CALL, SUNDAY, THE SAN FBANCISCO FEBRUARY 31, 1897.. 29 Preferred : SO i Preferred 18V<i DRIED FRUITS, ItAIINS,NUTS, ETC. and 14, block 17, Oak --hade Tract, Alameda; $10. SHJ.PPl_\ii iNTELLItiAJifCE. Kingston APerm.. 3 Cnion Pacific 6"/8 Lake & 28 THE COMMERCIAL WORLD. Erie Westn 16 ID Den AG01f.... — DRIED FRUITS—Quotations on the Fruit Ex- Builders' Contracts. ' Preferred 68 Ufocordage.. —— change are nominally as follows: ArriveI. lake Shore I Mrs. Peck, OF THE MARKETS. 166 Preferred Carload Lots—, pricots are Isaac Ht-cbt with Miller & excavat- SATURDAY. February 20. Shippers -SUMMARY quotsb'e at and Pr'cea. National Lead 2.1 ing, etc., line on NE Closing Guaranteed and 11 6S9c crading. for a two-siory bull Stmr Progreso, S7 from Preferred 91 8 Express 35 for itovals Va&l-c tor choice to lancy corner of Jackson and streets: $4950. Storrs. hours Seattle: • • WHFAT-February, May, 76Vfc@"8^°! If Moorpi-.rgs Prunes. for 4 six-s; <>ciavi« 2roo tons coat, to P B Cornwall. Coffee en#ra:iy lower. .111 75Vs". long Islam 46 ie b Leather. '*/» 2-*j-4@Sc the .-a me witb C. ibisholm. carpenter work, etc.. on unchanged. " v.73?fc. Peaches, for prime to choice. 6y2@7c for same; Stmr Empire, Reed, 7u hours from Coos Bay: jbliver CORN— February, 22^c; May, 24y8c; July, Louisville & Nash. 49 ! Prelerred 67V« 4&M/<B-.- for in 9.640 mdse.etc ioiit &n Co.y. -. > 1*- r- Louisville. fancy mid . @loc boxes:' Apuiea. 50 plumbing, gas- Aiony U 8Rubber >ame with t-tmuel . .Bank Clearings rather better. •J. he. Vi 2lv* ani Ickelheimer. Stmr < Preferred 71 for evaporated (a.2^c fur sun- ri<d"; d same; Willamette, Holmes, 85 hours from Wheat fuiure-i firmer. \ Is— February. 15»Ac; May, l"i^c; July, MX Preferred Pears,51-2*-' tor prime choice, •fitln- a sewfriog on $z.85. De arture ....y;2300 Oregon Co, Manhattan C0n.... cuca & B River...lso 2^i®oc to 4@si^o for Same witb & Co., varnisb- ions coal, to imp Buyers' J. St. Denis painting, Guide* dull. 181/4C. 87% quarters aud 6@«iVa *or '»» yes: 4i Stmr Corona. Doran. 18 from Eureka: ' Other Cereals $8 Memphis .t Charls 16 VVab 8L A Pacific. 63'g Plums. for ingand Wvod finish!. i on same; $ 9U> pass hours Hay and usual. PoßK— May, $7 97Va*. July. 10. pitted and iygc for unpitted; Nectarines, 3Vi@ . and mdse, to Goodali. Perk iin <fe Co. Feedst ITS as LARD—May. S4 Juy. $4 Mexican Centra... 8 /* Prtferred*. l:»% - - 02V*: 12-Vfc. Michigan CeutraL. elIs-Fargo. 4i2 c for choice and 6V^c for fancy; While l-'ics, \u25a0 r-tmr Tillamook. Hni.sen, 76 hours from Colom- Beans neglected. May, $4 July, $* - 89V*2 f9 Riv r;lumber, to l.lLb— 07 Vs: 17 V Minn&SL b2y Sc: B ack Figs. 2y*@2yai*. bia Ho lard A Dod c. \u25a0 Potatoes and Onions Western Union.... 8 Jobbing Peaches, BIRDS THAT DO NOT SIT. Stmr Norte, unchanged. Livestock. '\u25a0' Preferred VVls.onsin Central. 