ElPtia SerIes. Vol. VB No.8" TIIal'ltbiy, August t, 1985 Sra,ana' to, 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Eighth Lok Sabba) (Yol. YII contai1l1J NOl. 1 to 10) LOX: SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI PrIce: RI. 4.00 (OJuGINAL ENGUSB PROCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISII VERSION AND OlUGINAL HINDI PROCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION WILL BI ftBATBD AS AVTBOlUTAnvS AND NOT TaB TRANSLATION THI!IU!OP.J CONTENTS No.8, Thursday, August 1, 19851Sravana 10, }907 (Saka) COLUMNS Announcement by Speaker re: adjournment of the House till 2 P.M. to enable Members to participate in the funeral of Shri Lalit Maken, who was a sitting Member of the House. 1 Written Answers to Questions : 1-218 Starred Questions Nos. 141 to 161 Unstarred Question.s Nos. 1400 to 1562, 1564 to 1601 Statement Re : Question of Privilage 218-219 Papers Laid on the table ••• 219-228 Message from Rajya Sabha 228 Pondicberry University Bit1- (As passed by Rajya Sabha) Laid on the Table 228 Committee on Private Members' Rills and Resolutions- Second Report ••• 229 Statement Re : Stock Option Scheme for Employees 229 Statement Re : EJttension of time for completion of enquiry and submission of report by Kudal commission 230 Bill introduced- Terrorists and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Amendment BiU 232 Statement Re : Ordinance-laid on the table 232 Matten Under Rule 317- 233-237 (0 Need to set up a T.V. transmitter at Hassan in Karnataka and to telecast programmes in Kannada via INSAT networlc Sbrimati 8asava Raje$wari ttt 233 (il ) COLUMNS (jj) Need to give financial assistance under Rural Development programme to the shepherds who lost their sheep ill floods in Andhra Pradesh. Shri C. Janga Reddy 233 (iii) Need to lift ban imposed on recruitment in Post and Telegraph and other Government offices for operational purposes. Prof. Narain Chand Parashar 234 (iv) Need to take-over Ashoka Paper Mi11s in Darbhanga District. Bihar Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 234 (v) Need to sanction a special Project for drinking water, based on the sub-soil water or Shabi river to provide drinking water to Alwar town and some other areas of Rajasthan. Shri Ram Singh Yadav •• 235 (vi) Need to provide adequate financial assistance during Seventh Plan for providing drinking water and irrigation facilities in Banner and Jalore Districts of Rajasthan. Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 236 (vii) Need to take necessary steps to save Rajasthan particularly Kota from the dangers of environmental pollution. Prof. Ninnala Kumari Shaktawat 237 Discussion Re : New Textile Poticy-(Contd.) 238":"251 Prof. N.G. Ranga 238 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 245 Shri Sharad Dighe ft. 249 (iii ) COLUMNS Discussion Re: Steep Rise in Prices 252-285 Prof. Madhu Dandavate 2S2 Shri Y. S. Mahajan ••• 2S3 Sbri Virdhi ChaDder Jain ... 279 Shri Anand Gajapathi Raju 273 Shri Madan Pandey ... 275 Shri S. Krishna Kumar 276 Shri Zainul Abedin ... 280 Shri Saleem I. Shervani ••• 282 Prof. Nirmala Kumari Sbaktawat ... 284 Statement Re : Tragic death of Shri Lalit MalteD, M. P. 186-288 Discussion Re : Steep Rise in Prices-(Contd.) 289-316 Shri M. Mahalingam 289 Dr. G. S. Rajhans 292 Prof. K. V. Thomas 294 Shri V. S. Krishna Iyer 296 Shri Somnath Rath 297 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 301 Dr. Datta Samant 305 Shri G. S. Basavaraju 306 Shri Narayan Chou bey 308 Shrimati Basava Rajeswari 312 Shri Mool Chand Daga ... 313 Papers laid on the Table ... 317 Business Advisory Committee Ninth Report ,.. 318 LOK SABHA DEBATES ------- ------------------ -----. -- ------ ... _-- --. -------------- -----,--,._'.. _....-.--<' _--_._ -------------------------- 1 2 LOK SABHA (a) whether Union Government have sought any report from the S1i'te' of Orissa r~garding the assessment of Joss sustained due to the acute power shortage in that Thursday~ August 1, 1985/ SrGl'ana 10, 1907 State; (Saka) (b) whether high tension industries in The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Orissa faced power cuts varying from 55 per Clock cent to 75 per cent; and [MR. SPEAKER: in the Chairl (c) if so, the details regarding the steps being taken by Union Government during ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER RE· the Seventh Five Year Plan? ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE TILL 2 P.M. TO ENABLE MEMBERS TO THE MINISTER OF IRRIGATION PARTICIPATE IN THE FUNERAL OF AND POWER (SHRI B. SHA NKARA- SHRI LAUT MAKEN WHO WAS A NAND) : (a) No Sir. SITTING MEMBER OF THE HOUSE (b) Yes, Sir. [English) (c) To improve the power supply MR. SPEAKEJ(: Hon. Members in position in Orissa following steps have been order to enable the Members to participate taken :- in the funeral of Shri Lalit Maken, who passed away Yesterday, the House is adjour- (i) Stress has been laid on proper ned to meet again at 2 P.M. management of Talcher Thermal Station, which has already shown The Lok Sabha then adjourned till . some improvement in terms of plant Fourteen of the Clock load factor. ---- . (ii) Renovation and modernisation of· Talcher Thermal Power Station hH bee~ a~proved. WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (iii) Extensive monitoring bas been [English) initiated to expedite commissioning of on-going projects; and Powei' Shortage iD Orissa .141. