c-- tl~~-====-~=- ~~~~=-=- ._______ _ -------, SPALDING'S ATHLETIC UBBARY r ;.c5'C"p r= =,". ~=.=~~~~~ ~ .~~. ~ .{\S~~~7- SPALDING OFFICIAL ANNUALS ' APo'lp~;'~,!~;:,j~~t. it ".' L __ I ~:7~~_~-,-.:.:....::...._~ ~·":'~..:~~:;-:~~i:..7,f~'Y;;:!9~ No.IOOX. OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE•••••••.••• • ..··•• March 35c. ;;;)' .--,,--'_::....::- .:_ No. 59B. THE LITTLE RED BOOK Febmary SOc. ~~,~~~,Jj)lt)~-~~'::..~~~y- -~. -k",:~:,~\ No.200X. OFFICIAL FOOT BALL GUIDE ....•.. ···•·• July 35c. ,~ll\I:"JTfll:"JA.G SPALDING [';[)!STRIBUTlN~THEBROS ~:~~~I) No.IOBR. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A.A. SOCCER GUIDE .• Octobec 25c. _ r £filiR 0\".':--" HOl.'S!:S FOR No.700R. OFFICIAL BASKET BALL GUIDE .....•.•...... October 25c. No.9IR. N.C.A.A. INTERCOLLEGIATE SWIMMING GUIDE OctoLe' 25c. I SPALDING No. 92R. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A.A. ICE HOCKEY GUIDE Yearly 25c. No.3X. GOLF GUiDE ..•...•.•.•••... ···············,··, June 35c. No. 120R. OFFICIAL VOLLEY BALL RULES .......•..,. .. Yearly 25c. No. 1I3R. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A.A. LACROSSE GUIDE. Yearly 25c. I No. IX. OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC .......••. ··· January 25c. No. 112R. NAT. COLLEGIATE A.A. TRACK AND FIELD GUIDE Jan. 25c. No. 1I8R. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE A.A. WRESTLING GUIDE. Yearly 25c. No. 1I7R. OFFICIAL ATHLETIC RULES (A.A.U.) ·· Yearly 25c. No. I 26R. SPEEDBALL GUiDE...••...•.••.. · .. , ......•..• Yearly 25c. I No.17R. OFFICIAL WOMEN'S BASKET BALL GUIDE.. September 25c. I No. 38R. OFFICIAL FIELD HOCKEY GUIDE... .... .. .. September 25c. No. 1I5R. OFFICIAL HANDBOOK WOMEN'S ATHLETICS ... Yearly 25c. No. 1I6R. SOCCER FOR WOMEN...•.••... · .. ······•···•• Yearly 25c. I No. 121R. BASE BALL FOR WOMEN•................... ,. Yearly 25c. No.125R. AQUATICS FOR WOMEN (with Swimming Rules) .. Yearly 25c. No.124R. WINTER SPORTS FOR WOMEN (Ice Hockey Rules). Yearly 25c. Group I. Base Ball Group I.-Continued Base Ball No. 96R. How to Caleh, How to Run Ba,.Ol: .. No. 100X. SpaldingOdicial No. 97R. How to Play the Infieldanrl Outfif'ld Base Ball ",ulde. Major and No. 202R. How to Play Base Ball (In· minor league averages, annual reo cluding ··Base Ball for Begir.ner5") dews, world series, official playin~ rules. knotty problems, action scenes Group Foot Ball in world series and major league n. games. Price 35 cents No. 200X. Ofllcial Foot Ball Guide. Price 35 cents No. 82X. Knotty Base Ball Each of following numbers, 25 centl Problems. Price 35 cents No. 47R. How to Play Foot Ball No. 59B. "The Little Bed No. l08R. National Collegiate A.A. Soccer Book." Base Hall H,·:;t-')I1-Ht~cord Foot Ball Guide (nc.~ league averages), ineludll1g world No. 39R. How to Play Soccer senes records. • Price &0 cents No. 116R. 'Women's Soccer Handbook NQ. 508B. ReadyReckoner of Base Ball Club Stand­ Group Ill. Tennis ings. ... Price 50 cents No. 510B. Tennis for The Junior Player. The Club Each of following numoers, 25 cents Player.andTheExpert. By No. 12H. Playground Base Ball W.T.Tilden2nd. Price50cents No. 79R. How to Pitch No. 512B. Lessons in Ten­ ·No. 80R. How to Bat nis.. •.. Price50cents No. 81B.. How to Umpire No. 83R. How to Or~anize a League; No. 511D. How to Bulld a ::\lanage a Team; Captain a Team; Tennis Court. Price SOc. Coach'a Team; Score a C lme; Ar· The follOWing number, 25 cenu. t , i No. 24-R. Tennis Errors and Remedies range Signals Lay Out a Diamond (Continued on n('xt ps"ge. Prices subjed to change without notice.) 