公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 香港特別行政區政府知識產權署商標註冊處 Trade Marks Registry, Intellectual Property Department The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 商標註冊 根據《商標條例》(第 559 章)第 47(3)條,下列商標已經註冊。 TRADE MARKS REGISTERED The following trade marks have been registered under section 47(3) of the Trade Marks Ordinance (Cap. 559). [111] [511] [442] [151] [730] [740/ 750] 註冊編號: 類別編號: 公布獲接納註 註冊日期: 擁有人姓名/名稱: 擁有人的送達地址: Trade Mark Class No. 冊申請日期: Date of Owner's Name Owner's Address for No. Date of Registration Service Publication of Acceptance for Registration 302579527 9, 35, 37 11-05-2018 16-04-2013 SMARTLIVING SmartLiving Technologies TECHNOLOGIES Limited LIMITED (智活科技 Unit E, 10th Floor, Power 有限公司) Industrial Building, 9 - Unit E, 10th 15 Wo Heung Street, Floor, Power Fotan, Shatin, N.T. Hong Industrial Kong Building, 9-15 Wo Heung Street , Fotan, Shatin, New Territories, HONG KONG 302618613 16, 43 04-10-2013 24-05-2013 International Deacons Youth Hostel 5th Floor Alexandra Federation House, Central HONG KONG Gate House, Fretherne Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6RD, UNITED KINGDOM 302667745AA 35, 37 11-05-2018 10-07-2013 廣東粵運交通股份 必德信有限公司 (Peter 有限公司 Shen & Co. Ltd.) 中國內地 廣東省廣 香港 北角渣華道 191 號 嘉 州市 白雲區機場路 華國際中心 8 樓 801 室 1/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 1735 號南粵物流大 廈 302893528 29, 30, 32 11-05-2018 13-02-2014 VITASOY Chloe Lee & Co INTERNATIONAL 1304 Sunlight Tower 248 HOLDINGS LIMITED Queen's Road East NO. 1, KIN WONG Wanchai, Hong Kong STREET, TUEN MUN, N.T., HONG KONG 303188098 35 11-05-2018 04-11-2014 中順潔柔紙業股份 中順公司 (黃伊娜) 有限公司 香港 九龍觀塘鴻圖道 21 號 廣東省中山市 東升 訊科中心 21 樓 A-08 室 鎮坦背勝龍村 303226798AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226798AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226824AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226824AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226897AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, 2/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226897AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226914AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226914AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226932AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226932AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 3/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 303226950AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226950AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226978AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303226978AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303227003AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303227003AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 4/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 303227021AA 9, 16, 38, 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. 42 Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303227021AB 35, 36 11-05-2018 08-12-2014 South China Stevenson, Wong & Co. Financial 39/F, Gloucester Tower, Holdings Limited The Landmark, 15 Queen's 28/F., Bank of Road Central, Hong Kong. China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Central, HONG KONG 303395160 18 24-07-2015 01-05-2015 E.LAND WORLD WAN HUI DA (ASIA PACIFIC) LIMITED CONSULTING LIMITED 19-8, CHANGJEON- Suite 1903, Central DONG, MAPO-GU, Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, SEOUL, KOREA, Wanchai, HONG KONG REPUBLIC OF 303395188 25 24-07-2015 01-05-2015 E.LAND WORLD WAN HUI DA (ASIA PACIFIC) LIMITED CONSULTING LIMITED 19-8, CHANGJEON- Suite 1903, Central DONG, MAPO-GU, Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, SEOUL, KOREA, Wanchai, HONG KONG REPUBLIC OF 303395197 28 24-07-2015 01-05-2015 E.LAND WORLD WAN HUI DA (ASIA PACIFIC) LIMITED CONSULTING LIMITED 19-8, CHANGJEON- Suite 1903, Central DONG, MAPO-GU, Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, SEOUL, KOREA, Wanchai, HONG KONG REPUBLIC OF 303612979 25 11-05-2018 30-11-2015 adidas AG Mayer Brown JSM Adi-Dassler- 16th-19th Floors, Strasse 1, 91074 Prince's Building, 10 Herzogenaurach, Chater Road, Central HONG Germany KONG 303648510 9, 28, 41, 11-05-2018 04-01-2016 LE HOLDINGS LTD. CHINAHONGKONG IP LIMITED 42 SERTUS CHAMBERS, 3011, 30/F, Office Tower, P.O. BOX 2547, Convention Plaza, 1 CASSIA COURT, Harbour Road, HONG KONG CAMANA BAY, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 5/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 303648529 12, 35, 38, 11-05-2018 04-01-2016 LE HOLDINGS LTD. CHINAHONGKONG IP LIMITED 39 SERTUS CHAMBERS, 3011, 30/F, Office Tower, P.O. BOX 2547, Convention Plaza, 1 CASSIA COURT, Harbour Road, HONG KONG CAMANA BAY, GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS 303816351 30, 32 11-05-2018 23-06-2016 置富發展有限公司 置富發展有限公司 (TOP WEALTH 香港 德輔道中 161-167 號 DEVELOPMENT 香港貿易中心 8 字樓 CORPORATION) Oliaji Trade Centre - 1st Floor, Victoria, Mache, Seychelles. 303930994 43 11-05-2018 14-10-2016 深圳市品道餐飲管 香港凱旋知識產權代理有限 理有限公司 公司 中國內地 廣東省深 香港 九龍旺角煙廠街 9 號 圳市 南山區華僑城 興發商業大廈 7 樓 703 室 歡樂谷商業街 1--2 區二樓品道餐飲管 理有限公司 303932181 14, 35 11-05-2018 17-10-2016 捷樂發展有限公司 捷樂發展有限公司 香港 九龍紅磡民裕 香港 九龍紅磡民裕街 41 號 街41號 凱旋工商 凱旋工商中心第一期六字樓 中心第一期六字樓 C2 室 C2 室 303951351 3, 5, 16, 35 11-05-2018 03-11-2016 A.S. Watson TM Hutchison Whampoa Agents Limited Limited Vistra Corporate 22/F, Hutchison House 10 Services Centre, Harcourt Road Hong Kong Wickhams Cay II, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands 304032684 32 11-05-2018 25-01-2017 Cathay Pacific Simmons & Simmons Airways Limited 13th Floor, One Pacific 8/F, North Tower, Place, 88 Queensway, HONG Cathay Pacific KONG City, 8 Scenic Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, HONG KONG 6/76 公報編號 Journal No.: 803 公布日期 Publication Date: 24-08-2018 分項名稱 Section Name: 商標註冊 Trade Marks Registered 304083651 29 11-05-2018 21-03-2017 富櫪食品有限公司 Cheung Po Yee, Lilian (Fully Fine Food Unit 23, G/F Block A, Wah Company Limited) Luen Industrial Centre, Unit 23 G/F Block 15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung A, Wah Luen Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, Industrial NT Hong Kong Centre, 15-21 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fo Tan, Shantin.NT Hong Kong 304092219 24, 25 11-05-2018 28-03-2017 Consitex S.A.
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