DIRECTORY.) SHROPSHIRE. CRIFTINS. 73 Wall Letter Box, Harnage, cleared at 7 p.m. &; at Rectory, tached, in 1844, for 70 children; average attendance, 50; 6.40 p.m Edward Cleugh, master National School (mixed), built with master's house at- Carrier.-Andrew Bembow, to Shrewsbury, on sat Barnfield Miss, Cound villa Bembow .Andrew, carrier &; beer re- Instone Henry, farmer, Upper Cound; Grainger Edward, Moorton tailer, Mosterley & Leasowes :MoCol'quodale .Alex. Cowan,Cound hall Challoner Isaac, grocer, Upper Cound Munslow John, farmer, Harnage Thursby Hugh, Leasowes Evans Lockley, farmer, Cockshutt grange &; Bull farm Thursby-Pe]ham Rev. Augustus M.A. Evans Thomas, fal'lIIler, Higlhlands MUD'S'low In. Wm.frmr.Harnage grnge (rector), Rectory Frank Tlhos. farmer &; miller (water), Price Thomas, wheelwright Wade Col. Henry, Harnage house Cound arbour &; Mosterley farm RoberbsiElumphry.hlcksmth.Venu& bnk Walker Edward, Venus bank Hill George, flllTIDer, Upper Cound Stone William, cowkeeper Hughes Jdhn, cowkpr. Upper Cound Tudor .Ann (Miss), fal'lIDer, Harnage COMMERCIAL. Jarv[s Richard, farmer, Cound moor Woodcock Sarah (Mrs.),frmr.Harnage AlIen Charles, farmer, Lower Cound Milner Wm. Lodge inn, & farmer Wrrght Arth. WillifQrd,fl'llllJr.Harnage ORAVEN ARMS, see StQkesay. CRESSAGE is an ecclesiastical parish, formed June 14, it is hollow and has a young oak growing in the interior 1864, from the parish of Cound, and includes the township of the trunk, and mingling its foliage with the parent tree. of Belswardyne for civil purposes; it is on the river Severn Lord Barnard, who is lord of the manor, and Richard and the Shrewsbury and Bridgnorth road. The village, Francis Marmaduke Wood esq. of Belswardyne Hall, are which has a station on the Severn Valley branch of the the principal landowners. The soil is loamy and remark­ Great Western railway, is 8 miles south-east from Shrews- ably good; the subsoil, gravelly. The chief crops are bury and 4 north-by-west from Much Wenlock, in the cereals. The area is 2,315 acres; rateable value, £2,286, Western division of the county, Condover hundred and including the township of Belswardyne; the population petty sessional division, Atcham union, Shrewsbury county in 1891 was 281 in the civil and 247 in the ecclesiastical court district, rural deanery of Condover, archdeaconry parish. of Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The bridge at this Belswardyne, a detached portion of Leighton parish, village crossing the Severn opens a communication with was added to this parish in 1885 for civil purposes only. the villages of Leighton, Eaton Constantine and Wroxeter, Belswardyne Hall, the property and residence of Richard and affords a direct route to Wellington. A toa llf Id. Francis Marmaduke Wood esq. was built by Thomas is charged for foot passengers. Christ Church, erected Harnage esq. in the year 1542: the late Sir Henry George in 1841 at a cost Qf £1,4°°, is a plain building of stone Harnage bart. resided here until his death in 1888, when in the Early English style, consisting of chancel and nave the baronetcy became extinct. and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, contain- Parish Clerk, James Mullard. ing a clock and one bell: it has a stained east window. Post, M. O. &; T. 0., S. B., EX12ress Delivery & .Annuity The register dates from the year 1841. The living is &; Insurance Office.-Richard Tart, sub-postmaster. a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £175, gross yearly Letters through Shrewsbury arrive about 6 a.m.; dis- value £215, including 23 acres of glebe, in the gift of J. patched at 8 p.m A. H. Thursby-Pelham esq. 'and held since 1878 by the Police Station, William Bowyer, constable Rev. Thomas Rickards M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. National School (mixed), built in 1858 for 75 children; The name of this place is said to be a corruption of average attendance, 40; it has an endowment of 50S. Christ's Oak. .An ancient oak, styled" the Lady oak," of annually, arising from land, with house attached; very considerable girth, stands in a field adjoining the William Day, master road, about a quarter of a mile on the Shrewsbury road; Railway Station, John WaIters, station master ORESISAGE. Everall JoIhn Charles, farmer; also Packer WiUiam Herbert