• Regd_ No. NE 907 - > �' The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY Published by Authority VOL. XXViI Aizawl. Wednesday, 28_ I. 1998, Magha 8, S.E. 1919, Issue No. 17 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Asho ka Road, New Delhi - 110001 No.56/98/Jud.1II Dated : 10th January, 1998 '. Pausa 20, 1919 (Saka) • NOTIFICATION I. WHEREAS, the Election Commission has decided to update its notification No. 56/96/Jud.II, dated 5th February, 1996, specifying the names of recol!llised National and State Parties, registered-unrecognised parties and the list of free symbols for each State/Union Territory, issued in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, as amended from time to time; 2. NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of paragraph 17 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, and m supersession of its principal notification No.56/96/Jud.II,dated 5th February, 1996, published in the Ga­ zette of India, Extra-Ordinary, Part-II, Section 3, Sub-Section (iii) on 5th February, 1996, and as amended from time to time, the Eleetion Commission hereby specifies,- (a) In Table I, the National Parties and the Symbols respectivelyreserved fot them; (b) In Table II, the State Parties, the State or States in which they aro State parties and the Symbols respectively reserved for them in such State or State.; (c) In Table III, the registered-unrecognized political parties and postal addr.. s of their Central Office; and • (d) In Table IV, the free symbols for each State/Union Territory. Ex-17f98 2 TABLE - I NATIONAL PARTIES -----_. _-- ------------ --- I SI. National Parties Symbol reserved I Address I ��------ -·-----------I---------J I 1. 2. 3. I 3. I ,----------------------------- 1. Bahujan Samaj Party Elephant 12, Gurudwara Rakab· [ In all StatesfU.T.s (except in ganj oad. New Delhi the States of Assam and Sikkim - 1 WOOl. and U.T. of Pondicherry, where its candidates will have to choose another symbol from out of the list of free symbols specified by the Commission for the State-Union Territory concerned) 1 2. Bharatiya Janata Lotus 11, Ahoka Road, • Party New Delhi - 110001 3. Communist Party of Ears of Corn And Sickle Ajoy Bhawan, Kotla India Merg, New Delhi , - 110002 4. Communist Party of Hammer, Sickle and Star A.K. Gopalan Bhawan, India (Marxist) 27-29, Bhai Vir Singh Marg (Gole Market), New D.lhi - 110001 ' S. Indian National Hand 24, Akbar Road, New Congress Delhi - 110011 6. Janata Dal Chakra (Wheel) 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi - 1100JI 7. S3lllata Party Flaming Torch 220, Vitthalbhai Patel House, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 11000l .. 3 Ex-17/98 TABLE -II STATE PARTIES I SI.-Name of the Na� the Symbol 1/ Address No. State/Union State Party Reserved / Terntory I ------- - - -- ------..:.. 11. 2 3 4 5 - ----- .�-------------------.----- 1. Andhra Pradesh 1. NTR Telugu Lion Road No. 13, Banjara Hills, Desam Hyderabad-500034 Party(Lakshmi (Andhra Pradesh) Parvathi) 2. Telugu Bicycle Telugu Desam Party Office, Desam House No. 3-5-837, Sultan Manzi!, Hyderguda, Hyde­ rabad-500029 (Andhra Pradesh) 2. Arunachal 1 Arunachal Two Daos Arunachal Congress House. Pradesh Congress Intersecting Bank Tinali, Itanagar-791111 (Arunachal Pradesh) 2. Janata Haldhar Party within 5, Pandit Pant Marg, New Wheel Delhi-llOOOI. (Chakra Haldhar) J. Assam 1. Asom Gana Elephant Head Office:-Gopinatn Bor­ Parishad doloi Road, Guwahati 781001 (Assam) 2. Autonomous Boy & girl Head Quarter-Diphu Karbi State Demand Anglong-782 460 (Assam) Committee 4. Bihar lharkhand Bow & Bariatu Road, Ranchi-&34008 Mukti Morcha Arrow (Bihar) S. Goa 1. Maharashtra- Lion C/o Bahan A. Naik, 'Anant' wadi Gomantak [)ada Vaidya Road, Panaji- 403001 (Goa) 2. United Two Doogrim Goans Leaves Nuvem, PO-Majorda Salcete Democratic 403113 (Gra) • Party Ex-17/98 4 6. Haryana Haryana Boy & Kothi No. 136/22, Sonipat Vikas Party Girl Road, Rohtak (Haryana). 