Drainage Services Department Research & Development Forum, 20 Nov 2013 Disinfection Dosage Control for Harbour Area Treatment Scheme J.H.W. Lee, K.W. Choi and S.N. Chan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Outline 1. Overview of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS). 2. Study on sewage effluent E.coli standard to protect beach water quality 3. Hydraulics of the Advance Disinfection System (ADF) in SCISTW 4. In-plant E.coli survey in SCISTW 5. Conclusions 1 1. Overview of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS). Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 1:Commenced in December 2001 (Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment) 23.6 km of deep tunnels; 1.4 M m3/d of sewage receives CEPT Disinfection (chlorination): Started in March 2010 Stage 2A : Commenced in 2014 2 Deep-tunnel sewage conveyance system Screening Stonecutters Island Plants/pumping Sewage Treatment Submarine stations Work (SCISTW) outfall 23.6 km deep tunnels (>100m below ground level) Sewage in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island is conveyed through 23.6km deep tunnels to the Stonecutters Island STW for Chemically-Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT). HATS Stage 1 Chemically-enhanced primary treatment at Stonecutters Island STW Stop 600 tonnes/yr of sludge from entering the harbour Pollutants removal rate: 70% organics (BOD) 80% suspended solids 60% heavy metals 25% total nitrogen 50% phosphorus E.coli: before disinfection: 50% after disinfection: 7 5 10 → 10 cnt/100mL 3 Tsuen Wan beaches Ting Kau Tsuen Wan Approach Hoi Mei Lido Casam Wan Ting Kau Tsuen Wan Angler’s Gemini Beach HATS Outfall Length: 20m Tsing Yi HATS Outfall (~10-15m) Ma Wan Channel (30 (15m) Slope = 7% Kap ~ 8km 淨化海港計劃排污口 Shui Mun (25 -35m HATS -30m ) ) Victoria Due to elevatedHarbour E.coli level, Tsuen Wan beaches were closed in 2002-2010 Ma Wan Tung Wan Beach Length: 140m TW beaches reopened in Slope = 1% 2011 as water quality improved due to disinfection WQO Compliance of Tsuen Wan beaches after disinfection - A beach is in compliance with the Water Quality Objective (WQO) if the annual geometric mean E.coli is < 180 count/100mL Measured Annual Geometric mean E.coli of Tsuen Wan beaches after disinfection Year 2010 2011 2012 Rainfall (mm/yr) 2372 mm 1477 mm 1925 mm Ma Wan Tung Wan 17 10 22 Angler's 134 28 69 Gemini 137 19 40 Hoi Mei Wan 87 24 51 Casam 102 20 50 Lido 87 19 32 Ting Kau 141 56 87 Approach 124 57 83 Annual Ranking Good <25 Annual ranking of a beach = geometric mean of all E.coli Fair 25-180 sampling in bathing season (1 Mar-31 Oct). Poor 181-610 Very Poor >610 4 Improvement in water Quality (E.coli), Victoria Harbour E.coli (counts/100mL) 1.E+6 Depth average EPD Data 1.E+5 1.E+4 Pre-HATS: 1986-2001 1.E+3 Post-HATS: 2002-2009 610 1.E+2 Pre-HATS Post-disinfection: 2010-now Post-HATS 1.E+1 Post-Disinfection West East 1.E+0 Significant reduction in WM4 WM3 VM8 VM7 VM6 VM5 VM4 VM2 VM1 JM4 EM1 EM2 EM3 HATS Central Lei Yue Mun E.coli in the eastern side after HATS Rise in E.coli in western harbour after HATS, but reduction after disinfection Contribution of E.coli loading of various sources (pre-disinfection) 17 Total E.coli load = HATS + Victoria Harbour + Tsuen Wan + TW West = 2.1 x 10 count/d Outfalls, pre-disinfection Tuen Mun 0 1 2 4 km E.coli loading (count/d), E.coli loading (count/d) % to total load New Territories <1e+14 <5e+14 TW West Tsuen 7.2e+13, Wan <1e+15 <0.1% WTA 5.0e+15, <5e+15 2.4% <1e+16 Kap Tsing Shui <5e+16 Mun Yi <1e+17 <1e+18 SCISTW Ma Wan Rambler Channel Beaches Channel Kowloon HATS 1.4e+17, NPA CEA 66% WEA Loading Flow E.coli E.coli % to WCA from (m3/s) conc. loading total Outfall (count/ (count/d) loading 100mL) (sewage) HATS 15.8 1.E+7 1.4E+17 78.6% CEA 1.316 1.E+7 1.1E+16 6.5% SBA Hong Kong Island CPA WCA 0.399 1.E+7 3.5E+15 2.0% Victoria Harbour WFA WEA 1.419 7.1% 1.E+7 1.2E+16 ABA 6.5e+16, 31% NPA 1.163 1.E+7 1.0E+16 5.8% East Lamma Channel West Lamma Channel 5 Contribution of E.coli loading of various sources (ADF) 16 Total E.coli load = HATS + Victoria Harbour + Tsuen Wan + TW West = 7.3 x 10 count/d Outfalls, post-disinfection 0 1 2 4 km E.coli loading (count/d), Tuen Mun E.coli loading (count/d) % to total load New Territories <1e+14 <5e+14 TW West Tsuen Wan 7.2e+13, <1e+15 <0.1% WTA 5.0e+15, <5e+15 7% <1e+16 Kap Tsing Shui <5e+16 Mun Yi <1e+17 <1e+18 SCISTW Ma Wan Rambler Beaches Channel Channel Kowloon HATS 2.8e+15, 4% NPA CEA Loading Flow E.coli E.coli % to WCAWEA from (m3/s) conc. loading total Outfall (count/ (count/d) loading 100mL) (sewage) HATS 15.8 2.E+5 1.4E+17 6.9% CEA 1.316 28.5% 1.E+7 1.1E+16 SBA Hong Kong Island WCA 0.399 8.6% CPA 1.E+7 3.5E+15 Victoria Harbour WEA 1.419 1.E+7 1.2E+16 30.8% WFA ABA 6.5e+16, 89% NPA 1.163 1.E+7 1.0E+16 25.2% East Lamma Channel West Lamma Channel Current License Standard for HATS Effluent • Before disinfection (1.4 x 106 m3/d) – E.coli = 107 counts/100mL – Loading = 1.4 x 1017 counts/d • Stage I, ADF (1.4 x 106 m3/d) – Monthly Gmean E.coli < 2 x 105 counts/100mL – Loading = 2.8 x 1015 counts/d • Stage 2A (1.8 x 106 m3/d) – Monthly Gmean E.coli < 2 x 104 counts/100mL – Loading = 3.6 x 1014 counts/d • E.coli loading from HATS has much less contribution (from 66% to 4% of the total load) to beach water quality after disinfection • These standards are based on the results of water quality modelling in a previous EIA study (Maunsell | AECOM, 2007), which only considered the typical dry and wet season conditions and have not accounted for the diurnal E.coli variation. • Realistic re-examination of the effluent discharge standards in relation to the beach WQ is required. 6 2. Re-examination of effluent E.coli standard Hong Kong’s beach water quality objective (WQO) Minor illnesses E. coli * Water Quality Beach rate ** (counts Objective Grading water quality (cases per 1000 /100 mL) Compliance/ 泳灘水質 swimmers) 大腸桿菌 Exceedance 發病率 1 Good ≤ 24 Undetectable Compliance 2 Fair 25 - 180 ≤ 10 3 Poor 181 - 610 11 - 15 Exceedance 4 Very poor > 610 > 15 *Weekly Beach Grading: Geometric Mean E. coli level of the 5 most recent samplings (ClnEC5) Annual Beach Ranking: Geometric Mean E. coli level of all bathing season (Mar-Oct) samplings ** Skin and Gastrointestinal illnesses (Cheung et al. 1990) 7 Project WATERMAN 3D Hydrodynamic Model of Hong Kong waters (Water Research, Chan et al. 2013) Submarine outfalls Salinity (ppt) 20.0 25.0 30.0 0.0 Dynamic coupling 2.0 4.0 (DESA) 6.0 8.0 Depth (m) Neap 10.0 Spring 12.0 14.0 16.0 Near-field model Far-field JETLAG Hydrodynamic Model Bacterial Loading Current, Turbulent Mixing 潮汐流、紊流混合 Bacterial decay modeling E. coli concentration (大腸桿菌含量) Real-time forecast of beach water quality for Tsuen Wan beaches using 3D hydrodynamic model 8 Validation: 2006 (Wet Year, Pre-disinfection) 100000 2006 100000 E.coli (cnt/100mL) corr = 0.641 Wan Chai 2006 10000 HATS 10000 Lei Yu Mun 1000 1000 Meas. 100 Pred. West East 100 10 WM4 WM3 VM8 VM7 VM6 VM5 VM4 VM2 VM1 Pred. Depth Pred. Avg.E.coli (cnt/100mL) Pred. vs. Meas. (DA) Annual Mean, Depth Avg. 10 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Meas. Depth Avg. E.coli (cnt/100mL) Vertical structure, annual mean Meas. S Pred. M B VM4 WM4 WM3 VM7 VM6 VM2 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 West (Ma Wan) East (Lei Yu Mun) Validation: 2010 (Average-Wet Year, Post-disinfection) 100000 E.coli (cnt/100mL) 2010 100000 corr = 0.712 Wan Chai 2010 HATS 10000 10000 Lei Yu Mun 1000 Meas. 1000 100 Pred West East 10 100 WM4 WM3 VM8 VM7 VM6 VM5 VM4 VM2 VM1 Pred. Depth Avg. E.coli (cnt/100mL) Avg. Depth Pred. E.coli Pred. vs. Meas. (DA) Annual Mean, Depth Avg. 10 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Meas. Depth Avg. E.coli (cnt/100mL) Vertical structure, annual mean Meas. S Pred. M B VM7 VM6 VM4 VM2 WM4 WM3 10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 100 1000 10000 100000 West (Ma Wan) East (Lei Yu Mun) 9 Validation - Diurnal Beach E.coli Variation Lido beach 10000 E.coli Tide (m) 3.0 10000 E.coli Tide (m) 3.0 (#/100mL) LIDO (#/100mL) LIDO 2.5 Model 2.5 1000 610 1000 Field data 2.0 610 Tide 2.0 180 180 100 1.5 100 1.5 24 1.0 24 1.0 10 Model 10 Field data 0.5 0.5 Tide 1 0.0 1 0.0 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 18-Aug-2012, sunny day, semi-diurnal 27-Aug-2012, sunny day, diurnal Gemini beach 10000 E.coli Tide (m) 3.0 10000 E.coli Tide (m) 3.0 (#/100mL) GEM (#/100mL) GEM 2.5 Hindcast 2.5 1000 1000 Field data 610 610 2.0 Tide 2.0 180 180 100 1.5 100 1.5 24 1.0 24 1.0 10 Model 10 Field data 0.5 0.5 Tide 1 0.0 1 0.0 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 18-Aug-2012, sunny day, semi-diurnal 27-Aug-2012, sunny day, diurnal Diurnal Beach E.coli Variation • Beach WQ depends on tidal and solar radiation • During diurnal tides beach WQ is relatively better than during semi-diurnal tides • Longer travel time (from HATS to TW beaches) during diurnal tide, allows for more bacterial decay by solar radiation (Chan et al, 2013).
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