County of Haliburton Planning Committee Agenda Wednesday, July 11, 2012 9:00 o'clock a.m. County Council Chambers Page 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING 2-3 Minutes of the May 23, 2012-meeting of the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee 4. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 4-24 Draft Shoreline Tree Preservation Bylaw Update 25-26 Housing Study Update 27-28 South Central Ontario Ortho Photography 2013 Project 5. CLOSED SESSION 6. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 7. ADJOURNMENT Page 1 of 28 County of Haliburton Planning Committee Minutes Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Haliburton County Planning Committee convened a meeting on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 10:27 a.m. in the County Council Chambers with the following in attendance: Council: Councillor Barbara Reid, Chair Reeve Minden Hills Councillor Liz Danielsen, Vice Chair Deputy Reeve Algonquin Highlands Councillor Carol Moffatt Reeve Algonquin Highlands Councillor Murray Fearrey Reeve Dysart et al Councillor Bill Davis Deputy Reeve Dysart et al Councillor Dave Burton Reeve Highlands East Councillor Suzanne Partridge Deputy Reeve Highlands East Councillor Cheryl Murdoch Deputy Reeve Minden Hills Staff: Jim Wilson CAO/County Clerk Angela Balle Deputy Clerk Jane Tousaw Director of Planning Michelle Moore Planning Technologist Chair Councillor Reid called the meeting to order at 10:27 a.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion No. PL 21 2012 Moved by: Councillor Cheryl Murdoch: Seconded by: Councillor Bill Davis Be it resolved that the May 23, 2012 Haliburton County Council Planning Committee agenda be approved. CARRIED DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST No member of the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee disclosed any pecuniary interest. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the April 25, 2012 Planning Committee meeting were circulated for approval. Motion No. PL 22 2012 Moved by: Councillor Dave Burton; Seconded by: Councillor Bill Davis Be it resolved that the minutes of the April 25, 2012-meeting of the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Page 2 of 28 ITEMS OF BUSINESS Haliburton Housing Study Start Up Meeting Team members from SHS Consulting Inc. consisting of Project Director Christine Pacini, Project Manager Kirsten Stein and Senior Results Analyst Johanna Hashim met with the Planning Committee to outline, discuss and finalize the work plan, schedules and methodologies to be used for the Housing Study project. Ms. Pacini confirmed that the results of the study would provide the Committee with statistics on the supply and demand of housing, identify housing needs and make recommendations on Policies and Programs that could be implemented by Haliburton County in order to assist in meeting housing requirements outlined in the Haliburton County Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement. The team informed the Committee that some of the methodologies used to gather the data would include surveys, existing data from Stats Canada and community organizations. Workshops will also be held with stakeholders, developers, contractors and community organizations to assist in identifying needs and gathering data. The Committee provided input on some of the issues that the residents of the County are currently facing including, but not limited to, transportation, high price of rental units, lack of housing for seniors transitioning from home ownership to self-contained living spaces and the needs of those living outside of the town centres in rural areas. Ms. Pacini advised the Committee that the next steps of the study would be to develop a Communications and Consultation strategy and formulate the survey. The team will provide an update to the Committee on the status of the study at the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee meeting to be held on September 26, 2012. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 12:10 p.m. Motion No. PL 23 2012 Moved by: Councillor Dave Burton; Seconded by: Councillor Bill Davis Be it resolved that the May 23, 2012-meeting of the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee now adjourn. CARRIED Certified Correct Councillor Barb Reid, Chair Jim Wilson, CAO/County Clerk Page 3 of 28 County of Haliburton Warden Murray Fearrey P.O. Box 399 – 11 Newcastle Street Minden, Ontario K0M 2K0 Jane Tousaw, CMO Director of Planning [email protected] 705-286-1333 phone 705-286-4829 fax To: Councillor Reid, Chair and Members of Haliburton County Planning Committee From: Jane Tousaw, Director of Planning Re: Draft Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law Date: July 11, 2012 Recommendation: That the Haliburton County Council Planning Committee receives for information the July 11, 2012-staff report on the Draft Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law and recommends to County Council that the revised Draft By-law be authorized for circulation to the local municipalities for consideration and delegation of authority for this sphere of jurisdiction. Background: The draft by-law was circulated for public comment since April, 2012. A copy of the draft By-law was mailed directly to identified cottagers associations and individuals who had requested notification. It was also circulated through the Federation of Cottagers’ Associations and the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Associations and was posted on the County website. An Open House was held on May 19th, 2012. Notice of the Open House was given for three consecutive weeks in four separate local newspapers and was advertised through public service announcements on CANOE FM. Staff attended the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Association’s Annual General Meeting on June 9, 2012 to respond to questions. In addition, staff also provided a presentation and answered questions at the Mountain Lake Cottagers’ Association. Attendance at Association meetings will continue throughout the summer. Members of the Planning Committee have also been distributing material and responding to questions at local lake association annual general meetings. The deadline for public input on the draft By-law was June 30, 2012. Attached is a summary of comments organized in chart format to group comments that address the same matters or concerns. Direction is required regarding any proposed modifications to the draft bylaw. Based on the comments received, if the Planning Committee recommends proceeding with the By-law, a decision is required regarding modifications suggested as a result of the public consultation. Page 4 of 28 Depending on the modifications identified, one of two actions can be taken: i) A revised draft By-law will be circulated to Council for consideration and authorization to submit to the local municipalities with a request to formally delegate authority for this sphere of jurisdiction; or ii) A revised draft By-law is circulated to the Planning Committee and simultaneously submitted to the local municipalities with a request to formally delegate authority for this sphere of jurisdiction. Once a response has been received from the local municipalities, Council would be in a position to make a decision on whether it wishes to adopt the Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law. Financial: None at this time. Reviewed by: Jim Wilson, CAO Attachments: Summary of Comments Draft Shoreline Tree Preservation By-law Page 5 of 28 COMMENTS IN OPPOSITION TO THE BY-LAW Comments Source Premature - if shore erosion is considered a major problem then more intense study is required as to causes. Norman Emms Difficult to administer and almost impossible to monitor. Fines are out of line and draconian; education should be used. Tree preservation a minor factor in preventing soil erosion. Addressing the holding of high water levels in the spring and early summer would help as holding of water by Trent Severn Waterway (TSW) dams and the resulting issues related to silting and flow impediments is a far bigger problem than tree removal. Sceptical that protecting trees 30 metres from the shoreline protect the shoreline from erosion. Who accepts liability for trees that fall on cottages due to a delay in process if the inevitable happens? By-law implies that waterfront property owners are incapable of managing their property and the municipally owned shoreline road allowance. Consider initiating a By-law exclusively to restrict and control clear cutting to prevent shore erosion. Unfairly targets waterfront cottage owners. David Howe Needs of cottagers and nature not balanced - cottager must bear the understanding of the by-law and any financial burden as a result. Premature o More extensive public input required. Concerned that by-law will impact property values and local job markets. Severely restricts land use by cottagers in the absence of compensation. By-law does not reference any scientific study of the destruction of our shorelines. Steve Edmonds & Carol Do not need more regulations and administration. Cooper Permit would be required prior to removing trees under the exemption section. Not practical to prevent someone from cutting individual trees - it is their right! Not practical to enforce. By-law Rob Holl should focus on clear cutting. Shoreline tree preservation is a useless idea. High taxes used to support useless programs like this one. Nancy Strohack Government interfering with rights of property owners. By-law should consider more than just waterfront Kevin Mewhirter Page 6 of 28 properties to be fair and protect all trees. By-law is nonsense and is a waste of tax dollars.
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