~TheNCAA -~~February 25,1987, Volume 24 Number--.~~ 9 Offkid Publication of ional Collegiate Athletic Association Schedule of meetings set for special Convention The meeting schedule has been determined for the special The general business session is scheduled horn 8 a.m. to Those issues specifically include the areas of recruiting, NCAA Convention to be held June 29-30 in Dallas. approximately 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 30. It is anticipated that the coaches’ compensation, playing and practice seasons, coaching Time will be available for conference and other related Convention will adjourn at or before 1 p.m., although the staff size, financial aid, and academic performance. meetings during the afternoon Sunday, June 28, if needed, and volume of legislation presented will decide that. The Presidents Commission’s Ad Hoc Committee on Institu- during the morning Monday, June 29. A mailing to all member conferences regarding their interest tional Responsibility will meet in Arlington, Virginia, March 2 The special Convention will begin at I:30 p.m. June 29 with in scheduling meetings at the special Convention will be sent to determine the legislative proposals that it wants to ask the the opening business session, including necessary announcements from the NCAA office this week. The hotel reservation mailing Commission to sponsor for the special Convention. The full and a general presentation of Convention issues. to all members will be sent by the end of March. Commission will act on those recommendations April 2, and From 2:45 to 5 p.m. June 29, any necessary division business The special Convention will be held at Loews Anatole Hotel they will be reported to the NCAA Council in the latter’s April sessions will be held. Until the content of Convention legislation in Dallas. 13-15 meeting. is known, it cannot be determined if there will be sessions for all Called by the Presidents Commission and announced in Deadline for receipt in the national office of all legislation for divisions and subdivisions or only for certain ones. In any event, January, the special Convention is limited to “those issues that the special Convention is Thursday, April 30. The Official the first voting will occur in those sessions during the afternoon relate to containing costs of intercollegiate athletics programs Notice of the Convention, containing an updated meeting of June 29. and to maintaining a proper balance between intercollegiate schedule and all proposed legislation, will be mailed from the A reception for all delegates will begin at 6 p.m. that evening. athletics programs and other institutional programs.” national office May 15. Federal move Drug testing scheduled on athletics for tournament teams John L. Toner, chair of the Special is foreseen NCAA Postseason Drug-Testing Com- “The Federal government is about mittee, told approximately 60 sports- three years away from stepping into writers attending the 1 Ith annual the mess that colleges and universities College Football Preview that the have created for themselves” in ath- NCAA will begin testing student- letics, according to former Yale Pres- athletes participating in the NCAA ident A. Bartlett Giamatti, the new Division I Men’s Basketball Cham- president of professional baseball’s pionship as soon as the 64-team field National League. is selected. “The country,” Giamatti said in a Toner, who kicked off the February Don Carlin. M.D. speech earlier this month at the Uni- 23-24 preview in Kansas City, Mis- John L. Toner versity of Hartford, “is finally getting souri, said time constraints probably the 10 football coaches selected to sick of the fact that the very people will prevent the processing of testing participate in this year’s preview, who have been charged with the edu- results from first-round games before which was moderated by University cation of the young have been unable the second round of games starts. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, ath- or unwilling to regulate their own Teams will be selected March 9. Some letics director John D. Swofford, standards, to clean up their own drug first-round games begin March 12. chair of the NCAA Communications problems, to live up to their own high “Our first goal is to have a clean Committee. principles.” regional championship, and in order Coaches invited to this year’s In his talk on the role of athletics in to do that, we must test either before NCAA-sponsored preview included education at the University of Hart- or after the first round,” Toner said. Bobby Bowden, Florida State Uni- ford Diamond Club baseball dinner, “We will test continuously throughout versity; Dick Crum, University of Giamatti attacked institutions of the championship; however, we lack North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Rockey higher education that have failed to the time to guarantee a clean first Felker, Mississippi State University; keep athletics in proper perspective. round due to the schedule. Ken Hatfield, University of Arkansas, “It is not simply