7. Jammu & Jammu & Plough (j) Sher·e·Kashmir Bhavan. .. Kashmir Kashmir Residency Road, Jammu National (Jammu & Kashmir) Confernce (ii) Nawai Subb Complex, Zero Bridge, Srin.gar (Jammu & Kashmir) . 8. Kerala Kerala Congress Bicycle State Committee Office, Near Star Theatre Junction, Kot­ tayam South (Kerala) 2. Kerala Two State Committee Office, Congress (M) Leave Near Fire Station, Kottayam (Kerala) 3. Muslim Lea- Ladder Kerala Street Committee.. gue Kerala League House, Red Cross State Com- Road, Calicut-32(Kerala) mittee. 4. Revolutionary Spade & 37, Ripon Street (Muzaffar Socialist Party Stoker Abmed SarClni), Ca cutta- 700016 (West Bengal) 9. Maharashtra 1. Republican Rising Sun ENSA H lltinent, I-Block,. Party ofIndia Mabapalika Marg, Azad Maidan, Mumbai·40oool (Mabarashtra) 2. Shivsena Bow and Shivsena Bhavan, Gadkari Arrow Cbowk, Dadar, Mumbai- 400028 (Maharasbtra) 10. Manipur 1. Federal Par- Raising Majorkhul, ImphaI-795001 Iy of Manipur Sun (Manipur) 2. Manipur People's Bicycle People's Road, ImpbaI-79- Party 5001 (M"nipur) 11. Meghalaya 1. All Party Hill Two P. O. Tura Chandmari West Leader's Confe- Leaves Garo Hills-794002 (Megha­ renee (Armison laya) Motak Group) 2. Hill State Pe"" Lion Kench's Trace, Laban, pIe'. Democra- SbiIIong-793004 (Megbalaya) Party tic .. 5 Ex-17/98 3. United Democra- Drum Lumsohphoh, Lower Maw­ tic Party prem, Shillong-793002 (Me­ ghalaya) 12. Mizoram Mizo National Front Star General Headquarters, Zar­ kawt, Aizawl (Mizoram) 13. Nagaland Nagaland People's Cock Burma Camp, Dimapur-79- Council 7112 (Nagaland) 14. Pondicherry 1. All India Anna Two 275, Avvai Shanmugam Sa­ Dravida Munne· Leave lai, Royapettah, Chenna;- tra Kazhagam 600014 (Tamil Nadu) 0 �. Dravida Munne- Rising Sun 'Anna Arivalayam' 263-269, tra Kazhagam Anna Salai, Teynampet. Chennai-600018 (Tamil Na­ du) 3. Pattali Makkal Elephant 63, Nattu Muthu Naiken Katchi Street, Vanniya Teinampet, Chennai-60oo18. (Tamil Na­ du) 4. Tamil Maanil. Bicyde Satyamurthi Bhavad, Gene­ Congress ral Patters Road, Chennai- (Moopanar) 600002 (Tamil Nadu) 15. Punjab Shiromani Akali Scales _ House No. 256, Sector � C, Dal Chaudigarh 16. Rajasthan All Indi. Indira Lady 2680, Chooriwalan, Delhi. Congress (Secular) Offering 110006. Flowers 17. Sikkim 1. Sikkim Umbrella H.O. Namchi·737126 (Sikkim) Democratic Front 2. Sikkim San gram Elephant Sangram Bhavan, Jewan Parisbad Theeng Marg, Gangtok (Sik­ kim) IS. Tamil Nadu 1. All India Anna Two leaves 275� Avvai Shanmugam Salai, Dravida Mun- Royapettah, Chen'lai-6oo014 netra Kazhagam (Tamil Nadu) 2. Dravida Mun- Rising Sun 'Anna Arivalayam' 268-269, netra Kazhagam Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chen­ • na;-60oo18 (Tamil Nadu) • :al:-1?