4U',H.llJJMi'WMil"IH .m mmw r - "THE FELLOW WHO NEVER KICKS VERY FREQUENTLY NEEDS TO BE KICKED," SAYS THE OLD MAN OF FOGGY BOTTOM Gas 1 Draft Oodsers May Yet Yanks Drop Three Oat of Foot Lose Soft Snaps .Under New Rale THE TIMES' COMPLETE SPORTING PAGES As Griffs Grab Off Final Sarrtsa erorrUkt. OU. tr IsternaUanal Mm tatsrBarienaj Barrios You've All Heard This Guy at Georgia Avenue . By DeBeck . Ooerrlcfct. WM. by . Married Life ? -- PAUUHB - i )- " - srr rack There SoZ6 6EuSS Z wwsve. Mat - c - m 1 SPEAK MORE DI57frJClY- ll UTTIE CLOSER. -- 5ET f ! V fiAG.V SPbriKrW-feAflTj- P ! PAJ15 l.WIWtVSj O) (C ,fcsEMplE "to THE HAD f- v"orxir w - It I .- Y e srAtfe-f- ' - meobe tntst &v7 eiw WjcE, - WHAT ''-- WU-'- J nr- Bu"-ur?.k- fr' .? Vi foR SJS i y. twir -i . fy&)wP w i s rrS mffiJr-- CAN'T HEflrl Xv - li YOU- I ALCCK )- 3Yoo-oo- v wt DROP "WE PHONE y avwx - AND COME To .TftEiWi-NOOV- f 1 3 r 1 .1 BA'SEBALL DRAFT DODGERS MAY LOSE TheyVe in Sportlight Now SISLER SCRAMBLES - "- .- ! mmtmSS-- mmmmmmmmmmm EASY BERTHS BY NEW REGULATIONS TO HEAD OFF GOBB t n ' - , By iOUIS A-- DOUGHEK. Probable Line-u- ps Baseball draff dodgers now with tie Steel League or with the tenons : IN BAHINGHUSH LOOKING EM QVER shipyard leagues, are threatened with the passing of their dream. A new For Today draft regulation is said to be under considerationhat, when adopted, will By LOUIS A. DOUGHER send Joe the Painter and his companions to the army camps, their places BROWNS. GRIFFMEN going to Ty Cobb has come to life with the "He's just a big; cry-baby- ," says the average fan, who reads of Baba men in deferred classes. Tobin, cf. Shotton, If. ending Wednesday Maisel, bat. In the week Bath's leap from the Red Sox for twenty-fou- r hours. "He just couldnt "There has been a suspicion that a number of men without previous . 3b. Foster. 3b.- i. the Georgian added eighteen points to stand being fanned twice in a row, especially after all the applause ha occupational experience making their services especially valuable," says, terl lb. 'JHlan! cf.' his total, and now stands at the .342 - got for winning the game Sunday. Harry Harper showed him up, that's xu.k uucuwit- juaraa juonDoy, 01 mew xoric, nave employment Hendryx. If. Schulte, mark, which entitles hfm to second ootainea rf. all, Harper with curve ball. Yuh can't tell me anything- - with the Emergency Fleet Corporation for the specific purpose of evading Gedeon, 2b. Lavan, ss. place, close behind George Slsler. his else." The Brownies first sackerhad-toad- d Wagner,, close friend Ruth's, to military service. Austin, ss. Morgan, 2b. Heinle a of went "Baltimore and c. Ave points himself to keep ahead of "Where such cases are discovered. f Nunamaker, Picinich, c coaxed the big fellow to change his mind about 'pitching forithe Chester Severeid, c. Casey, the Jungaleer. they will promptl ybe up ' c shipyard team July 4. Ruth's friends describe, the whole affair as a sign taken with dives Into the circus seats for fly Uallia, p. Harper, p. George Burns and Babe were s the, Emergency Shipping or balls and, to show could go Ruth T Board Just he Davenport, p. --Johnson, p. the biggest losers among the lead- that their hero is "temperamental." Navy in the other direction, he galloped .4 the Department so that the an Something be wrong with base out into center for Flclnlch's attempt Houck, p. Ayers, p. ers for the week. Connie Mack's must practice will be destroyed.' Rogers, p. ball when such things happen right t With such a rule In effect all Class at a triple and snared it with a Shaw, p. dropped eleven points, while AMERICAN LEAGUE. leaping catch. Wright, p. Hansen, p. s along. Of course, Joe, .the painter. 1 men who Jumped baseball for 1 Ruth lost nineteen in with "bomb-proo- 1 gfcatjaJt.A,,. many f" Jobs will find them Bert Shotton also enjoyed a field Sothoron, p. Brennan, p. Ait.:xvStk&AifJiti the enemy heavers. proved to the satisfaction of li 1 w.upet. selves ordered to report to the na- day. He got a single and a triple fans that he lacked sand. Since he Cleveland 43 S SZS Chlcaro..... 