, N. Y., 90, 285 387, 388, 389. See also British Navy; Albany Plan of Union, Franklin and, 285-287 British troops in America; Continental Alden, John Richard, rev. of Barnhart's Army; Congress, Continental; French aid Henry Hamilton and George Rogers Clark in in Am. Rev.; German mercenaries; Inde- the American Revolution, 237-238 pendence; Loyalists Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 43 Amish, bibliography on, rev., 120 Alexander, alias. See Rankin, William Amityville, 434 Alien and Sedition Acts, study of, rev., 229-232 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23, 296 Alison, Francis, 69; writes Latin grammar Amusements, in Phila., 75 with Beveridge, 63, 66-68 Anabaptists, 15 Allaquippa's Corn Field, 436 Andalusia, countryseat, 198^ Allegheny Creek, 433 Anglicans. See Church of England Allegheny Mountains, 417, 420, 427, 437 Anglo-American relations, 128-129, 227-229 Allegheny Path, 433, 434, 436 Animals, 464; trails of, 426, 427-428 Allegheny River, 417, 430, 434, 435, 436 Ann, servant, 442 Allegheny Valley, 435 "Anna Dickinson, Mark Twain, and Bret Alleghenyville, 433 Harte," by James Harvey Young, 39-46 Allentown, Pa., 432 Annapolis, Md., 383, 387 Allison, William B., 42/z Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 86 Almanacs, 469 Anne (Boleyn), Queen consort of Henry VIII, America, 276, 291; constitutions (1776) in- 43 crease prestige of, 313; English origins of Anners, Thomas S., 443 politics in, 5-29; and France, compared, Annotated Bibliography on the Amish, by 325; Franklin, representative of, 260, 268, Hostetler, rev., 120 291-293; settlement of, by English mer- Ansonia, 438 chant companies, 25-28; use of French Anthropology, 77 ideas by, 320, 320W Anti-Federalists, 289 American Antiquarian Society, 469 Anti-Semitism, 58, 59 The American Common School: An Historic Anti-slavery movement, 207-208, 290; Anna Conception, by Cremin, rev., 109-110 Dickinson lectures for, 40; Phila. riot American Furniture, §jueen Anne and Chip- (1838), 350-351; world convention of (1840), pendale Periods, in the Henry Francis 487 duPont Winterthur Museum, by Downs, Antwerp, Belgium, 26 rev., 477-479 Appalachian Trail, 414 American Historical Association, study of Apples, 32, 194 presidential addresses of, rev., 120 Apprentices, 160 491 492 INDEX October Arch Street Meeting, Phila., 446 Bald Eagle Creek, 435 Arch Street Theater, Phila., 153W-154W, 216 Balloting, 52, 318, secret, 164 Architecture, 455; early Am., rev., 479-480 Balls: for firemen's fund (1837), 216; in Ariel, magazine, 153W Phila., 200, 203, 213, 348-349, 456 Aristocracy in America, S G. Fisher on, 177— Baltimore, Md., 82, 154W; banks of, suspend 178, 195-207 passim, 116, 219, 338, 347, specie payments, 219; projected British 450, 457, 462-463 See also Democracy attack upon (1781), 383,384, 385, 387, 392, Arky, Louis H.. "The Mechanics' Union of Swedenborgian Church in, 53 Trade Associations and the Formation of Bancroft, George, 78 the Philadelphia Workingmen's Move- Bank notes, 220 ment," 142-176; rev. of Aaron's Men of Bank of U. S., 2nd, 184, 20477, 212, 220, 352, Good Hope . , 118-119; rev. of Hollo- 455«, 46777; Nicholas Biddle and, 197-198, way's Heavens on Earth . , 373~374 456, 461, 463; Jackson and, 181, 197, 210, Armstrong, John, 435 letter of G. M. Dallas on, 191, 192, 193, Army, U S., foreigners in, in Civil War, rev., 200; removal of government deposits from, 367-368 181, 183, 215; stock of (1836), 191, 192, 193 Arnold, Benedict, 382, 383, 384, 393 Banking, molding of (1840-1910), rev., 110- Articles of Confederation, 286, 287 III Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Un- Bankruptcy, 181, 215, 218 ion (1775), 287 Banks, 219, 334-33SI deposit, 210, 215; and Ashe, William, 428 labor, 149, 168; in southwest, 215, 219, 465, Ashhurst, Elizabeth Kent Hone (Mrs. Wil- suspend specie payments, 219-220, 33^, liam Henry Ashhurst), 456 467. See also Bank of U. S., 2nd; Stocks Ashland, countryseat, 134 Baptist Ministerial Conference (1893), Phila , Ashurst, Henry, 88 49-51 Ashurst, William, 88 Baptists, and Phila. slum clearance (1893), Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776), 272, 49-51 273, 3I8; German influence in, 396-397, Barbados, United States in (1785), 305-307, 401, 402, 403-404 308, 309 