Q O X) O . o *?:••;•';»>•• ': •:,••:••..-• •••••.• . •• •: ;\ . •a o "Your Community Leader" I o o SPRINGFIEL.D/N.J., THURSDAV, APR|L2o, 198-i • , . , 'V •'Two Sections ' V) ft*-" & . TJ .•''.I".- •. .0. at the Alumni Lounge, Downs Hall, The r The .Kead College of New Jersey speak on career >ppportunitles and the. program, the registration deadline is ? tomorrow. : • v •. - ' registration deadline is May 11.' ' •, •.'•-- w Student Association in Gerontology will necessary preparation. ••'', - • ; " The fifth program, Management of the. k>. present ''The Professional .'Geron-' The. event is free and open to the ' Thesecond program. yPorking With" the .•.-.By VlfKi.VKKKI.ANI>'' Mountain Avenue. A short stretch, Grossberg made • a 10 minute &' - Disruptive, and Disorderly Client, will be Blind, and Visually; impairea-Elderly,! known as Possum Pass, connects it to tologist" from 7 until 9 p.m. Tuesday in public. .'••• ''•.'. will be held on Wednesday;.May'30, at the • Dlssnlisficd by vvhat they .sec as n videotape or traffic on two separate ho Alumni Lounge. Downs Hall. ' • held on Wednesday. May 16. at.the lack of progress «n the issue.'a number Charles Street, Mountainside.- The The Union college also will present six Warrenbrpok'.SenjIpr- Center,VWarnen., days which he showed the township The panel presentation will be given by Alumni . Lounge. Dptyns Hall. The of Briur Ilills.CircIc residents allchded majority of Possum Pass lies in committee Tuesday night..The tape ttrV-'- programs - in the training of gerontology;. ^^p^di' j ; Kea'n alumni Paula Close of Murray Hill, r •; registration deadline is Way 4.. '. ••'.•%:.-.;• • Tuesday's Township Committee to Springfield, however, • it crosses the showed a sizeable amount of traffic, ' thisyear;ailfrbm9a'.m;'t<>4p:m. ; - -;";• ;' ti|^y ytse; of. Mountainside dividing line. > oi-cupational therapist: Mary Russo of The third program.; Counseling With: f ; protest the traffic conditions on their * (Continued on page 3) Millburn, Senior Center administrator:" the Elderly, will bo held on Thursday, Voluht|eers ' fl}Fa^^eiryjee-Delivery;. '.street.' • ' " The road' is used by both, local . The first. Diagnostic and Treatment System: Recruitment, Training and;: ;. Muriel Stoller of Jnmesburg, recreation Methods for Counseling the Elderly, jwill May 17. at the Alumni Lounge, Downs - The residents were told at the last travelers and out-of-town residents'as } i Management Strategies, will be held on z ihcrapsit'; Aliniimah Bilal-Shakir of be held on Monday. April 30. at the Ha|l..The registration deadline is May 7. township ' committee meeting two an alternate route to Mountainside, Aevvarlcsocial-worker with the aged:1 The fourth program. Management of Wednesday, June 20, at the Daughters of weeks ago, that no major/reforms were allowing Ihoifi to avoid a heavily *"•.'•'. "Alumni Lounge. Downs Hall. Joan Kcizer d Sally Yanderzell of Cdlonia. director of the. Woodbridge Multi-Service the Speech and Hearing Impaired Miriam in Clifton The registration intended for their- street. The township congested section of Route 22 West. Clerk's off ice f" '-.• nursing home admissions.- They- will program on Aging will, direct the Elderly, will be held on Tuesday. May 22, deadline is Mav 8 committee reported to the group of The township committee met un- residents that they would not initiate prdductively with Mountainside of- will stay open 3 any plans to close Possum Pass (a ficials to arrive at a joint solution to the ftKv' section off of Briar Hills Circle) or traffic problem. In its decision to leave for new voters !••.:' o make the street a one-way. the road open, the committee weighed u. However, Mayor Philip Fciniuch heayily the concerns of members of Township Clerk Arthur Buehrer \r You're right at stated that he would authorize, "an municipal emergency squads who feel reminds all residents of Springfield increased police presence", on the,that any type of street restriction would who are not registered to vote that ;*' street, to monitor the speed of traffic. • impede their rescue service. the last day to register to be eligible •»'•' for Easter Bargains! ..'POTeNTil'AL DANGER—A potential safety hazard exits to school children who ".'•..' • • play dn'theiparklrig lot at the.Florence M. Gaudineer School during recess; Vehicles The Briar Hills group has been Grossberg, and other Briar Hills to vote in.the June 5 primary elec- • ' ' 'rTiaklrig deliveries to the Board of Education offices, located behind.the school,pass battling with the governing body for the Circle advocates of.traffic reform, have tion is May 7. DEWAR'S 1799 past 18 months in- its effort' to take suggested to the governing body that a To accomodate the registration of ;.."•'•.; '-the'pl&yjngchildren. .'•• '..' • .;' .,.