4 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 19. 1914. vogue among the major league baseball of the meet and slowed the track con- clubs. '- - - - yr - "... ....... 7 siderably. Rain continued at xintervals GOFFROTH LEFT OH According to cable news from - - during the afternoon. ANGLERS PRACTICE "across the pond" the Blackburn, Rov- t i --t- x-- ers, one of the leading English soccer DOG OWNERS TO RECIPROCATE teams, caused a sensation by paying the T enormous sum of $15,000 for the trans- SHELF BY GUNNER fer of Dawson, the famous center for- American and English Kennel Clubs FOR THEIR CONTEST ward of Heart of Midlothian, & Scotch professional team, who, together with Iteacb. Agreement. Simpson and Shea, two other crack LONDON, April 18. (Special.) An players acquired by the Rovers, have important, reciprocity agreement be cost $35,000, a record price for tbVee tween England and America, and one Just as Articles Are Ready, forwards in association football. j r M - that will be hailed with delight by dog to The transaction is all the more start- r lovers on both sides of rhe Atlantic, has Tournament Take Place at ling when it is taken into consideration r Just been arranged between the Amer Bout Is Arranged in that professional soccer teams are only ican and English kennel clubs. This End of Hawthorne Bridge called on for one game a week, the reciprocity agreement contains five London Arena. only exception being in the event of a clauses, and Is signed by August Bel- Instead of Oaks. holiday intervening.- It would be be- A. P. Vredenburgh, Sydney Tur- yond human endurance for men to take iU mont. part games ner and E. W. Jaquet. The clauses are: in the same number of as . (1) There shall be a mutual exchange Is the case in baseball. ... t and recognition of blacklists contain- When a comparison is made between ' ing names and addresses of persons OTHER SCRAPS ARE LIKELY the charge of admission to the leading suspended or disqualified by either ENTRIES ARE BEING MADE soccer matches in England with that of body. the major league baseball games it Is a (3) Any desired information of a matter of conjecture as to how the confidential nature pertaining to the clubs can meet their obligations. The tandinr or reoutatlon of nnv Damons rians Are Formulated for Match Be- - highest price paid admission is two engaged in Judging, breeding or show- -, Two More Qualify for Salmon Club shillings (50 cents), while there are lng dogs will be freely exchanged. tween Murray and Petroskey and tickets sold at some of the grounds as tJ) The granting of applications for Buttons Trout Are Taking low as threepence (six cents). a kennel name prefix or suffix are to Little Details Only Bar to Of course. It must be taken into con- Xicely fn Creeks and Steel-hea- ds sideration that the professional soccer be deferred until the end of each Final Arrangement. player no month. Are Kunnins. receives such remuneration (4) v Every registered dog Imported for his services as the American or Na- from one country to another must be tional League clubs distribute to their in its adopted country in players Three pounds ($15) Is con- its own name, to be followed by the BY HARRY B. SMITH. sidered a princely sum among the soc- abbreviation "Eng." or "Am." as the BY W. F. BACKUS. SAN FRANCISCO,' Cal., April 18. cer players in Britain. may be, no dog Huge crowds attend the English and case and such shall be Just at present the members of the (Special.) Coffroth's fistic - plans- for league games. 0,000 spectators renamed. a Multnomah Anglers' Club are practic- none Scottish (5) As the American Kennel Club the future are too bright, although being a common occurrence when two only dogs ing faithfully for the Casting Tourna- proposes every permits American bred to SO. he to nave a bout two of the leading teams All ' ..... ' ' ment to be held April 29 clash. records ! ' : :.j '. ? " X ' i''.'."- .1 compete in the novice class, the Ken- and weeks, if possible, either here or in his were broken at the international con- agree It was first intended to hold the Eng-la- d nel Club to frame a regulation Mission-stre- et arena, just across the test between teams representing prohibiting dogs from competing in tournament at the Oaks Park, but as" line in San Mateo County. , and Scotland four years ago, when 120,000 spectators crowded Hampden the novice and maiden classes that the grounds are undergoing extensive He had big plans for a heavyweight have acquired the title of champion repairs, it was decided to some mill here between Gunboat Smith and Park, Glasgow, which is considered one under the American Kennel Club ruloa. find Sam Langford, to lead up to of the finest athletic fields in Great other location. The committee in another kN more g, Britain. - - -- v charge has found an excellent spot at affair of import- J t " - i "1. 