Systematic Database of Names by Allen L. Norrbom, Lynn E. Carroll, F. Christian Thompson, Ian M. White & Amnon Freidberg Genus ACANTHIOPHILUS Rioxoptilona Hendel 1914[2102]: 78, Trypeta vaga Wiedemann Acanthiophilus Becker 1908[374]: 136, Tetanocera walkeri Wol- (OD). [6600353] laston (OD). [6600182] Yunacantha Chen & Zia 1963[816]: 643, nigrolimbata Chen & Zia (OD). [6600366] REFS—Bezzi 1924[472]: 139 (key to 3 spp. (obsolete) [AF]); Erectovena Ito 1984[2416]: 59, Rioxoptilona speciosa Hendel Bezzi 1926[476]: 295 (key to 7 spp. (obsolete) [AF: South Africa]); (OD). [6600442] Hendel 1927[2108]: 203 (key to 2 spp. [PA]); Kapoor 1993[2600]: 56 Lenitovena Ito 1984[2416]: 52, Trypeta trigona Matsumura (OD). (key to 2 spp. [OR: India]). [6600441] Erektovena Ito 1984[2416]: 62, incosp. Erectovena Ito, by present astrophorus. Sri Lanka [OR]. revision. [6600909] Acanthiophilus astrophorus Hering 1939[2182]: 187.—Sri Lanka. Acanthineura Agassiz 1846[52]: 1, missp. Acanthonevra Macquart. Western: Colombo. LT / NMW. Lectotype designated by Hardy [6601016] 1968: 129. [6602422] Acanthoneura Schiner 1868[3316]: 228, missp. Acanthonevra brunneus. Ethiopia, e. Zaire, Uganda, Kenya [AF]. Macquart. [6600654] Acanthiophilus brunneus Munro 1934[3467]: 4.—Zaire. Kivu: Acanthonera Hardy 1977[1946]: 61, missp. Acanthonevra Mac- Burunga (1°30’S 29°18’E). HT / AMNH. [6603522] quart. [6600935] ciconia. Uganda, Kenya [AF]. Acanthiophilus ciconia Munro 1957[3510]: 1025.—Kenya. REFS—Shiraki 1933[4432]: 296, 307 ((Acanthoneura & Ri- Aberdare Range, Mt. Kinangop, 10000 ft. HT ? BMNH. oxoptilona) keys to 5 spp. [PA, OR: Japan, Korea & Taiwan]); [6603741] Malloch 1939[3137]: 431 ((Acanthoneura) key to 3 spp. (obsolete) coarctatus. Cameroon [AF]. [AU]); Hardy 1951[1922]: 170 ((Acanthoneura) key to 4 spp. [AU: Acanthiophilus coarctatus Hering 1942[2207]: 14.—Cameroon. Australia]); Hardy 1973[1942]: 82 (key to 12 spp. [OR: Southeast Uam region, near Bosum. ST ?/ ZMHU. [6602602] Asia]); Hardy 1986[1962]: 13 (key to 13 spp. [OR, AU: Indonesia & helianthi. Europe, E to Mongolia, S to n. & e. Africa, Afghanistan & New Guinea]); Ito 1984[2416]: 52 (key to 5 spp. [PA: Japan]); Kwon Thailand [PA, AF, OR]. 1985[2802]: 60 (key to 2 spp. [PA: Korea]); Korneyev 1990[2732]: Musca helianthi Rossi 1794[4222]: 73.—Italy. “Etruria” 117 (key to 5 spp. [PA: e. Russia]); Kapoor 1993[2600]: 36 (key to [Tuscany?]. ST A ZMHU? Type data (Thompson & Pont 1993: 10 spp. [OR: India]). 82). [6604162] Trypeta eluta Meigen 1826[3306]: 344.—France. Fontainebleau; affluens. Burma [OR]. & Niemes; Portugal; & Germany. Stolberg. ST ?/ MNHNP. Acanthoneura affluens Hering 1951[2214]: 1.—Burma. HT ? Also possibly ST in ZMHU. [6603447] BMNH. [6602649] Acanthiophilus helianthe Bezzi 1918[456]: 41.—missp. helianthi amurensis. e. Russia (Primorskiy) [PA]. Rossi. [6605053] Ptilona amurensis Portschinsky 1892[3876]: 214.—Russia. koehleri. Cameroon [AF]. Amur, Wladiwostok [Primorskiy: Vladivostok]. LT / ZISP. Acanthiophilus koehleri Hering 1940[2188]: 31.—Cameroon. Lectotype designation by inference of holotype by Korneyev Southwest: Mt. Cameroon, near Johann-Albracht Hutte, 2500 m. 1990: 119. [6604001] HT ? BMNH. [6602466] ceramensis. Malaysia (Sabah), Indonesia (Maluku) [OR, AU]. Acanthiophilus köhleri Hering 1940[2188]: 31.