2 5 2 8 2 5 1.0 :; 1""1~ 11111 . 1.0 :; 11111 . 11111 . I~ ~1113.2 I~ ~p.2 I 22 - W 1~3 . .... I~ tE Ii£ Il.I Il.I ~ 1.1.1: ...a:.; I~ .0 ... ~ '- ~ 1.1 .... ~I.L 1.1 &.;L:.I.L -- -- I 111111.25 III" 1.4 111111.6 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A ====-==~~~=~;~==~==~~ TECHNICAL BULLEnN No. 221 ~ March, 1931 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D. C. WILD-DUCK FOODS OF NORTH DAKOTA t LAKES By FHAN"KLIN" P. METCALF, formerly Assistant Bi%gist, Division of Food Habits Research, BUTeau of /fiologlcal SUTvey I CONTENTS Page Paga Introduction ••______ •___ •• __ •___ •__ --______ _ 2 Annotated list o( plants-Continued_ Important duck·food plants o[ the State ____ _ Itosal"ene: Hoses; shad blow; hnwthorn; cill(IUcfoils; brambles; cherries ____ • ___ _ 'l'oler!lnceof salts ____ of '''luatie. _________ plants •_____ to• ___________concentrations •__ _ 56 4 Leguminosae:vetch_________________ Clo,·er5; (alse •___________ Indigo; milk­ •___ _ Classes o[ lakes ~uf\'esed ____________________ 57 D Linnccnu: Flax _________________________ _ Group I, slllmclakos. __________________ _ 10 57 Group 2, alkaline-saline lakes ____________ 17 Euphorhincc1e: Spurges ________________ • 57 Group:l, [rosh-water lakes ______________ _ 28 Anucnrdiaceae: Poison ivy; etc_________ • 57 Group 4. sloughs __________________ •___ •• 35 Celastraceae: Bittersweet;etc__________ _ 58 Group 5, lakes o[ the 'l'urtJe Mountains __ 41 Acerncene: Maples. ____________ • _______• 58 Gronp fl. unrlll...~lficd Itlkes. ____________ _ 4~ Bnlsnminacene:weed ____ . ____________________________ 'rouch-rne-not; snap­ _ Annotatedlind slonghs list of p!l\nts____________________ collected about .. lakes____ _ 58 47 Vitaceao: Woodbine; grupe _____________ _ 58 .\l~ae: Pond scums ________________ •____ _ 47 Tilinceae: Linden; basswood ___________ _ 58 Chan\ceae: Stoneworts. ________________ _ 47 Yiolacene: Violets __ •___________________ _ 58 Hopaticae: Li\"erworts_. ______ •_____ •__ _ H Cnctnceae: Cnctus; pricklnlCflr. ________ _ 58 ~[usri: Mosses_ • ______ •• _____ •____ . ____ _ 47 ElaeagnncellO: UufTalo/)erry; silverhorry_ 58 Equisctt\t'C:lo: IIorset~liIs; scouring-rushes H Onagrncene:weed ____________ Evening-pritnrose; •____________________ willow _.. 'l'yphaee,lC: Catt-lils ____________________ _ 47 58 S[lIIrgani!lceae: Bur·reeds _______________ _ 48 nnlorngidacene:tail __ •_______ • ___Wuter •_. _________ milfoil; • ________mare's·_ Knhd'K'C'Je: Pond weeds _______ . ________ _ 4S 59 Juncaginacono; .Arrowgntss ______ ,_~_~ __ _ 49 Arnliacone: Sarsapnrilla; ginseng _______ _ 59 Alism'Il'Cne: W,lterpl:mtnin; ,,"IIINto ____ _ 40 Umhelli(crae: Parsley; waterhomlock; Hydrocharitace:lC: W"terweed; eelgrass __ 40 water parsnipi etc ___ .. _______ .. ___ , ____ _ 59 Gramincae: Gr!lSs('s _____ .. _~ _______ .. '" .. _~_ 40 ('omacene: Dogwoods_. ___________ • ____ _ 59 Cyperacene: Sedges; ntlt-grass; spike Ericacene: pyrola; bearherry; etc._. ___ ._ 59 rllsh; hulrush_. ______________________ _ 51 Primulaceno: Primroses; sea milkwort_._ 59 LenIn:lceae: DUI'kn-C61s________________ _ 52 Olencene: Ashes __ . ________ • ___ • ___ •___ ._ 59 Juncat'Cae: Rushes __________ ....