A Great Britain film will Application blanks are now be the foreign film to be available in the Evergreen of- shown in Todd Hall auditori- fice for staff positions next 'Duke' Ellington is Slated um Wednesday and Thursday fall. Masthead posts open now April 28 and 29, at 3:30 and are: Editorial Editor, Editor- 7: 30 each afternoon and eve- ial wr1!ers, Assistant news ning. editors, copy editors, report- "Island Rescue" is an ex- ers, feature editors, and writ- ample of British dry-humor ers, Proof chief, proofreaders,_ For an Appearance Here type "melodramer" in which and Exhange editor. Jobs 'to "AI Jasbo" Collins has nothin, no nothin on the WSC campus after the "Duke of Jazz a prize cow becomes an ob- be filled in the sports depart- ject of a World War II mil- ment are: Eclitor, Issue Edit- Ellington" gets through to you and with you short-haired musical enthusiasts, Monday, itary expedition. Or and reporters. Applications May 3. A short on "The River." a are due in the- Evergreen of- Coming with the piano man is his .17 piece orchestra , featuring Dave Black on those documentary film telling of fice by Friday, May 14. hollow cylinders from the jungle. Mr. Black is going to produce a fifteen minute roll on the Mississippi Basin, will al- two base drums. A few so be shown .. others in the outfit of fame are Jimmy Grisson, vocalist; Cat Anderson, and Ray Nance both on the trumpet; Harry AAUP Slates Regional Carney, sax; and natch, Ell- ington on the ivories. The Old Ellington Ellington first opened at the Conference for May First old Cotton Club in Harlem in 1927. At that time, Paul White- Approximately one hundred professors from nine higher man was the king of jazz. Since institutions in four states are to attend Northwest Regional then however, the Ellington or- conference of the American Association of University Profes- chestra has changed radically, but so has popular music, both sors at Pullman, Saturday, May 1. This was reported on influencing each other. behalf of the host chapter today by Professor Donald G.· Hile- A few of the pieces written by man, who is handling publicity member of the WSC board of the man are "Perdido,". and for the host chapter. regents. "Mood Indigo." All arrangements are com- Earlier in the day three uni- The Junior class is the one to pleted by the host chapter's ex- versity professors of law- Pro- thank for the arrangements ecutive board, with Professor fessor Edwin W. Briggs, Mon- made at this Jazz session to be Lewis Magill, president of the tan a State university; Professor --- held in Bohler gymnasium. El- WSC group, as chairman. Leonard D. Goldberg, University don McClure, president of the Northwest institutions wit h of Washington; and Professor delegations coming are: Whit- Herbert Berman, University of Vol. LX Pullman, Wash., Wednesday, April 28, 1954 Number 99 class, stated that all tickets will be 75 cents and that there would man college, Walla Walla; Uni- Idaho~ will discuss: "The Legal versity of Idaho; Montana State .Irnplica.tions in the First and be no reserved seats. These tick- university; North Idaho Junior Fifth Amendments." Professor r------What Price Glory ---__' ets' go on sale soon at the Corner college, Coeur d'Alene; Central C. O. Johnson of WSC will be Drug store and the CUB infor- Washington College of Educa- moderator. mation desk. tion, Bellingham; Eastern Wash- Other panels will cover other The session begins at 8 p. m. ington College of Education, AAUP problems. Various bus i- 'You GoHa Get UP' Cheney' and the University of ness items will be covered in- --. and finishes promptly at 10 p. m. Washington. eluding' collection of regional same night, unfortunately ~ Registration officers. Appears Monday Registration starts in Comp- IsCurrent Hit Tune Ellington will appear on the ton union at 9 a.m. Saturday, The Popcorn Forum for campus sometime Monday and with the day's activities ending By Gordon Hughes this afternoon has been can- will remain at the CUB for his CUB. At the ban que t celled. However, the YMCA with a 6 p.m , dinner, also in the The current hit song with a certain segment of the male brief stay, eating dinner at the and YWCA are now open for Population on campus at this time is not "Wanted" or "To speaker will be John H. Binns, I suggestions on topics for Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Tacoma attorney, talking on next year. :Be Alone," but rather a little number that goes· "You got to Then he goes on to Spokane for "Academic Freedom." Binns, a get up, you got to get up- -" tions and take advantage of this a May 5 stand. Rhodes scholar, is a former \.-__,.