Th e Captain Shreve Gators vs. Chiefs at 7:30 Tonight Dance from 10:30 to 12:00 midnight Volume VIII Captain Shreve High School, Shreveport, La., Novembe r 1, 1974 Number 2 Anderson to travel with Band Set the style, M1ss Chr stae Anderson, mem­ derson spec1alizes on the trom­ ber of ~Donald's All Ameracan bone, and later p lans to major Band, w.ll soon depart on :nps in music at col ege. For five to New York for ltle Macy's Pef­ years she has played the bas­ smile ade, and later to Pasadena, Cali­ soon, bvt has p1ayed the trom­ torma, for 1e Rose Bowl Parade. bone for on y three years One M.onrlay morning I g ot The head drum mater or the M1ss Anderson has prev1ously up, put on a great big smile and 5hreve band wal represent Lou­ participated n the A I-Sta1e set out to watc.h people's re­ i-s1ar-.a durang the Thank~g ving Band, 1972-73; [)ls.tnct Hon01 actions .....t1e n I smiled at them. and New Year's holidays on na­ Band 1972-75, Governor's Band t onal televrs1on. 1972-74; All- State Marching It's funny bvt the majority of Band 1973-74, and N\obale A I · the people really don' t expect to M ss Anderson enrolled in Star Band She has a lso won see others smil e. Most of the compel1110n t-hrough band direc­ several awards for indav dual people I see on N\ondays walk tor J. Machael Raleigh, who sent works 1n the musac field. around with a frown p lastered an entry form to the McDonald's Having been recognized o n on their faces. judges. Also enclosed were let­ several local telev1saon stat ons ters of reoommendataon from and in area newspapers concern· Tne f1rst person I came upon several people across the nat1on mg the McDonald's A.: American was a woman sitllng w1stfully and lists ot her musical l!Ccom­ Band, M1ss Anderson replied, on a bench waiting for the bus. when asked the one factor that I walked up and confronted her pl.s.hments. af1er-thovght he frowned a very All ·n all it was a very inter­ ~th a "Good morning!" a nd a Practicmg two or three hovrs con1ributed to her success, "It suspicious•looking frown. It was esting experiment I had the feel­ helps when you have good in­ smile She looked up and her a day and tak ng two b11nd clas­ ridicvlous, but I felt like I was rng tha1 I had left a few people ses, regvl11r and stage, Miss An- struCtors." who1e expression cnanged. It aclue ly gu"lty of somern·ng. ., l"ttle b:t happ;er. was amazing. Her face li t up, she smiled, and it was beautiful. It made me feel good inside, a nd fTrial by Jury' Auditions open My Three Angels premieres I'm sure she feit beHer too. The Gl bert and Sullivan So­ fendant hasn't got a chance. No MY THREE ANGELS. a comedy bus.ness mortgages, arrives to I w"lked or.. The second per­ Ciety of Shreveport s look ng for fees or dues of any kmd w1JI be ·wr 'Jen by Sam and Bella Spe­ check on the run-d01111n bvs1ness son I saw was an o ld l11 dy out the best singers and actors trom ch-arged and there is even a wack, w ~~ be presented by the Along w th Henr comes h1s for a walk. She looked very grades nine through twelve m poss b1lity of !)rgh school credit Drama C ub on November 14, nephew, Paul, peyed by Joel lonely and maybe a li ttle sad . Caddo and Boss1er Schools. The for participants. Those interested 16 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the uook, who plans to drop Mana As I passed I gave her a g reat ob1ect 1s an all-high school pro­ in backstage work or playing in auditorium. louise because of his engage­ big grin and remarked, "Nice duction of "Tnal by Jury" in the orchestra s.hovld also pfan ment to an heire~. day, isn't it?" The re was a start­ January. to come to the Tuesday sessions. The play, set in 1910 m Olher roles w1ll be played by led look on her face, bvt one of French Gu.ana, involves a fam­ Ra ndy Fa lbaum as the lieutenant pleasure, also, as she smiled and Aud lions are n<:TW be.ng held At least one Capta1n Shreve ily wh .h is almost b11nkrupt. and Kathy E more w I be Mad­ x.