I Meet Clinton County's Class of 1970 - - See Section B ' ^t®®®®^^ 115th Year, No. 3 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1970 15 CENTS Sen, Huber points to his Tremendous help,' Lenore government experience says of husband's post byTIMYOUNKMAN kids are throwingrocksandpipes By RON KARLE "President Nixon felt he was News Staff Writer at other 18-year-old kids in uni­ Editor Related Story, Photos taking a greater risk by not form, we 'can anticipate injuries clearing them out," she said. "I State Senator Robert J. Huber, and even deaths." People who Lenore Romney's campaign -See Page 10A. support the President but not R-Troy, chief opponent of Mrs. participate in these things stand trail took a gracious turn through —Editor's Column, the war." George Romney for the GOP a good chance of being injured, Clinton County last week. Page 14 B. Mrs. Romney indicated, how­ U. S. Senate nomination, visit­ he said. This is inevitable." For the wife of former Gov; ever, that she would not blindly ed the Clinton County News on The country is in the midst George Romney, now HUD sec­ follow the policies of the Nixon a campaign swing through St. of a revolution that is escalating retary, her visit here was part am a conservative, but I'm a Administration, although she Johns last week, missing a head- Huber said. There is more des­ of a 12-hour day and one of a liberal on human rights, said she agrees with'their goals. on confrontation with the former truction on campuses and it is dozen stops which she hopes "I'm a dove on the war," she "I am not down the line with governor's wife by a few hours. continuing and the crime rate is will lead 4ier to the Republican added, the Administration's methods," . "By invading the sanctuaries The two will clash in a pri­ increasing, he added. party's nomination for the UJ3, she said, when reminded of Huber co-sponsored a bill that Senate over her chief GOP chal­ (in Cambodia) we are not en­ mary election Aug. 4 to deter­ larging the war," she said. Continued on Page 7A mine .who will oppose Democrat takes away state scholarships lenger, State Sen. Robert Huber, Senator Philip A. Hart in the from these students convicted of Troy. November general election. of damaging property or vio­ Should she wage a successful lence. The law hinges on the "We need somebody with expe­ battle for the nomination, Mrs. requirements for obtaining Romney will then have to face rience in government," Huber the scholarship, Huber said. said, "Can Mrs. Romney show Democrat Sen. Philip Hart in "First, the person must have the general election. any bills she has introduced in­ high scholastic ability. Second, to the Legislature?" She said U.S. Rep. Gerald SEN. HUBER he must be in need of aid, and Ford, R-Grand Rapids and others "I have always sought legis­ third, he must have good lation protecting the rights of came to her urging that she op­ with the problem, he said. "What character and have references pose Hart and "I just decided citizens," he said. Huber com­ we need is popular support to to that effect." mented that he has received much that I would get into it." put on the brakes. We need enough Huber indicated that a person She said that the person elected of his support from people in interest " on the part of in­ convicted of destruction and vio­ the "silent majority" the mid­ senator will "need the insight dividuals before anything con­ lence does not have a good and experience to handle prob­ dle class property owners, structive _can be accomplished, -character. "But the person must Mrs Romney makes a pojnt. Huberi former two-term may­ lems and I think I've had that he added. be convicted before this action experience." or of Troy, indicated that in­ Any strike against the public, is taken," he stresses. flation and crime were the top Mrs. Romney claimed she has such as postal workers, teachers The campus revolution is evi­ "a tremendous base for popular priority problems facing the or police calling for compulsory dent, he said. "I have never country. He said that one per­ support"'and views her husband's arbitration, "means compulsory seen students killed on a campus News names Preville position in the Nixon Adminis­ son alone, such as himself, could taxation" and the taxpayers ulti­ before. I have" never seen a not effectively control inflation. tration as "a tremendous help BMEMBER mately pay for the salary and student stand up and call for for any senator." *The citizens must curb in­ benefit increase, Huber said. the overthrow of this govern­ flation," he said. advertising manager Looking ahead to a battle with Speaking about the Kent State ment in