Governor, Legislature read Spartan fans the riot act However MSU nybrook" at Michigan State 2,500 teet of a "tatl' 10ilege or knows a girl who noted after L,m"mg pohce reported few , Umver"lty, Gov John Engler umver"lty Peoplp convicted MSU's laos last year m the an eots after thiS week'" bao- kpthal1l1amp students celebrdte "'I;;"'\.-': :,,&,~:~~,v;, ;:.:: ., ::::!::::: f:,~n h..,,,, ..h,,,,,,,,,t f..,."",.,11 ~tqt<' 1\!C'AA hA"kpthllll tournament • banish noters from Lampus campuoco for up to two year., ~She'o an IdIOt," oald Wilde Scott Taubltz, a St Clalf responsIbly The law could havE' been Opponents of the law Cite ThiS year, campus celebratIOns Shores .ophomore, fears the B Brad U dber used had notmg occurred fol. First Amendment nghts to have cooled LOnsequenGeb should MSU S~ff Writer" 9 lowmg ,Stat",'s victory m freedom of a'lSOClatlOn "People are stili hangmg become known as a breedmg Monday. natIOnal champl' "First Amendment? RlOtmg out," .ald Wilde "They're hav. ground for drunken anarchists Local college students sup' onshlp basketball game IS Illegal," countered Mehosa mg 'beerbeques,' but I haven't "I'm WOl fled aboutjeopardlz- port state efforts to dropkick The meabure target!> anyone Wilde, an MSU ..ophomore heard any rumors about not- mg my future," said Taubltz, campus hoohgans rlOtmg, IllGltmg a not or journahom student from mg, knock on wood " Prompted by laot year's don. assembhng unlawfully Within Grob"e Pomte Park Wilde Wilde's Wish came true East See SPARTANS, page SA Parcells N'hood Club to stage to propose master WEEK AHEAD 'Joseph' Thursday, April 6 Tickets are now on sale recreation plan for the AprU 13 Uld 14 The Grosse Pomte News & By Bonnie Caprara tnct's lugh schools had 2,520 performUlCft of Parcen. Staff IIlInter partiCIpants representmg half Connection's Bndal Shower IIlddle SChool'. "JOMph With commumty recreatIOn of each school's student body 2000 starts at 5 p m m the and the Amaztna Teehnl- faclhtles at or near capacity m particlpatmg In 106 juruor var- Blossom Heath Inn, 24800 color Dreamcoat." IDc1ad- the five Grosse Pomtes and sity and varsity teams An Jefferson in St Cl8.1r Shores ed 1D part of the 120- Harper Woods, the additIOnal 133 students partIc- Everything from gowns to member cut are Jeff NeIghborhood Club IS devlsmg Ipate m club sports like rowmg, inVItations Will be aV81lable. Osaer. CbuUe Cooper Uld Tickets are $4 For more A11aIl Fullerton. front a master plan to accommodate sallmg and girls' golf row: those needs Accordmg to Grosse Pomte mformation, call (313) 882- Peter WOton. Ben Gard. The Neighborhood Club has Pubhc School System assistant 0294 ner and R~ Guclner, commissIOned McKenna supermtendent for busmess HCond Ben Lupo, row: ASSOCiates to draw up the mas. affairs and support servIces Nathan Loree. MIke Top- ter plan at a cost of about Chns Fenton, the space crunch Saturday, April 8 per and ChristiDa Coury, $20,000 The Neighborhood at the pubhc schools has forced third row; Aahlee Rugerrl. Club has also appomted a borne school team games and Emmy-nommated film Sean Hannah. Brandon steenng committee, compnsed practlces to sites outSide of the producer Joshua Greene pre. SUll and Kelly Ritter. sents his documentary mostly of mumclpal and school school dlstnct fourth row; Uld Dan Gas. admlmstrators, to prOVIde pn- Another challenge the ms- "Witness VOIces from the Bel. Dimitri Kerisiotis, Holocaust" to the Lay mary mput and review of the tnct faces IS the groWing popu- Kyle Serllla and Ashley plan to McKenna ASSOCiates lanty of new team sports like Theologlcal SOCIetyat Grosse Wynne. back row. Perlor- Pomte Umted Church, 240 maJlces are at 7 p.m. on and to prOVide a final recom. lacrosse, and the additIOn of Chalfonte 10 Grosse Pomte mendatlOn to the middle school teams both Thursday and Friday Farms, from 10 am - 2 p.m Ne1ghborhood Club nlght. Tickets Bnl avall. The $10 fee Includes a box While Neighborhood Club "With the upstart teams, able at the Parcel18 office you're always hurtmg for lunch For more mformatlOn, during school holUS. or by director John Bruce said that call (313) 884-3075 while the mumclpahtleb have space," said Fenton "They calI1Dg (313) 343-2104. A resort to Saturday and Sunday limited number may be done an exemplary job runmng parks, the Neighborhood Club practice" or thpy have to piggy- available at the door. ba(.k on someone else s practice MOllday, AprillO ha" fallen IOto " quasi-publtc role of proVlmng many recre. time Also, our middle school The Grosse POinte Park atlOnal and athletiC programs fields are III desperate need of City Council meets at 7 p m for the Pomtes and Harper Improvements m dramage and in