—incosp. koehleri Acanthoneura dunlopi var. ceramensis Meijere 1913[3315]: Hering. Automatic correction under Art. 32(d). [6605712] 61.—Indonesia. Maluku: Ceram [Seram Laut]. LT ? ZMAN. lugubris. India (Tamil Nadu) [OR]. Lectotype designated by Hardy 1986: 15. [6604912] Acanthiophilus lugubris Hering 1939[2182]: 187.—India. Tamil continua. Malaysia (Sabah) [OR]. Nadu: Kodaikanal. HT / MNHNP. [6602421] Acanthonevra continua Hardy 1986[1962]: 15.—Malaysia. melanoxanthus. Cameroon [AF]. Sabah: 19 km. N of Kalabakan, forest camp. HT / BBM. Acanthiophilus melanoxanthus Hering 1938[2180]: [6601773] 407.—Cameroon. Uam region, Bosum. ST ?/ ZMHU. desperata. Thailand, Laos, Vietnam [OR]. [6602307] Rioxoptilona desperata Hering 1939[2182]: 176.—Vietnam. trypaneodes. Ethiopia [AF]. Mont de Chaudoc. HT / MNHNP. [6602408] Acanthiophilus trypaneodes Hering 1937[2173]: 263.—Ethiopia. dunlopi. India to Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia (E to Java & Harrar [Harar: Harar]. ST ?/ ZMHU. [6602285] Borneo) [OR]. walkeri. Madeira Is., Canary Is. [PA]. Ptilona dunlopi Wulp 1880[5209]: 186.—Indonesia. Sumatra: Tetanocera walkeri Wollaston 1858[5174]: 116.—Madeira Is. Padang. HT / ZMAN. HT apparently lost (Hardy 1986: 16). Madeira: Santa Cruz. LT / BMNH. Lectotype designated by [6604769] Merz 1992: 224. [6604762] formosana. e. Russia, Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Vietnam [PA, OR]. Genus ACANTHONEVRA Acanthoneura formosana Enderlein 1911[1326]: 419.—Taiwan. Acanthonevra Macquart 1843[3076]: 377, fuscipennis Macquart Kosempo. HT / PAN. [6601142] (OD). [6600494] Acanthoneura amamioshimaensis Shiraki 1968[4435]: Chaetomerella Meijere 1914[3319]: 212, nigrifacies Meijere 57.—Japan. Ryukyu Is.: Amami-Oshima I. HT / NIAS. (MO). [6600229] [6604350] 66 MYIA Volume 9 fuscipennis. India, Thailand, w. Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java) ornatipennis. Burma, Thailand [OR]. [OR]. Acanthoneura ornatipennis Hering 1951[2214]: 2.—Burma. HT Acanthonevra fuscipennis Macquart 1843[3076]: 378.—Bengale / BMNH. [6602656] [e. India or Bangladesh]. LT / MNHNP. Lectotype designation parvisetalis. China (Fujian) [OR]. by inference of holotype by Hardy 1973: 87. [6603211] Rioxoptilona parvisetalis Hering 1939[2183]: 144.—China. Trypeta polyxena Osten Sacken 1881[3721]: 462.—Indonesia. Fujian: Kwang-Tseh. HT ? ZFMK. [6602426] Java. HT / MCSNG. Type data (Hardy 1986: 17). [6603943] pteropleuralis. Russia (Primorskiy), China, Korea, Japan [PA]. Acanthoneura bataca Enderlein 1911[1326]: 417.—Indonesia. Acanthoneura pteropleuralis Hendel 1927[2107]: 58.—Russia. Sumatra: Soekaranda. ST / PAN. Inference of HT by Hardy Amur Region. ST ?/ Unknown. [6602137] 1973: 93 & 1986: 17 invalid. [6601141] quatei. Thailand, Vietnam [OR]. Acanthoneura synopica Hering 1952[2218]: 278.—Indonesia. s. Dirioxa quatei Hardy 1973[1942]: 99.—Vietnam. Ban Me Thuot, Sumatra: Wai Lima, Lampongs. HT ? RNH. [6602678] 500 m. HT ? BBM. [6601627] Acanthonevra siamensis: Tan, Hanifah & Chen 1994[4750]: scutellopunctata. Indonesia (Kalimantan) [OR]. 29.—misid. See Hancock & Drew 1995: 46. [6605876] Acanthoneura scutellopunctata Hering 1952[2218]: gravelyi. India (W. Bengal), Burma, Thailand, Laos [OR]. 