e CaliforniaTech Volume LVII Pasadena, California, Thursday, October 13, 1955 Number 3 Tech el even wipes Cal Pol y Conley and Krehbiel stand out as long losing streak is ended Caltech's football forces ended a four year drought by stag­ ing a stirring second half rally to overpower the Cal Poly Bron­ cos 19-0 Friday at San Dimas. The victory ended one of mod­ ern collegiate football's longest losing streaks and precipitated some of the wildest after-game ceremonies ever seen in usually sedate Pasadena. Led by powerhouse Ed Krehbiel at fullback and Phil Conley in the quarter- back slot, the Beavers overcame a case of first half jitters and broke the ball game wide open Award winning in the third quarter after being held to a scoreless tie in the first movie first on two periods. The first half saw a battle of Y Film Series defenses that were tight when The YMCA Film Series starts they had to be, deep in their the 1955-56 season with the own territory. Neither team was award winning movie, Gentle­ able to sustain a scoring drive, man's Agreement. This movie, though the Broncos drove to an adaptation by Moss Hart of Tech's 12 yard line after a bad an outstanding novel, will be Fullback Ed Krehbiel shows the form whic h gained him over 100 yards last Friday night as pass from center on a punt at­ shown on Sunday, October 23, at the Beaver fotoball team beat Cal Poly of San Dimas, 19-0. tempt gave Cal Poly the ball on 7:30 in Culbertson. Tickets will the Beavers' 33. Tech's offense be available at the door. never seemed to get rolling, and Coach Bert LaBrucherie's boys Starring Gregory Peck, Dar· thy McGuire, Cind John Garfield, Scripps doors never got inside the Cal Poly 35 Second music series will be yard line in the first half. Gentleman's Agreement was awarded an Oscar, was named opened to Tech Tech's fired-up charges made one of the ten best films of the conducted by Prof. Dayton the second half an entirely dif­ year, and received the Parent's this Saturday ferent story, however, as they :Uagazine medal of merit. Professor Daryl Dayton of Pomona College will begin his pushed two quick touchdowns There will be an open house Seal Island, 'Walt Disney's at Scripps this Saturday night second series of music lechlres at the Institute tonight at 7 :30 over in the third and added one p.m. in Dabney Hall lounge. This series of six lectures will for good measure in the fourth. a war d winning Technicolor starting at 8 p.m. The party, short about seals, will also be which will be the first ASCI'r deal with the life and music of The turning point in the game the Interhouse dance, the week shown on the Sunday first film 'Social event of the year, will be Mozart, Dr. Dayton's special in­ came early in the second half, of Paul Hoffman's visit to the as Cal Poly gambled and lost on series program. held in the Common Room of terest. To help illustrate various the girls dorm at Scripps. Tech campus, and finals week. a fourth down situation on their points of the - lectures, he,will These film programs a I' e As before, these lectures are own 29 yard line. The Beavers Tony Iorillo and his 4 piece play the piano and phonograph took over and in seven plays planned by the YMCA Film Se­ open to anyone on campus free combo will provide music for records. had the touchdown on ice. Kreh­ ries Committee, which consists the affair. Refreshments will of charge. Dates are welcome. biel, the biggest gun in Tech's of representatives from each of be served, and coats and ties are These lectures were initiated These lectures are not part of backfield artillery, and halfbacks the student houses. The com­ re~u7r1' last term, when a need for a a regular Institute course and Don Stocking and Chuck Ma- mittee is headed this year by course of this sort was felt by Members of the football team no credit will be given. (Continued on Page 4) Gordon Reiter, Blacker House. and house social chairmen will the student body, and the first have the added privilege of eat­ series given by Dr. Dayton was ing dinner Saturday night at quite successful in holding a Scripps. large audience all term. Any Incautious Tech rooters get carried away Plans for this affair have been suggestions as to what the talks made by Jon Harford, uncontest­ should emphasize should be giv­ ed candidate for ASCIT first en to either Professor Dayton or during post-victory festivities Friday night rep, who, bearing unforeseen to Mrs. Mayhew. by Tom Dodge change for their belts and any on the scene with the gallons of complications, will at today's The lectures