the Park City hall, 15115 City residents to see more money Woods reSidents watermg They take a lot of E Jefferson The public IS abuse, espeCially m the spnng- mvited to attend Smce the mld-1960s, the time From the athletiC steer. down the drain in sewer bills Neighborhood Club has mg committee's pomt of VIew, • teamed up With the Grosse we would like to make m metro DetrOIt, doesn't get Its The Grosse Pomte Farms By Jim Stlckford LeWIS said m January offiCials Pomte Pubhc School System to Improvements on the middle water from DetrOlt, It purchas- City Council meets at 7 30 Staff Wnter from DetrOIt's water and sewer leabe bUlldmg and field space school grounds but m order to es It from Grosse Pomte pm m the Farms CIty hall, In January. City of Grosse department sent out estimates for their sports programs mamtaln the fields or do any Farms The City's current rate 90 Kerby Among the topiCS Pointe offiCIals were told that to ItS customer commumtles "Grosse Pomte, by aCCident, Improvements, we have to take is $1098 per 1,000 cubiC feet for consideratIOn IS a propos- the rate charged by DetrOIt's for sewage processmg rates for set up a model of dehvenng that field out of commiSSion "The pnce set by DetrOIt al to rezone the Hill shop- water and sewer department 2000 recreatIOn services that IS a depends on a vanety of fac. would mcrease by about 446 The City'S rates, said LeWIS, model that many Cltles across "We also have a number of pmg chstnct. tors," leWIS saId ~Thmgs hke percent But Slllce then the were first set at $11 47 per the country are trymg to repli- very strong youth and adult level of use, wht'ther the sewer news has gotten better - the 1,000 cubiC feet of sewage sent cate - to get full use of eXist. volunteer groups - Little system II, separated, t.he condl- Wednesday, April 12 cost should Increase by only 1 5 for processmg ThE:' CIty also mg faclhtles," said Bruce Leagues, the Red Barons, percent pays a monthly fee of $7,400, Pomte AquatiCs - that also See SEWER BILLS, page SA Grosse Pomte South High City comptroller Dee Ann and unlike most commun'tles However, WIth the passage of have extensive enrollment," School's Band and Orchestra Title IX and the additIOn of said Bruce presents the annual Spnng women's and girls' sports pro- Concert at 7 30 p m 10 the grams and the additIOn of Grosse Pomte Soccer auchtonum of Pierce Middle other sports programs, both ASSOCiatIOn preSident Diane School, 15430 Kercheval m the NClghborhood Club and the Karabetsos said that the asso- Grosse P01nte Park There IS school distrIct "have rates of CiatIOn has about 1,000 kids no charge for admiSSion partICipatIOn that are almo~t pla:rmg on over 100 teams The as'loclallon IS also lookmg to The program mcludes the mcornprehenslble," accordmg develop men's and women's works of Bach, Beethoven to Bruce "We use the mdoor adult leagues and a league for and Penchettl as performed and outdoor faclhtles at the speCial needs children Garnes by the South Symphony pubhc school system at the are held at several schools m Band and Symphony maximum We are usmg these additIOn to Ford Field 10 St Orchestra In their final per- SItes more often than we Clair Shores and Gat.eshead formance III the New York "hould" Field III DetrOit FestlVal of MusIc on Apn115. In 1998-99 the Neighborhood Club had 7,137 participants m 678 team sports Dunng the 1998.99 "chool year, the dis- Opmion ,6A Obztuanes 9A Senwrs llA Schools 12A Autos , I4A Home: Gros~e POIntE' Park Busmess I6A Age: 43 Entertamment 8B Sports IC Family: SmglE' , two cat ... ClaSSl{ted ads 4C Max and .JakE' Occupation: Dentl,t office manager "petlOn l{'udN for ~everal chOIr" Park starts dredging Quote: 'Mu'lc '" mrredlhle .. BiU Markus and SCruffy watch a crew begin to dredge the harbor at Windmill It m"plre' peoplE' ilnd ,.... Pointe Puk in Grosse Pointe Park, Markus, the owner of a 24-foot motorboat used hrlng" them to a ,Lite primarily to nsh for walleye and perch in Lake St Clair. said "It's wonderful. I think whf'T(' they can png,lge tn ... It's terrl1lc" that the Park is on the ball regarding dredging. wonhlp" A crane operator yanks on a plling in prepuaUon for digging, Hi. sUp is near the puk concesston stand. "It'. like being at home," said Markus, See l\tory, pagE' 4A wbo bas had a slip in tbe Park for more tban 15 years. "The marina is a wonderful auet for the community." Apnl6,2000 Grosse Pointe New3 2A News 50 years ago this week ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week Coleman Young and John library rendering looked hke a Cardll1al D( <lfdon, the "monohthlc monster typIcal of • Ca.,tmg ha ..
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