in Hall's h« «m broufhl In again and given • final notion. Certain buildings erected by tbs accused Enter Nolle In had been left standing long after funds are naadad the time stipulated In a permit of t— — ——— GRAND JURY CONVICTS uviuiuivtna in charge granted to him. In another in. in honor Our bration to ba bald Sf stance Olatkus was accused of Lady of Mount Carmel by the Lady were united In marriage on the Statkus Case starting building activities with* of Mount Carmel society on July moraine of July 4, la St Paul* out first consulting the building II and in order that the cole, * church la the Rev 1*. Inspector, Woodbury by bration ba aa successful aa it floyd Appleton. The couple will may Today's dsposltlon in court is be. On has been in peat years. Funds for Herod to Waterburians Wins Year’s Battle With have an end to make their home oa the Middle* Building Inspector Brooklyn brought the event are raised by popular the year’s controversy which has bury road, Waterbury. account of the subscription. On existed between city officials and this the Carpenter Soothing:, cooling ZEMO bring* business conditions year Slatkus over his building plans. as liberal prompt relief to itching, burning The annual meeting of the trus- donations have not been The case of Richard Waketnan Returning tees of the drove asso- as In foriner years. a record of four violation* had‘been removed and that Build- akin: even in severe ease* relief Panel Cemetery With of West with Main street, charged ciation. will be held ndxt Monday JThe committee again appeals to within a year’* time John Slatkus, ing Inspector Patrick J. Carlin's breach of the peace was continued cornea aa soon aa ZEMO touches afternoon at S o'clock In the Nau- donations until those who have pledged 44. of ltt Drayer avenue, came to orders had been complied with. July 7th. There is apparent- the tortured akin. Eczema, Ring- National bank building. At to forward them »to the committee some as to the ac* Murder gatuck terma today with atate ana dtyi The defendant first came into ly question Degree o’clock on the afternoon of and those who wish to contribute in- cused's mental condition. worm, Rashes, Pimples, Dandruff *;I0 officials relative to hi* latest official contact with the city of- 1, ii u«m the same day the lot owners will mem- and other akin or may do so by notifying any fraction of the building law* and ficials when he was summoned In- annoying scalp meet la the bank building. ber of the 'society. escaped a fine. Judge Milas F. to court on May 26, 1931, and as- PASTORSHIPS INHERITED troubles generally yield to this ill at Session Takes Office the Mo Niff the recommenda- costs. — — Judge Beardsley and Atty Blansfield Sit Perry The program will include accepted sessed $15 and On Novem- Krlstdala, Swene (U. P.) soothing, antiseptic lotion. ZEMO Harold R. Perry, who was re- usual band concerts, etc, tion of Prosedutlng Attorney Emil ber 16 he was fined $50 and costs For 350 years, Krlstdala in parades parish, is safe and dependable. All Drug- Haven Man lor Brutal cently elected of the and will end with a big fireworks Hummel that a nolle be entered. for violating the law and on De- the Swedish province of Ostergot- Which Holds New Slaying ^resident 60c Naugatuck Rotary club, presided at display in the evening of the last The court was Informed that a cember 19th given a suspended land, has received its pastor from gists. 35c, $1.00. Extra Strength Wife on Memorial £is first meeting as president this day of the celebration at Recrea- building erected by Slatkus in jail sentence of thirty days and the same family. The first reverend ZEMO beat for chronic canes— of Day noon hour at the weekly luncheon tion field. violation of the building ordinance placed on probation. Several weeks was named Duraeus Meurling, and $1.25. Two prominent Waterburians, arrived at hie Winchester home to And him blood stains from Judge Harry J. geardsley and At- wiping his trousers. The police were sum- Blansfield were torney Michael V. moned by neighbors who heaul members of the grand Jury that screams emanating from the Dirsl- returned an Indictment of first de- us household, Coroner James J. gree murder against Antonas Dir- Corrigan in a finding issued yester- It's Here! The Most zius of New Haven, charged with day held Dlrslus responsible for Courageous Merchandising slaying his wife at their home on the killing and pointed out in his Memorial day, at a hearing In New official report'that the crime was Haven yesterday. Both local men the result of ill feeling between the Sacrifice in the Entire of Bedford Silk House described the murder qs being one accused and his wife. Dirxius