-------------' . These cheery lads are priv- free entertainment, should get lleged to belong to the local up at 6 a.m. in order to reach :militia, better known as WSC's the drill field at 7 a.m. which Hotel Days Army and Air Force units. They is curtain time. Or perhaps it 1"011out of their barracks, sorry would be better to get up at :my mistake, house, at (yawn) 5:30 in order to get a good seat, 6 a.m , two mornings a ~eek ~o (bring your own chair). Those E~ents,.Speakers Scheduled for Regional at~end early mommg dnll. ThIS preferring the little boys in blue ~l'lll incidentally .(for the bene-I should be present on Tuesday flt of veterans, gtrls, dogs, and and Thursdays while Army fans other non-military creatures) is should show o~ Wednesday and being held in addition to regular Fridays. ConClaveof Hotel Men April 30-MaY2 ~rill in preparation for federal ---------- A number of speakers have been added to the Hotel days program here April 30-May 1 ~~~e~~~n, which will be held (onferen(e Set and 2, students in this field who are sponsoring the regional get-together of hotel men, In addition to the drill, help- report. the American Hotel association, nel of hotels in the Pacific North- fUl hints are given on how to Pacific Northwest Reg ion a I Richard Sanders, in charge of I keep from passing out so- you Canterbury club annual spring and operator of the Arizona- Inn, west, plus others interested. the event, - says that speakers Tucson, Arizona. Friday afternoon will find 4 Will be able to suffer through conference will take place at st. and attractions have been added the whole day of inspection with- James Episcopal church here Lloyd Hughes, publicity chair- o'clock time for an informal for the Saturday (May 1) ses- man for the Hotel days, reports Alumni meeting and get-togeth- Out getting out early. It is also April 30 and May 1-2. sions in Compton union. eXplained how to keep from This was announced today by that both Friday and Sunday will er at Compton union. This is to tripping over fallen comrades. the two WSC students who are At the 6:30 Saturday banquet be devoted to the lighter side of be followed by an informal din- The writer suggests that any- co-chairmen, Richard French, in the CUB the speaker will be this gathering of WSC hotel ner at 6: 15, plus an 'evening of alumni and management person-! (Continued on Page 4) one wishing to attend these func- and John Turner. M. 'Pete' Bennett, secretary of Little International Features Queenship, Grand Champion A grand champion who swept minutes of the original milking Lancaster was dairy to Victory in almost every clas- contest Saturday evening the champion shower. He was first sification he entered and a two frosh finished even and well in Guernsey showing and four- qUeenship decided by a 'milk- ahead of the other three final- th in Guernsey fitting. No over- Off' are news standouts remem- ists. In another five minutes of all champion was selected in bered by the exceptionally large milking, with just the duo left, this field. Crowd who saw the Little In- Miss House bested Miss Geib by Ted Kerst was grand champ- ternational Saturday at the field the margin of one-tenth of a ion sheep fitter and shower. He house. pound. was also first in sheepshear ing , southdown fitting, Hampshire Victorious grand champion, The winner was crowned by fitting, South down 'showing and animal husbandry, fitting and Dr. J. C. Knott, director of the shOWing, was Harley Hopkins. institute of agricultural scien- Hampshire showing. Queen of the Little Internation- .ces. In the evening sheepshearing contest second was Roger Craw- at is a petite brunette, Claudia Hopkin's Firsts :aouse. She had quite a milking ford; third, Fred Corwin· and tUssle with another freshman, Hopkins' list of championships fourth Robert Whitaker. Glenda Geib, before the decis- and firsts is impressive, run- Light Breeds ion finally came. In the five ning: grand champion show- George Lloyd was first in man, champion beef cattle fit- light breeds in poultry fitting, tel', champion beef cattle show- while David Miller was first in man, first in showing for Ches- the dark breeds in poultry show- Sr.-Alum Banquet ter White· boars, first in fitting ing. Miller also collected a third for Chester White boars, first in in the same competitions (show- Shorthorn showing, first in Short ing two chickens) and then ad- '0 BeHeld May 29 horn fitting. ded a third in the light breeds. Champion animal husbandry Richard Johnston was champ- Plans are' underway for the fitter is Keith Kuechmann. He ion hog showman. He got firsts Senior-Alum Banquet to be held was also first in fitting Chester in showmanship for Chester on Saturday, May 29 at 6: 00 in White gilts, second in showman- White gilts and in Angus show- the CUB ball room , The program ship Chester White gilts, fifth ing, a third in Angus fitting, and Will include a guest speaker, rec- in 'Shorthorn showing, fifth in a fourth in fitting Chester White Ognition to outstanding seniors, Angus showing, fifth in Short- honors to 50 year grads, presen- gilts.
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