3 Iricks- 4i^@siAc -fl lb: Del storkfleih. 72 hours from Grays Vegetables higher. — MinnAst l 18' ,v &LE... ianiy. 6^@7y.c V. tb: peeled. 12y, '*}. Apri- Harbor: past and mdse, to E X Wnoi Lumber Co. THE CALL and STOCKYARDS, ILL Feb. 20. Broken- com.. Wheeling U'g lb; % S Peire .endorses \u25a0Butter -easy. UNION . Ist preterred 77V5, '6 cots, 6y3 , V tanc 10c; Mooipar^-, 1:@ They Hatch Out 'Iheir Eggs by Means U stmr Wool, from crul-e. of Preferred . • . i) . » ribbed cattle will not after the close this 2d pM. ISo; evapora d a pp es, 5»4c: sun-d.ied, 2%@3c; Snip iental. Parker, 11 days from Departure cheese an 1 Kggslower. nreferrfed. '...... AmCotton Oil 62 of Incubators. Bay ' -* dockage of t'2\^ forme Figs, b 3c ; tons coal,' to Geo \u25a0 •:-*•\u25a0< recommends as thoroughly Poultry mouth be subjected to a 95 per Missouri Pacific... 20 W U Beef... Prunes. SVii^^tAc 4»tres: ack', ior 2550 F. tch. and Gaoe nominal. unpr * a- (i b(ft3Vic forires-ed; white 4c; It is well known that the Australian Bktn Retriever. So-tan, days 0 he Buyers and sellers willhave to agree upon Mob A ohlo '21 Ann Arbor » died Fits 10 from Port 'Had- Apples l-ireduced supply. id. 4t^(g;sc for and for Ioc< -r,to WJ A , • > : making th • trade Nashville A 1hail. t>7y8: Preferred 26 P.ums. oitted li^c unpitted: megapod is a bird that is accustomed not :.urn ams. reliable the Commission Mer- Oranges allsuch cases when tarin<.". *iai<jc?* lb for 10 Pears, Brigionsuelo, .s->n, firm. National Linseed.. 13i/a Brooklyn Traction-. 2 Nee prime fancy: Ji*co 18 da s from Mahu- '1 lias teen ,ibad week for sellers of entile, **4 boe, 4yg©sy on kona ;siiK-r, to D Provisions h.s N J Central 96 >...,*Erie 2d pfd. ;.. 29 2VS@5c for « c lor quarters and 4y to sit its egg-. In certain parts of J preclcels A Bros Co. inactive. and although receipts were about 9000 Jt 14» (aOV'scforhalvei. Brig "alilee. Dins -iore days from chants appearing in this the head Norfolk Westrn. HVilAmerican Spirit*.. /i — Australia are found numerous mounds of 35 Tahiti: less than the corresponding week last year, *ieierred 16 | Preferred ISIN pais and m-*ts». to MTur er. GROCERY or — - sizj height tut Schr j IMPORTS. v-ere 15 c-.-nts per 100 pounds lower, '.cabload Prices Fonr-crown, loose. j%o: considerable and which Barbara Hernster, Jansen, is hours from prices 10 to itiisiva ion* 4**,ic lb: lb; A ena; aru, d Hr,.*s. column. Impors of staple groceries biu leas iO-day Ala Class A 4<l 1 three-crown. "L iwo-orown. 3*y«c 1* first explorers took to be burial mounds. Point to Bendei at this port choice Muff shoiveC dec.n.o. 'a 106 Northern Pac lsts.ll&Vs Sultan**, t^ijC; c; Schr St ens, Nordhng. from We Rs I,rw la Janu- market sieady. Do 84, 2ds. heedl- ss seedless Muscatels, 43/8 Christina eft 72 hours „ «. compared Januaiy, wis Class 6s. 10b .I Do 65y three-crown l yers. 15; $1 .