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Tehilim is, indeed, the song of the Jewish People — and in LARGE FORMAT thisbookRabbiSperoislikeamaestroconductingitssplendid 8½" x 11" GIFT EDITION symphony,helpingussavorandappreciateeverywordofKing INCLUDES THE COMPLETE David’stimelesssong. $49.99 NOW ONLY $39.99 TEXT OF TEHILLIM 1,800 TITLES list ALL price list 20%% OFF OFFprice by Estie Florans 20 Fathers of our generation. Fathers of their daughters. From Their Daughter's Heartsisacollectionofinterviewswith thedaughtersofgreatJewishluminaries.Theycontainfascinat- ing,andoftenunknown,biographicalinformation,butthereisso muchmore:vignettesofthosefamilymomentsthatnobiogra- phercanevercapture,warmandhumanandfunnyandpoignant. From Their Daughter's Heartsfeaturesinterviewswiththedaugh- Esrog Box tersofthesegreatmenzt"l:RabbiYechezkalBesser•RabbiAvrohom from Volozhin RABBI CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK YaakovFriedman,SadiguraRebbe•RabbiUriHellman•RabbiPinchos abbi Chaim Soloveitchik (1853-1918) was a legendary Talmudic scholar with remarkable analytic powers who developed the popular Brisker R approach to Talmudic study, followed by yeshivos to this day. He was born in Volozhin, the cradle of yeshivos, where his father, Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik Beis HaLevi, after his magnum (known as the opus) served as a Rosh Yeshivah. After a few Hirschprung • Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz • Rabbi Yisroel Mendel years, R’ Yosef Dov was appointed as a Rav in Slutzk, where R’ Chaim continued developing, under his father’s guidance, into a brilliant Torah scholar. At the age of 20, he married Lifsha, the daughter of Rabbi Raphael Shapira, son-in-law of of Volozhin, Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Kaplan • Rabbi Avigdor Miller • Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg • the Rosh Yeshivah Netziv. In Yehudah Berlin, known by the acronym 1880, R’ Chaim’s life came full circle, as he was invited to esrog join the faculty of the Volozhin Yeshivah. It was around the time of his appointment in Volozhin that this silver box was presented to R’ Chaim by the rabbinic faculty of the RabbiYehudaZevSegal•RabbiMosheSherer•RabbiBaruchSorotzkin yeshivah. An interesting story surrounds this beautiful gift. Kollel fellows R’ Chaim was only 27 years old when he was asked to join the august faculty of the yeshivah. Some of the beis medrash, who were around the same age studying in the as R’ Chaim, found his meteoric rise into the ranks of the se- • Rabbi Amram Taub,Bridder Rebbe • Rabbi Nosson Meir Wachtfogel • Rabbi Chaim Aharon nior faculty difficult to accept. From their perspective, he was Rabbi Chaim simply too young to be counted among the eminent Roshei Yeshivah who were decades Soloveitchik his senior. Adding to their resentment was their discomfort with R’ Chaim’s unique and revolutionary approach to understanding Talmudic concepts, dissecting and classifying them in a new and unfamiliar way. These opponents of R’ Chaim actively sought to derail The esrog box Weinberg•RabbiYaakovWeinberg•RabbiAharonWieder•RabbiShlomeWolbe•RabbiAharon his appointment. from different angles Not wishing to enter the fray,Beis R’ ChaimHaLevi. decided There he to wouldrelinquish be able his position,to continue and to return drink to the home of his father, the 35 from the wellsprings of his father’s Torah. However, the deans of the yeshivah, led by the FESTIVALS | SABBATH AND Netziv, recognized R’ Chaim’s unique and exceptional ability to convey difficult Talmudic Florans $25.99 NOW ONLY $20.79 topics with both depth and clarity. They rejected his offer to resign, and insisted that he remain in Volozhin. When R’ Chaim consented to stay, the faculty gratefully presented him with this beautiful inscribed esrog box. JEWISH TREASURES 34 | GREAT New by RABBI NACHMAN SELTZER New from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Bestselling author Rabbi Nachman Seltzer has an unusual abilitytofindgreatstoriesandbringthemtolife.InClass Acts 2, we’rebackintheclassroomwithstillmorejaw-droppingstories ofteachersburningwithamission–orsavingastudentwith smile; of gedolei ha'dor whose understanding of the human psyche borders on the miraculous; and, of course, of students from different backgrounds, with hugely varying personalities andpotential,allunitedbytheirneedforunderstanding,compassion,andlove. Thesestoriesarethought-provoking,inspiring,andjustplaininteresting–because,after all,whatgoesoninschoolisnotkidsstuff! $25.99 NOW ONLY $20.79 swwxc CHANUKAH 1,800 TITLES swwxc list ALL price 1,800 TITLES 20% OFF SALE by Estie Florans by Rabbi Moshe Bamberger Fathers of our generation. Fathers of their daughters. Nopilesofgold.Nohoardofjewels.HereareAuthentic JewishTreasures: From Their Daughter's Heartsisacollectionofinterviewswith 4TheancientsealoftheRambanwhich wasonlyrecent- thedaughtersofgreatJewishluminaries.Theycontainfascinat- ly unearthed 4The Vilna Gaon’s Gemara, with his ing,andoftenunknown,biographicalinformation,butthereisso glossesandthewaxdrippingsfromhiscandle4The muchmore:vignettesofthosefamilymomentsthatnobiogra- shofar blown in Bergen Belsen 4Rabbi Aharon phercanevercapture,warmandhumanandfunnyandpoignant. Kotler’sgrand blueprintfor Beth Medrash Govoha From Their Daughter's Heartsfeaturesinterviewswiththedaugh- Esrog Box 4RebbetzinKanievsky’sShabboscandlesticks tersofthesegreatmenzt"l:RabbiYechezkalBesser•RabbiAvrohom from Volozhin RABBI CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK YaakovFriedman,SadiguraRebbe•RabbiUriHellman•RabbiPinchos abbiabbi ChaimChaim SoloveitchikSoloveitchik (1853-1918)(1853-1918) waswas aa legendarylegendary TalmudicTalmudic scholarscholar with remarkable analytic powers who developed the popular Brisker The author of Great Jewish Letters and Great R approachapproach toto TalmudicTalmudic study,study, followedfollowed byby yeshivosyeshivos toto thisthis day.day. He was born in Volozhin, the cradle of yeshivos, where his father, Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik BeisBeis HaLevi,HaLevi, afterafter hishis magnummagnum (known(known asas thethe opus)opus) servedserved asas aa RoshRosh Yeshivah.Yeshivah. AfterAfter aa fewfew Hirschprung • Rabbi Levi Yitzchok
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