1 I east end ance between the winner and Jess Wll-lar- d i AMATEUR ATHLETICS the of the Hawthorne bridge, about the Fourth of July. Sam about 100 yards south of the bridge Iangford was willing, according to a approach. dispatch that was received this last AGGIES AWAIT OPENER Columbia Hardware Company A pond, measuring 70 by 200 feet, week from Manager Joe Woodman and THE team will play its third lies in a depression, which is sheltered the looked could on all sides from the wind, and will situation all that be game of the season at Dallas, Or., this make an ideal casting ground. In ad- desired. The a Just then, however, there came to TEAM IX PRIMES CONDITION A7SD afternoon. locals have secured dition It has the advantage of being the Gunner an offer of a $25,000 purse nev shortstop and a first baseman centrally located, and will give the to bog Georges Carpentier in London . ENTHUSIASM IS HGH. since their last appearance. Any out- - members the opportunity of practicing Buckley grabbed of-to- manager wanting a game with during the evenings. and at the chance. He In fly-casti- fol- has accepted terms, although there Is the Columblas write to the Baseball the events, the way First Game of Conference Season Will Manager, 104 Fourth street. lowing men have entered: George Rae, a lack of definiteness as to the W. K. Carlon. L. L. Dubois. A. J. Brock. the purse Is to be split. Smith and his Be Played Friday at Seattle Against N. C. M. manager are to be allowed $1000 for Although the opening of the Twilight Thome, Abraham. J. C. Mor- expenses University of Washing-to- League Is not until next week. the. ris, A. E. Burghduff and W. Cornell, traveling and something for prac- end in the bait-castin- g events the fol- their siege of training. The match is Highland Baptist Church team is lowing Ray to take place either near close of ticing dally. The mainstays of last have entered: Winter, J. the OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL- year's team are back, among them be- L Caldwell, J. H. Lew. L. W. Hum- June or the day or so in July. .. - -- first LEGE, Corvallis.; Or.. April 18. (Spe- m'wMlWV n . sr Hall, Jorgeson, phreys. E. C. McFarland. W. C. Block. Naturally WW? ing Gunther, Pearson, that throws Coffroth's nose cial.) Hughes Lamey. new play- W. M. Campbell and C. C. Harris. joint. With the opening of the Con- f -- and and the out of At the same time, he is v ! J This list will probably be greatly in- level-heade- d ference baseball season offing, ,4w ers are Stone, Mackln, Williams, Les sufficiently to realize that in the 'I ter and Kenslnger. creased during" the next few days, as Buckley is not to be criticised for ac- and the Oregon Agricultural College n" many anglers are taking up the tour- cepting chance comes to him. 1 the that team in prime condition, baseball en- r-- i The manager of the Ernest Grays nament work this season. among. Archer-Wiggi- Gunner's Chances Good. thusiasm has reached a pitch v baseball team of the vv. ..r Owing to the high water in the Wil- "Why shouldn't we accept?" is the Aggie fans which even the most foul Junior League Is requested to call the lamette, fishing way Buckley sit- - manager Kelly little salmon was done blunt that puts the work of the weather man cannot mit- ft of the Clinton Federals during the week, and only two new uation. "Carpentier is a small chap, igate. The Aggies will open with the this morning, as soon as possible. Call members were by it's big money, and there isn't much University B 2589 and ask far F. Kern. enrolled the Salmon danger. Langford will keep and WiUard of Washington next Friday Club. Percy Kitzmlller. the secretary can wait. Jones, in spite of his prom- at Seattle,.' ana will journey to the The Stephens Juniors were too much of the club, landed a fish. ises to make good on a guarantee for a Sound City prepared to give their op- for the Laid Addition nine, and the nd Ray Winter caught one of Just ponents two scrappy - - won, 6 5, yesterday. Hobbs about the same weight, so both are Fourth of July contest, hasn't let out battles. Juniors to to wear bronze & peep and I think that he was simply Clarke's team is stronger than that i; and Gile worked for the losers, op- entitled their buttons.
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