A WILFRIDTHELAURIER UNIVERSITY STUDENTCORD PUBLICATION VOLUME XXXIII ISSUE 13 NOVEMBER 12 1992 Big bogus bomb scare see page 3 THE CORD 2 Advertisement *»—*«, U. wW I " " —' • '■*" . .. f*•> T- -t* jf-'- S~o-r' - - --"rT •- I *SCOFFOLOGY 336* ffl I^9®f I - The art of eating and | 1 I drinking well on a limited budgAv SMt^L^r-- I - Classes now in at Stingers. J|l I SUNDAY... lOC WINGS 9pm - lam (%^^)jlj i MONDAY... rnrr NACHO 9<«pm: \ J TUESDAY... fIVLL BAR ll 30 pm >s|gM I WEDNESDAY... lOC WINGS 9pm - lam \ I THURSDAY... $2.50 DRINKS I | I mfifc FREE NACHO BAR I 9 30pm -1 loopm I FRIDAY STEAK SALE $7.95 I"" Boz New York, Baked Potato Soup & Bar I rATTmnAv and UNLIMITED Salad SATURDAY... 5:00-8:00 ' ALL YOU CAN EAT... I 4 LUNCH BUFFET... $5.99 7 30 00 YOUR#I MON-FRI ll - 2 DRAFT CHOICE ; BUFFET... 58.75 " DINNER 30 00 ' 3:4' - PITCHERS |h ■ AA' " 4 8 ' DAILY ALWAYS L J | ! J) I iJ J r 28 KING STREET NORTH WATERLOO EASY YO FIND...HARD TO LEAVE. More election Dial-a-deal Pubs director stuff brewing resigns page 4 page 8 page 9 : NEWSNewsEDITOR SHELDON PAGE : ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR INGRID NIELSEN WLU gets bomb threat PAT BRETHOUR personnel were cleared out of The Cord university buildings. At that point, a 12 member search team On Monday morning, Laurier's — 6 security officers, and 6 stu- central switchboard phone dent security aides — began to rang. "It's payoff time," said systematically search the univer- the male caller. And so began a sity. All entrances to the univer- tense 11 hours for the Wilfrid sity were then manually locked, Laurier University community, and remain locked until 8:00 am as security scoured the campus Tuesday. in response to a bogus bomb When the university alarm threat. system sounds, the magnetic lock The initial call was made on system for all buildings is deac- Monday, at 10:58 am. An tivated. unidentified male caller phoned No bomb was found on the main Laurier switchboard, ut- campus, although a suspicious tering vague threats. No bomb looking object was discovered on threat was made at this point. the roof of the Dining Hall at A second call was made to 8:30 pm. 911 at 11:52 am. This time the "We found a metal box with a male caller said that there were 24 hour timer which had been Staff, faculty and students evacuate buildings. Photo: Sheldon Page "bombs" somewhere on the Wil- forgotten by one of the frid Laurier campus. [maintenance] workers about a people massed in the quads to sor. The protocol is due to be said John Baal. "You cannot si- Waterloo Regional Police in- year and a half ago," said John leave. Most did not even know released within 10 days, after a multaneously evacuate the entire formed Laurier campus security Baal, Chief of Security. "It was why the alarms were going off. "one more round of consultation". campus without making situation about the second call shortly be- just an object that looked suspi- "We didn't have the man- "We will have a system in worse, jeopardizing everybody's fore noon. The first call was cious until we checked it out." power to go around and evacuate place, so that students who had to safety." reported to security at 11:05 am. The Waterloo Regional Police the buildings inside, and have stand outside in the cold Monday, The residents were also asked After receiving the first call, Bomb Squad was called to inves- people outside keeping people while people tried to figure out to search their own rooms for Laurier security was put on alert. tigate the object. Fifteen minutes away from the doors," said Peter what was going on, will know 'suspicious objects', under the su- Facing a bomb threat after the later, the object was discovered to Jorg, security supervisor. faster," she said. pervision of their don. second call, security began be a "D-Frost-(£-Matic Time "The security side was ex- "Thank goodness there was The search of residence rooms evacuating the university. Control". tremely well done," said Lorna no one hurt. Probably the worst was done this way, said John For an hour and fifteen The evacuation went smooth- Marsden, president of Wilfrid consequences were wet feet." Baal, since the occupants of each minutes, security searched the ly, said security. "People were Laurier. "But it was very hard to The protocol will also include room would be easily able to university quads and exits to most cooperative," said John get messages around to people on provisions for a point-by-point identify out-of-place objects. ensure that these areas did not Baal. "As they were leaving, I ex- campus because we really hadn't search of the campus. If