SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 4 ,194S Manchester Evening Herald The Weather ATenge Daily Circulation ForeeMt ot U'. S. Wektber Bureau For the Mouth of AuKUSt, 1948 Town to Take SUghtly eeoler tonight and Wed- A bout Town No Herald Miss Rogers’ Heard Along Main Street neaday forenoon; scattered Show­ 8^ 58 ers tonight. Monday And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets^, Too Over Property GRILL Member o f the Aiadit BMrioiu flt at Mmry*! . W ill Filed RLLOWS GET TOGETHER” t Bureau of Clrenlallpus Church achool # a aot ha rwuBMd Manchester—^A City of Village Charm untU SunaK^ ■ « « . 1*. The drafting of fathers for mill- ' ' One local woman didn’t have ice DANCE / No Issue of the .Manches­ Income from Balance tary service poses quite a serious cold beer when, she got home the Starts Action to Own (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Bmmmi e< M Banton other day. She went into a Main MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SE^EM BER 7, 1948 ter Evening Herald will Of Estate Goes to Hos­ question for draft board members. Old Foley Estate; His­ -N I To the LilUnff Ttines of (ClaesUled Advertiaing ou Page 10) _____to apandbic tha waek-and be published on Mon­ street package store and insisted ■ad holiday hi Naw Toiit City. pital for Research. Naturally the local boards must^ that she be sold a whole case of tory o f the Tract. DON MAC AND HIS RH Y^M MASTERS day, Labor Day. abide by regulations, and when beer that was ice cold. ’The clerk DELICIOUS FOODS — M O D ^ PRICES! la d y Itobarta Lodge. Daughtera they are told to draft fathers the tried to tell her that she should ad at. Oaoiga, wtU hold tta month­ The will of the late Miss Gert­ local quintet will, of course, have take a few bottles Ice cold and the ’The town haa started action to ROAST VEAL Aid in Rescue of Trapped alid. Woundetl ly maatlag Tuaaday avanlng at S rude H. Rogers, whb formerly to do it. But the local board .la do­ rest not on the ice. She said she take over 13 lots in what is k n o ^ British iWive Ahead Wilbert Oeorge Sullivan, seaman o'clock in tha Maadnic TMnpIe. ing everything It can to forestall had * big party of friends coming on the present town records /as HALF BROILERS ROAsf>QRK first class, now In the Pacific area, owned the Rogers F>aper Manu­ taking the fathers. and hhe had to' have a case o f beer Prospect Hill, terrace, but to some STEAKS Th* Alptoa Society wM hold its reached his 20th milestone today, facturing Company,'was filed with Judge of Probate William S. Hyde At a meeting In Hartford last that waa ice cold. of the older residents as the Tony BMBthly Biaatlng tomorrow after­ and completes two years In the Finally the clerk packed a case FRIED SCALLOPS VEAL CUTLETS Navy. Graduating from Manches­ this morning. 'The worth of Miss Monday, rtight draft board mem­ Pastor estate. To the still older noon at S:>0 at the Italian-Ameri- bers were told to Inventory their of beer from the refrigerator and From Rail Wreck; ter High school in June of 1940, In Rogers’ estate is not known since residents it was known as the ■aa clubhouae on E3drldge atreet. registrants to see if they could started out to her car. 'Then they Foley farm. ’The property In Fine Wines — Liquors end Beer CalaDrian Coast; the Inventory has not been filed. September he enlisted in the Navy, tried to open the car door. It and trained, at the Naval Station Miss Rogers leaves the contents pick up here and there some on the quertion is bounded on the north 30 OAK STREET TEL. 3894 Mr. and Mra. Charles Rogers ot deferred list who are not fathers. wouldn’t give. In some manner by Farm road,'and faces Prospect Pea|1 street, left yesterday for in Newport and the submarine of her home at 65 Prospect Street to her close friend, Miss M aryO . The pos.-iibi1lty exiists that aoms the door lock had jammed. 'The street. <L2^ Are Injured K -e— City, Mo., where they will school In New London. His broth­ clerk put the case of beer on the er, Jamas, Is with the Coast Guard Chapman, of 75 Forest street. She registrants have deferments for Tony Pastor in Family visit their son-in-law and daugh- dependency where that dependency, roadway right in the sun and went One of the members of the Foley :^r, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Han- on Nantucket Island. They are leaves an annuity of $100 s month to Mrs. Alice Hewitt, of this town, no longer exists. Registrants are back to hts job. The wonian hur­ family, Josephine, married Tony Go Ten Miles Inland aaa. the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ried to a telephone to get a re­ Sullivan of 396 Hartford Road. who had been In h?r employ for 16 supposed to notify the draft board Pastor, the famous originator of Many iiKOyer-Crowded j P l a n t years, "rhe Incomp from the bal­ when their status changes, but pairman front a local garage to vaudeville shows, and made her Hospilals^eporled to' . • ance of her estate is left to the some may be found who hpve fall- open the automobile door. He ar­ home In New York. 