The original documents are located in Box 299, folder “Chastisement of Media in Briefing - Pro Citizen Mail (1)” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 299 of The Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library LETTERS Pro: 44 Con: 34 I 3uly 14, 1975 Dear Mr. J'iederlya '1'haDk you for MD4iD9 your view on sy rectmt cotaments about a .-11 gRUp of reporters at my daily preaa bri.efi.Dg. I am qlad to haw your t.bowJhta on thia. I am sure you realiae that my oo-snta were ia no way interaded u a ~raJ. critJ.ci• of t.be pnaa. In fact, Pr•14ent rOZ'd and hia White Uouae enjoy excellent relat.iou with the preaa. Si.Dae I .ada -.y CCI IDU# ~ abaoaphen at ay daJ.ly briefinp baa illpro9ec1 oonaiderably and the briefinp are now better auYiag tbeir inteDd.ed purpoae . wbioh ia to p~ide a wealth of infoZ'IIILt.lon on the Preai4eat, hia activities, aD4 his policies to the Aaericaa people. A4Jaia, t:bank yo. for let.t.iD9 - Jmow your tbougtau on thia iaaa. wbiah J.Jwolvea GDlJ' a -u put of the White Hou.e preaa nlaticma, but nevert:heleaa ia blportant to t.be opeD flow of iDfo~t.iOD to ~ ~riaan people which Pruidaat ror4 ao at.xoft91Y supports. Si.Daerely, Roll Heaaen Pxeu Secretary to the President Hr. Prank l'ie&trly Post Office Bax 12103 MubYille, 'l'eDDeasee 37212 RN:ir RN-14 • • ( -::> <2 fl' Gi-L 9 ,rlH f-11 rrJ _9f(Jfl}f/ .!2J I fJ{'Q XJ-t/_1, . j... ?-7 s s <;;..;~(lcJ .., yJ t..J.(I a a }~97) ~ fV35XIrY (YO?) ·rtt:?/J 711.£ House of Ideas Irtc .• Racine. Wis.-Copyright !952 "by 0. R. Monroe July 14, 1975 'fb.aDk you for MD<llaq yow: Yi- on .y recent COD1I anta aboQt a -11 group of nportera at -.r daily preaa brief!Dg. I aa glad to bave your thoug'bta on t.hia. I aa aura you realise t.bat IIY ama-nta vere in no way illttmcled u a geDU:al critioiaa of the pre... Ill fact, Prea14ent PoreS and hia White Bouaa erajoy excelleat rel.atiou with t:ha preaa. - SiDCe I .ada -r oc••anu, the atiMMiphere at J11!f claily bri.efi.Dp hu ~ GDDaiderably ad t:.be briefiap are nov better ...,J.Dt' tlleir iD~ purpoM, wbicll ia to pxoY14e a veali:h of iDfo~tion Oil the Pnt~ideat, bia activiti_, and his polici.. to the Aaerican people. A9a1D, tbank yoa for lett.iJacJ - kDov J'OUI' thoQC)ht.a on thia 1••• vbioh iavolvea 01\l.~ a D&ll part of the White Howae pr- relaUODa, but DeVerthel•• 1a illpo~t to tbe open flow of iafoxaatlon to 1:ba ~icaa people which Pruident Pord ao atroagly aupporta. ·~:r • .Ron ICesaen Pr-• a.cnaxy to the Preai4eDt Mr. Fred BeDDeker r Jr. Reanekar, Smith, Kirkwood aD4 Aaaociat•, IDO. 2201 Az'lill9tcm Avenue aU.ingb-. Al8NM 35205 RN:ltir RN-14 • ARCHITECTS I PLANNERS RENNEKER SMITH KIRKWOOD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FRED RENNEKER, JR., AlA July 2, 1975 VIRGIL L. SMITH, )R., AlA EMORY K. KIRKWOOD, AlA WM. W RENNEKER, AlA Mr. Ron Nessen White House Press Secretary White House Washington, D.C. 20036 Dear Mr. Nessen: I have noted on National T.V. news reports and read in our local papers of your criticism of a reporter at one of your recent White House News Conferences. I appreciate your position and think you are doing an outstanding job. Anytime you can "sit down" one of these (and there are more than there should be) rude reporters you are doing a great job for the public. Sincerely, Fred Renneker, Jr. FR/jr/mt },' "' ' I' ':~t <. ' A\U' ,.,;·;:, ·,;:: ~ RENNEKER, SMITH, KIRKWOOD & ASSOCIATES, INC. I 2201 ARLINGTON AVE. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. 35205 I TEL (205) 933-2940 ARCHITECTS I PLANNERS RENNEKER SMITH KIRKWOOD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2201 ARLINGTON AVENUE BIRMINGHAM, ALA. 35205 · •775byTmmbun , ~ US Bice~tennial IOc ~ · r r' r r r r r 1 r r r r r r r r r r ~1r. Ron Nessen White House Press Secretary White House Washington, D.C. 20036 Jlaly 14, 1975 Dear Mr. Nillara !'bank you for HD41D9 yOU" views on my recent COJ'P'enta aboat a ~l qroup of reporter• at ay daily prua br:lef1Ag • .I am glad to have your thou9bta on thia. I am aure you realise that -.y oc-J~Penta were in no way iateDded u a geDeral criUoiDl of the preH. In fact, PreaidaDt Porcl