/9� 6 3. Tamil Maanila Bicycle Satyarnuthy Bh.van, General Congress Patters Road Chennai-600002 (Moopanar) (Tamil Nadu) 19. Tripura 1. Revolutionary Spade & 37. Ripon Street (Muzaffar Socialist Party Stoker Ahmed Saran i), Calcutta-7000l6 (West Bengal) 2. Tripura Upa- Two Leaves Abhoyanagar, Agartala-799005 jab Iuba Sa- (Tripura) rnily 20. Uttar Pra- Sarna/wadi Party Bicycle 18. Copernicus Lane, New desh Delhi 21. West Bengal 1. All India For- Lion 28. Gurudwara Rakab Ganj ward Block Road, New Delhi-llOOOI 2. Revolutionary Spade & 37. Ripon Street (Muzaffar Socialist Party Stoker Admed Sarani), Calcutta-700016 (West Bengal) TABLE-III REGISTERED UNRECOGNISED PARTIES -- ----- -- ---- - - - --------- SI. Name of the Registered I Headquarters Address No. I Unrecognised Political I I Party. I - ----------- --------- ----- ------- \ I. I 2. I 3. -------------- --------- 1. 'The Great India' Revolutioners 4/55, Roop Nagar, Delhi-I 10007. 2. Abhinav Bbarat Sangh 69/19, Parle Niwas, Ram Gali, Latur, (Masharashtra). 3. Adarsh Lok Dal Abu Nagar, Opposite Police Station Fatehpur City, District, Fatehpur( UP). 4. Adarshwadi Dal Iawahar Road, Khurja-203136 Distt. Bulandshahr, (UP). 5. Akaband Bharat Maha Sangh Sunfool, Kata-I, (Rajasthan) Sarvahara Krantikari Party 6. AkhaDd Bharat Ekta Andolan Basant Bhawan, 17/34, Singhan Street, Kashipur-Pin Code-244713, Distt. Udbam Singh Nagar (Uttar Pradesh). .. • 7 Ex-17/98 7. Akhil Bbara! Hindu Mahasabha Mandir Marg, New Delhi-l ll1001. S. Akhil Bharatiya Ashok Sena 117/0/117, Gita Nagar. Kanpur-208025 (Uttar Pradesh) 9. Akbil Bharatiya Bhrastachar am Building, Cbbatrapathi Shivaji Nirmoolan Sena Chowk, Gondhale Nagar, H ldps", Pune- 411002 (Maharashtra) .. 10. Akhil Bharatiya Dal 301/6, Kaushlya Park, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-II0016. II. Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Utthan Party A-201/2, Gali No. I, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur, Delhi-111lO92. 12. Akhil Bharatiya Dastkar Morcha Chamber No. 187, New Delhi Courts, Patiala House, NeW Delhi-1I0001. 13. Akhil Bharatiya Desh Bhakt Puranderpur G.P.O, Patna (Bibar). Mercha. 14. Akhil Bharatiya Dharmnirpeksh C/o Bharat Prakritic Chikitsa Mission Dal. (Regd.), A-I Block, Janakpuri (Opp. Dhauli Piao) Najafgarh Road, New Delhi 110058. 15. Akhil Bharatiya Gareeb Party Vi1lage-Kurana, Post SimmavaJi, Distt. , Ghaziabad (U.P.) 16. Akhil Bharatiya Garib Mazdoor 4/74, Sector-IV, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Kisan Party. New Delhi-II0062. 17. Akhil Bharatiya General Labour A-3/85, Nand Nagari, Delhi-93 Party. IS. Akhil Bharatiya Gorkba League Mahabir Building, Ladenla Road, Darjeeling-734101 (West Bengal) 19. Akhil Bharatiya Gram Parishad Ch. Rajpal Singh Advocate, Kranti Kunj Near Nagar Palika Evam Kaoya Shiksha Sadan, Civil Lines, Bulandshar (UP). 20. Akbil Bharatiya Hindustani B,92, Awas Vikas Colony, Lucknow Road, Krantikari Sam'\iwadi Party Hardoi (UP). 21. Akhil Bharatiya Jagrook Nagrik 119, Aditya Bhavan, Bhavia, Lueknow-4 Dal (U.P.) 22. Akhil Bharatiya Jan Sangh J-394, Shankar Road, New Delhi-IlIlO60 • 23. Akhil Bharatiya Janata Congress 4 U.F. Babar Place, Todarmal Road, Near Bengali Market, New Del.i-llMel. Ex-17/98 8 24. Akhil Bharatiya Janhit Jagrit Party N-208 (25 Yard), Raghubir Nagar, New Delhi. 25. Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Mazdoor Shri Mahatma Gandhi Vichar Kendra, Morcha Uldan, Jhansi (U.P.) 26. Akhil Bharatiya Lok Tantrik Alp­ Village Barve, Post Dahu, P.S. Ormanazi, Sankhyak Jan Morcha Distt. Ranchi (Bihar) • 27. Akhil Bbaratiya Lokraj Party H.O.Raghubir Nagar, Balllbgarh, Faridabad (Haryana). 28. Akhil Bharatiya Loktantra Party ViII & P.O. Dattavali, Distt. Meerut (UP) 29. Akhil Bharatiya Mahila Dal H.I.G.
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