->-J: These were made by the Megapodius Fs-Sl w<,fld soL fougsr, 9,971 with A tioo.i sa;uruay run brings tim receipts Alabama, class C po Bds. Loudon ifl clusteis. II:50 Mis toßAGllbride 1896: 670 tb-, against 17,386,360*. head, week's 98 1I 88 Iehesa $2 60; Imperial clusters, $3; Schr Emma Utter, Allen, » days As- D. E. ALLISON & CO., of bogs up to 180,200 against 166,748 last Atchison 4s hl.'Vs I consoles'. rapes.clusters. tumulus, which uses them or batching from coffee. 1,149.00. lb*, 1,392.000: week, .46,400 for the correhpo week of "....". dried 8c 9 lb. toria: Iv ocr aud aths. to 1) H Bloos Lumber Co General Commission Murchani, acainst Pica it. a iding l*>2dsA 4«^s'Or lmprovmni Ist 8b San* its gjs. They hay*- Emma against Tea, Ab„ui 11cad ved to-.iav and Csnada Jobbiko Pricks- Fbancisco— Four-crown, sometimes ci-n-iner- Schr I'laiimna, Nielsen, 3 days from and 6.378.000 4,203,564; 144 ICO lbs 1896 20.000 arr sell- South 2d5.107i' /8 Do 6s. ' 18 loose, a-c.own, ntser, Nelson. Green Dried Fruits, Grain,"Potatoes, Beana, against 5 cents (rom Cen Pac 1sts of 95 . 3,; 4^ic: 2-cr-uwn. 3%c; seed- able A nest Enre«a lv to t.'has J, 10 UKe yesterday's IcR A 112 o-^c: dimensions. that is fourteen Produce, etc 26 100. ers had off about . N lata! '.'. c < Russ, 3 Woo, llie «elng very poor. — less f-nllanas, seedless Musca.eis, Schr Mary E Blum. days from Eu- advanced prices, demand Cherokee 4s. 1896. .. | Doconsol 5s &3ic: (125: 4^s high fifty-five fee*, ' About 4ji>o ofsheep were Or ... 3 crown Loudon layers, cius'.-rs, $1 00; feet and in circumfer- reka lumber, to C A Hooper & Co. — 501-509 Front St., s' F. received to-day, .lit,"{fa RANK he-id 103V4 Short Line 6s.. Dehesa clusters, *2 75: Imperial clusters, $3 N . rk— CLEARINGS. is good supp-y f r Saturday. The supply »»f»971 01«98 104 I Doconsol 5s -5. ence may be regarded as large. Each Schr Helen Kimball. Gutiormsen. 2 days from . when a 7&V-I .N UTS—1 nun quotable at *h@lo ; Eureka; 24U M local bank clearings last week $12,619 ' was well taken al the recent advance. Do 1899 104 !PaclOc6sof Walnuts megapod its own itlumber. toCna-a Nelson. were 572 Fancy beeves, 1 '97... 6y (a7c %* Ib for standard and b-®9L«.o *(« ft> for builds nest with mate- Schr Etta B, Ma.isen, 9 hours from Fort Ross. rsalnst $12,2-1.814 tor the week CATlLE—Keceluta. SDH. $5 26 10 --110 4 Phila Jt Reading 4s- 81 a onds, •'(g.B'^c gathers butter, same in1896. of 960 to 120 S^fAfi?h< N . - '- Vs shell: A!\u25a0> for Lang" edoc, rials which it from all sides, and SO bxs to Ross &Hewlett. \u0084..,. DALTON BROS., 35; :a.r beef steers 'pounds. V. ?*i Ucis 6 Is *** Dolstpfdlncom. 43*,, nd p 30 S hr * ©5 beef sieers of 900 to 1100 JJ.C 3-86fTr 3Vs< B(d9c lb tor papers ell; are exactly what gardener uses Mabel Gray.
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