•:-.; (photoby Vic'ki Vreeland) , 1.75 Utar measures to alleviate thehcavy volume "Do Not Enter" sign be posted at the new voters, said Buehrer, the WHITE LABEL •# of traffic that flows through the circle. entrance to Possum Pass, westbound. Township Clerk's Office will be open Randolph Grossberg, a chief proponent The sign could also- read, "Official until ,9 p.m. on May 3, 4 and 7 in -outs' of the group, maintains that the street, Vehicles Only," permitting emergency addition to its normal office hours of HEINEKEN LIGHT "is being abused as its functional vehicles and school buses access to the 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through • Imported From Holland classification;" »streets located at the lop of Charles Friday. drire school Briar Hills Circle is located off of Street. AMARETTO m « 48 .-••,'• ByVICKIVREELAN'D inspected,' all of the sclmul's parking' •The regional district has opted to close DISARONNO I I rSQML Two school safety concerns — the and playground facilities should bo.,, 'school that day; whereas Baruchin said Parents surveyed on grad date potential danger posed to students by The board also 'authorized interim- j',tjie local district, in the past,- never vehicle? that use the .parking/- board attorney William* Jeremiah to'•''. ' closed ,for the holiday. However, he By VICKIVREELAND Graduation exercises had originally would like to see graduation held Have a Happy Easter!' , playgrdund; area behind Gaudineer inquire about the possible purchase of recommenced that the board consider been scheduled for Thursday, June 21, Friday afternoon, June 22. : Following protests from students at School and; the possible introduction Of 'property oh Ca.ldwell Place, adjacent to closing for the dayto, "aliow'families to the April 18 Regional Board of but an additional snow day ran the According to Superintendent Dr. LIQUOR CORDIALS BEER WINE SODA/MIXER a district-wide "look-put'' program for the school. Baruchin said the property spend the day together." Education meeting April 18 on the school calendar one day short of the Donald Merachnik, "We know how the school'-age. children — were topics of has been of interest to the district for a " Petino supported closing. "It is the proposal to postpone commencement state-mandated 180 days, causing the students feel, and now we want to hear BOLLA .discussion during the Springfield Board number of years.'"; ', ..'•'•• only day in the country to honor Italian exercises, surveys were sent, out to postponement to Sunday, June 24. from the parents." The board advised SAMBUCA MILLER LITE *™5« COKE 1 ROMANA Coke or Tab, of- Education's' April ;18' conference Cindy : Malta, a member of the Americans, ' he said; ''and in light of parents asking for their feelihgs about the students that a Friday graduation Regular or Students presented the board with a 99 • meeting..,.'; l ••'.., ; y'S,- .. district's PTA, asked the board,to , cwhnt Is happening in this town, I think the issue. • . • ' would present two main problems — it Caffalna Fraa establish a ' dislrlctrwide. sa'fid'ty" 2C0-nar^e petition, signed by seniors at •^MnsoML li^. regard .to the Grti'dirieer situation, we should close,"'By contract; staff •;/•;•••(!<.'>,:•• could interfere with the schedule of . b6^rdS;jriember.: Stuart, Appleb'aum .'program, "helping Hatid,".' in. members .are alldwod to take the day About 50 replies from regional high all four .regional high schools. They working parents, and present dif- V6ur Choice Introduced1 an agenda item to request Springfield, .She bXplalhed that off with, pay, even should the school school parents, surveyed on a preferred stated thaf a'Sunday graduation im- ficulties for those who observe the ' l 1 peded seniors who had arranged to Jewish Sabbath. ... Bardollno. or 99* that' the "Unioh County Safety- Coor- residents volunteer to display lh'.a'hpme'' remain open.' • • date ,'• for commencement exercises, 2Ut«rPlu»Tax Valpolicalla dinator iris^ectithBsch.pql.pqrljihg |pl.;: *|iWn*idiwwl'thJ'j)ioHj)|oijiaul have been received in the regional begin summer jobs the day following Merachnik said the responses, which CANADA DRY attdoffersafcHyadvice'; v; : T~ • • g attlio fipmo is a safe refuge biW^iidl'^' ' •the-original graduatHjiiv.'XK6 students arc- due to cnrno-irfall Week, wiil be BALLANTINE HARVEY'S : . -,.._,.....„.. I is Sept.'5,' SCOTCH TUBORG BRISTOL MIXERS . .Schools' • SupeHntendent , prod for children who encounter problems on 1984:wl(h;tKp'clpslng date scheduled for tabulated on Tuesday and reported al Club, Glngar Ala, 1 CREAM Saruchln said"Jhat since this year's" theiproutestoorfrprri.school. • ... 1;. June, 21,. I98!>I'Baruchin-said the corn-. the board meeting that night. Tonic, Saltier and 1 9* „' BHtarLamon relocation. pfMhefboard,offices to' that '',''
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