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Tasaporkvaxjl Sons ft C0.4 Bombay. : — PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE MASTERPIECES OF PAINTINGS & SCULPTURE in the Public and Private Collections of the Nation and on the Continent. Telegraphic Address " EDlareen," London. Telephone No, 2212 Mayfair. A Catalogue: "Choice Photographs of Choice Pictures." A careful selection of nearly two thousand subjects, with sizes and styles of publication and prices, with 250 Illustrations, post free, is. If you are wanting Art Photographs of any description write to W. A Mansell & Co. 405 OXFORD STREET, LONDON. W. Concise List of twenty other catalogues of Photographs post free. : GOWANS'S ART BOOKS Oct. 1st, 1910 TJuy^llcwing have already appeared THE MASTERPIECES THE MASTERPIECES OF OF 1. RUBENS II. FRA ANGELICO 2. VAN DYCK »z. TINTORETTO 3. REMBRANDT 13. POUSSIN 4. RAPHAEL 24. PERUGINO 5. REYNOLDS 25. MICHELANGELO 6. TENIERS 26. GOYA 7. THE EARLY FLEM- 27. DURER ISH PAINTERS 28. GAINSBOROUGH S. TITIAN 29. LOTTO 9. FRANS HALS 30. LUINI 10. MURILLO 31. 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The publishers hope to accelerate the issue of tiie series by publishing future voluines at the rate of at least twelve yearly, and their efforts will be very much assisted if those who appreciate tlie books will place standing orders, " till further notice," with their booksellers. They beg to announce the following, with approximate dates of issue : 39. THE MASTERPIECES OF BOUCHER [0<:/., 1910 40. THE MASTERPIECES OF CONSTABLE [0<:/., 19 10 41. THE MASTERPIECES OF UCCELLO, VENE- ZIAKO, MASACCIO, AND CASTAGNO [Ort., 19 10 41. THE MASTERPIECES OF JAN STEEN [ Oct. , 1 9 I o 43. THE MASTERPIECES OF CLAUDE \_Nov., 1910 44. THE MASTERPIECES OF MORLAND [AW., 1910 45. THE MASTERPIECES OF LIPPI [AW., 19 10 Others in Preparation. Price of each volume : in parchment cover, 6d net ; in doth, is net; in leather , Is net ; postage, I a extra LONDON & GLASGOW: GOWANS & GRAY. LTD. 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THE CONNOISSEUR deals with every iubject of interest to Collectors, and its Articles, which are profusely illustrated, are written by acknowledged experts. Armour, Book Plates, Books. Brass and Bronze, Coins and Medals, Hn^ravings, Prints, Etchings, Fans, Furniture, Glass, Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, Iron and Metal Work, Ivory, Jewellery, Lace, Embroidery, and Needlework. Miniatures, Alusical Instruments, Painters and Paintings, Pewter, Pottery, Porcelain, and China, Sculpture and Wood Carving, Sundries, Tapestry. Each number contains five or six Coloured Plates, which are always worth framing. CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT.—THE CON- NOISSEUR offers special facilities to Collectors and Students to obtain information upon objects of Art and Curios, which may be sent for expert opinion and valuation at moderate fees. GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC DEPARTMENT. —Readers who desire to have pedigrees traced, the accuracy of armorial bearings mquired into, paintings of arms made, or book plates designed, can do so at lowest possible cost through this department of THE CONNOISSEUR. A Volume, containing four Numbers, Is a most delightful Gift Book, and can be obtained in four qualities of Binding. Prices from 7i6 to 13/6. FOUNDED, SEPTEMBER, 1901 On Sale at all Newsagents and Bookstalls EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES, 95 TEMPLE CHAMBERS. E.G. ESTABLISHED ,854. Warrant Holder by Appointment to H.M. The King. H.M. ^M. The Queen. ^ J^ V* Queen '"" No. 195 VICTOR I A ^^^^^^^[1 " REWO P *^ U.S.A." Gran, Pr,.. Franco-Briti^h Edition, ,908 Hors Concour,, Brussels E.f>osit,on, 19x0 W. U. POWER, M.H.3.