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: (iv) assistance has been arranged from Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND the neighbouring systems as far as POWER be pleased to state : possible. AUGUST I, 1985 Written Answer, 4 Telugu Ga.1I Project (c) No, Sir • • 142.. SHRI D.N. REDDY: (d) Does not arise. SHRI S.M. BHAITAM: Will tbe Minister of IRRIGA nON AND Power Target of S iIth Plan POWER be pleased to State whether Government propose to take up the Teluau *144. SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA : Ganga Project as a national project ? SHRI CHINTAMANI lENA : Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND THE MINISTER OF IRRIGATION POWER be pleased to state: AND POWER (SHRI B. SHANKARA· (a) what was the target fixed for NAND): NOt Sir. generating power during the Sixth Five Year Plan by each State ; DeUatiDg of Degrees fro. Jobs *143. PROF. PJ. KURJEN : Will the (b) the achievement made by each State during that period; Minister ~f EDUCATION be pleased to state : (c) whether the target was achieved, if (a) whether prominent educationists and not, the -reasona therefor ; and Vice-Chancellors have expressed divergent (d) the tar~et being fixed for the views on tbe delinking of degrees from jobs; Seventh plan and allocation of fur.ds made (b) if so, the reaeation of Government there for eac~ State? thereto; THE MINISTER OF IRRIGATION (c) whether Government have worked AND POWER (SHRI B. SHANKARA· out the details of this scheme; and NAND): (a) and (b) The State-wise targets and achievements of power generating (d) if so, the details thereof? capacity added during the Sixth plan period is given in the statement below. THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION (SHRI K.C. PANT) : (a) and (b) The (c) Approximately 72% of the target was Government is examining a proposal for achieved. The main factors which militated delinking degrees from jobs. Even thouah against the target not being achieved were : the views of educationists or Vice-Chancellors deJay in equipment supply, constraint of have not been invited on the proposal, many funds and weak project management. of them have expressed their views on this and other subjects in various forums. Their (d) The Seventh plan is in the process views and the reactions of others on the of fioalisation and is yet to be approved by subject will be considered at tbe time of the National Development Council. takina a fioal view on the proposal. S Written .4n.weri SRAVANA io, 1907 (SAKA) Written A7I8wrl t Statement Target and achievement of new generating capacity addition during the Sixth Plan Period (1980-85) S. State Target Achievement No.' (MW) (MW) 1 2 3 4 NORtHERN REGION 1. Haryana 454 186 2. Punjab 672 703 3. Rajasthan 496 356 4. Himachal Pradesh 38 21 5. Jammu and Kashmir 6. Chandigarh 7. Delhi 8. Uttar Pradesh 1972 902 9. Central 1540 1540 --- --- Sub·Total N. R. 5172 3708 --- WESTERN REGION 1. Gujarat 1175 950 2. Madhya Pradesh 1488 1170 3. Maharashtra 2644 2452 4. Central 630 630 --- Sub·Total W. R. 5937 5202 --- --- SOUTHERN REGION 1. Andhra pradesh 1095 1235 2. Karnataka 1195 885 3. Kerala 125 4. Tamil Nadu 630 210 5. Lakshdweep Central 1520 835 6. --- 3165 Sub-Total S. R. --4565 EASTERN REGION 1. Bihar 725 505 2. Orissa 560 220 3. West Bengal 1368 788 4. n.v.c. 460 210 S. Sikkim 6. Andaman and Nicobar 210 7. Central --- --- Sub-Total ~. Il. --3323 --1723 7 Writtnr AnstVers AUGUST 1, 1985 Written A"swers 8 1 2 3 4 NORTH-EASTERN REGION 1. Assam 408 268 2. Arunachal pradesh 3. Manipur 4. Mcghalaya 5. Mizoram 6. Nagaland 1 7. Tripura 5 5 8. Central/N.E.C. 255 155 --- Sub-Total N.E.R. 669 428 --_ --- TOT AL ALL INDIA ] 9,666 14.226 _c _____ ~ ___~_~ ______________ ~ _______________ _ ~~--- --------- News item captioned "Mentally Retarded to develop a structural frame work aimed at Getting Inadequate Attention" providing the basic mental health facilities, through community outreach programmes are *j45. DR. G. S. RAJHANS : contemplated within the resources and DR. C. S. VERMA: Will the priorities of the Seventh Five Year Plan Minister of HEALTH AND F AMIL Y period. WELFARE be pleased to state: Tariff Al;reement. with West Bengal (a) whether the attention of the State Electricity Board Government bas been drawn to a news item captioned "Mentally retarded getting inade- *146. SHRI GADADHAR SAHA quate attention" appearing in the Hindustan Will the Minister of IRRIGATION AND Times dated 7 July, 1985 ; POWER be pleased to state : (b) wl".ether it is a fact that Government (a) whether Government are aware that are giving attention only to 10 per cent of due to differences over the fixation of tariff the mentally retarded patients; and for the supply of power to the West Bengal State Electricity Board from the Super (c) if so, the steps Governmen t propose Thermal Power Station at Farakka, the to take for giving adequate attention to ail parties failed to come to an agreement ; and the mentally retarded patients in the country? (b) if so, the steps taken by Govern- MINISTER OF IRRIGAnON AND ment to apply the same principle and rules POWER (SHRI B.
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