the new Security searched the com- contain a bomb. plained to them why I asked them sorted out our communication protocol had been in place on mon areas of each residence. At 1:15 pm, the alarm system to leave, and they understood." system for it, as well as we will Monday, only parts of the campus "Ninety-nine per cent of the of the university began to ring, However, once people had ex- have done." might have been evacuated. time it is a hoax. If you don't do and people began pouring out of ited, they loitered near the build- The emergency communica- The university residences anything and something happens, the various university buildings ings - potentially leaving them- tion system is part of an emer- were not evacuated during the then you risk people's lives. This and congregating in the adjacent selves vulnerable to an explosion. gency protocol procedure which bomb scare, although residents way, a lot of people were in- quads. Neither security, nor any had been first proposed by John were given the option of leaving. convenienced but nobody was By 2:00 pm, all non-security other university officials, told Weir, Lorna Marsden's predeces- "The campus is like a city," hurt," said Peter Jorg. Changing Union by-laws STEVE DOAK allow the board to alter by-laws at upon the Corporation Act." Students' Union, such that the member Sheri Hoard). By then, The Cord any meeting and for the resulting The next annual meeting (an original by-law had no meaning the Union would already be pre- amendments to be effective until election that includes the entire or power. Thus, it was "fully paring for the election of next The recent election scandal has confirmed or rejected at the fol- student body) will occur in Feb- within the jurisdiction of the year's BOD. led to the amendment of two lowing annual meeting. ruary. board" to effect such an amend- Due to this change, there will Students' Union by-laws. Bigioni said that "the actual This amendment is actually in ment. only be fourteen board members This was the principle matter illegality of that clause [by-law violation of the by-law which it This by-law was ratified by for the rest of this academic year at the emergency BOD meeting- 16, section 39] is something that sought to change, but Bigioni the student body at last Febru- instead of the usual fifteen. on Thursday, November 5. I'm not sure whether it's defini- declared that the Corporation Act ary's election after being ap- Student Publications president The BOD changed two by- tively illegal but it's restricted supersedes the by-laws of the proved by John Kendall, the law- Martin Walker has been the most laws so they would not have to yer for the Students' Union. vocal opponent to the changes in hold another by-election to fill Bigioni and possibly Students' the by-laws. Walker wrote to the the vacancy left by Clark Chu's Union president Christina Craft board that "the by-laws of the resignation. will be meeting with Kendall corporation were meant to be Board member Dave Bigioni around the end of November to upheld, not broken." He also stated that through this change, review all of the by-laws of the stated that the integrity of the cor- the board may be criticized for Students' Union. poration was challenged. becoming less representative, but The other amendment made Nick Jimenez, last year's Stu- that the change is "in the best in- by the board was by-law 16, sec- dents' Union president, agreed terest of the students." tion 7, which formerly required with Walker that "It's a pretty The first alteration was to by- board positions vacated before dangerous precedent to be set- law 16, Section 39 a), which December 1 to be filled by a by- ting." Jimenez also said that "I formerly stated that "Any amend- election. don't think you should humiliate ment to this and any other by-law Presently, the seats will only or show any disrespect for your of this corporation must be have to be filled if they are va- by-laws." passed by two-thirds of the direc- cated before September 1. A by- Meanwhile, Bigioni said that tors and shall only be effective election to replace Chu in the cur- he thinks the issue is finished un- when approved by a majority of rent case would not occur before til the annual meeting and the the votes at an annual or other the middle of January due to elec- in February. meeting." election This should tion regulations (which are cur- allow the Union to concentrate on However, since this violated rently under review by Bigioni, more productive tasks and allow Section Making the big decision.
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