0'1'.":-.'#-'''''1''''· ""'" University of Cincinnati NEWSREC Published Tuesdays and Fridays during the Academic Year except as scheduled.RAl' No. 57 Cincinnati, Ohio Tuesday, November 4,1969 No. 10 Senate conducts second Internati~naIWeek, -,Nov. -9·15 by Dale Seiler at fraternity and sorority houses Dinner on the 14th. The NR Staff Reporter and in the residence halls. This is entertainmen twill .feature planned. to be a very informal Raphael de -Acha, who has won International Week 1969: event and. is more or less competitions in the Metropolitan sponsored by Student Senate, will free-form. Opera. He is a CCM Voice Major, be officially kicked off November November 12 will feature the and his performance will include 9. This is the second year. that usual weekly International Coffee 'poetry recitation and singing, ' Senate has conducted the flour from 3:00 pm.-5:00 pm. in the. November 15 will be the date of program. As in last year's Faculty Lounge. , the International Folk Festival, "American Affluence and the which will feature .entertainment program, the theme for the week / is, "Walk together, talk together, Non-American World" is the topic from allover the world. Bill ye peoples of the earth; then and of November 13's panel Nimmo, who teaches radio and only then shall there be peace." discussion, which will be held at television in CCM, will be the,' Hoping to further this objective, 12:30 in the Great Hall. Speakers master of ceremonies. Starting at Senate has organized a varied and will include Dr. Beaver, Dr. 8:00 prn, the program will! feature representative program, including Abbousji, and others, along with a generally light entertainment, such.diverse .topics as an Afro .Arts nu~b~r9f foreign stud~nt,s.La~er wHh ..about ...fifteendif~er~nt Ensemble, featuring - African in" the'"day will be 'the--"German perfo~ni~ul~s. 'An 'Indian styie C' music, dancing, and singing, and Dinner in the Columbia Room show will be an added attraction an ,"International Bazaar", with and the Siddall Cafeteria, replete of the Festival. Admission is displays and booths from many with authentic German food and $1.25 for adults and .50c for nations. decorations. children. Ken Wolfe, Chairman of the The Faculty Dining Room will ' Runnine: concurrently with, International Week Steering be the scene of the Spanish (Continued on page 12) Committee, gives' this overall picture of the proceedings: The week will begin unofficially -Ohio~_N;]. electorate to with the Divali Festival, the Indian High Holiday whieh corresponds to our Christmas in .de'term;n~' youth vote significance. =Heldat 7:30 p.m, November 8, it will be presented media of television, radio, the increasing numbers of politically ",.,..: by some of the Indian students in ~y Dan Schleuter oriented reading matter, etc.," the U.C. population. Today and tonight. the voters in The Opening Chinese Dinner,. Ohio and New Jersey will be given factors omnipresent in everyone's the official start of the week, will the opportunity to amend their lives, sometimes give young people a better 'understanding of be held Nov. 9 in the Columbia respective state constitutions; in issues-and problems than many of Room. ,Dignitaries will include Ohio, enfranchising YQ!1ngpeople their elders." . ."" •.•.. '_. ' MaYC;H Ru ehlman, who will at 19, and in New Jersey-at 18. It proclaim the week "International . .has been a long fight in these The average 1S to 21 year old is particular' states, and 'is -a fight a high school graduate.. Week in Cincinnati", and MAYBE CINQ;Y wasn't<a·Schoo...m:b~t'she sure: was-exeited aI!yway. that will spread across the country He has' extensive knowledge of .President Langsam. Entertainment when crowned'1969-70 Homecoming Queen .at.haIf-time"'of the O.C. for the evening' will .include in years to come. the world around him, and the breadth of his kn~'Yledge and North Texas game. ' I authentic Chinese 'decorations and The real issue is': "Are 18, 19 • P' (NR Photo by Dave Kessler) costumes, and the talents of Wai and 20-year olds really (Continuedon page 13) Wai Chang, who has had incompetent." and should the experience on local television as a older generation, "show them" singer and dancer. Tickets for this that they must. "graduate", not event are available at the Univer - only from highschool" but Boardco •••mi.ltees :consider lac'ult" sity Ticket Office. "mature" for three years before The main event November 10 they can claim citizenship-or will.bethe Afro Arts Ensemble in shall the efforts of those in Ohio, student- 'propos~ls lor -URiv. Senate the Great Hall. It is presently' New Jersey and those other states who have manifested their planned to last for approximately their actions in, the -University he announced that he would send political maturity be rewarded by Rick Stillwell two hoyrs, with