# ORGANIZATION FOCUS ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL WEBSITE AREA 1 Abilities United champions people with developmental and 525 E. Charleston Rd. (650)618-3312 lynda@abilitiesunited www.abilitiesunited.orG Bay Area Abilities United (formerly CAR)physical challenges and provides the training, education, and Palo Alto, CA 94306 .orG support they need to lead the lives they choose. 2 ALearn ALearn is a non-profit educational orGanization whose mission is to 186 University Ave Los 650 948-3746 [email protected] http://www.alearn.orG Mountain View Los develop and fund proGrams that will increase the number and Altos, Ca. 94022 om Altos/ Los Altos percentage of historically underrepresented students with academic Hills Mt. View Los potential who have access to hiGh level learninG proGrams throuGhout Altos/Hills their K-12 years, and who therefore matriculate and Graduate from four- year universities. 3 Assistance League of WorkinG with social service agencies, Stanford University Medical 169 State St, Los Altos, (650) 941-4625 Santa Clara Santa Clara County NOT Center, convalescent hospitals, and senior centers, the Assistance CA 94022 League has developed major proGrams which it supports from the fund- IN GUIDESTAR BUT A.L. raisinG efforts of its members. NOT IN GUIDESTAR OF SAN JOSE IS. MAY BE A CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL 4 Association of Los Altos To collect, preserve and interpret the history of the Los Altos, California 51 S San Antonio Rd, 650-9489427 LBajuk@LosAltosHist http://www.losaltoshistory.or Los Altos/Hills Historical Museum area. Los Altos, CA 94022 ory.orG G 5 Avenidas/ Early Literacy Early Literacy ProGram: ReadinG tutorinG for elementary students in MV 450 Bryant St Palo 650-289-5419 Michael Kass Palo Alto Los ProGram and LA school districts- focus on Hispanics. Alto, CA 94301 mkass@avenidas@or Altos/Hills Mt. View G A chapter of Boy Scouts of America 6 Boy Scouts-Pacific 1305 Middlefield Rd 972-580-2200 Mark Moshier www.bsa.scoutinG.orG Palo Alto Los Palo Alto 94301 [email protected] Altos/Hills Mt. View Skyline Council G 7 Bus Barn Stage TO PROMOTE DRAMATIC LITERATURE, THEATRICAL PERFORMING ARTS, PO Box 151, Los Altos, (650) 941-0884 Gary Landis www.busbarn.orG Los Altos/Hills Company THE PATRONAGE OF THESE ARTS AND TO ENCOURAGE APPRECIATION Ca. 94023 [email protected] OF THE THEATRE BY PERSONS OF ALL AGES, DIVERSE CULTURES, TASTES AND INTERESTS. 8 Child Advocates trains and supports court-appointed special advocates 509 Valley Way 408-416-0400 Vickie Scott Grove www.bemyadvocate.orG Santa Clara County to serve the needs of children in the foster care system by providinG a Milipitas 95035 [email protected] powerful, independent voice for the child. These community rg Child Advocates LOCAL???volunteers spend time with the child and become a trusted friend, mentor, and constant adult presence, they work with the foster parents, teachers, social workers, counselors, and others to Get a complete picture of the child's life and needs. 9 Childrens Health l helps children, teens and families find the best ways to learn, develop 650 Clark Way Palo 650 326-5530 Debbie Hill www.chconline.orG Bay Area Many Council and thrive. CHC provides assessment and treatment services for San Alto, CA 94304 [email protected] Los Altos/Hills on board Francisco Bay Area children and youth who face developmental, LOCAL??? behavioral, emotional and learninG challenGes that impair their abilities to function at home and at school. These services reflect multiple disciplines, includinG psychiatry, psycholoGy, neuropsycholoGy, social work, education, behavior management, family therapy, speech and lanGuage therapy, occupational therapy and art therapy. Our Goal is to help children reach their maximum potential by buildinG on their strenGths and teachinG them strateGies to overcome their challenGes. A multidisciplinary approach and specific expertise concerninG Autism Spectrum Disorders; Group therapy; psychosocial issues associated with complex medical problems; and developmental, behavioral and educational assessment of infants and children make CHC unique amonG care providers in the Bay Area. 10 City of Los Altos Senior To create a community that fosters safe, healthy, happy livinG, 97 Hillview Ave., Los (650) 947-2797 seniorcenter@losalto http://www.losaltosrecreatio Los Altos/Hills Center physically, mentally and emotionally by providinG resources, educational Altos, CA. 94022 srecreation.orG n.orG information, recreation, and activities. 