______ _ 52 Oentianaceae: Gon tians _______ • ___ •____ _ 60 JAlhrello: Onion; slJlomollse~l: etc______ _ 52 APocYIJnceae: Hemp dogbane. ___ •___ ._ 00 Orchidacene: 0 rc hid s; IndY'slippers; Asclepindnceae: M\lkweeds ___ • ____ •___ _ 00 Indies-tresses ____ •___ •___ •____________ _ ('onvo!vu!ucene: Morning-glory; bind­ Snlil':lcc:le: Willows; poplnrs ____________ _ weed; dodder ________ •___ •_____ •______ _ 00 Botulllcc1e: 1l:lzelnllts; hirches __ •______ _ Horaginaccne:gromwell _____________________________ Borage; heliotrope; (alse _ Fngal'Cne: O.lks. __________ •• _______ _ 60 UrticlIC'Cne; mms; h:l("kbern-; nettles _._ Verbenncene: Vermin _________ •________ _ 60 Polygonaccae; Docks; knotwecds; smart- Labiatae: Mints; germander; skull·enp; Imglell'eecf __ •___________ •_____ •_______ _ \\'cecls __ ~ ... ___ ~_. ___ ~ _-'. ~_~ _____ ~_ • ... __ ~_ DO Chenopo'lineeao: Goose[oot; pigweed; Solanaccae: Nightshade; groundcherry •• 61 orach: sllmphire; se:1 hlito; etc.__ •___ • !H Scrophlllarinc'Cae: Figwort; gerardi a; Amnrnntlmccac~ .\Illaranth pig;wc~tl __ ... _ 55 lousewort. __ • _______ •_______ ' _________ _ 01 ~\-ctng:infl('cnc; Four-o'r1orks ____ ... ~ ____ _ 55 JAn tiblllllritl('Cae: Ulndderwort _________ _ 61 Plan ta~inncenl\: Plant!l;n • _____________ ._ Cnryophyllacene:etc___ • ________ •Pinks; ____ • ______________sand spurry; _ 01 55 Hubiat'e;te: Madder; hedstral<-_________ _ 61 Portulncacenc:Pllrslnne. ________________ 55 Cnpri(olillcenc: lIone:;sucklo; snow berry; Ceratophyllaceflo: ('0011 tni!..___________ • 55 nannYOOrry________ •________ ._.______ _ 61 Kymphnc,weao: Wnterlilies ____ ••___ •__ _ 55 Cucurbitnceae: GourdS; mock-cucumber_ 62 Ranuncul'lce:lC: Buttercups; anemones __ 55 CampnnuhIL'ClIO: BlueOO1L, _____________ _ 62 Crueiferae: ~[lJst'lrds; pcp porgrass; Loooliolceae: Lohelias ___ • __________ • ___ _ 62 '\"ntert'l"oss. ____ .............. _... __ ... __ ..... ________ .. _ 50 Compositne: Astors; goldenrods; slIn­ Cappnridaccac: Clnmmr-weed; stinking- flowers; tl1istles •• _______ •______ . ______ _ 62 eto'-cr _______ ._ -.._. ___ •• _____ ..._____ _ 50 Common nnd s('icnJ.illr nnmes of plants of Snxifrlll!neene: Saxifrnl!e; parnas~ill; North Dnkola mentioned in this reporL __ 65 gooseberry..________ • ___ •___ ._________ 50 Lltorature cited _______ •______ • _______ •___ • __ 71 I ~[r_ Metcal[ resigned, efTect:\-o June 30, 1023. 1080-1-:\1--1 2 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 221, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE INTRODUCTION North Dakota has long been known as a favorite resort for wild ducks. The State contains a maze of lakes, sloughs, and ponds, well stocked with duck foods and with plenty of cover for breeding wild fowl. Hunters from the East and West visit these hunting grounds every year. To gather detailed information on the food plants of migratory waterfowl in the State, and to determine the value and possibilities of the improvement of the marsh and aquatic areas as feeding grounds for the birds, a survey was conducted during the summer of 1917 by Douglas C. Mabbott 2 and the writer. Work was begun on July 22 at Hankinson, where eight days were spent, and then Mabbott worked north and northeast while the writer surveyed the northwestern part of the State. About 500 lakes were surveyed. The itineraries of the t\,,,o imrestigators are given in Table 1. TABuE I.