?'• liOW AVAILABLE Valentine: The Difficult Child and the Problem of BOOKS Discipline 7/9 ii^ Livingatone: The Pageant FOB YOUR STUDIES of Greece 12/3 Andrews: The Theory and IN ALL SUBJECTS Design of Structureg 82/9 are Obtainable from A. McLEOD, A, McLEQD, '<BrIsbase'8 Best "Brisbane's Best Bookstore," mpft fkfat Bookstore," 107 ISLlZABl!riH S'l'i 107 ELIZABEIV ST., BRISBANE The University of Queensland Students* Newspaper BRISBANE Heglstered at G.P.O., Brisbane, for" "Vol. XVIIL - No, U THURSDAY, MAY 19, 194? tranamlasion by poat as a periodical. Oxford&CambridgeGup The Inter-Varsity Boat Race will be rowed on the Hamilton Terrace; and King's College, Kan­ garoo Point, will be looking after Reach at 10.45 on the morning of Saturday, 4th June, It will Sydney, Anyone wishing to get in THE CASE AGAINST be the most important rowing event rowed in Queensland since touch with these crews before their arrival should contact B. E. Birech- ACADEMIC GOWNS the beginning of the war. feld (M 1086). We would welcome any offers of transport to and from Rowing personalities'from all over Sydney is sending their best college Hamilton for the various crews. The (1) Are there any definite written Australia will be coming to Brisbane crew. Little is known regarding their liaison officers for the crews are as regulations relating to the wearhi^ of to witness this blue riband. Amongst form, but they can be expected to follows:— academic dress? If so, they should be them will be Ted Bromley, who re- make a bold display. One of published; if not, upon what is the preseted Australia at the recent S.U.B.C's strongest supporters is Sydney—J, YELLAND, present official edict based? Olympic Games; Bill Thomas, who Professor Cotton, Professor of Physi­ Melbourne—M. QUATREMASS, coached the winning N.S.W. crew at ology at Sydney University. He and Tasmania—P, TAYLOR, (2) The general body of students the recent King's Cup and the win­ Bill Thomas have been responsible Remember, June 4th for the great­ has NOT been consulted on the ning crew at the 1947 and 1948 for many of the radical changes est display of rowing in Queensland matter. Neither the Senate nor the Inter-Varsity regatta, and who him­ which have taken Sydney University since the 1939 King's Cup. Will the Union Council has made any en­ self has represented Australia; Rud to the position of the most successful return of inter-State rowing- to the deavour to assess student opinion. ("Chang") Selman, Eric Longlcy and Boat Club in eights racing in Aus­ Brisbane River again see Queensland (3) Academic caps and gowns have Alan Brown, who were in the recent tralia. victorious? no practical utility, if they were victorious N.S.W. eight. All crews will be training on the ;o:~ worn in public, they might he regard­ The crews to compete in the race Hamilton Reach of the river. They ed as traditionally designating the will be coming from Melbourne, Syd­ will boat from the western, or town student rank in the community; but ney, Tasmania and Queensland Uni­ end of Brett's timber wharf. Walter they are apparently to be worn only versity Boat Clubs. Adelaide and The course to be rowed in the race within the four walls of a lecture Western Australia have been forced will be very similar to that used for "In the beginning, is now . room. In any case, they are merely a to withdraw through transport diffi­ the recent Queensland championships. To-day, Tuesday, 17th May, Walter cumbersome costume which cannot The start will be just below the the mature age be fastened as a coat, and is in con­ culties. the Janitor, reached sequence frequently caught and torn. The Queensland crew is under the Abattoris, and the finish approxi­ of 80 years. Through "Semper" go to mately at Toorak Road, If it is to be regarded as a kind of very able coaching of Dr. F. W. him the best wishes of the Student dust coat, it is the worst of colours, Whitehouse—and the hundreds of Body on this, his Day of Days. for black shows up every speck. freshermen who daily line the banks HOW TO SEE THE RACE. The Union President, Bob Daniels, to catch the beautiful mullet at pre­ Atxangements have been made for made a presentation of one bottle of (4) They are an extravagance. sent in the Brisbane River. They will the "Mirabel" and "Murana" to fol­ Scotch whisJcy to commemorate this City shops are quotmg gowns at over boat as follows in the Inter-Varsity low the race. They will leave Hayle's notable event. £4, and caps at over £1. There are Race: W, Rodgers (bow), J. Lambert Wharf, North ^uay, at 9,00 a.m., on P.S,—^To whom it may concern, the some students to whom money means (2), J. Brett <3), P, Mactaggart (4), June 4th, and pSck up at Game Scotch is to he consumed on Walter's nothing, but there are many