M.D.surgeon, Hall Mrs Eye farm, Leiglhton & medical officer & public vaccina- HaTDage Lady, Little cottage Hampton Thomas, farmer, New build- tor, Kenley district, AtCham union Packer William He~bert M.D ings & Park farm Squire Eliza (Miss), dress maker Rawlings Joseph Thomas, Yew trees Harris JISlph. wheelwright & carpenter Tart Richard, tailor, Pos-t office Rickards Rev. Thom3JS M.A. (rector), Hill Aaron, shoe maker Ward WiUiam, grocer The Old hall Hol'lll'l'S William, Eagles inn & faI"Iller Williams Hy. saddler & harness makr COMMERCIAL. .Tames William, joiner ChiIde Edward, farmer J ones Hugh, grocer & provision dealer BELSvVl.MtDYNE. Davies Riohard, hor'se breaker & farmer Wood Ridhard Francis Marmaduke, Dodds Wm. forester to Lord Barnard Lea Edwin, shoe maker Belswardyne hall Downes Alfred, Crown P.H ~Iullard James, blacksmith Roberts Charles, head gamekeeper to Finch Wm. sawyer to Lord Barnard Preece Richard,faI"Iller,Oressage house R. F. M. Wood esq CRIFTINS is an ecclesiastical parish formed March 22, Association Methodist chapels here. The poor participate 1874, from the parish of Dudleston and the parish of in the charities of Dudleston. Dudleston Hall, occupied Ellesmere, one mile north-east from Frankton station on by Mrs. Davies, is a building of stone, pleasantly seated the Cambrian railway, 2! north-west from Ellesmere and in its own grounds. Salisbury Kynaston Mainwaring 7 north-by-east from Oswestry, in the Western division of of OOOley, Shrewsbury, John Dorsett Owen, Frank B. the county, Oswestry hundred and county court district, Owen and O. R. Mostyn-Owen esqs. and Mrs.Davies are the Ellesmere union and petty sessional division, rural principal landowners. The soil is mixed; subsoil, clay deanery of Ellesmere, archdeaconry of Salop and diocese and rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and of Lichfield. The church of St. Matthew, built in 1874, potatoes. The area is 2,140 acres; the population in is a structure of brick in the Decorated style, consisting 1891 was 742. of chancel, nave, with eastern apse, south transept, north Pentrecoed (partly) and Eastwick are in this parish. porch and a western turret containing 2 bells: the chancel Eastwick township contains 503 acres. Plas-yn-grove. contains a piscina: the three stained windows in chancel the residence of J. Dorsett Owen esq. is a modern brick were presented by Mrs. Davies, of Dudleston Hall, to the building. He and Miss Evans are the. principal landowners memory of her husband. The register dates from the Post, M. 0., T. 0., S. B., Express Delivery &; Annuity &; year 1874. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value Insurance Office, Dudleston Heath.-Edward Paddock, £80, which is about to be augmented (1895) by a grant jun. sub-postmaster. Letters through Ellesmere at from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, in the gift of 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6.15 p.m the Bishop of Lichfield, and held since 1894 by the Rev. National School (mixed), built, with master's residence, William Robert Rugg M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. for 140 children; average attendance, lIS; Henry John There are Primitive Methodist, Wesleyan and Wesleyan Quier, master CRIFTIXS. Cooke Thomas, farmer Leadsom John, farmer, Bryn Ore Davies MM. Dudleston hall Oopnall John, butcher Lloyd Wm. shopkeepr. Dudleston hth Griffijjhs James Bryn Ore Davies MaTy Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Morris Wm. Eaton, Fox P.H. &; shQp- MaIlford John ' &; landowner, Dudleston hall keeper, Dudleston heath Owen Frank Brown Pentre Haylin Edwards Harry, pig dealer Onslow Jobn, plasterer, Dudleston hth :Rugg Rev Willia~ Robert M.A. Edwards Thomas, farm~r, Oak f:",rm Owen FraDnk fiB~odwn, farmer &; land- (vicar), Vicarage Edwards Walter, carrIage builder, owner, ee e . Dudleston heath Paddock Edward, lun. shopkeeper,Post COMMERCIAL. Griffiths James, builder & farmer, office, DudlestQn heath Barclay Edwd. cowkpr. Dudleston hth Bryn Ore Revill Joseph, shopkeeper & baker BrIne Grace Annie pITS.),dress makr Hall Elijah, well sinker, Gadlas Steen Thos. shopkpr. Dudleston heath Clutton Owen, farmer, Kewhall Jones Thorr.as, farmer, Pentre Madock Strange In. blacksmith,Dudlleston hth.
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