5'^r*^ 't-T--'^-t-“ 'rCi&' W >n- .‘S^- i^jif >■ if- .5 , -■ - ••*,.••-'• V • i •• ' '■ r V ^ ‘ . H- • .V ‘ - \% ir f|,* i. iy| i^ . ,if- laUE OTllUM BfeV-^-—^ PiMresast of <D. 9 -. Wsa^ier Jluiteiii "NjCT PBBSS RtTN j;-' ■- ,. ifartford/ .'., ' : .'t ^ 4VEBAOB DAiilf CIEC3UIATION Cu tb o Mootii of December, 1980 ' FiUr, colder ■tonight.. V Thursday IncreasiBg dou^nees, wttmer. Members of tbe A a ^t Bureau of ClroolatioiiB. PRICE THREE CENTS (ElOHTEEN PAGES) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1031. (Classlfled'Adverttslng on Page 16.) VOL. XLV., NO. 102. -<& «$>- Prince Reaches Bermuda Today BURGLARS LOOT Father, Six Children WOULD PUT flOMEOFPOUCE ON THE RECORD AS Are Burned to Death CONGRESS FUW) the \ COMISSIONER Williamsport, Pa., Jan., ^28—(AP) — V"-* / in an .effort to arouse small ch il-t family. ^ m- f AGAINST DRY —elude Smith and six drenVere’burned to death when a V/hen the train reached Trout farmhouse at Powys was destroy- Run, a short Head of Red Cross Says It Residence of R. V. Treat De­ ed today The mother and a two- train was stopped “<1„ vpnr old^ child were saved but were operator there was notified. Just as Democrats In Assembly he reached the burfiing house, Mrs. Would Duplicate Efforts spoiled of $500 In Silver­ badly burned. Smith, with the infi^nt in her arms The children ranged in age from Want To Tell Congress In 4 to 17 years. ^ , stumbled from the front door. of Organization— Blames ware and Jewelry While The mother escaped, badly burned i It Is believed the father and the with a two months old infant, while other children were trapped and FOURMLUONS Memorial That 18fh j another son, 9, also made his way overcome by snaoke in the two bed­ It For Failure of Campmp Family Dines Ont. 1 safety. rooms upstairs after the mother had ' The fire was discovered by a rail­ gropTO her way down the smoke AS HB PROFIT Amendment Shoidd Be Re­ filled stairway. road engineer who blew the engine Washington, Jan. 29.— (AP) Silverware, jewelry and a small Chairman Payne of ..jhe National pealed— ^What Was Ac­ sum of money, to the total value of Red Cross said today the central Public Invested Plenty With between ?500 and 5600, were stolen committee of the organization, had complished Today In the last night from the home of Police MELLON OPPOSES PLAN adopted a resolution against ac­ Hartford Brokers, Al­ Commissioner Robert V. Treat of cepting the administration of funds East Center street during the ab­ for general relief as provided in Senate and House In Hart­ sence of Mr. Treat and members of the Senate’s $25,000,000 proposal. corn's Report Shows; the family. The house was entered TO PAY OFF VETERANS between 6; 30 and 10:20 o clock, In testimony before the House ford. while the family was dining out appropriations committee, Payne Some of the Transactions. with friends. LEAVES CHICAGO, declared “it is our conclusion that It was 6:30 when the members of the Red Cross cannot undertake to State Ckpitol, Hartford, Jan. 2 8.~ Secretary of Treasury Says administer this bill.” the Treat family left home, all but ARRIVES A^ “ CHI” Hartford, Jan. 28.— (A P )— A (AP)—The Democratic point <rf Clifford, a son, spending the evening “It is utterly impractical because together at the friends’ home. They It Would Upset Nation’s it would mean the duplication of ef­ total of considerably more than J4,- ■view on how Connecticut should jjo returned about 10:30, but Clifford Tramp Rides All Night in forts of long standing organiza­ 000,000 was seeurto from the’ in­ to work to teU Congress what should reached home a few moments before Freight Yard and Thinks tions in urban centers,” he added. vesting public in sill sections of be done with tne 18th Amendment the rest of the family. He unlocked Financial Structure and That He’s in Cleveland. Caused Failure of Drive Judge Payne blamed the Senate’s southern New England througn the was expressed today in the form erf the front door but was unable to two Memorials offered in the H ou^ $25,000,000 proposal for failure of financial activities of Fredqric E. enter because the stop-chain was in Chicago, Jan. 28.— (A P )— One seeks repeal of the amend­ place. Going around to the rear of Prolong Depression. ■ Thomas Kelly, a wanderer, en­ his organization to raise $10,000,000 Kingston smd his Hartford broker­ through private contributions in less age firm of F. E. Kingston & ■ Com- ment and the other asks for a con­ the house he tried the door there tered a police station and asked stitutional amendmenL but found that that one, too, was Desk Sergeant Thomas F. Mc- than two weeks. psmy it is indicated in the lengthy Administration of a $25,000,(MW charges filed sigainst the former Both measures had the approval blocked by the chain. Washington, Jan. 28.