the role of athletics “We’re going to subject every single Fayetteville; Jimmy Johnson, Uni- in an educational process, but it is student-athlete in the tournament to versity of Miami (Florida); Bill Mal- rather what the educational process is testing, either before a game or at the lory, Indiana University, Bloomington; in the first place and how athletics fits conclusion of a game. And that in- Keith Piper, Denison University; Erk into it. If that question is not asked by cludes the Final Four.” Russell, Georgia Southern College; every institution that presumes to Tests will begin some time between Larry Smith, University of Southern field teams-public, private, new, the announcement of the field and the California, and Denny Stolz, San old, North, South, East, West -~~if the end of the first round, Toner said. Diego State University. institution does not come to a view of Dr. Don Catlin, director of the Charles McClendon, executive di- what its philosophy of education is, it University of California, Los Angeles, rector of the American Football can only have education happening Medical Center, joined Toner in the Coaches Association, also attended separately from athletics. Season preview panel discussion to explain the testing the preview. “If education happens in a place procedures utilized and the steps taken Toner said he was “pleasantly sur- and is separate from athletics.. then Gary Seivold (4). North Carolina attackman, hopes to duplicate to ensure reliable and accurate test- prised at the low number of positive athletics are merely an ornament, an his feat as the high scorer in the 1986 NCAA Divbion I Men5 ing. tests”conducted in the NCAA’s inau- adjunct-a kind of marketing. And Lacrosse Championship this searon. A preview of the men S and Toner’s presentation was followed gural program. According to Toner, See Federal,page 12 women’s semons begins on page 7. by a series of panel discussions with See Drug testing, page 12 NCAA committee hopes- to leave useful legacy In the News The NCAA Long Range Planning not scheduled to be appointed until l Reemphasis on coaches’ adher- .A review of the Long Range Committee doesn’t have much of a the April Council meeting, but the ante to coaching creeds and codes of Planning Committee’s past recom- Business-minded future, but that isn’t stopping the NCAA Administrative Committee ethics. mendations and contributions to the If an intercollegiate athletics program truly is a business, then it group from careful consideration of has expressed hope that the new l Continuing emphasis on acade- Association through its 24-year exist- developments that may affect inter- group can conduct its first meeting mic standards, including attention to ence. should be run like one. Page 2. collegiate athletics in the years ahead. June 5-6 in Kansas City, meeting for a a consistent national definition of Notes, stats Meeting in Mesa, Arizona, Febru- portion of June 5 with the Long “good academic standing” for pur- Other actions Basketball notes and statistics ary 19-20, the committee devoted a Range Planning Committee. poses of athletics eligibility. The committee, chaired by former for all NCAA men’s and women’s major portion of its agenda to plan- Among the topics the outgoing l The chain of command in NCAA NCAA President William J. Flynn, divisions. Pages 4-6. ning the topics to be discussed in its committee will discuss in its final governance, including examination athletics director at Boston College, final meeting, June 4-5 in Kansas meeting are these: of the organizational roles of the also took these actions during its A winner Grove City College coach Jim City, Missouri. l Ethics and integrity, including NCAA Council, Executive Commit- winter meeting: The committee will be dissolved means of maintaining momentum tee and Presidents Commission, as *Recommended that the NCAA Longnecker’s team has completed after that meeting, to be replaced by toward greater integrity in college well as the NCAA roles of the chief Council and Nominating Committee a 30th consecutive winning season the new Committee on Review and athletics. executive officer, faculty athletics rep- consider a general guideline to the for the school in swimming. Long- Planning, which was established by l Loyalty to the institution, includ- resentative and athletics director. effect that a two-year commitment as necker also has winning records in the delegates to the January Conven- ing means of diminishing “the use of l Examination of the NCAA mem- an elected NCAA officer is sufficient. track and cross country. Page 12. tion in San Diego. The new committee college athletics for personal gain.” bership’s expectations of the NCAA If such a guideline were adopted, Back to school will be composed of six former elected l Institutional chain of command what the Association realistically officers generally would not be eligible Several NCAA member schools NCAA officers and one nationally in athletics matters, including means can and cannot do.
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