authentic African Senate towards the goal of a' both the student and faculty with that valued prize-the vote. NR Staff Reporter costumes, music, singing, and forum. proposals to the Board of There are two basic issues that The Board Directors' dancmg. The United Black of To this end an, informal meeting Directors' committees,. meeting ought to govern qualifications for committees on Student Affairs Association is organizing the was set up with Dr. Laushe, last Friday. When questioned on voting. The first is that voting is a and Academic Affairs have met presentation. Chairman of the -Executive the Student Senate's prqp~l, he . public responsibility, not merely a Friday to consider the faculty's November 11 will find Carl Committee, Dr. Nester,:. Joe said he didn't have time roreview personal right. It is the act by and Student Senate's proposals Rowan speaking in the Great Hall 'KornicK,. Vice President of it. He, also went on to say that he which the people choose men to concerning the University ~~nat" on "New Dimensions in World' Student Body, and Marc Rubin, would suggest to the Board of occupy public offices and to Constitution. ,v· Affairs." Mr.. Rowan.:a nationally Chairman of Student Rights and Directors that they pass the govern the community. From this Last spring the faculty sent to Syndicated columnist, author, and Privileges Committee. The feeling faculty proposal' and on the first point of view, the question is the Student Senate their proposal diplomat, is the former Director that came out of the meeting was meeting of the University Senate, whether lowering, the voting age for a co ns titution for the of the U.S. Information Agency. that the faculty were gener,ally ,suggest that' the Student Following his talk at-12:30 prn, will , will tend to produce an electorate University Senate. The Student Senate subsequently directed it to favorable towards the student government's tentative changes iJe b~ a reception. and an informal that is superior to the present one the Constitution Committee, government's ideas. entertained. discussion at 2:00 p.m, in the Faculty and better qualified to choose Rights and Privileges' Committee, Lounge. h on es t and capable public Another meeting was then- Friday ,Dr. La n gsams" and the Academic Affairs Also on November 11 will be ( officials. arranged with basically the same suggestions will be recommended Committee. Last summer it was the "Forum Night", during which The 'other issue is this: No people attending. .The faculty to the next meeting of the Board decided that the prime function panels of foreign students and segment of the community should d-isagreed with the idea of of Directors. Subsequently, a be excluded from the electorate, . of the University Senate as ch anging the- name f~om number of Student Government U.C. professors will discuss many written, in the proposed different, aspects of world affairs if its rights and interests cannot be U n i v e r sit Y Sen a.t e ••.t 0 - officials drafted a letter explaining adequately safeguarded by an constitution was to' act as a All-University Congress and the their ,dissent on the matter and ,~ electorate of which itsdoes not legislative body. number of student sent it to the Board of, Directors. form a part. "'!~" ;'../, Due to state and city statutes, representatives. They expressed Pro and Con discussions are students cannot participate in reservations about a proposal Marc Rubin, Chairman of the I. ":':'i{ Inside story waged on' a number of levels; legislative bodies of the University. dealing with amending to the Student Rights and Privileges some appealing to the intellect When the three committees constitution. Their main Committee, commented: "It is a and others not. "If you're old reported to" Student Senate, .the disagreement was the wording of bad idea to approve a constitution enough to fight, you're old Rights and Privileges Committee the proposal. for a body as important as this suggested use of the University one with the understanding that enough to vote" is perhaps the The faculty agreed with' the A correction. on the Senate as a forum where all four at the first .rneeting of" the number one phrase used by Student Government in riot Correlation Committee article bodies,' student, faculty, University Senate, it .shall consider proponents of reduced voting age, having standing committees found on page one of last administration, and graduate these five major amendments to not because they see it as a except for .procedural matters, Friday's NR. students could meet and discuss its .constitution. Moreover, this super-relevant statement, but and with the procedure in The .A&S faculty voted to position of resolving a difference because it sells. That is the job to pertinent matters.
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