— (AP) — Liaughlin for a bed and a meal. of Governor Cross and are in line Federal fund, the chairman said, X New Haven msin and his associates Figuring that the family had played Secretary Mellon appeared before “Where are you from?” ask­ Soon to be the western hemisphere’s royal guests of honor, the Prince would mean the establishment of by State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn with bis inaugural suggestions. some sort of joke on him Clifford ed the sergeant. When the title of the resolution the Senate finance committee today Red Cross agencies in 300 to 400 of Wales (right) and his brother. Prince George, are shown above as they gave a lusty shove on the door and “ Chicago.” yesterday. memorilizing Congress was read. to warn that cash redemption of the cities. Quoting William Green, arrived at famous Le Bourget Field, Paris, after an air trip from London. the chain fastenings gave way and “ Chicago?” This figure represents the money Mr. Citron requested a full rfeading. soldier’s bonus would upset the na­ president of the American Federa­ he walked in. Right away he saw “Certainly.” Shortly afterward they set sail for Bermuda, where they arrived today. which Kingston kept as profit to his The request was opposed by Ma­ tion’s financial structure and “great­ tion of Labor, that there were more that somebody had been there who “Where are you now?” firm, through sale of stock in the jority Leader Jolmson, who said had no business in the house. The ly disturb. world equilibrium.” than 5,000,000 unemploymed men, several subsidisiry corporations “ Cleveland, of course. Came nothing could be gained by a fito kitchen had been ransacked. Alone The veteran secretary of the Payne declared it would mean the in a box car last night.” which he set up, together with other reAdiBg* and moved to dispense witn he started going over the house, Treasury said the cashing of the Red Cross would have to set up or­ The sergeant developed that sums made through sale of dubious it. Mr, Johnson’s motion was car­ foimd that a lavatory window had adjusted service certificates, which ganizations in metropolitan cities to Kelly had fallen asleep after securities to the corporations after ried and both measures were re­ been jimmied, the dining room rum­ hag been urged as a relief measure, dole out $4 apiece to these men. WALES NOW AT BERMUDA; they had been financed, at enormous taking a drink and had mis­ ferred to committee on Federal rela- ^ maged over and the upstairs rooms would “ seriously retard a business taken the shunting of the car Representative Hastins, Demo­ profits. ■visited, as T»^as indicated by a win­ recovery,, and so prolong unemploy­ tions. ^ by switch engines for an over­ crat, Oklahoma, asked: Large Profits Wickersham Report dow, opened by the thieves as a con­ ‘'Mr. Payne you could do more ment.” night rim to Cleveland. The Guardian Investment Trust The text of the Memorial had a venient getaway. He testified the Treasury will close with $25,000,000 than without it GREETED BY BIG CROWD the largest of the Kingston stock preamble referring to the report ^ Just about this time Mr. Treat the fiscal year with a deficit, ac­ couldn’t you?” selling schemes, was also the most the National commission on law ob­ and the rest of the family came cording to present indications, of “We could not do anything with lucrative, • according . to the figures home. C^ord let them in. servance (Wte^srsham) and tbq not less than $375,000,000 and that it,” the chairman replied. so far coUected,ttt: tho audit of the declarations therein mtoe. CJontinu- Calls Police cash payment of the face value of BARRAGE OF PRUNES records by accountants employ^ After one glance into the dining ck»fG»iiss w nx DO rr ing,^ the Memorial said that as toe the certificates would cost about by State’s Attorney .^com. From it, General Assembly of this state room Commissioner Treat telephon­ Washington, jlan. 28.— (A P )—^Re­ $3,400,000,000. thijough various opticas on its stqck, never ratified the 18to Amendment ed to the police. Sergeant John Mc- Could Not Sell Bonds FOILS HIGHWAYMEN sponding to a statement by (Chair­ Visit At Hamilton — To - — and other inaniirtilafiOTS, K ta g ^ a Glinn responded promptly but by bvtoAoeepted the /same ‘T can say without qualificatioii,” man ^PAinw.Xiftha R to Ctosa- Aged Negrty-Aslis to Pray for obtained fto to? brokerage firm, -a, 'Sadptibn as'toe law of -toe land. that time Mr. Treat had learned he said, “ that the Treasury Depart­ to® ^ “ 0^ at?capt.g<y- profit of ^pri^mately 1^00,000, that every room had been visited.
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