'There were rived about 20 minutes la^er and all other members of the family who EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT B:15 Eighth Army /Extends Manchester Memorial hospital ^ to do that. Be Near DeiAk; Wheel^ Help ixlVen Schools Provided specifically to be used for scientific As long as large quotas are de­ this time the "ice cold’’ beer stood had an interest In the property, TWENTY-FIVE GAMES FOR SI.00 Invasion Arc to About OLD research In medical and pathologi­ manded each month there will be In the broiling sun. among thrtn Annie, who married Burned /Loos^xjfroni yank Fliers Blast cal work of the hospital. To attain the ever-increaalng likelihood that The package store clerk came A. E. Goddefroy, a railroad man, 60 Miles; Push Ahead With Enough Coal out to watch the repairman open who later became the owner of P a y Boost RECORDS the use of such income the hospital tbe father group will have to be Axle as: Express On West Coast |o budget la to be approved by Dr. cut Into. "The Manchester board the door. While qtanding there he the property. Must be tamed In for sal­ heard his beer customer remark, velops ‘Hot Box.’ The single sessions of the High Isaac Kingsbury, of Hartford, and haa not been able to fill its quota Much Litigation A t N azi" ' At Least as Far as vage It you want to keep the past three months despite the "Oh. dear. I’ve got to go to Hart­ Because of trouble in settling playing the new onek school and the early closing of Dr. Howard Boyd, of Manchester. Labor Board Contrib^ The balance of the estate from fact that the local registrant list ford to meet a train and I’m so the estate, the matter was In the AERO BINGO Philadelphia, Sept. 7.— (fl*) \ Palmi,. While on South the schools resulted In a saving S^|C each paid for old r ^ afraid I’ll be late.’’ New York courts for many yeara of about 5700 In the fuel bill. It which this Income Is to derive la haa been eombed as fine as possi­ • --------a t ---------- . orda Irrespective of quantity. "What about the Ice cold beer and the Manchester property being —Twisted wreckage of the utes to Possible Solu­ Gains Extend Some was revealed today. to be held In trust by the Phoenix ble. Married men are being taken Attacks in Belgium and Yailkee FliefS State Bank and Trust Company, of wherever the circumstances of de­ that you Iiad to have Ice cold?’’ part of It, the result was one of Pennsylvania railroad’s Con- tion of Manpoujer The bins In the schools were the store clerk asked. the longest documents to' appear in France Today Follow Distance Past 'Meji®*** filled early this spring. As a re­ Hartford, and Robert S. Morris, of pendency are not extreme, and , gressional Limited gave up S-* KEMP'S even. In the case, of the married "Oh, I can put It In my Ice box the local probate' records. The Army & Navy Club Crisis on West Coast. sult the schools in Manchester are West Hartford. seven more bodies to rescue Heavy British Night George H. Plnney, formerly of men without children, the local when I get home,” she replied. By the time that the caae was Raid. Airfields AlHbd Headquarters,, North Tel. 5680 well provided for coal in case of Naturally t)ie store clerk kept settled, the proposed purchasers No gasoline? Can’t use your Car? workers at noon-time today, Manchester, now of Orange City, board does Its best to hold them Washington. Sept. .—(e»—The Assault on Munich. tvt i Afri^^a, Sppt. 7.— —The a further shortage that seems his thoughts to himself seeing that who had plotted the land, had gone Then why not walk? It’s not too far, bringing to 65 the number 7 likely this year. Florida, and the Phoenix State out if any single men are available. British Eighth Army drove Bank and Trust Company, are the Frequently criticism is heard In­ the customer Is always right. out of business and now the town And you will find our Bingo’s fun known to have perished when War Labor Board contributed to Wear Waples will take over the propertj' for London, Sept.
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