279.—Indonesia. Kalimantan: Balikpapan, Mentawir R., 50 m. Acanthoneura gravelyi Munro 1935[3473]: 24.—India. W. HT / RNH. [6602679] Bengal: e. Himalayas, Darjeeling Dist., Pashok, 2000 ft. HT ? setosifemora. Philippines (Mindanao) [OR]. ZSI. [6603539] Acanthonevra setosifemora Hardy 1974[1943]: 66.—Philippines. Acanthoneura ochropleura Hering 1951[2214]: 4.—Burma. Mindanao, Misamis Oriental: Mt. Empagatao, 1050-1200 m. HT Kachin: Kambaiti [25°24’N 98°9’E]. HT ? BMNH. Type ? BBM. [6601667] locality not stated by Hering, from HT label data. N. Syn. shinonagai. Malaysia (Sabah, Sarawak) [OR]. [6602659] Acanthonevra shinonagai Hardy 1986[1962]: 25.—Malaysia. hemileina. India (Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh), Thailand, Sabah: 50 km. SW of Kota Kinabalu, Papar. HT / BBM. Vietnam [OR]. [6601790] Acanthoneura hemileina Hering 1939[2182]: 173.—India. Tamil siamensis. Thailand [OR]. Nadu: Trichinopolis. HT / MNHNP. [6602405] Acanthonevra siamensis Hardy 1973[1942]: 93.—Thailand. imparata. India (Kerala) [OR]. Chiang Mai: Fang, 500 m. HT ? BBM. [6601626] Acanthoneura imparata Hering 1951[2214]: 3.—India. Kerala: soluta. Burma, Thailand [OR]. Anamalai Hills, 4000-5000 ft. HT ? BMNH. [6602657] Rioxa soluta Bezzi 1913[448]: 114.—Burma. Tenasserim. HT ? incerta. Indonesia (Irian Jaya) [AU]. ZSI. [6600200] Acanthonevra incerta Hardy 1986[1962]: 18.—Indonesia. Irian speciosa. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia (Java) [PA, OR]. Jaya: Star Mts., Sibil Valley, 1245 m. HT / BBM. [6601788] Rioxoptilona speciosa Hendel 1915[2105]: 445.—Taiwan. inermis. India (Kerala) [OR]. Hoozan. HT ? DEI. [6602089] Acanthoneura inermis Hering 1951[2214]: 5.—India. Kerala: sumbawana. Indonesia (Nusa Tenggara) [OR]. Anamalai Hills, 4000-5000 ft. HT ? BMNH. [6602660] Acanthoneura sumbawana Hering 1941[2192]: 31.—Indonesia. marginata. Thailand [OR]. Nusa Tenggara: Soembawa [Sumbawa I.], Batoe Doelang. HT Acanthonevra marginata Hardy 1973[1942]: 89.—Thailand. NE / DEI. [6602478] of Bangkok, Pak Chong, 100 m. HT / BBM. [6601625] trigona. Russia (Primorskiy), Korea, n. China, Japan (Hokkaido to melanopleura. Taiwan [OR]. Kyushu) [PA]. Acanthoneura melanopleura Hering 1951[2214]: 4.—Formosa Trypeta trigona Matsumura 1905[3219]: 117.—Japan. Hokkaido. [Taiwan]. HT ? BMNH. [6602658] ST ?/ HUS. [6603382] melanostoma. China, Japan [PA]. Acanthoneura trigona ssp. sinica Zia 1938[5309]: 16.—China. se. Acanthoneura melanostoma Hering 1941[2196]: 19.—China. Gansu: Cheumen [Yumen]. HT ? IZAS. [6604845] Heilongjiang: Maoershan. HT ? BMNH. [6602514] Acanthoneura amurensis: Hendel 1927[2107]: 58.—misid. See nigrifacies. Indonesia (Java) [OR]. Korneyev 1990: 120. [6605253] Chaetomerella nigrifacies Meijere 1914[3319]: 212.—Indonesia. trigonina. China (Zhejiang) [PA]. Java: Gunung Gedeh [Mt. Gede]. HT ? ZMAN. Type data Rioxoptilona trigonina Zia 1963[5313]: 639.—China. Zhejiang: (Hardy 1986: 20). [6604931] Tianmushan. HT ? IZAS. [6604870] Acanthoneura lieftincki Hering 1952[2218]: 281.—Indonesia. w. ultima. Burma [OR]. Java: Mt. Gede, Tjibeureum, above Tjibodas, 1700 m. HT ? Acanthoneura ultima Hering 1941[2190]: 5.—Burma.
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