an4 hia White Bouae enjoy excellent rela'tiona with the preaa. ' SiDoe I made -.y CCWMDta• the at..oapbare at my 4aily bri.afi.Dp hu illpZOftd ooui4erably aucl the briefi.qa are nov better aeZ'Yinq their intala4ed purpoM, which ia to pzoride a wealth of infor.ation on the Preai4eAt, b.ia actiri.t.i.. , and hia polioi- to the Aaerioan people. ~a, tbaDk yea for latt:iA9 me Jmow you tbowJhta on thU iuue vhiah illvolvea ODly a ~1 part of ~White House preaa relationa, but nevertheleaa ia f aportaat to tbe opea flow of iAtozmation to t.he Amarica.D people which Preaident Pord ao auonvly aupporta. SiDoenly, Roll N•aeD Preas Seonbu:y to the Pnaident Mr. Riak Hillu 638 Smithfield Avenue Winohester, Vil:ginla 22601 RN:ir RH-14 • 638 Smithfield Avenue Winchester, Virginia The White House ATTN: Ron Nessen Dear Mr. Nessen: For a very long time I have been an admirer of yours and your ways of reporting and handling the difficult task as spokesman for President Ford. You are to be heartedly commended. Recently, I have read where you have been Vpset with certain reporters and their styles, or tactics, at White House briefings.. I believe you have reason to be upset with those few. I suspect that one ·wf(~ a White Collar and reports for WAVA .•• a Mr. Kinsloving. I used to work with him about a year ago, and found him the most arrogant and stupid man I had had the mis­ fortune of meeting and working with. After awhile I told him that his brand of journalism was the best thing in the world ..•• to bring back slap- stick comedy to radio; and, that even Weekly Reader wouldn't publish his stuff. What I am saying, Ron, is ignore the son-of-bitch, and if you can't, get him an exorcist. ~J 638 Smithfield Ave. Winchester, VA '· The White House ' US Bic~ntennial IOc( ATTN: Ron Nessen 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, DC \ July 1, 1975 Dear Dick: Thank you for your letter of support and the attachments. I need all ~· support I can get! I woul d be del ighted to see you and spend so•• time heartaa your suggestions for iaproving the White House press relations. The next ti.. you are in Washington give ae a call. As you kDow, I spent t he weekend with my staff at Camp David discu.sing t his very problem and we are completely open to suggestions for iaprovements, especially from soaeone with your iasights and interests. Best wishes, Sincerely, Ron Nessen Press Secretary to the President Mr. Richard c. Steele President and Publisher Worcest•r Telesraa and Ga&ette Worcester, Rissac5usetts 6161! RN/pp • WORCESTER TELEGRAM THE EVENING GAZETTE SUNDAY TELEGRAM WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS RICHARD C. STEELE PRESiDENT AND PUBLISHER June 20, 1975 Mr. Ronald Nessen Press Secretary to the President The White House Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Ron, I want you to know how much I appreciate all you did to make me feel at home in the White House last Wednesday when the Board of Directors of the ANPA were invited for a briefing and luncheon with the President. It was a rare and valuable experience for each of us, and I commend you for the manner in which it was conducted. Enclosed is a tear sheet from the Worcester Sunday Telegram of June 15, 1975, containing a piece I did about the perils of a White House Press Secretary. Obviously, it is outdated, because I have learned that Gerry Warren has gone to San Diego as Editor and Margita White has succeeded Gerry as Deputy Press Secretary. It is hard to believe, but evidently the President saw my article and made the moves immediately thereafter. I know how busy you are but I would welcome the opportunity to spend a half hour alone with you sometime. I think I could be helpful with a suggestion or two regarding the White House press relations with the hundreds of medium and smaller newspapers outside the Washington area. They represent a firm base for support as well as a more neutral outlet for White House press releases and information. II Mr. Ronald Nessen Press Secretary to the President The White House Washington, D.
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