-Itineraries of investigators, 1917' F. P. MetcniC D. C. ~(abbott ( ; Counties sur­ IIendqunrters Counties sur· 1 Dates I Dates I veyed I ; Headquarters veyed _________1___________1 _____________________ Elsie Lake_: __ ~1 Hichland________ 1 July 21-29. : Elsie Lake_____; Richland _____ . __ ! July 21-29. Napoleon ----, Loga'!___________ ~ Aug. Hi. I Moon Lake ____ ' Barnes______ . ___ Aug. 2-7. Dawson_______ BurleIgh (north-, Aug. tl-21. Eckelson Lake_! _____ do___________ , Aug. 7-10. Do________ Kfdd~i__________ i Do. S rr.~k~~ w 00 d Stutsman (east)_: Aug. 11-12. DO _____ . __ / Stutsrnan (west); Do. Jim Lake ______ • ____ do__________l Aug. 13-16. Bismarck______ , Emmons________ , Aug. 22-27. ' Addie Lake __ .' Griggs __________, Aug. 17-19. Do..______! ~lorton _______. Do. iRed WiUow.____ uo __________ 1Aug. 19-21. Do___ • ___ .! Burleigh (west) l Do. f .Ln~e., ! Tavlor________ Dunn___________ Aug. 28. : '\aDltah Lake_ Foster..________: Aug. 21-23. Un-derwood ____ ~[cLe"n ________ Sept. 1-8. Ii Drake_________ Sl:eriu<m (north): Aug.2+-Sellt.3 Do..______ ' Burleigh (north) : Do. Ii Do..______ , Plerce__ ..___; ___ i Do. Do________: Sheridan _____...' Do. I' Do ___..___ Mcllenry ("est)1 Do. Ma,t..__ ..__ .._ McLean____ ....' Sept. 8. I'. Velva_____.._______ do ____..__ .. Sept. +-5. Hyder___ ..____ Ward.__ .._...._, Sept. 9-12. )1 St. John.._____ Rolette (1'urtte Sept. tl-14. Bottineau..___ Bottineau (Tur- Sept. 19. ,: I MountalDs). tle);(ountains) I' :qo ________! '1'own~r (north)_ Do. Kenmare.___.. Burke___________ , Oct. 1-11. I' Do__..____: Cavaller ________ 1 Do. Do ..______ Ward..______.._' Do. !'. Grand Forks..:, Grand Forks____ ! Sept. 15-21. Do ________ ~1 0 u n t r a i I Do. I: Grafton____.._, walsh..___ ..___ !' Sept. 21-22. (north)., I, Cando...._..__ : Towner (south)_ Sept. 2+-27. Columbus_____ Burke.._________ , Oct. 12. I' DO ..______ f Ramsey (nortb)_1 Do. Fortuna_______ Dil1itle.._______ -' Oct. 13. r Rolette________ ; R?lettc (south) _: Sept. 28-0ct. Grenora..__ .._ Williams________ : Oct. H. rI DO ..___.._i PIerce (north) ___ ! Do. Powers Lake ..' ],I 0 u n t r a i I Oct. 15. II Do ________ , M c n e n r Y i Do. (west).: ,Cnorth). I Stanley________ M 0 u n t r a! I , Oct. 16. I:',' Toln.n _________ I, .Nelson __________ , Oct. 5-8. (south). I DeVIls Lake ___ i Ramsey_______ ..' Oct. 9-16. Pleasant Lake_ Benson (west) __ , Oct.li-19. ,i DO ________1 Benson (north- I Do. Leeds.._____ ..' Benson (north) _f Oct. 20. II I west). I Devils Lake___ B~:~f (south- ; Oct. 21. j: I it Minnewaukan Benson (south- Oct. 23.' , Leeds _______ ..:, Bensonwest)., (north) _: Oct. 24. 1:'1 I A list of the plants mentioned in this bulletin is presented on page 65, arranged alphabetically in the order of common names. These are for the most part as given in Standardized Plant Names (1).3 Since scientific names of these are given in the list, they are omitted throughout the text, except in tables, other lists, or where omission would cause difficulty of identification. They have been carc­ fullyrcvised by S. F. Blake, botanist of the Bureau of Plant Industry. • Killed in action, Battle of St. Mihiel, Sept. 15, 1918. • Italic numbers in parentheses reCer to Litern~ure Oited, p. 71. WILD-DUCK FOODS OF NOR'l'H DAKOTA LAKES 3 IMPORTANT D{)CK·FOOD PLANTS OF THE STATE The most abundant plant in North Dakota that is an important wild-duck food is sago ponclweed.
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