^.. PICTURE AND PR,j,.T cLEANER AND RESTORER, PICTURE FRAME SPECIALIST, DEALER AND EXPERT VICTORIA GALLERr »3 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON. S>.\\\ iVrtU /,r PamphUtr on J-.aweP^au-, R / . KrsUration, Pest Fr:e — GowANs's Art Books, No. 45 The Masterpieces of the Florentine Painters Vol. V. Fra Filippo Lippi PRINTERS, GLASGOW ROBERT MACLEHOSE Sl CO. LIMITED, AND F. HANFSTAENGL, MUNICH BLOCKS BY HISLOP Sl DAY, EDINBURGH, PAPER BY ALEX. COWAN & SONS, LTD., EDINBURGH 177 b >. riiF. MASTERPIECES OF ERA FILIPPO LIPPI (1406-1469) Sixty photogpaphs representing nearly all his extant •works GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1911 THE ifASTERPIECES OF THE FLOREVTINE PATNTEES Vol. I. -Giotto (Gowans's Art Books, No. 34) Vol. II.—Orcagiia. Lorenzo Monaco and Masolino (Gowauss Art Books, Xo. 37) Vol. III.—Fra Angelico (Gowans's Art Books, No. 2lj Vol. rV.—ITccello, Veneziano, Masancio and Castaguo (Gowauss Alt Books, No. 41) Vol. v.—Fra Filippo Lipiii (Gowans's Art Books. Xo. 45) Vol. VI.—Benozzo Gozzoli (Gowauss Art Bdoks, Xo. 49) MAY 1 1 1967 ^V//S IIItic 7'ohiiiic contains all but one of the /aintnii^s considered by Mr. Bcrcnson ('"'' Florentine Painters of the Re- naissance,''' London, igog) to be genuine, for ivhich the publishers owe particular thanks to Earl Broii'iilozv and to M. Edouard Aynard of Lyons. Mr. Berenson sees Era Diamante's hand in the frescoes at L^rato end at Spolcto. The Annunciation L Annonciation {Pinacoihcca, Munich) {Piuacothegue, Munich) Die Verkundigung {Mfinchen, Pirinkothek) F. Han/staengl, Plioto. m The Annunciation L'Annonciation {S. Lorenzo, Floience) {S. Lorenzo, Floretice) Die Verkundigung {Florenz, S. Lorenzo) Frat. Alinari, Fkoto, The Annunciation L'Annonciatiox {MoJid Collection, Rome) {Collection Mond, Rome) Die Verkundigung {Rom, Sammhing Mond) D. Anderson, Photo. y ?N The Annu-nciation (Fresco) L'Annonxiation (Fresque) {Cat/udral, Spoleto) {Cathedrale, Sj>olete) Die Verkundigung (Freske) {Sjioleio, Doitt) D. AiidcncH, Phct<f, The Nativity (Fresco) La Nativite (Fresque) (jOaihedtal, Spoleto) {Cathedrale, Spoletc) Die Geuurt Christ: (Fkeske) {Spoleto, Dovi) D. Anderson, Photo, The Adoration of the Magi LAdoration dcs Mac^es Die Anbetung der Weise.v (Sir F. Cook, Bart., Richmond) D. Andersojt, Photo. 13 The \irgin adoring the Child La Viergk adorant l'Enfant {Academy, Florciicc) {Acadenn'e. Florence) Maria das Kind anbetend {^Florcnz^ Akadeinie) G. Biog-i, Photo. M The ViRGix adoring the Child La Vierge adoraxt l'Enfant {^Academy. Floretice) {Academie, Floretice) Maria das Kind anbetenu {Florenz, Akademie) G. Brogi, Photo. 15 The Virgin adoring the Child La Vikkge adokant l'Enfant Maria das Kind anbetend {Kaiser FriedrichMitscujii, Betliti) F. Han/staengl, Photo. The Virgin adoring the Child La Vierge adorant l'Enfant {Uffizi, Florence) (Galerie des Offices, Florefice) Maria das Kind anbetend {Florenz, Uffizien) F.
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