more J. Underwood (5), D. Clouston (6), Fishermen's Wharf at Hamilton at 100th birthday. who have heavy expenses of board, PROPOSED NEW BLOCK AT REAR OF MAIN BUILDING, ST. LUCIA. G. Benness (7), P. Taylor (stroke), 9.4S a.m. Cost of the return trip will books, clothing and travel, and to and R. Archibald icox.). This crew be 2/5 (indudiiur 5d. tax). This, as whom £5 is no small sum. It is blends both youth and experience—a well as providing easily the best suggested also that the Union inves­ very difficult ideal and one whidi method of following the race, should tigate prices quoted; youthful stu­ ., we are hopuig wiU pay dividends this be k most enjoyable toip. As book­ dents are an attractive target for Four Pounds commercial exploitation. year. , ^, ings are very strictly liitnited these vrishing to travel on these launches (5) The question of inconvenience. • The'Melbourne crew is probably are advised to get thehr tickets as BACH to the wrHers of the best There are no lockers ,where caps and the heaviest ever 1o have rowed for son as possible from B. E. Hirschfeld gowns may be left between lectures : the Oxford «hd Cambridge Cup. Poem Tbey avera 13 stone per seat (Med. in., M 1086), or, J. I^mbcrt and ovei-riight. These will thus have ' flCBXDsi Queemlana's 12 stone 2, Ibis. (Ensr. in., J 1190). The launches will Essay or Article to be either carried to and from "the ^.^ C!nttn AU Viotorlan BoeoiintB the lOel- drop passengers at Hamilton on the University ,each day, or worn in retom Journey, and will arrive back Short Story public.. T • - •• 1' . hovxm erew te the lieat to leave that in ^the town readies about mid-day. )• » (6) Tradition and dignity are'two . •< State «lnce 1946. Knowing thai Programmes wiU be available on appearhig in "Gafanahra' of the smallest and emptiest abstrac-' . State's reputation and' aspect of the June. 2nd. These programmes are tibhs. Cucullus non facit ttionachum. '. rowing world.wefeelthey shall prob- very worthwhile souvenirs, and are Make your vacation profitable as A Universi^ ought to make a plaice " * ably ^VB an outstanding display. the treasured possessions of many well as pleasant. Write something for itself in the community by the , Southerners.. People wishing to ob­ for "Gafinahra." accomplishments of its members,,hot> •/] -Tasmania returns to Iftter-'VarBity by the ceremonial regalia impost, ;> •" ib'vtrinK after an absence of ten yeara. tain copies should contact J. Milne, Send in your literary effort before :'..v\Theiif crew was chosen very early this Med. IV., M 3849, or either of the upon them. Even Etonians are ^no;4 above. the end of first week in second term longer required to wear top hats.- Of ^^^ Jl.V>'year: and'most of their, oarsmen had (sooner, if possible). course, it is so-easy to finitate the"^!^ ' %' .'Ijreviously, been in training with club ACCOMMODATION OF CREWS. practices of others, and so difficiilt||' !^!;J'cxeWB, • iri .a recent telephonie conr The entries will be .Judged by Mr. •.sVersatlonihelr manager and captain :' The: Tasmanian crew will be stay­ to'do .aJlittle.' creative ,thinkingviorlf ing at HamUton (M 1964); Melbourne A. K. llidmaon, of the Bng:li8h lec­ oitcselve5.-iYour8', etff., ^•' ••;i'v*^--v'ii|;?iM ^^sSMiwided-remarkably• confident. Taa- turing staff. .'.;:,; ^Vipthla^a^tttily plttvras o& the Brfebaae IwHl hft at thftlTnInn ,Mntel'/Wiekhain :\*. -M*-! i" noj*^.'. .irt> iJuiH*";.\»^'.^»'-."iiV'••N< Page Two SEMPER FLOREAT Thursday, May 19, 1949 The Proposition: ^OTp^r J[l0r^at Proposition Presented It is impossible to condense all that was said by the speakers Editor: JOHN O'DUFFY Sub-Editors; MURRAY WILLIAMS. BRIAN THOMASON. ALAN WALKER. in the E.U. Mission, into a few lines. But the following extracts Staff; TED d'UBSO, PERC BURTON, GRAHAM WINDRUM. JOHN EMMETT, are a fair representation of the Christian proposition as pre­ MALCOLM HAM. JOHN HALL. DAN CUNNINGHAM,' J. SHANAHAN, J. sented by Dr. Babbage, Rev. John Drakeford, and assistant KELLY. JUNE SYMES, JILI, LIDGARD. ELEANOR COOKE. MARGARET speakers: HISLOP. There are two popular views removed, and when he returns to his Sporting Editor: T. McENIERY day which compete for the true centre and origin, which is Business Manager: FRED SCHUBERT allegiance of men. On the one hand God. The Christian faith affirms there is the optimistic view of man. that the barrier of sin is overcome Vol. XVIII. THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1949 No. n The advocates of this view believe, by the cross of Christ: that "the •with pathetic tenacity, in the dogma blood of Jesus Christ, God's son, of inevitable progress and the per­ cleanses us from all sin." We fectibility of human nature.
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