ANN ARBOR BICYCLE TOURING SOCIETY •••• Newsletter Winter 2013–2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 WORST DAY OF THE YEAR RIDE Jim Lee (Chair) (734) 604-0696 leej [email protected] Sunday, January 26, 2014 Terri Keppler (734) 645-5696 [email protected] Paul Alman Jeff McNally (734) 417-3057 [email protected] Dave Patria (734) 665-3961 [email protected] Lynn Babcock (734) 546-1047 [email protected] S aturday Evening, Jan. 25, 2014. I OFFICERS woke up this Saturday AM to a beautiful President: Doug Tidd (734) 678-8297 day, mainly sunny, intermittent snow show- [email protected] ers, about 1 or 2 inches of fresh snow, and a Vice President OHR: Tim Loviska (734) 604-4342 temperature of 28 degrees. Warmest day of [email protected] the week. But ... Vice President BASE Jim Lee (734) 604-0696 leej [email protected] Just got back from dinner. Car thermome- Secretary: Jeff Witzburg (734) 459-4013 ter reading 11 degrees, at home 10 degrees. [email protected] Oh-Oh. Not looking good for tomorrow. Treasurer: Kathleen Donahoe (734) 223-6042 For the last couple of years we have had a [email protected] variety of nasty wet, but not too cold weather; COMMITTEES a cold but clear day; a snow covered road but Membership: Beth Caldwell (734) 663-5060 around freezing day. As I get older, I note [email protected] that my tolerance for these cold days has gone and Ann Hunt (734) 761-1147 from ‘‘hell, anything above 20 degrees is just [email protected] fine’’ to ‘‘anything in the freezing rain with Mileage: Vickie Smith (734) 996-9461 clear roads is no problem’’ to ‘‘how come 50 [email protected] degrees feels a bit chilly.’’ Well, tomorrow Ride Calendar: Amy McKinley (734) 276-0240 appears to be the mother of all ‘‘Worst Day [email protected] of the Year Day’’ rides: cold—maybe single and Joe Pavlovich (734) 545-0541 or very low double digit temps—another 2 [email protected] inches of fresh snow, icy and yucky roads and Maps: Jeff Eisemann (734) 747-1862 probably impassable off road bike paths, and [email protected] oh, yes, some wind just to make it perfect. Newsletter Editor: Jonathan Rodgers (734) 347-1259 Can’t this be like what the schools do: can’t [email protected] start the buses or roads too icy to be safe, so Special Events: Dan Harrison (734) 476-4944 no school today? I’ll have to talk to DeWight [email protected] about this whole concept. Club Merchandise: Frank Lamitola [email protected] Well off to bed; I’ll just have to see what Publicity: Sal Aridi [email protected] tomorrow brings. SUPPORT STAFF And tomorrow brought 8 degrees, snow- Email Manager: [email protected] ing, and about 1 or 2 inches of fresh snow. Equipment: Tom Glowacki (734) 426-4616 Do Vickie and Frank et al seem so silly now? [email protected] OK, off to see if the roads are at all rideable on Web Gal: Deb Halbleib [email protected] anything but a fat tire mountain bike, and I Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society mean the FAT tire mountain bikes that raced P.O. Box 1585 Ann Arbor 48106 yesterday at Rolling Hills Metro Park. Drove www.aabts.org (You didn’t think I would ride did you?) 2 Newsletter of the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society WORST DAY OF THE YEAR RIDE PHOTOS Jonathan Rodgers Riders Prepare to Depart Kerrytown Farmers’ Market Riders Depart Kerrytown Farmers’ Market Steve Dodge, one of 11 AABTS WDTR Riders, smiles before he sets out Smart Choice for the Ride Riders Prepare at Kerrytown Farmers’ Market Winter 2013–2014 3 through North Campus, down Broadway, ified road ride that ended up slightly longer. etc., and ended up at Kerrytown where David Palan and the Velo Club group went DeWight and the crew from Wheels in Mo- out and covered their Dirt Hammer route tion were just setting up in preparation for north of town that ended up being 30 miles. the rush of riders who were sure to come. I A couple of Mountain bike and Fat Tire bike predict there will still be a handful of crazies rides went out for an hour or so. Hmmm. to join DeWight. Did I mention that all, ‘‘Say DeWight, how many total riders actu- yes all of DeWight’s family—Vickie, Chelsie ally showed up?’’ ‘‘Oh, around 250 including and Travis—plus all of his employees were your group.’’ Say, what??? Are you kidding? all ready to greet the riders with big smiles? There are 250 of us who think any ride is bet- I think they were smiling as you couldn’t see ter than any non-ride activity in any weather. their faces what with the balaclavas, scarves Awesome! and wooly hats. DeWight had already made some decisions: The around town group, with a route de- no 40-mile road ride, no 20-mile road ride, signed and checked out by Doug Tidd, to- modified the around town ride as most of taled about 25 riders (including 11 AABTS the neighborhood roads were treacherous (as members). Doug did an excellent job of keep- I found on North Campus), a change to the ing us off any roads, and he guided us across Mountain bike route as well. Oh, well. Safety the Border-to-Border trail, through Gallup is first of course, so the changes were based Park to the Dixboro Dam and back. Actu- on reality. The roads were just plain nasty! ally, dressing right seemed to be the norm, While there were about 300 riders total last and I heard not a single complaint, and the year, I would have been surprised if 25 crazies variety of bikes on our route was interesting: showed up. The combination of single digit Many mountain bikes, a few cyclocross bikes, temperatures, 2 inches or so of fresh snow one single speed road bike with fenders, and a on top of already icy roads, looked to make few standard road bikes with what appeared this truly ‘‘the Worst Day of the Year’’ ride; to be 28C or wider tires. Sure we had a perhaps the worst of all the ‘‘Worst Day of couple of oops, there were a couple of places the Year Rides.’’ where getting off and walking the bike seemed Mary suggested, that the ‘‘spirit’’ of the ride the wise thing to do (the wooden bridge at could be maintained by just walking our bikes the end of Mitchell Field for example), but from Kerrytown down 4th to the Arbor Brew- basically everyone had a great ride. A bit ing Company and start the party early, but over an hour on the bike, and then every- alas, just funny looks from everyone there, one headed for the Arbor Brewing Company. plus Arbor Brewing wouldn’t be available for I am sure there were some great pictures the group until after 2 PM. taken that will get posted. [See the video: I drove home, yes drove ... , had another https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=453311 884794877] I hope someone posts the pics of cup of coffee, then changed into my riding those who have facial hair—ice whiskers any- clothes, just in case, a half hour exercise in it- one? Care to guess how many women on the self, and put the bike in the car (Note to Self: ride? Eight (8)! that I counted, but of course, You promised you would never drive to a bike with all the clothes everyone wore, I might ride if the distance to the start was less than have missed some. Do I sense the continuing 10 miles. What happened, you wimp?) and trend to more and more women riding these headed back downtown. Parked, and rode days? the few hundred meters to the start. Not too many riders there; but wait, more than the 5 or 6 I expected for the modified around town I think we all had a great time. I didn’t ride. The earlier rides had all left by then. hear of any frostbites, flat tires, serious tum- Frankie Andreu headed up a 20+ mile mod- bles—correction: I did later hear that one 4 Newsletter of the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society person did go to the hospital to be checked is enough reason to keep me coming back over. So for 250 riders on a cold snowy day, year after year. I encourage you all to come that is about as good as it gets! out and enjoy this ride and earn the bragging rights that last at least until the snow goes As always, the group gathering at Arbor away. Which this year, might just be June! Brewing was a great time: free chili and the fixings, bread and lots of great beer. Seeing See you at the ‘‘Another Chili Ride’’ on people I usually don’t see during the riding Sunday, February 16 at the Corner Brewery season—all the mountain bike riders, the out if you want to partake in this silliness. of town racers and fun riders, lots of down- [Ed. Note: Additional photos of the town commuters—is one of the highlights Worst Day of the Year Ride viewable at: of the day. Just getting caught up with so http://jrodgers.smugmug.com/Events/Worst- many friends before the serious season starts Day-of-the-Year-Ride-Ann/i-xFRCz74 ] FIRST ANN ARBOR MILES RIDE! FIRST ANN ARBOR MILES RIDE JANUARY 1, 2014 Among others: Chelsie Lynn, Jeffrey D.
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