favor of a communist Hart, Michigan's senior senator Wage and price freezing are shootings, Huber noted that in- Mike Preville, a 10-year vet­ unacceptable controls in dealing and a 12-year veteran seeking a situation where "18-year-old Continued on Page 2A eran In the newspaper advertis­ his third term, Mrs. Romney ing business, has been named attached little importance to the advertising manager by the Clin­ upper chamber's seniority sys­ ton County News. tem in which she said "in many Preville, who began his duties big issues we have gone down­ Clinton Commission puts at the News last week, comes hill." from the Daily Record Leader She said that one Washington in Alma where he had been ad­ newspaper termed Hart as "an vertising manager for the last automatic liberal,* a tag with 1.5 mill road levy question five years. which she agreed, He had been with the Alma "The Johnson Administration newspaper for eight years work­ was completely discredited," ing in the display advertising said Mrs. Romney, adding that on August election ballot department and he was also Hart had voted mostly in favor classified advertising manager of that administration. Joy Lynn Heniser represents the American By TIM YOUNKMAN ciation of County Commissioners for that paper and the Mt. Pleas­ Although Hart at one time Legion Auxiliary as Poppy Girl. Local members News Staff Writer to be held at the Grand Hotel on ant Daily-Times-News, both voted in favor of the war in Clinton County voters will de­ Mackinac Island. owned by the same company. Vietnam, he is now considered of the VFW Post 4113 and the American Le­ cide whether or not to approve —The board resolved to take a strong dove on the issue. gion Auxiliary will be selling poppies May Preville is from Sault Ste. a 1.5 mill levy for county road formal action in June on the "I wouldn't term myself in 21-23. Joy is- the daughter of Mr and Mrs Improvements at the August pri­ appointment of Edward 'idzkow- Marie and attended high school any specific category," said Mrs. mary election, the Clinton County ski to the county library board. in Brlmley. MIKE PREVILLE Romney. *In fiscal spending I Russel Heniser of Lansing. (Related story, P. 4A). Board of'.Commissioners said Idzkowski is the manager of the Federal-Mogul Corp. in St. He is a 1960 graduate ofMlch­ Monday. igan State University. The millage plan calls for .75 Johns, A vacancy on the library mills for actual road Improve­ board will be opened In June. After graduation from college, ments, .50 mills for Improve­ —Received a letter from Rob­ Preville worked two years at the There's cash ments to bridges and culverts ert J. Russell, state jail inspec­ Iosco County News, a weekly Color map of Vietnam, on local r(oads and .25 mills for tor, which stated that the Clinton newspaper. matching funds for townships. County jail facilities are pres­ around Donald C. Haske, engineer- ently adequate but indicated that Preville and his wife Alice manager on the Board of County there is a need to study the size, and their two sons, Erik, 10, Convert unwanted items Road Commissioners, said the design and location of the pres­ and Joel, 6, presently live in Cambodia in next News Into cash for wanted items with a ClintonCountyNews proposal, if approved by the vot­ ent jail to determine future needs Alma. ers, would extend over a five- and demands. ' classified ad. Everything year period. —Drain Commissioner Dale Terming St. Johns "a growing, The changing scene in Viet­ formation, the map shows from apples to> zippers are PATRICK KELLY Chapman said that Maple Rapids progressive community," Pre­ sold, traded or exchanged To avoid the rising costs of nam will be brought into focus countries contiguous to Viet­ through classified adver­ construction materials and la­ allowed to any group who wishes is asking the County Department ville said he looks forward to of Public Works for a sanitary working with merchants in the for Clinton area residents nam, including Cambodia and tising. Join the hundreds of bor, Haske suggested that the to use the facility once the Board other satisfied advertisers five-year program be completed of Commissioners establishes a sewer system at an estimated area. next week when a full color names of places currently in cost of $678,456.Itwas suggested who know how economical in the shortest possible time, policy of renting the building. and efficlentaclasslfiedad probably two years. that this be done by way of a Wayne Gossett, former adver­ map of the country is pub­ the news are highlighted and "I hate to use the word prej­ 15-year bond issue.
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