A. ALÁÈOVÁ,ALÁÈOVÁ J. et 'ICERIOVÁ, al.: MECHANOCHEMISTRY M. GOLJA AND PREPARATION O' NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALSISSN 0543-5846 METABK 43 (4) 305-309 (2004) UDC - UDK 541.12:669.09:549.1=111 MECHANOCHEMISTRY AND PREPARATION O NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS Received - Primljeno: 2003-02-30 Accepted - Prihvaæeno: 2003-07-30 Preliminary Note - Prethodno priopæenje The possibility of application of mechanochemistry in extractive metallurgy and material science is illustrated. Surface oxidation of mechanically activated sulphides, sorption properties of CaCO after mechanical activa- 3 tion, gold leaching from mechanochemically pretreated Cu-Pb-Zn complex concentrate and pilot plant tests of mechanochemical technology (process MELT) have been selected as examples of application of mechanochem- istry in physical chemistry and extractive metallurgy. The mechanochemical reduction of Cu S with the aim to 2 prepare nanocrystalline copper can serve as an example of a novel process for preparation of advanced mate- rials in materials science. Key words: mechanochemistry, leaching, sorption, reduction, mineral Mehanokemija i priprema nanokristaliniènih materijala. U radu su prikazane mo-guænosti primjene mehanokemije na procese ekstrakcije u metalurgiji i znanosti o materijalima. Za primjer takve primjene mehanokemije u fizièkoj kemiji i metalurgiji ekstrakcije odabrani su oksidacija povrine mehanièki aktiviranih sulfida, apsorpciona svojstva CaCO nakon mehanièkog aktiviranja, izdvajanje zlata luenjem prethodno 3 mehanokemijski pripremljenog kompleksnog koncentrata Cu-Pb-Zn i pilot-pogonskog testiranja mehanokemijske tehnologije (proces MELT). Mehanokemijska redukcija Cu S radi pripreme nanokristalnog bakra moe u znanosti 2 o materijalima posluiti kao primjer neuobièajenog procesa za pripremanje poboljanih materijala. Kljuène rijeèi: mehanokemija, luenje, sorpcija, redukcija, mineral INTRODUCTION SURACE OXIDATION O MECHANICALLY ACTIVATED SULPHIDES Mechanochemistry as a branch of solid state chemistry which enquiring into processes which proceed in solids due The disordering of surface layers of sulphide minerals to the application of mechanical energy. The central prob- occurs during mechanical activation in the presence of air lem of the solid state chemistry is the relationship between oxygen. The first surface layers of these sulphides are de- structure and reactivity of solids. Mechanochemistry helps graded to some extent [6]. However, this disordering is not us to solve this problem by the intentional formation of de- uniform and a great variety of different species are formed fects in the structure of solid substances by the application on the surface of disordered sulphides, e. g. oxides, hydroxi- of mechanical forces using intensive milling equipments. oxides, hydroxides, sulfites, thiosulphates, oxisulphates, hydroxisulphates and sulphates have all been reported [1]. At present, mechanochemistry appears to be a science Photoelectron (XPS) spectra of mechanically activated with a sound theoretical foundation which exhibits a wide lead sulphide PbS have been studied. Pb, S and contami- range of potential application. There is a great number of nating C and O are seen in the survey XPS spectrum of publications on this topic concentrated in several mono- PbS in 'igure 1. The sulphate sulphur enrichment on sur- graphs and papers [1 - 5]. face is illustrated in 'igure 2., where spectra of S2p elec- The purpose of this paper is to elucidate the recent trons for both samples are given. While about 42 % of progress of mechanochemistry in extractive metallurgy and hexavalent sulphur is present in the surface layer of non- preparation of advanced materials. activated PbS, it increased to 70 % in the activated sample. However, based on the shape of spectrum we may sup- pose the presence of oxidative sulphur species also be- A. Aláèová, J. 'iceriová, Institute of Geotechnics Slovak Academy of 2- 6+ Sciences, Koice, Slovakia, M. Golja, 'aculty of Metallurgy University tween S and S peaks. This was well documented in our of Zagreb, Sisak, Croatia previous work devoted to mechanical activation of galena METALURGIJA 43 (2004) 4, 305-309 305 A. ALÁÈOVÁ et al.: MECHANOCHEMISTRY AND PREPARATION O' NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS [1]. The model developed in paper [7], where point de- fects and adsorption sites on surface of PbS are presented, (2) can also be partly accepted for our obser-vation bearing in mind the fact, that mechanical activation is always con- nected with the creation of surface defects in solids. ) SORPTION PROPERTIES O CaCO ATER MECHANICAL ACTIVATION 0 1s 3 The special properties of fine particles with a high sur- Pb 4p arbitraryunits ( Pb 4d face area and their significant occurrence as by the product / (1) waste from mineral processing plants hawe lead to the sug- gestion that they may be utilized as sorbents for toxic met- C 1s Pb Pb 4f Intensity Intensity als [8]. The application of mechanical activation to indus- trial minerals with the creation of new surface area and struc- S 2p ture disordering is the innovative procedure to enhance the sorption efficiency of fines for toxic metals removal. The physico-chemical properties of calcite CaCO me- 3 chanically activated in a planetary mill, as well as the sorp- tion ability of this mineral for zinc removal from ZnSO 4 0 model solution, have been studied. 