1133 army. and twice contributed wonderful run Game at 3:30 o'clock. Zeb Milan held his own. neither Boston 4131 rtul. Hit .171 tional Anions such plaers. Here's Babe Ruth, the Boston - declined to face the music of the York- 3130 JOs!Ja'r ,411 ning catches. He robbed Baker of losing nor gaining, and stands in Nw - Detroit 240 S ore Joe Jackson, the painter of Wil- machine guns, other Washlscton 40 St .Ml' Philadelphia If 45" .2S mington; George Du Mont and Ed a blow by going far over into cen- slugger, who caused a furore the fifth place, with a mark of 323. Huns' several It Gharrity, formerly of the Griffmen; ter for a sturdy drive in the fourth, other day by quittiing the Red Sox This is Ray Caldwell, who may be Following are the unofficial rec- erstwhile heroes have followed his TeaUraJay's Games. Si and raced to the army barracks In ords including last Wednesday's example. Dutch Leonard, of the Red Sox: BUI for twenty-fou- r hours. Visions of turned into an outfielder before Washuuton. 3: Nesr York. L gH$Fewster Ed Monroe, of the frqnt of the pavilion for Pipp's foul the games: you Imagine Jlramle - Boston. 4: Philadelphia. 3 OO laBicxs). and In the fifth. a raid by the steel leaguers loomed season Can what .c- Tanks, and Al Mamaux, of the BILLWAISGAN ends. The Yankees need a American Leasee Batting. Aleer or Jesse Burkett would say J Dodgers, to name a handful. And don't forget Val Picinlch. before the magnates ,but Ruth came hitting gardener in right field WetTc Where Tfcey Flay Today. 7 That kid's the goods. After the and about these "temperamental" players St, Louis at Waablnrton. Indians Slake Fight. right back, had conference Detroit Philadelphia. - Yanks had (cored in the fifth, he a with Caldwell is likely to be placed there Player. Clnb. Gi AB. K. II. SB. PC.-- oa or these Jumpers? It would be sulphur- at The Indians are making a wonder- stole possible score by pick- Harry Slater, St. L. l .S ous to an extreme, but Its tenor would CMcaco at New York. another Frazee and went to work as soon as Huggins finds another II Ul tl 3).J Cleveland at Boston. ful fight for the 1Q18 pennant; but the ing "Ham" Hyatt off third. Gllhoo-ley'- s RECEIVES ORDERS again. CObb. Detroit.... SS K '1 3 Ml JJ be somethtntr like this: burlcr. "A-a-- guys o' yel- - future is dark for them. Already Bill pats wpuld have scored "Ham" Baler, N. Y...... tS 33 IS M , .33 .J them is a lot warabsganss been ordered to re- across only for that lightning peg. Bums. 4S SS 33 3 .331 .11 ler dogs, that 3 alL Can t stand the NATIONAL LEAGUE has r gass." port July 25 for duty with the army. And it was Val'H timely drive In the Games by Milan. Wash.k.... 71 3M si sj ii Won PHe&en Cunes Len hr Pitchers XI ja . Jlay Chapman is already enlisted In ninth that brought over the winning From These Q,k To These Club. IIoODer. Bosn 0 31 47 li W.LPrt W.UPet. run. AMERICAN LEAGUE Pipp. N. Y U "54 J7 it Jll Thlrry-sL- x Are Gone. Chlcaro.... C 21 .a: Boston... .ID the nary, and will be taken before R 3M : f1 .1 nx Walker. PnlU.... d a x New York.. 41 24 .642 Brooklyn.... 17 .411 the season ends. how they will 41 117 43 J . Thirty-si- players are reported to a Just Grlffnrn Grab First. PITCHING Rutll. Boin 3 1 J Philadelphia XZ 22 .WO St. Louis... 27 41 JJT he able to stave off the Bed Sox. twoj 'gone, It. Joncj. Det.... IT U S 17 .104 . have joined either the army or the PUUtmrsh- -. 34 .4331 Cincinnati.. 23 23 .331 With Ih , the fourth. 1 ss 31 20 9 .200 "ianks and Griffmen remains to be . r-- 2 Johnion. St. L... ( 1918 got Shanks off Mo- - S Speaker, 73 3S U 9 .4 navy since the season of , i - ' S9a'tbed a blow i tHev.... S3 seen. f & Su 1) 2M YeaterUnr'a Ga shaping iftftrjrldge wjth a swinging Lavan BOSTON', July 6. Bill Wambsganss. e 'A t S Pltpher and cljb. W.L.P.C. 2 a b S ( u. Murpby. CHI M HI 0 .3 under way. This does not Include Joe The Griffmn:re fast bunt. Pratt. X. Y S 3T. 70 Httsborrti. it; New York. 4. the Painter, Oscar the Gasman, et aL, St. Lottls. ; Chicajiv I, as the likeliest team to take the walked and Ray Morgan produced the the Indians' crack second baseman, Chicago...- - . S 1 .K3 Wam'rajs. Qev.. O 343 X 74 13 S.3331 .10 , i l In- Iiber. (4 Z ri lead. The Bed .Fox have started blngle ha received his marching orders. On 2 Thormahlen, N. Y-- 2 .777 Deramltt. St. L. 203 27 C3 37 J3 either. About a dozen players have that sent Shanks scurrying .7 (I 333 23 47 VTnert Tfcey TodJLJv ternal troubles, the Ruth episode be- OACr 2 Coumbc.
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