•d good morning . every Tuesday afternoon at five student has alread y attended the Dennis Bounds -Mil play the ame Parole. in t.he Byrd H~g h School audi­ father, Felix, who works con­ auditions. Dawn Deveney, e Mrs. Dorothy Sibley will direct The next person that I con­ tor um. At least 12 boys and 12 jun or here at Shreve, 1-K!s work­ stantly to support his wife and the pley w rh ass stance from fronted was a policeman sitting g r s w I be needed to play the ed n several commun1ty theat­ daughter Mora louise, 1 h e Mrs Ru~f.J Page, Techn1ca D rec- n h"s li 'l e popsicle cart. I smiled various rores n th s comic about ers Miss Deveney f rst became at him and said " Hi!"' in a very a court tnal where the jury is tnlerested m drama when a pleasant voice. His in1tial reac­ already dec1ded m favor of the froend brought her to a n aL•dition tion was to smile back, but as an pretty p •amtiH and the poor de- of a local play. • Indulge 1n art--for your own If for some strange reason you w '1o1e new conception of the1r is not a cnp course but one o.f a thi nk it's impossible for a p l'ain t.alent. The people who are re­ ser•ous natv e S...,e b~ ~ eve s that yellow pumpkin to become a sponsible for guad ing the young art is essent1al in the P.very day golden carnage then perhaps artists have been the only two make-up of a person. Under­ you need some help. Help IS on teachers m t.he ar1 department at standing !hut many of her stu­ the wcry. Actually, 11 arnved at Shreve s nee it opened its doors. dents wou d never conS1 der art Captain Shreve in 1968 and for ChJCI les ntzpatrick has been as a ser cus profession, Mrs. man's sake 11 still survwes. It v1ith Capt.am ~reve s1nce the Harris st II coni nues to inst-ill is called art. opening of school 1n '68. AI that within them the artistic aware­ The art program in the La . time he w.as the f r~t and only ness th-at she rea zes s so neces­ schcol system is based on a art teacher, and throvgh th1s ' rst sary 1n every phase of life. sratew1de le ve l. I' g •ves a struc­ cf.ass he beg3n es.tabl s.h ng the tured program that the teacher nrm-type high- eve I course wh ch The general out ne of the art fo lows and the opportun1ty to is so desperately needed for th~ courses include de~ gn-prodvc­ work wath va:>1ous matenals and serious student who wishes to ing work that reflects the ba-sic suppl es Supposedly, thrcugh persue art on the col ege level. principles and elements; draw­ daughter, ood Emilie. Felix's to~; Rvsse Pedro. Construction th s program any stude nt enro • It wa~ Fitzpatnck s w sn 1nen, as ong- develop1ng the funddment­ w1!e, wall be played by Laura D rector· and Mr Gladys Ader­ ed an an art course c11n take •1 rs now, to develop 1n ho s stud­ als and an md "vidua1 tecr n que; But:erf,eld and Tummy Ca'fery. hold, Bvsiness Advasor adv3ntage of tne we -equ1pped ents the !rue, basic sk1 s of art illl'Sirat~c;,n - letterang : 'Nee-di­ Felix has h:red three conv cts, Student director ~~ I be Donna department and produce a good not I~ aHow the crafts to mfll­ menslc~l subjects - applying two murderers an:::l one •,vind­ ~"'o rrtson and s.t>uge manager w~ll work of art. Still, one ma1n tra:e a high scnool dep.'Htment. princ.1ples of design to forms ler to m<'nd tl1e roof on Chnst­ be Walter We;mer. Crew man­ c·'duse 1s mi~~i.1g. The one that lt was u yea1 later that Mr~ . suc.f1 us pvt:ery and sculp:ure; mas day, bvt they ooc up act"ng agers wi11 be Jul~ G l e.J~on, ccs­ brmg~ everyi.-Hng together w1IP Hdzel Ya·n~ arrived ul Captain and pamting - exhib•fng skills us angel!> and !Otra'ghtcnang out turres; lauren P.arsors and He•e n f...novttE:rjge and g l• d ance-the art Shreve S nee tnen she ho.:ls ex­ b y apply.ng th~m on d fferenl the fam•ly's 11np~nd ng d1saster. JamE's, prope:t e~ · D1ane Albllry teacher. oanded the frame of the depart­ medi<l . With ltlese 1n 1-Mnd, both T;,e COnVCCIS INifi be played oy make-up; Jean Pugh, bu~ine!ls, Copt<~•n Shreve is for:1..natc ment by exerting to make 11 one Fl!z~1rick and fllrs.
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