was History of the most brutal they ever en- ordered held without bail until the countered. September term. His counsel, it is The grand Jury panel was Com- reported, Will enter a plea of in- posed of outstanding men of New sanity. Haven county. The hearing lasted Others who served on the grand two and a half hours during which jury, most of whom, have alio facts of the case were presented by served on murder cases in this New Haven officials. The Jury de- city, included: Omar W. Platt of liberated about 20 minutes after Milford; Judge MlltOn C. Isbell 6f hearing the evidence. Both Attor- jtnsonla, Colonel Robert O. Eaton ney giansfleld arid Judge Beards- of New Haven, collector of internal ley asked questions of witnesses. rerventie; U. S. Marshal Jacob D. The accused is' charged with Walter of Cheshire; Maj General having ilrst fired a bullet into, his James A. Haggerty of New Haven; wife’s body, to have struck her Judge Michael T. Downes of Wal- '57.000 over head with an automobile T. SALE the lingford; Sheridan Whittaker, »iIp°oIai. axle and then to have attacked the Anthony J. Verdi, Henry L. Ld- body with a pointed instrument, vietes, P. Li. Shea, Robert H. Ger- inflicting nearly 60 wounds all over rlsh. Frank T. Puthey, Wayne her body. Robinson, Burton A. Mull, John R. Police arrested him when they I Damerest and Harry A. Leigh. NOW IN FULL SWING! With Values That Will Cause a Sensation! NAUGATUCK Not in a score of years has there been such drastic price cutting — record breaking crowds will throng to the store. Thrifty women will buy for months and months to come— Is have been for- Waterbury Bank r profits disregarded—former prices completely gotten. Read every line in this announcement—note the sen- Printed Silk White Woolens be sational values—pick out the bargains you want and among and the first to come as in most cases are limited. Crepes Borough Depository 54 INCHES quantities BE HERE EARLY AND GET YOUR FULL SHARE Chiffons White—Diagonal weave. Never before have such beau- Action White—Basket weave. OF THE MIGHTY BARGAINS!!! Company Made Such Necessary— tiful materials in such strik- Bonding White—Homespun. ing. lovely designs been of- Board Doesn’t Like Prices on Police Badges fered to yon as these for only Printed and Plain Burton’s The Colonial Trust company of things are going before the budget Waterbury was designated as a de- is all gone then what Was the Tissue Ginghams for funds at the borough to do to take care Piques pository borough going yd wide wale The various sized checks In » silky of the The new pique. monthly meeting of the. board of unemployed. 88c finished tissue 36 inches gingham; last that the board ordered wbrden and burgesses held Projects wide In nil colors. 68c bright night. This action was taken after work done on Wooster, Neagte iWgrden Whlttmeore explained to and Albert street and the Beacon ydj the hoard members that the com- valley road, Allerton Farms road, y*rd pany holding borough bonds had Andrew mountain road, Field street requested that two banks be des- and Hill street will be oiled. The 23c y«rd ignated as depositories for borough board voted to hold up any work moneys. With only one commercial to be carried on from the state 37c bank in the borough now, It was dirt road appropriation until after Nub Mesh ideolded to make the Waterbury in- a conference had been had with the Imported A niuteriat In two- stitution the other bank. If the state highway commissioner. It Is snappy, sporty Dimities 'borough's deposit in the Naugatuck the wish of the highway depart- tone color combinations. Fairyspun National bank amounts to more ment that this work be carried on Printed Linens Batistes and Lawn Tailored Curtains than 1160,000, the balance will be under supervision of state highway Japanese Supervisor Schlldgen. A large selection, vnrious designs and deposited In the Waterbury bank, Fast color linens Discussed printed Pongee all fast colors. Priscilla Made of line quality Boston it was explained, Curbing Again In figures, dots y*rd Johnson who stripes, with a S Inch hem finish. Balk at Badge Prices Burgess P. August and plaids. Special sale All silk Imported pongee. net oh. several occasions has brought up 26c The board balked at paying $53 Natural color only. Ecru color only. the matter of fixing the curbing on price Curtains two for the recently ior badges Grove street a section of wnlch cur- appointed police sergeants. Burgess fronts his property, again called Printed Chiffon Voile y«pd Flowered marquisette Richard Parkinson called the at- on an ecru back- the matter to the board's attention.
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