will be given ev­ It was the heady vapor of vic­ sharp implements secreted on water that they're so famous for.. election become officially the ery Thursday at the same time; tory that overwhelmed the their persons. The belts were Their arrival dampened the fire first representative. except for the week preceding troops last Friday night when later returned, but the billy club but could not cope with the ex­ the Beaver squad put forth their still resides with a certain Flem­ uberance of those in attendance. best to grind Cal Poly into the ing senior. What sport! The earlier well-meant touch of" mud 19-0. Spirits soared. Here Not to be outdone in their ap­ arson was anti-climaxed by the' Bonfire cost is to be carried in Pasadena, festivities marked preciation of the fine spirit abortive attempt of one of the the triumph as a blaze was kin­ shown by our fellows, the Pasa­ budding campus pyromaniacs to dled. at California and Hill in dena Fire Department was soon (Continued on Page 4) by four houses and ASCIT tribute to the feat. All gathered Jubilant Techmen and friends gather around the bonfire at While the exact damages re­ 'round to feel the warmth of fire California and Hill for post-game celebration. The fire attracted tree and the fence at Bonita and comradeship, to experience many Pasadenans from nearby homes. sulting from the rally and bon­ High School will probably come fire last Friday night are not yet the suspense and spectacle of in for their share of the damage the "MG 500" and to cut a bit of determined, plans have been costs. made for the prompt repayment asphalt with the fairer members of claims against individuals and Before the final distribution of of the crowd. Songs were sung, the student body. At a meeting costs is made, the ASCIT will cheers, cheered (including an last Sunday of the four House serve as paying agent in order original one for TPI) and a presidents and the ASCIT Presi­ to coordinate the efforts of the good time had by all, including passing motorists. Though tardy dent and Treasurer it was student body. It is likely that eve~ agreed that responsibility would about $50 per house will be col­ in arrival, the aware min­ be shared both by the ASCIT lected with the balance of the ions of the law were greeted and the individual Houses. costs coming from the current with a rousing "fifteen cheers" ASCIT budget and the general from Techmen and dates, and The only cost which is known student body fund. soon were joining in the merry­ as yet is the $150 fee for bail making. bonds for the three student body The feeling of the House pres­ Not content with merely be­ members arrested the night of idents and the ASCIT officers ing a part of the after-game cele­ the rally. Other probable ex­ was that the three men who bration, the Pasadena Police De­ penses will be various charges were arrested should be given partment offered to tra.de a billy from the City of Pasadena for all the support possible from club for three exuberant Tech­ cleaning up the remains of the their student body. To this end men and a suggested (but de­ bonfire, e4pense of the fire the responsibility for their ex­ clined) trip to the showers. Our eqUipment,.' and repair of the penses and fines, if any, should boys were provided with rather asphalt at·' HilI .and California. be distributed as 'evenly as pos­ expensive lodging, for the great­ In additio1\l the burned palm sible. er part of tb.eevening, .in ex- Page Two CALIFORNIA TECH Thursday, October 13, 1955 California Tech Editors· in-Chief-Dick Hundley and Marty Tangora Campus Brewins News Editor - Dick Kirk "The people is a heast." Assistant News Editor - AI Farley News Staff........... .. Barry Bass, Jim Coe, Bill Hecht, -Alexander Hamilton or somebody John Lango, Ed Park, Mike Peters" John Price, Mike Talcott, Jim Wilkinson Listen, m)' children, and you 15 cheers and a t:ew choruses of Feature Editor - Frank Kofsky apprehended in the act; to safe­ shall hear "He's a jolly good fellow" for guard the city's property (and Feature Staff... .Tom Dodge, Craig Elliott, Of a midnight fire, aud police Karl Klutz, Stu Richert. Audience: Jon Lansingh the representatives of Pasa­ dignity), they were stashed severe. dena's prOUd corps. away where they could do no Photo StafL Stu Bowen, Don Nierlich, Dennis Paul 'Twas the seventh October in '55 harm. One of these complained Sports Editor - Bill Davis Said representatives inquired Hardly a man is now alive about the manner in which he Sports Staff.
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