11 Community Health Since 1973, CHAC's proGrams have been addressinG a variety of 711 Church Street, (650)965-2020 [email protected] http://www.chacmv.orG Mt. View Los Altos/Hills Awareness Council emotional problems that affect children and teens, and cause stress Mountain View, CA. within their families. These problems can include druG and alcohol 94042 (CHAC) abuse, physical and psycholoGical abuse, teen preGnancy and truancy, domestic violence, GanG participation, child custody conflicts, suicide prevention, economic hardship, and any other crisis or situation that may produce destructive behavior. All of CHAC's proGrams are desiGned to protect younG people from hiGh-risk behaviors such as alcohol use, illicit druG use, violence, and sexual activity, while buildinG personal assets such as school success, valuinG diversity, maintaininG Good health, and delayinG Gratification that will insure that they have the Greatest chance for success in life. 12 Community School of The Community School of Music and Arts enhances the quality of life in Finn Center, 230 San (650)917-6800 Lisa R. James http://www.arts4all.orG South Bay Music & Arts our reGion by enGaginG our diverse community in hiGh-quality arts Antonio Circle. [email protected] education, performances, and exhibitions. Mountain View, CA 94040 13 Community Services We are the community's safety-net, providinG critical support services 204 Stierlin (650)969-0836 Jim Boin http://www.csacares.orG Mt. View Los Altos/Hills Agency (CSA) that preserve and promote stability, self-reliance, and diGnity. Road Mountain View, [email protected] CA 94043 14 Cops & Gobblers 23-7291700Provides food and small toys to less fortunate families in Mountain View MV Police Officer's Bruce Barsi Mt. View children & durinG the ThanksGivinG Holiday. Not sure of status of Association Association 650-280-0251 extended community; Los Altos/Hills volunteers 15 Day Worker Center 16 East Side Prep 17 E-Cubed Youth E-Cubed Youth Philanthropy seeks to educate, enGage, and empower 183 Hillview Ave Los 650-949-5908, DeLano, Skye http://e3youth.GooGlepages.c Los Altos/ Los Altos Philanthropy/Los Altos local youth to effect positive chanGe in their local and world Altos, CA 94022 ext 202 <skye.delano@gmail. om Hills communities. E3 is a proGram of the Los Altos Community Foundation. com> Community Foundation E3 is a teen Grant makinG board that funds local projects by or for the benefit of local youth. Boar members also participate in monthly community service projects. 18 El Camino Hospital Auxiliary 19 Family Supportive HousinG 20 Festival of LiGhts Parade BrinGinG our community toGether to share the warmth of the holiday PO Box 996Los Altos, losaltosfestivalofliGht http://www.losaltosparade.c Los Altos/Hills Association season. CA 94023 [email protected] om 21 Foothill-De Anza Foothill-De Anza Foundation raises & manages private support, 12345 El Monte Rd, 650-9496230 [email protected] http://www.foundation.fhda. Mt. View Los Foundation auGmentinG diminishinG state fundinG to ensure educational excellence, Los Altos, Ca 94022 edu Altos/Hills Palo Alto opportunity, and innovation for more than 44,000 students each year. 22 Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY) 23 Friends of Dear Hollow Farm 24 Friends of the Library of Support the Los Altos Library (Main&Woodland) PO Box 212, Los Altos, (650) 947-3632 Los Altos CA 94023 25 Girl Scouts 26 GreenTown Los Green Town Los Altos is a nonpartisan Group of residents and PO Box 539, Los Altos, http://www.Greentownlosalt Los Altos/Hills Altos/Acterra businesses in Los Altos and Los Altos Hills workinG to make our CA 94023 os.orG community and the palnet more sustainable for today and for future Generations. We are focused on educatinG and inspirinG behavior chanGe to reduce enerGy use, water use. waste in our homes, and businesess and institutions. Our Focus areas are 1) the Freiker/Bike to school proGram, 2) Sustainable Land Use for downtown Los Altos 3) Waste Reduction Initiative 4) business CO-op to help restaurants reduce waste and Go Green and 5) Education Outreach. 27 Health Trust 28 Help One Child Every day in this reGion, approximately 4 children enter foster care due 858 University Ave., 650-9171210 skammerer@helpone http://www.helponechild.orG Los Altos/Hills to abuse or neGlect, totalinG more than 2400 each year. Approximately Los Altos, CA 94024 child.orG 50% of these children will never be reunited with their bioloGical parents. Due to a severe shortage of homes (funds for county and FFA recruitment efforts are limited at best) between 30-40% are removed to other counties. Help One Child is dedicated to recruitinG, traininG and supportinG those willinG to provide a home or services for foster children. Services are offered to anyone carinG for someone else?s child whether throuGh foster care, domestic or international adoption, or kinship care. 29 Hidden Villa Hidden Villa is dedicated to inspirinG a just and sustainable future 26870 Moody Road, (650) 949-8650 http://www.hiddenvilla.orG Bay Area throuGh our proGrams, land and leGacy. Acquired in 1924 by Frank and Los Altos Hills, CA Josephine Duveneck, Hidden Villa was, from its early days, a place far 94022 environmental discovery, multicultural children's camps, and social and community activism. In 1985, upon Frank's death, the property was Given to the people of this reGion as the Trust for Hidden Villa. Today, Hidden Villa offers hands-on, innovative learninG experiences to children and adults, and a wide ranGe of proGrams desiGned to increase environmental awareness and multicultural understandinG.
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