July 23, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6629 popular television shows of all time. bill (S. 2850) to amend the White Moun- the construction of the White Moun- The National Comedy Center will cele- tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quan- tain Apache rural water system to brate her impact and many others in tification Act of 2010 to clarify the use bring safe and reliable drinking water the world of comedy when it hosts this of amounts in the WMAT Settlement to the Tribe and to its members. Spe- August the Lucille Ball Comedy Fes- Fund. cifically, the rural water system will tival for the grand opening of the Na- The Clerk read the title of the bill. consist of a dam and reservoir, a treat- tional Comedy Center. The text of the bill is as follows: ment plant, and 55 miles of pipeline to All jokes aside, Mr. Speaker, this S. 2850 serve the community. museum is much bigger than one per- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The act also established the creation son in Lucille Ball. This is about come- resentatives of the United States of America in of the White Mountain Apache Tribal dians who have practiced their art and Congress assembled, settlement fund that can be used to have celebrated the healing aspects of SECTION 1. USE OF FUNDS IN WMAT SETTLE- cover any cost overruns for the system MENT FUND FOR WMAT RURAL and water-related economic develop- humor in our society. With more than WATER SYSTEM. 50 exhibits that engage and excite, this (a) AUTHORIZATION OF WMAT RURAL WATER ment projects. The rural water system museum is the first of its kind dedi- SYSTEM.—Section 307(a) of the White Moun- will serve a number of water-related cated to celebrating comedy in all its tain Apache Tribe Water Rights Quantifica- activities that fit squarely with the forms and the people who share the tion Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–291; 124 Stat. settlement fund’s authorized purposes. laughter it brings. 3080) is amended in the matter preceding To ensure the completion of the It is the Cooperstown of baseball, the paragraph (1) by inserting ‘‘, (b)(2),’’ after Tribe’s rural water system, S. 2850 Dayton of pro football, and the Cleve- ‘‘subsections (a)’’. makes a technical amendment to the (b) FUNDING.—Section 312(b)(2)(C)(i)(III) of land of Rock and Roll. the White Mountain Apache Tribe Water Claims Resolution Act to clarify that I would like to thank the men and Rights Quantification Act of 2010 (Public the Tribe may utilize funding from the women whose hard work and dedica- Law 111–291; 124 Stat. 3093) is amended by settlement fund for planning, design, tion to the National Comedy Center striking the period at the end and inserting and conduction activities related to have gotten us here. In particular, I the following: ‘‘, including the planning, de- construction of the rural water system. would like to thank all those who made sign, and construction of the WMAT rural The bill also clarifies the 99-year the National Comedy Center in James- water system, in accordance with section lease authority for the Pueblo of Santa town, New York, possible; including 307(a).’’. Clara and the Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo SEC. 2. EXPANSION OF PUEBLO OF SANTA CLARA in New Mexico. The Indian Long-Term Journey Gunderson, Tom Benson, and LAND ELIGIBLE FOR 99-YEAR LEASE. the rest of the National Comedy Center Subsection (a) of the first section of the Leasing Act allows Indians to lease board for their tireless work; as well as Act of August 9, 1955 (commonly known as their lands subject to the approval of former County Executive Vince the ‘‘Long-Term Leasing Act’’) (25 U.S.C. the Secretary of the Interior for public, Horrigan, and present Chautauqua 415(a)), is amended— religious, educational, recreational, County Executive George Borrello, as (1) by striking ‘‘Indians,,’’ and inserting residential, or business purposes of up well as the mayor of Jamestown, Sam ‘‘Indians,’’; to 25 years. Congress has amended the Teresi, for their unwavering support in (2) by inserting ‘‘Ohkay Owingeh pueblo,’’ ILTLA more than 40 times to adjust after ‘‘Cochiti,’’; the terms and conditions of Indian land this bipartisan endeavor. (3) by inserting ‘‘the pueblo of Santa I thank Greg Edwards of the Gebbie Clara,’’ after ‘‘Pojoaque,’’; leases, including the authorization of Foundation as well as all the other (4) by striking ‘‘the the lands’’ and insert- 99-year leases for lands held in trust for foundations and contributors that ing ‘‘the land’’; the Pueblo Santa Clara and the Ohkay helped make this a reality. Most of all, (5) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for the Owingeh Pueblo of New Mexico. we want to recognize the comedians Pueblo of Santa Clara,’’; and S. 2850 clarifies that this 99-year and artists who have shared their tal- (6) by striking ‘‘lands held in trust for lease authority also extends to lands in ents for years with Jamestown to make Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo’’. restricted deed status. These are lands this possible. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- held by a Tribe or individual Indians With that, Mr. Speaker, I ask my ant to the rule, the gentleman from subject to a limitation on alienation or friends and colleagues to support this California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) and the taxation. bill. gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, we BORDALLO) each will control 20 min- my time. should all be smiling when we say we utes. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I yield support this bill—and that is no laugh- The Chair recognizes the gentleman such time as he may consume to the ing matter. from California. gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Mr. Chairman, I have no further GENERAL LEAVE O’HALLERAN). speakers, and I yield back the balance Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. O’HALLERAN. Mr. Speaker, I of my time. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- rise today in strong support of S. 2850 Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I bers may have 5 legislative days to re- and to urge passage of this amendment would ask for adoption of the measure, vise and extend their remarks and in- to the White Mountain Apache Tribe and I yield back the balance of my clude extraneous materials on the bill Water Rights Quantification Act of time. under consideration. 2010. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there The White Mountain Apache Tribe question is on the motion offered by objection to the request of the gen- Water Rights Quantification Act of the gentleman from California (Mr. tleman from California? 2010 resolved the Tribe’s water claims MCCLINTOCK) that the House suspend There was no objection. against the Federal and State govern- the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6077, as Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I ments, as well as other parties and amended. yield myself such time as I may con- States. This act also authorized the The question was taken; and (two- sume. White Mountain Rural Water System thirds being in the affirmative) the The Claims Resolution Act of 2010 in- all while being budget neutral. rules were suspended and the bill, as cluded four Indian water rights settle- This bill is simply a straightforward, amended, was passed. ments. Title III of the act resolved the technical amendment which is nec- A motion to reconsider was laid on White Mountain Apache Tribes’ water- essary to clarify that authorization au- the table. related claims against the United thority exists for the Tribe to use the f States, the State of Arizona, and a settlement fund for water-related eco- number of other State and non-Federal nomic development projects. The Tribe AMENDING THE WHITE MOUNTAIN parties. needs this clarification in order to APACHE TRIBE WATER RIGHTS In consideration for the Tribe’s complete the construction of its rural QUANTIFICATION ACT OF 2010 waiving its water-related claims water system, which is long overdue Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I against the United States and other and a critical project for the commu- move to suspend the rules and pass the parties, the act authorized funding for nity. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:12 Jul 24, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K23JY7.069 H23JYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H6630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 23, 2018 I thank Senator FLAKE, whose staff QUINDARO TOWNSITE NATIONAL state port of entry during the Kansas has worked closely with me and my of- COMMEMORATIVE SITE ACT Territory’s fight over the question of fice on this issue for the past year and Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I slavery. The town’s diverse inhabitants a half. I also thank the chairman and move to suspend the rules and pass the were antislavery and included Ameri- ranking member for supporting this bill (H.R. 5613) to designate the cans of European and African Amer- bill. Quindaro Townsite in Kansas City, ican descent, as well as members of the Given the importance of the water Kansas, as a National Historic Land- Wyandot Tribe. The Quindaro area was the location system and the implementation of the mark, and for other purposes, as of an African American refugee settle- settlement legislation to the White amended. ment that began during the Civil War Mountain Apache Tribe, I urge the The Clerk read the title of the bill. and grew into a prominent African swift passage of this bill and look for- The text of the bill is as follows: American community.
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