UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY National Speleological Society • Cave Diving Section JulyI August, 1991 • Vol. 18, No.4 Olivier Isler preparing to dive Doux: de Coly. Photo by Oliver Knab. See article p. 7. UNDERWATER TABLE OF CONTENTS SPELEOLOGY NEWS The official publialtion r! the Owe Diuing StctDt cf the Natmal Spdtdogiall Society, Inc. 3 The NSS-CDS is Looking for a Few Good Men P.O. Box 950 • Branford, Fl. 32008-®50 3 Branford's Steamboat Under New Management 3 Last Chance to Win Cover Photo Contest Editor: H. V. GREY 6 Wmter Workshop P.O. Box 12 • Nokomis, FL 34274-0012 (813) 484--7834 • (813) 484.(,665 (fax) EXPLORATION 5 Record U.S. Deep Cave Dive at Board of Directors Red Snapper Sink - William L. Wilson 7 Swiss Cave-Diving Scene: 1984 - 1990 - Olirer Knab Olaitman: FRANK HOWARD 334 Portico Ct. • Chesterfield, MO 63017 SAFETY (314) 46%133. 542-aos (fax) 4 The Safety Line - ~Short 8 Live! ••• and Learn - Diana Gstmch Vu:e-Otairman: MARK LEoNARD 12 Safety in Cave Diving - Oliuer ~ Rt. 14, Box 136 • lake Gty, FL 32055 (SK>4) 752-100 TECHNIQUES 9 Finning the Yucatan: 'Ireasurer. Bru.. FOOTE Adjustments in Techniques - Gary Wllten 1433 S.E. 8th St. • Cbla, FL 32671 (SK>4) 622-3488 TRAINING 14 The Highs and Lows of Full Certification - Milre Nelson Secretary: H. V. GREY 16 NSS-CDS Instructor Roster See contact infonnation above LETTERS 'Iraining Chairman: }OE PROSSER 19 Emergency Radio Donated by COS to Peacock 7400 N.W. 55th St. • Miami. FL 33166 Springs State Recreation Area - Azei1 G. Nail • ~19 (res) (n;) 592-3146 (bus) 19 Manatee Springs Dive Policy - Tom Gardner (305) 593-2225 (fax) 19 What Makes a Cave Diver? - Frrmk l..aall1re - Lenny KDlczynski Leadership Coordinator: DAN LINS 20 Broken Speleothems 20 The Song the of Siren - MiJre Nelson 916 S.E. 13th Ave. • CXa1a. FL 32671 (SK>4) 6'19~749 Director at Large: JIM BOWDEN Copyright C 1991 by the Cave Diving Section of the Natimal SpeleologicalSodety, Inc. All rights reserved. No portioo of this publication may be reproduced withrut written permission of the NSS-<DS. Opinims P.O. Box 49461 • Austin. TX 7fr765 expressed within are not neceisarily the official poi')' of the NSS-<DS. (512) cnJ3.4727 M.1pzine Submlasiolla -We wl!laxne an news item&,. articles, lettErs to the Edi!OI; phota;, slides, car­ tooos, and other items of intErest or impa1ana! to the ca'lllHiiving a:mmunity from an members, subscribers, arid other inlel'esled parties. They &hou1d be sent directly to the Edit~r 6lee addn& oo left aiumn). We can Program Coordinalors also use text proa!ll6ed in moM ~-<:Ompatible formats. <Please <Dntact the Editor directly for details and urangements.) Abe Davis AwanL ....... ~ .............. :~ . Wendy Short Advertising -The N5&C(l; Board of Directas has approved the reinstitution of paid ammenial ad­ Accident Hies .......................................... John Crea vertising for ~ Spehdogy. Please <Dntact the Editor for infmnation and arrangements (l;ee address Activities Coon:linator .............................. Pete Butt 01\ left oolumn). Biology ................................................ Dr. Jill Yager TheNSSlllldOiveDivin!-Foundedin 1941,theNatiooalSpeleologicalSodetyjoinstogethe!'thousands Cartography ................ John Bwge, Frank Howard of individuals dedicated to the safe study, eq.ioratim, arid oonservaticm of caves. The lim cave-diving infa-­ Cave File; Coon:linator .............. Sgt. Bob M<G1ire mation eYe' published in the United States was in a 1947 NSS Bll11din.. In 1948,NSSdiv8'8 were responsible Qiving within the NSS was on a Compu!B' Applications ................... Torn Glleland for the first cave dives in the United States using SOlba. Prior.to 1973,. cave That yar saw the aeation elf the NSS Cave Diving Section to provide a vehic:je.for infir­ ~ ....................................... Tom 'Morris purely local leva mation exchange. Today, with over750 members, the Cave Diving Section promotes safe cave diving through Fon!ign ~ ................................ Mary Garvin cavern-and ca~ trainingprogtam~; waming-<lign installaOOI!s; search, l'l!fiCUe, ICDSA .............................. ................ Wendy Short semi-annual woricshop&; C&ve Racue Commis6ian; cave expl<n.tion and mapping; several texts Maps ............................................... Frank Howard arid recovery through the NatioNI tim& 01\ cave c1ivins; and the bimonthly masazine. ~ ~· ....................... .............Bob Janowski and publica Photography NSSMaDbenhlp-TheNatioNISpeleciogicalSodetywelromesthein!Erestclanyonewhohasasincere Manager .............................. Ulmar Hires Property <Dn<Bn about the safety, study, expl<ntion. and cmservation of caves, wet or dry. You may join the NSS Ulmar Hires Publications Cliainnan. ...................... either by writing directly to its main cJfice (NatioNl Speleological Sodety, Inc., Cave Avenue, Huntsville. AL Glen Publications Cooniinalm .................. Hellwig 35810) or to the Cave ~ Section. Annual membership is $]5.00 and includes sub6aiption to the NSS's Rescue/Re::ovesy Team .... Capt Henry Nicholson monthly masazine. NSS N-. as well as voting pivileges and disoounts on publications and <Dnventioas. Safety ComrniiiEe (North).... Randy Kwiatkowski CDS Membemhlp -As a sub-aganizaticn or "sedion" d the !'B;, the C&ve Diving Section is subject Safety ComrniiiEe (Soulh) ................. Wendy Short to the bylaws and ethics d the !'oBi Membership in the Cave Diving Sectim is open to anyone who is a Science ComrniiiEe ............................. Tom 'Morris member in good 8tanding d the !'oBi Annual JJ\I!IJ\bendip is $5.00 per year and includes subecriptim to the Sump Diving Project ...................... John Sdtweym CD>'s bimonthly magazine, ~ Sptlldogy, as well as voting privileges and dismunls on publicatims Survey ................................................ Ulmar Hires and workshcpa. Techniques ................................. ..... V1lbody Jasper Sublaiplioa -Ifyou do not wish to join theN$ and CDS, but would like to keep current 01'1 ca~ ~ Coordinatcr ........................ Hany Averill events, eq.loration and ~ you are invited to sublcribe to ~ 5ptJidogy for $15.00 per year. 2 • UMERWAnR 5mJnoGY • Vol. 18, No.4 • July I August. 1991 THE NSS-CDS IS LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN nd/or women. As per NSS.CDS self for any of these positions, provided the most rewarding volunteer positions A Bylaws, Chairman Frank Howard you meet the appropriate criteria. All you will ever undertake. ru you have has issued an official call for nomina­ relevant memberships and instructor questions about being on the Board, tions for the election of four Board statuses will be verified before the please feel free to ron tact any of the cur­ Members to serve two-year terms nomination is accepted, and all non­ rent Board Members. Their names, ad­ beginning Jan. 1, 1991. Both nomi­ self-nominating candidates will be dresses, and telephone numbers are nators and nominees must be current, given the opportunity to decline the listed on the inside cover page.) dues-paid members of both the NSS nomination if they so desire. Please send or call in your nomina­ and the NS5-CDS. Three of the posi­ Service on the NSS-CDS Board of tions to the Section Secretary: H. V. Grey, tions are open to any NSS.COS mem­ Directors can be very demanding and P.O. Box 12, Nokomis, FL 34274-0012, ber; the fourth position is for Training time ronsuming, and frequently invol­ 813-484-7834. Nominations must be Chairman and nominees must be cur­ ves taking on tasks no other cave diver received before Oct. 15, 1991. Can­ rent, active-status NSS.COS Full Cave will touch with a 10' pole (and no one didates may submit written platform Instructors. in his right mind will touch at all!). But statements for inclusion with the ballot You are wei rome to nominate your- if you love cave diving, it can be one of if they wish. • BRANFORD'S STEAMBOAT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT o many a veteran cave diver, the lot However, the property is well on and his co-owner, Chris Lewis, plan to T Steamboat Inn, located at the junc­ its way to hemming a diving landmark rontinue and improve the motel opera­ tion of US 27 and US 129 in Branford, . once again. tion, and to open a full-service dive Florida, half a block from the Suwannee NSS.CDS Cave Diving Instructor shop catering to cave divers where the River, has been something of a cave­ Dustin Oesi has just announced that he restaurant used to be. diving landmark. But the restaurant is retiring from his successful stock­ They will be offering NSS-CDS, has been closed for some months now, brokerage business in Tampa, and has NACO, and NAUI instruction, and and the widening of the highway did purchased a major interest in what is specialty cave-diving equipment, DPV further violence to the familiar parking now the "Steamboat Dive Inn." Dustin repairs, and mixed-gas technology. • LAST CHANCE TO WIN COVER PHOTO CONTEST ,..-rus is it-your last opportunity to the tremendous cave-diving experience Divers Alert Network, romplete with I submit photo entries for the front and high level of insight that our ron­ recompression-chamber insurance, is and back rolor rovers of the new NSS­ tributing authors have brought to their the award for the slides or photographs CDS manual, Owe Diving: an Overview. writing. There are many exciting cha~ chosen for the front and back rover. The book is proceeding more or less on ters which well deserve to and will be Runners up will be featured on future schedule, with the final chapters now expanded into single-topic books. rovers of UWS. Please send a copy of being rompleted. (And the good news We extend very grateful thanks to any slide or color photo that you wish is that the editors have not had nervous everyone who has rontributed to the to submit to: breakdowns or killed each other ... yet) rompletion of this project with the No, in all seriousness, the quality of generous donation of time, effort, Joe Prosser the material received thus far has been and/ or money. 7400 N.W. 55th St staggeringly good, and clearly reveals A one-year's subscription to the Miami, FL33166 • Vol.
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