University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-17-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-17-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-17-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2238 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SIXTEEN PAGES ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Br Mall 50 Cent Month; Single Coplea, S Cent TH;rTY-THIR- D YEAR. Vol. CXXXI1., No. 78. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911 Br Carrier, (0 OtiU ft MonUt. GOVERNORS FORM TAFT MAY PARDON pryrn IT SWEEPING PUBLIC SHOP KENDHIGK EARTHQUAKE inn.Trn HOCKS 1 RUSSIA IS AROUSED AN ASSOCIATION CHAKLtb o, MUnbt Ml 1 J LUUH LU ft UTILITIES LAW St. Paul. Minn.. Dec. 16 The west- Washington. lee. 1. The applica- Sacramento. Cit!.. Pec. 1. The CHURCH PIONEER ern governors who returned to St. MEXICO FROM tion of Charles W. Morse, the convict- 6ALEANA, STATE OF Sutherland-lturnet- l public utilities Bf ATTITUDE OF Paul today from their tour thousand ed New York hanker, tor a commu- bill, said by Its authors to Ih' one of the mile tour of the east, formed a per- tation of his fifteen-yea- r sentence on most sweeping enactments for the manent organization to be known as account ot the serious condition oi regulation of corporation ever udopt-e- d the Western Coventors association. his health, probably will be disposed in the I'nited States, passed the PASSES The first meeting will be held here OCEAN 10 of by President Taft rly net week NUEVO LEON senate late today, 23 to 0. It pre- ITED STATES 1ft! on Monday when Walter L. Fisher, The settlement of the matter awaits viously had passed the. assembly ami I secretary of the interior, will be the i repi rt to Attorney Ceiieral Wicker-sha- requires only the governor's signa- principal speaker. from the army phvsu ians ai ture to bectuue law. Covernor Norris of Montana was Fort McPherson. O.a., where Morse The bill repeals the railroad com- IfJ PASAOENA elected president and Covernor West OCEAN was taken for observation. MEXICO mission act pa.vsed at the last regu- CONGRESS of Oregon, secretary. It was decided lar session of the legislature and tn to hoi," next year's meeting at Boise. Itmn-lit- s I tilitlew ""Icrged. addition to the powers grunted the Ida. lougla, Ariz.. Dec. It!. The great- legislature by recent constructional The object of the association will est merger in the history or Douglas amendments extends the control In be to discuss matters of Import re- today when the the commission over all pub- Beloved Clergyman, was consummated United Secret Service railroad Adoption Venerable and garding the development of the west Shock Extended From Atlantic Douglas Improvement company which States lic utilities of the state. Senate's of House with a view to concerted action. power Esteemed and Admired to - controls the lighting and plants, Men Reported the General's Resolution Abrogating Pass- The governors had little time to Pacific and From Guana- the Douglas Klectrie railway, the Alleged Fugitive Coder Arrot. rest today after their arduous trip. company an. I the I.mid Kl Dec. IS Hugh C. By Whole Southwest, Suc- by jutla North to of Csdsen Hotel Whereabouts to War Depart- Taso. Tex.. port Treaty May be Constru- Thty were taken in hand a local on Isthmus Improvement company were Crane said, to lie a prominent attor- reception committee upon their ar- and management to cumbs to Illness. show, combined under one ment Several Days Ago. ney of Itirmingham. Ala., was arrest- ed By Czar as Unfriendly, rival and escorted to the land Jehauntepec on South. Douglas Investment morn- by citizens of he known as the ed here by local detectives this given a luncheon the company. ing on advices from Itirmingham of- St. Paul, and alter taking dinner at ficers. He is charged with forgery the homes of prominent citizens, NEAR-PANI- CAREFULLY GUARDING and embezzlement and Is held pend- AMBASSADOR BURIAL WILL OCCUR AT were guests of honor at a formal re- CAUSES C BAKHMETEFF tonight capitol. ing the arrival of the Alabama offl ception nt the state ft FOLLETTE DOOM INTERNATIONAL BORDER vers. ill city TO ASK PHOENIX ON TUESDAY The governors stood In line in the IN MEXICO CITY Crane has been this FOR PASSPORTS rotunda of the capitol for two hours, about ten day?. while a long line passed through and greeted them. Department of Justice Deter- News of Taken By Faithful and Devoted Work of Tomorrow afternoon the governors As People Rush to Zocalo in SNAG IN OF Stand St. by STRIKES