2-82 ~ ~== t_Ii«~'V'~.rl.t J .....1,. ____ ..==.....__ _J SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group IL Goll I Group VII. Track and Field Alhletics Group XIII. Manly Sports i Group XV. Gymnastics No.3X.SpaldingGolf Guide. Continued No. 25B•. Boxing. Price SOc. Each of following numbers. 25 cents No. 14R. Trapeze, Long Horse and rhe pOplJlar :tIHlll;l) the game. t;ach of /olloli'ing rw..lf: iu>rs. 50 ("~'n', F.ach 0; jollou'in.g n.umhers, 23 ants Hope ExerciseS! Records of leading t'Vt"nts. pieturt>8 I No. 500B. How to Sprint No. 19R. Professional Wrcstling Nu.40It. Indoor and Outdoor GyfJllla,;ti, (11' eh:'HII!-,ions; li~t of holes·in·one ; .~thletlc", r-.;o. 501E. Collece No. 21R. Jiu Jitlu PyramjJ Building lGamt':'I with ~pel~ial rules section in ,'est No. 52R. No. S02B. MiJdie Distance acd Relay No. 30B.. The Art of Fencing No. 49R. How to Bowl pocket size. • Price 35 cents Haring I'D. 65R. How to W'restle 1\0.5bl:. GrtHJn(1 Tumlding- and TUIll­ No.50Jn. HoI\' Lu Hurdle No. 4B. How to Play Golf. No. 78B.. How to Punch the Bag Llin~ for AOialcurs A new book. IHustl ated with specially Each 0/ followint! numhf>rs. 7.=' cenu No. nen. N.C.A.A. Wre;,;tling Guide 1,\),-;(:,j jlhotOgl:lJilh ,lIlti 1"1(llIi lllutiull Group XVI. 1I0mc Exercising No. 50,15. Pole Vault picture film", Price 50 cents No. 50SS. High] ump Group XIV. Calisthenics Each of following numbers. 25 cents ~(). 51 K. 2l{S Health An;oWt'f:-; [\l"n Group V. Basket Ball E(JciL oj jollowing numbers, 25 ccn!s Group IX. Water Sports I\o. tJ8R. Ten .:\Iinute:-:;' EXl'rcj~e for lllJ,.y No. 700R. Official Basket No. 22R. Indian Club;,. Dumb Bells and l\;o. 99R. Twenty .IVlinutc Exercises Each of following numbers, 25 ccnCJ Ball Guide. Price 25 cents Pulley Weights [\jo.54fL Medicine Ball Exercises; In- No. 9IR. N.LA.A. Swimlllim: GuidI· No. 24R. Dumb Bell Exercises digestion Treated hy Gym­ The following number, 25 cenU No. lOuR. Science of SWimmi~lg l"o. Ill:.. Olficial WOlllen':;l Da"Ket Ball No. 73R. Graded Calisthenics and Dumb nastics; Physical Education No. 107R. Swimming for "Vamen Bell Drill.,; amI Hygiene Guide No.12JR. Aquatics(Woruen's,:;wi!llmilL,g , Group VI. Skating and Winter Sporls Group X. Games lor Women and Girls Each of following numbers, 2:> cenl, ElIch of following numbers, 25 ('en!; Spalding Score Books, Competitors' Numbers, Etc. I'i"o. SR. The Art of Skating No. 72K Fi~ure Skating for ,romen Nu. 17K. Women's Basket Ball t.;uid·> BASE BALL SCORE BOOKS. No. 90B.. l'wfes9ional Ice Hockey Rules I\o. 381\. Field Hockev Guide l\Iade in two styles-Morse (l'los. 3 and 4): A. G. ~paldin/; style (No.2} No. 115R. Official Ha~dhook-Wonl('ll':t (InduJin~ J{ules for Speed POCKET SIZE. Editorial Committee, Tf:.l..:k Skating and Cllrlin~) No.2. Board cover, Spalding atyie, 22 games....•..••.•.•••••••••••••Each.SO.50 No. 92H. N.C.A.A. Ice Hockey Guide and Field, Athletic Gam Volley Ball 1"0. 