The Times is Everything Putnam The FREE Putnam PRST STD ECRWSS County Local US POSTAGE Postal Customer PAID TIMESPUTNAM COUNTY’S LOCAL NEWSPAPER EDDM RETAIL This paper publishes official notices for Putnam County, Kent, Southeast, Brewster, Patterson VOL. 163 NO. 38 P.O. BOX 608, MAHOPAC, NEW YORK 10541 845-628-8400 [email protected] WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 Carmel Schools Seek New Architects For Facilities Upgrades By Holly Crocco voters in March 2019, after district The Carmel School Board is residents shot down two prior capi- putting together a request for pro- tal project proposals, in December posals for an architect/engineering 2017 and March 2018. team to oversee facilities upgrades, During a November School having recently severed ties with a Board meeting, architect David previous firm. Sammel stated that construction “We got rid of our other ar- estimates were coming in at nearly chitect after the fiasco with the double the cost — around $11 mil- bus garage, and now we are in the lion. A new team was then assigned process of hiring a new one,” said to the project by CPL Architecture, Board President Eric Mittelstadt Engineering & Planning, which ac- during the board’s Sept. 14 meeting. quired Sammel Architecture PLLC. The second annual Dino Fun Run and Family Fun Day, a fundraiser for pediatric cancer research Construction of a $6 million However, going forward, the through the American Cancer Society, took place Sept. 12 at the Patterson Fire Department grounds. bus garage, which included pur- district has since decided to find chasing a 22-acre parcel of land on Prehistoric Event Raises Funds Route 52 in Kent, was approved by Continued on Page 12 For Pediatric Cancer Research Who Should Get a Third COVID Vaccine? While COVID-19 vaccine walked that back slightly over boosters are becoming available concerns the announcement got to fully vaccinated Americans, ahead of recommendations from exactly who is eligible and when the FDA and Centers for Disease is still undecided. Control and Prevention advisory According to USA Today, committees,” reported USA Today. that won’t be decided until two As of Aug.13, people with key scientific advisory committees severely weakened immune sys- meet days before President Joseph tems – about 2.7 percent of the Biden’s proposed start date to ad- population – became eligible for a minister a third dose to any and all third shot after it was found they fully vaccinated American. may not have gotten enough pro- Originally, Biden said a third tection from the original two-dose booster dose for people with schedule. healthy immune systems would be It’s not known whether the offered beginning Sept. 20 to any- CDC’s committee will simply one who has gotten their second recommend everyone get a booster shot of either the Pfizer or Moderna after some specific number of vaccine at least eight months ago, months, or will be more specific, pending authorization from the such as saying health care work- Madelyn, almost 2 years old, of Southeast, shows off an egg she found in the Dino Dig. Additional Food and Drug Administration. ers or the elderly should go first, photos are on page 16. Photos by Holly Crocco. “But the administration according to USA Today. Brewster Schools Plan Building, Field & Parking Improvements By Holly Crocco force is currently looking at 15 The Facilities Planning Task different areas of work across Force at the Brewster Central the campus. School District is putting to- A new six-lane track is gether its “wish list” of improve- planned at the high school, close ments and expansions for the to where the existing track is lo- campus and plans to soon have cated, with centralized football, a solid proposal to present to the soccer and lacrosse fields inside Brewster School Board. — all made up of synthetic turf. “We’re still dreaming big at A “D” zone would be made up of this point,” explained Assistant hard surface to accommodate the Superintendent for Finance and high jump and other scholastic Operation Victor Karlsson at the physical education events. Sept. 14 board meeting. “Over There would be a fence the next couple of meetings around the track and parking we’re going to be refining and added along west side of the identifying what our priorities building, according to Fuller. are.” “We’ll be able to get more park- According to Joseph ing close to the track so that Fuller, president of Fuller and everyone here in the community D’Angelo, P.C., Architects and Several projects are planned at the Brewster Central School District campus. Rendering by Fuller Planners, of Elmsford, the task Continued on Page 12 and D’Angelo, P.C., Architects and Planners. PAGE 2 PUTNAM COUNTY PRESS/TIMES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 Letters to the Editor Cobb Road public hearing regarding Cobb Road and in her letter to the edi- Dear Editor: tor. I especially endorse her plea I want to thank Holly Crocco to Southeast residents to attend and the Putnam