with special guest ZAL'LA RICH'Sis proud to present ~e\Ofncial Nellie Ribbons Post Part~ Doors Open at 7 PM • 21 & Up $~l.OOWell $1.50 Longnecks / Frozens D.J.JD ARNOLD ~~~" d)a"v.<.J • Broadway Night-$1.50 Well & $ 3 Doubles~I~'da~/AIl night /' H 01U\S T ON 2401SanJacinto WowntoUJn Houston] [713]759-9606 VOLUME, 21, NUMBER 16 JUNE23· JUNE 29,1995 16 MOVIES Wigstock: TheMovie Looks at Annual New York Drag Festival Reviewed by Chris Gray 20 THEATRE Jose Greco Brings the Passion and Ecstasy of Flamenco Back to Austin Reviewed by Bruce Williams 32 BOOKS Michelangelo Signorile Looks at the Coming-Out Process In Outing Yourself Reviewed by Bruce Williams 38 COVER FEATURE Ryan Beyer of Houston Photos by Exposure Prlnts/Tlo 47 CURRENT EVENTS 55 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 61 BACKSTAGE The Alamo City Men's Chorale Presents Its Pride Concert This Sunday 65 STARSCOPE The Sun Enters Cancer, Bringing Everyone a Sense of Family and Unity 75 SPORTS Longhorn Bowling In Fort Worth Holds T.R.OJ. Fund-Raiser This Sunday 76 TEXAS NEWS Dallas County Commissioner Condemns Homosexuality 81 TEXAS TEA Adult Video Stars Lex Baldwin and Bo Summers Tour Texas 89 CLASSIFIED 99 OBITUARIES 101 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas)Js published by Texes Weekly Times Newspaper Co, at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texos 75219 and 811Westheimer In Houston. Texes 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT orof Its stoff. Publlcationof the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization, Subscription rates: $69 per year. $40 per half year. Bock Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1995 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partla! or complete reproduction of any advertisement. news, article or feature. copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS 'WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay 8r. Lesbian Publication Since 1975. Weekly Circulation: 20,000 i PUBLISHER i DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street EDITOR 811Westhelmer. ~ulte III Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527·9111 ART DIRECTOR Richard Bang • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue, B.J.Smith • TYPESEniNG Tuong Huy Nguyen CONTRIBUTING WRITERSHugh Callaway, Chris Gray, Phil Johnson, C. Lichtenstein, Susan McDonald, David Parnell, Brent Shockley, Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS James Franklin, David Parnell, Keith Roberts, Richard Scudder, Tlo NATIONAL SALES DIRECTOR. Steve Mlle •• (214) 521·0622 • FAX 52()'TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson In your nearest city. Au.tln - Robert Jcekson (512) 339·0590 • 00110./ Fort Worth - Steve Mlle. (214) 521·0622 HOUlton / Galve.ton - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Chrlltl- Jell Linthicum (210) 655-4413 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Dalla. Chris Gray • Hou.ton Brian Keever I TWT © 1995 Texas Weekly Times New.paper Company SHANE RUFF.PRESIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS / CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. Only at the... "OnTheStripforYourOne-Stop~ing!" __ p"auer Moon 1430N.Main SanAntonio 210-225-7330 1430N.Main SanAntonio 210-225-7330 The Retumof Casey Patti Le Plae Safe Starr And In Her 1st SAAppearance ... Patti ONE Le Plae l~~ Safe THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH SPECIAL GUEST, Maxi Houston REVIE\NED BY CHRIS GRAY Filmmaker Barry Shils has managed to capture the high-level energy and fun of Wigstock. Instead of resorting to the dry, standard documentary style one might I normally expect, Shils uses a hybrid for- I, mat, making this both a concert film and a documentary. Thirty-five dazzling per- formances culled from the past two fes- I tivals are interspersed with' hilarious behind-the-scenes looks at the prepara- tions that go into making Wigstock happen d W-&CSToC~ every year. Wigstock: The Movie also shows us "G1tO~ what this amazing array of performers go through to get ready fortheir five minutes of fame up on stage. We're taken through Campy New Release Looks at the streets of New York City into wig shops that have on display blue, purple and just The Never-Ending Pursuit about every other color of hair under the sun. We're also taken into the lairs of some of Big Hair At Annual of the more famous performers as they New York City Drag Event transform themselves into the painted ladies that Wigstock is all about. Of course, no '90s movie about drag "you feel so much more fabulous would be complete without the towering when you're in drag," remarks presence of RuPaul, who performs several