700 800 900 300 400 600 500 100 200 1000 Binding energy / eV Table 1. Time of mechanical activation, t S X tS, specific surface area, and M A MA/ min / m21 g / % igure 1. XPS survey spectrum of PbS, mechanical activation: 1 - 0 content of crystalline phase, X of min, 2 - 15 min mechanically activated CaCO3 0 1,8 100 Tablica 1. Vrijeme mehanièkog aktivira- Slika 1. XPS spektar povrine PbS, mehanièko aktiviranje: 1 - 0 3 6,7 32 min, 2 - 15 min nja, tM, odreðeno podruèje povr- ine, SA i sadraj kristalne faze, 7 4,4 22 X u mehanièki aktiviranom 15 3,1 16 CaCO3 S 2p The specific surface area and the content of crystalline phase (structure disorder) are given in Table 1. The specific surface area increases for the first three minutes and then S6+ the decrease is observed probably as a result of aggregation 25 (1) 20 S2- 1 - 15 / ml / Zn 1 c Intensity/(arbitrary units) 10 (2) 5 2 4 3 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 tA / min 155 160 165 170 175 Binding energy / eV igure 3. Concentration dependance of Zn, cZn vs. time of sorption, tA. Mechanical activation: 1 - 0 min, 2 - 3 min, 3 - 7 min, 4 - igure 2. S2p XPS spectrum of PbS, mechanical activation: 1 - 0 15 min min, 2 - 15 min Slika 3. Ovisnost koncentracije Zn, ctZn o vremenu sorpcije, A. Me- Slika 2. S2p XPS spektar PbS, mehanièko aktiviranje: 1 - 0 min, 2 hanièko aktiviranje 1 - 0 min, 2 - 3 min, 3 - 7 min, 4 - 7 min, - 15 min 4 - 15 min 306 METALURGIJA 43 (2004) 4, 305-309 A. ALÁÈOVÁ et al.: MECHANOCHEMISTRY AND PREPARATION O' NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS of mechanically activated particles. However, in spite of 5 that, the increase of structure disordering can be observed 100 in a whole interval of mechanical activation under study. 3 The sorption isotherms for zinc sorption from ZnSO 4 4 80 solution (pH = 2,0) on mechanically activated calcite are given in 'igure 3. There is a strong evidence of positive % 60 influence of mechanical activation on the rate as well as / 2 Au the efficiency of sorption. While only 58 % of Zn was ε adsorbed from zinc solution after 30 minutes treatment, 40 only three minutes were needed for 98 % retention of Zn. In comparison with data in Table 1., the preferential influ- 20 1 ence of structural disordering on zinc sorption can be un- ambiguously deduced. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 t / min GOLD LEACHING ROM L MECHANOCHEMICALLY PRETREATED igure 4. Recovery of Au into leach, εAu vs. leaching time, tL for me- COMPLEX SULPHIDE CONCENTRATE chanically activated samples. Energy input by milling, EM: 1 - 0 kWh/t (as-received concentrate), 2 - 225 kWht/t, The technologies hitherto used encounter a problem in 3 - 449 kWh/t, 4 - 898 kWh/t, 5 - 1497 kWh/t Slika 4. Oporavak Au u luini, ε prema trajanju luenja, t za processing complex sulphide concentrates containing gold Au L mehanièki aktivirane uzorke. Unos energije valjanjem, in an economic way providing sufficient recovery. One of EM: 1 - 0 kWh/t (koncentrate u primljenom stanju), 2 - the problems of gold extraction from sulphidic minerals is 225 kWht/t, 3 - 449 kWh/t, 4 - 898 kWh/t, 5 - 1497 kWh/t associated with the form in which the metal occurs. Gold in sulphides may be physically included in intercrystalline of sulphide concentrate pretreatment before extraction of spaces of sulphides that result from defects in their struc- precious metals into leach liquor. The process of thiosulp- ture, or it can be chemically bonded in solid solutions and hate leaching is nontoxic and moreover brings kinetic ad- compounds. vantage over classical cyanide leaching [1, 9]. Chemical, biological and physical pretreatments are applied as intervention steps directed to the sulphide, the PROCESS MELT: goal of which is to change the composition and particle size MECHANOCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY of the gold-bearing sulphides and thus, to facilitate subse- quent leaching. Simultaneously, with examination of the The possibility of integrating the individual operations above mentioned pretreatments, new processes of mecha- within a whole technological flowsheet is not new. The nochemical pretreatment are being successfully applied to process CIL (carbon-in-leach) is used in hydrometallurgy fundamental research, as well as to plant operations [1]. for gold recovery. Granular activated carbon is added to The possibility of mechanochemical pretreatment of Cu- the leaching tanks so that it can adsorb the gold cyanide Pb-Zn gold bearing sulphide concentrate in order to enhance complex as soon as it is formed thus integrating leaching the leachability of gold in ammonium thiosulphate lixiviant and sorption into a common operation. (as an alternative for cyanide leaching) has been verified.
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