Assembly, Pa. (unicameral, 1776-1790), 396W; Barnes, James A., rev. of Smith's Henry C. French writers on, 316, 317-318, 321-322, Carey and American Sectional Conflict, 244 323, 324-325; and official use of German, Barnes, Robert, 6 395, 396, 400, 405 Barnhart, John D., Henry Hamilton and Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ), 427, George Rogers Clark in the American Revolu- 458n; disturbances in (1838), 445-446, 450 tion . , rev., 237-238 Assembly, Phila. See Philadelphia Assembly Barnngton, Sir Robert, 88 Association Hall, Phila., 58 Barter, 145; stores, 143, 163 Astronomy, 341 Baselda, Dulerotta, 54 Asylum, colony, 420 Baselda, Lunda, 54 Asylum for the Insane, Phila., 71, 79, 80 Bay Psalm Book, 469 Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 344, 457, 461 Bear meat, 423, 424 Athenian Institute, Phila., 330, 333~334J 457" Beard, Charles A., 47W 458; S. G. Fisher lectures at, 336-337y 3445 Bears, 426, 428 lectures at, 340, 341, 345, 346, 444~445, Beaver River, 435 455-456, 457 Beaver skins, 87, 89, 90, 433 Athens, Pa. See Tioga Beck, Herbert EL, rev. of Kauffman's Early Atherton, Ellen, 339, 340, 442 American Gunsmiths, 1650-1850, 360-361 Atherton, Humphrey, 193,195,332,339,340, Becker, Carl, 291 454, 463, 465 Becky, Negro, 207 Atherton, Mrs. Humphrey, 340 Bedford, Pa., 436 Atherton, Sarah Ann. See Fisher, Sarah Ann Bedford County Archives, England, 88,90-91 Atherton Beef, 32, 34, 36 Ausubel, Herman, Historians and Their Craft. Beer, 31, 32, 34 A Study of the Presidential Addresses of the Belcher, Jonathan, 292 American Historical Association, 1884- Bell, Capt. Thomas, of United States (1784- 1945, rev., 120 1785), 296-309 passim; career of, in Am. Aztec Indians, 411, 412 Rev., 303 Bell, Dr., 337 Bell, Miss, 192 Backgammon, 64 Bellefield Print Works, Phila., 465;* Bahama Straits, 30, 38 Beneficent Building Association, Phila., 57 Bainbndge, 414 Benjamin Franklin Highway (U. S. 422), 415, Baines, Mr., 163W 434 1952 INDEX 493 Benner, Peter, 173 Bloomsburg, 434 Bentham, Jeremy, 145 Blue Mountain. See Kittatinny Mountain Benton, Thomas Hart, 132 Board of Trade, 285 Berkeley, Lord John, 94W Bohemia Mountain, 420 Bethlehem, Pa., 432, 434 Boleyn, Anne. See Anne (Boleyn) Bethune, George Washington, 345-346 Bolivar, Simon, 196 Betton, Elizabeth, 452 Bolivar, , 196 Beveridge, John: characterized, 64-65; Latin Bonaparte, Joseph, 441, 456 grammar of, lampooned by F. Hopkinson, Bonaparte, Napoleon, 187, 441, 444-445 63-70 Book of Discipline (1574), political principles Bezaillon, Peter, 414 in, 22 Bezanson, Anne, Prices and Inflation During Books: burned in England, 5, 9; for children, the American Revolution: Pennsylvania, 468; A.S.W. Rosenbach and, 468-469 1770-1790, rev., 238-239 Bordentown, N. J., 445ft Bible, 5, 6-7, 13, 408; Indians paint texts of, Borie, Laugerenne and Keating, firm, 159ft on trees, 429 Boston, Mass., 45, 56, 195, 269, 291; Blas- Biddle, Charles, Jr., 198ft phemy Trial in, 154W; Brattle Square Church Biddle, Clement, 195W in, 341ft Biddle, Edward (Ned)? 342, 456ft Boudinot, Elias, 298, 399 Biddle, Jane Josephine Sarmiento Craig BoughHelloons. See Buckaloons (Mrs. John Craig, Mrs. Edward Biddle), Boulogne, Baron Charles, 420 342ft, 456 Bourn a, Donald G., 490 Biddle, Jane Margaret Craig (Mrs. Nicholas Bouquet, Henry, 421-422, 439; papers of, Biddle), 198, 456 rev., 232-233 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 198, 334, 342ft; Bowde, Mr., 93, 95 and 2nd Bank of U. S., 197-198, 456, 461, Bowman, Thomas, 95 463; S. G. Fisher on, 197-198, 461, 463 Boyd, Julian P., 3; The Papers 0/ Thomas Biddle, Col. Nicholas, 456ft Jefferson, vol. V, rev., 375 Bill, Alfred Hoyt, Valley Forge: The Making Boyle, Robert, 88 of an Army, rev., 470-471 Braddock, Edward, 421, 422, 429, 436 Bill, coachman, 442 Braddock Road, 436 Bilney, Thomas, 7, 8 Bradford, William, 469 Binney, Horace, 182, 443, 444, 459 Bradford, William, Jr., 65 Binney, Horace, Jr., 444 Bradford County, 429ft Binns, John, 167, 168 Brady, Mathew B., 114 Birch, William Young, 348ft Brandon, Edgar Ewing, Lafayette, Guest of Bird, Mark, 296, 309 the Nation . , vol. I, rev., 489 Bird, Mary Mayer (Mrs. Robert M. Bird), Brandy wine Creek, 433 128, 129, 140 Branson, Elizabeth.

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