Alexis Arquette, one of the absolutely of her smash hits. Also lending her incred- outrageous performers in a new movie that ible talents to the production is pop singer captures the superbowl of drag, New Q i York's Wigstock, on film. What is Wigstock? Imagine the rock festival Woodstock (after which this event was named), but picture instead a festival held in New York City's Tompkins Square Park every year, with 30,000 denizens of the Big Apple, both gay and straight, making , i The "Lady" Bunny is the Mistress Formlka {r] poses with another drag queen In founder and reigning diva Wlllstock: The Morle. of Wigstock, an annual celebration of big hair and Crystal Waters, who sings two numbers. camp held In New York City. For "100% Pure Love," she cracks up the audience by performing in male drag while surrounded by 20 female impersonators. Dance group Deee-lite performs a show- stopping rendition of their hit "Say Ahhh," up the audience in a day-long homage to and new singing sensation Billie Raye Mar- drag, style and big hair. Scores of perform- tin adds to the fun with "Space Oasis." ers take to the massive stage, each trying Wigstock came about by accident in to outdo all the others, in the process put- 1984, when agroup of New York City revel- ting on one of the wildest and, at times, ers, most of them drag queens from the strangest shows you'll ever see. Add hun- Pyramid Club in the East Village, decided dreds more in the audience dressed in to continue their partying across Avenue some form of glitzy drag, and there you A in Tompkins Square Park until late the have it. next morning, when they created quite a PAGE 16 TWT JUNE 23 - JUNE 29 1995 scene and attracted a crowd. One of the partiers, Lady Bunny, decided it would be GAY MEN'S CHORUS OF fun to have a whole day devoted to drag HOUSTON and thus Wigstock was born. She's em: ceed every festival over the last decade, John-Michael Albert. Artistic Director Pq Wortham Center Cullen Theater Saturday. June 24,1995, 7p.m. We welcome members of our Texas choral family, including: Daisy [IJ and Christy Lo.e doing what they do best- posing-in WlgslOCk: The Mo.le. Capital City Men's Chorus HeartSong seeing it balloon into an all-day affairwith MCCR Sanctuary Choir food, drinks, booths and merchants hawk- Tickets are $10. $15, $20, and $25. ing trinkets. available now from the Wortham Center or While RuPaul and Crystal Waters are the Jones Hall box offices, or by calling big names most will recognize, there are other well-known queens of the New York n31227-ARTS City club scene spicing up this show, Special seating is available for wheelchair including Lypsinka, Mistress Formika, access and the hearing impaired. Jackie Beat, Anita Cocktail and Alexis Arquette. Just about every kind of drag imaginable is represented, from glamour, camp and Priscilla wannabes to Marilyn and Elvis lookalikes and even a few dogs turned out in their finest frocks and head- dresses. The music selections span a wide range, from hard-core rock and roll to folk music to the kind of standard torch songs we've come to expect from female impersonators. The thousands in attendance at the fes- tival, whether gay, straight or unsure, all had a rollicking good time and were obvi- ously into the event and into Wigstock's message, which was "Be who you want to be. Express yourself in any way you choose." With over 30 performances flickering on the big screen, viewers will have plenty to choose from in an evening all but guaran- teed to have you and your friends laughing and totally amazed at these outrageous divas. Just be warned that the spirit of Wigstock is catching, and you may leave the theatre wishing Halloween came more than once a year. ..:;:.:.: . Wigstock: The Movie opens in Dallas at Landmark's Inwood Theatre and in Hous- -. ton at the Landmark River Oaks Theatre l!illl~SdaY-SUndaY next Friday, June 30. Check your local ::~i;m-. 2 a.m. :~a::~111!1 newspaper for exact showtimes. 'f.W PAGE 18 TWT JUNE 23 - JUNE 29 1995 Come join The Beach Party at Houston's #1 Video Bar. silence to celebration --houston gay and lesbian pride parade TH SUNDAY, JUNE 25 , 1995 REVIE\NED BY BRUCE \NILLIAMS M~" " i ~ 991- All Well Vodka The Jose Greco Spanish Dance '"' Juice Drinks Company Brings the Passion Noon "Extended" until LIpm and Ecstasy Of the Flamenco Iced Down Longnecks Back to Austin r5i Ice Cold Beer Bar hen you watch a flamenco dancer, emphases that keep the audience con- $2.25 until I lpm W the eyes are only part of the senses nected and alert to the dancer's every you must employ if you're to know and move, anticipating what might come next.
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