SERIOUS DANGER in will be guests at a concert given mined That Texas Shall Not Petersburg Cre- Religious Pathfinder the the St. Paul Symphony club. Terror, President Madero Government Southwest Was Strong Force Laughs at Them From Win- be Made Basis of Revolution ates Sensation in Washing- for Righteousness, SUPPOSED SUICIDE dow of Palace, WASHINGTON Against Madero Government, ANCI L ton Official Circles, (Br Mornltur Jnurael Sprlul t raard Wlr 1 I Br Mornlni Kiwlid l.r.imnX 1 The Right Reverend John MilU By Moraine Journal Serial Wlr. Journal Wlr Washington . Dec. 16. General Washington, Dec. 1G. A protest by Kernlrick. twenty-thre- e years 16. was for Mexico City, Dec. Mexico Reyes, supposed leader Russia against th'.1 bishop of the Protestant KELLY Governor Hay Declines to Call Rernardo the the abrogation of IT rocked from ocean to ocean and from of another revolutionary movement In licaty of is;i2 with this country, in KplH'iipitl church for New MwlrJ and IS CUiina.lujlla on the north to the Isth- Mexico is at Caleana, Nuevo Leon. the form proposed by Hie Sulzer reso- .Arizona, died age Special Legislative Session yesterday at tile if mus of Tehauntepeo on the south, Mexico. The whereabouts of Reyes lution overwhelmingly adopted in ;6 at i in South the Mcllridc's unltnrium ty an earthquake today. No loss of Pref-- has been known to the war depart house of representatives, was follow- Pusaderia, Oil., lifter an illness hulling to capital to Enact Presidential life has been reported the department of justice for tonight by sell-at- e Septemb- F meni and Secretary of American Mining ed the declaration of since the early part of lust OULMURRER late tonight. Law, days. loailvrs lit modified terms, u body lie '.o l'l'.,e. severely erence Primary several that er. The will taken The disturbance was most B- resolution declaring th treaty at nn lix, will General Reyes Is under surveillance Congress Declares Many Ariz,, where Interment take felt in the state of Cuerrero, especi- end would be put through senate place, occurring Tuesday by agents of the department of Jus the the funeral ally in Chilpanzygo. A few flimsy or ituminous Coal Operators before Die adjournment cf that hotly trom the Episcopal Cathedral there, buildings were thrown down. IBr Mornln .lonrnsl "oerlal I ' tVlr.l tice and the southern border tile Covern- Is being watched closely on Monthly next. Pishou Kendrick Is survived ly his a near-pani- Olvmpia, Wash., Dec. 16. I'nited States PAROLED CONVICT CUT The quake caused Is not being Face Bankruptcy, wile a daughter, Kdward people to the or Marlon K. Hay has declined to call to see that this country Some senators went so far ns to say and lira. Hundreds of rushed of uny move- Williams of Phoenix. zocalo where they ran aimlessly a special gession of the legislature for made the base hostile that the Sulzer resolution, contain- j SAM FERNANDEZ' THROAT pre- ment against President Madero. ing said to objec- John Mills Kendrick, tine of na- about or fell on their knees in prayer. the enactment of a presidential various recitals be In a RimmiiiI to Petersburg gov- ture's nohenien, was a in was watched by Ma- ference primary bill, and formil General Reyes, who Is under Indict- iBr Moruli't Journnl lenaed H'tr. tionable the St. pioneer This President fpr Dec. 16 dan- in apparent for he statement sets forth seven reasons ment at Laredo, Tix.. for the alleged Washington, Serious ernment, would be adopted without work the southwes' sir' dero with enjoyment move- ger general financial panic but consensus opin- JSS'., He stood a window palace, his action. The leaders of the violation of the neutrality laws, is out of a amendment the of when the general eoiivoatiu illeff Man Because Had in of the mostly States Is likely was the ment for an extra session are until April 1, on $10,000 cash ball. throughout the I'nited ion that the senate would strip Kpiscopal church decided to erm laughing. aa missionary bishnii to southwest Him His Intention Telegraph telephone were supporters of Senator LaFollette. The to become a reality a result of the the resolution of everything but a i the u....ued to and wins are: coal mining situation, Is declaration of abrogation. The point l Tex-- s, a was governor's objections MKXM'O CITY I.KAHXS bituminous lot k after Its Interests In. Went snapped and for time this city opinion expressed today by upon seemed agree was New Mexico Arizona. Down Kelly Empo- light power be- First.
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