County Press/ meetings, voice their opinions Times for reporting on the South- and participate in governing east Town Board meetings. their town. I also want to thank Joy John Lord Sarro for her comments at the Southeast town councilman Oscawana Lake Bridge Work Begins The long-awaited widening bridge, add northbound turning Carmel Fire Draws of the Oscawana Lake bridge in lanes and improve the intersec- Putnam Valley is set to begin by tion of Oscawana Lake Road and the end of September, announced Peekskill Hollow Road, according Multi-Department Response Putnam County Executive MaryEl- to Odell. She said there will be no len Odell last week. detour necessary for this work, and Several fire departments were dispatched to a single-family house fire at 185 Drewville Road in Carmel “This is one more step in the the bridge will remain open with on Sept. 13 at about 11:15 a.m. First responders found heavy smoke coming out of the home, with highway department’s overall goal two lanes of traffic — one in each all occupants having been evacuated. Interior crews made entry with hand lines as a ladder crew of renovating Peekskill Hollow direction. from the Carmel Fire Department took to the roof to perform ventilation. Firefighters from Mahopac, Road between Oregon Corners and The work is being done by Mahopac Falls, Croton Falls and Yorktown Heights provided mutual aid to Carmel F.D., extinguishing Adams Corners,” she said. “Please Putnam County Highway Depart- the flames in about 30 minutes. No injuries were reported. be patient with any delays.” ment’s contractors, the Arben The initiative will widen the Group of Pleasantville. Gov. Announces Updated Mask Visit us at putnampresstimes.com Requirements, Vax Incentives Gov. Kathy Hochul last New masking requirements residential programs — safe from week announced a series of will also apply to congregate the spread of infection, and wear- universal mask requirements programs and facilities licensed, ing a mask is the best tool we she says are designed to protect registered, operated, certified or have. Children want to be like New Yorkers against the Delta approved by the Office of Mental the adults around them and will FREE variant and the recent surge in Health, the Office of Addiction easily adapt to the mask wearing FREE COVID-19 infections statewide. Services and Supports, the Office requirement.” The new mask requirement for People With Developmental Hochul also last week an- in child care facilities brings Disabilities, Office of Children nounced new efforts to increase the state into compliance with and Family Services and the Of- COVID-19 vaccinations and pre- The Putnam County federal Centers for Disease Con- fice of Temporary and Disability pare for booster shots, upon Food trol and Prevention guidance Assistance. & Drug Administration approval. issued in July that recommends This includes but is not To continue to support vaccinat- universal indoor masking for limited to certified residential ing school-aged New Yorkers, TIMES anyone age 2 and older who has and day programs, inpatient and 125 free tickets to the upcoming not been vaccinated against CO- outpatient mental health facili- Governor’s Ball Music Festival is available at the following locations VID-19 and is medically able to ties, substance abuse programs, are available to individuals who EVERY WEEK, and prints the OFFICIAL wear a mask. It also brings child juvenile detention programs, ju- receive their first vaccine dose care facilities in alignment with venile residential facilities, con- at a #VaxtoSchool pop-up loca- NOTICES for PUTNAM COUNTY, the towns school masking requirements gregate foster care programs, and tion through this new incentive of CARMEL, PATTERSON, SOUTHEAST, announced on Hochul’s first day runaway and homeless youth, program. in office. domestic violence and other “More than four in five adult KENT AND BREWSTER VILLAGE The requirement applies shelter programs. New Yorkers have gotten at to New York State Office of These requirements apply to least one shot of the COVID-19 Children and Family Services- anyone medically able to tolerate vaccine, and while we are sig- BREWSTER MAHOPAC licensed and registered child wearing a mask, regardless of nificantly outpacing most other Brewster Library Red Mills Market care centers, home-based group vaccination status. states with our high vaccination Southeast Town Hall Acme Supermarket family and family child care “We have heard from many rate, the fact remains that those Kobacker’s Supermarket Carmel Town Hall programs, after-school child care parents and residents of congre- who are still unvaccinated are Buy Rite Liquors Stop & Shop Supermarket programs and enrolled legally gate settings asking that the state significantly more likely to expe- Brewster Village Office Mahopac Library exempt group programs during require masking because child rience severe symptoms and end North Brewster Deli CVS operational hours.
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