3. Board cover, l\lorae atyle. 46 ganlei.............. •••••••••••••• 1.25 No. l:.nH. A.A.ti. BoL.~lei:.:hin;; Rules No. 121R. Base Ball for Women CLUB SIZE. No. 12,1,1\. 'Wimer Spon~ (~fJOW and Ice) ~o. 4. Mane style, fl78xlO~8 ill .. ~;u balJl~:) ..................•.••••.••Each. 2.25 for 'Women No.llfiIL Women's Soccer Handbook No. 12,J,R. 'Winter Sports (Snow and Icel :-:core Carda, 1 gallle..... _................•...•......•....••••••••••••Dozen, .10 Group VII. Track and Held Athletics No. 125H. Aquatic.> BASKET BALL SCORE BOOKS. No. IX. Spalding Athletic Above are official puDLictltiuns uj JrOTTl"n','; No. B. Collegiate. board cover, 40 games ••••.•.....•.•.....•.•.....• .50 Almanac. ()IYIl1f1ic, \'\'"nr!r!, .-\.A.C. Editorial Committee of the .--1mencILn /111,1 ,', No. '1;'. ~r omen '13. hoard cover, 27 ~aHles.............................. .25 and Foreign Records. 25 cents ieal Jo."ducation Associll.tiun. No. ]\1. Special College Score Book, board cover, 35 games.......... .75 Fach oj /ollmcing numhns, 2:i cents Rules of Lacro~"e for \V unlt'n. 15 ccnt" TRACK AND FIELD, TENNIS AND GOLF SCORE CARDS. No. 45H. Intercollegiate A.A.A.A. Offi. Track and Field Scure Cards..... Dozen, .00 cial Handbook No. 89lL ~e3rning to Play Field Hockey )jo. 1. Tennis Score Card, endorsed by leading umpires; used in No. 94R. Olympic Garnes of 1920 I\o. 69H.. 1 ruck and Fieid for Girls national championships; new anti improved design; fOf flYe No. ]l21L National Collegiate A.A. Offi. No. I071t. Swimming for Women set.':!; in two colors.............•....................•.•....Dozen, .75 cial Handbook--- Track No. 721L Figure Skating for \\'omen ":;olf Score Sheets; used in leading tournaments; size 22x28 in.; match No. WR. Athletics for Girls play or medal play (specify which is wanted) ••••••••.•••.•Each. .15 Nu. 115R. Official Handhook for 'Women Group XI. Lawn and Field Games FIELD HOCKEY SCORE BOOK-hoard cover, 50 games.............. u .50 -Track and Field, Athletic Each 0/ following numbers, 25 cents HAND BALL SCORE BOOK-board cover. 100 games.................... .50 Gamcs, Volley BaH No. 43Il. Lawn Games-Archery; Roque: I\"o. 122R. Field Hockey Rule", f()r ;\Ien Croquet; English Croquet; Lawn Hock.· COMPETITORS' NUMBERS. No. 117R. Official A.A.t'. Handbook, in. ey; Tether Dall; Clock Golf; Golf. rsed in A.A.C., intercollegiate and intefscholastic ch~mpionship event9. cluding Track and Field Croquet; Hand Tennis: Hand Polo; Made up in sets (l to 50, 1 to 100, etc.). Rules, Pentathlon and De· Wicket Polo j Badminton; Drawin~ \lanila paper...•.Per numbcr $0.02 Linen backed ....•..Per numher $0.12 cathlon Tillde,"" noom Hockey; Garden Huckt.. y; Basket Letters, A, E, C. D, etc., on manila paper, for relay races Per letter .05 SEPARATE A.A.U. IWLE BOOKS Goal: Pin 8:11/; f:ricket SPECIALLY BOUND SERIES OF ATHLETIC HANDBOOKS Swimming Rules, with illustrations of regu­ No. 86R. Qiloits, Lawn Dowl3. Horse. Any 50 cent book will he hound in flexible or stiff cover for $1.00; any 35. cent lation uives •...•..................25c. shoe Pitching and Boccie book will-be bound in flexihle or stiff cover for 85 cents; any 25 cellt hook wIll be Miscellaneolls Events; \' olley Ball. Code Nu.
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