Dumb. 53. 2217 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WffiLLING'rON, 'rHURSDAY, JUI-,Y 24, 1$130. Proclaiming the Borough of Palmerston North to be a City. FIRST RCHEDUI,E. , ALI. those areas in t.he Auckland Land District, containing [L.s.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. by admeasurement 8 acres 3 roods 39·6 perches, more or A PROCLAMATION. less, being the pieces of road closed by Proclamation dated ;\ i HEREAS a petition has becn received from the Mayor, 28th May, 1930, and publi.hed ;n Gault __ of the 5th day of \ . \ Councillors, and Burgesses of the Borough of Palmers­ .June, 1930, and being the parcels of land more particularly ton North, praying that the said borough be proclaimed a city described as follows :- under the provisions of the Municipal C',orporations Act, 1920 : Firstly: 1 acre 3 roods J 9·1) perches, more or less. Bounded, And whereas the population of the said borough is not commencing at the westernmost corner of Allotment 218, less t·han twenty thousand: Apata Parish; towards the south-west by Allotment 230 of And whereas" it is desirable that effect should be given the said parish, .~2·8 links; towards the north-west by a to the said petition : puhlic road, 3·7 links, 116·7 links, 174-0 link., and 60· 1 links; Now, therefore, I, Charles, Baron Bledialoe, the Governor­ again towards the north·west generally by Allotment. 217, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and Al'ata Parish, 57·2 links, 127·9 links, 693'0 links, 605·9 links, exercise of the powers conferred upon me by section one and 62·9 links to a public road; towards the north by thl' hundred and thirty of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, said public road, 114·i links; to" arda the south-east generally do hereby proclaim the Borough of Palmerston North to be a by Allotment 218, Apata Parish, 158·[; links, 61)6,1 links, city as on and from the first day of August, one thousand 726'0 links, 31>2·7 links, and 140·3 links, to the point of nine hundred and thirty. commencement. Be all the aforesaid linkages a little morl' or less. - Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Secondly: 4 acres 0 roods 14·9 perches, more or less. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Bounded, commencing at a point on the northern boundary under the Seal of that Dominion, this 17th day of of the East Coast Main Trunk Railway Reser\'e, 175'4 links July, 1930. distant from peg CXLIXA on Auckland Sun-ey Office plan P. A. DE LA PERRELLE, 23424' (bll1,e), generally towards the north-west, north-east, Minister of Internal Affairs. north, and. south-west by Allotment 218, Apata Parish, 549·6 links, 537·8 links, 645'0 links, 844-3 links, 599·2 links, GOD SAVE TfIE KING! and 182-6 links to a public road; towards the north-west hy (I.A. 19/369/5.) the said public road, 106·8 links; towards the north-E'a,t I and north-west by Allotment 217 of the said Apata Parish, Land sel apart as an Endowment for Prim.ary Ed' at' 119·2 links, 789·5 links, and 784·1 links to a public road; , . .Ie wn' towards the north-west by the said public road, 42·4 links; l towards thE' east by the East Coast Main Trunk Railway [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. Reserve, 64·3 links; towards the south generally by t"e A PROCLAMATION. said East. Coast Main Trunk Railway Res",rve, 806·5 links, and by~_tment 218, Apata Parish, 45·8 links, 1087·1 links, 'I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by 537·9 links, 469·8 links, and 269·6 links to the aforesaid subsection nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1!l24, East Coast. Main Trunk Railway Reserve, and by that [, Charles, Baron BIedisloe, Governor-General of the Dominion Reserve 69· I links, 194'5 links, and 47·7 links, to the point of of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that from commencement. Be all the aforesaid linkages a little more and after the date hereof the land comprised in the pieces or less. • of olosed road descdbed in the }<'irst Schedule hereto, being Thirdly: 1 rood 23·2 perches, more or less. Bounded, land which intersects the endowment for primary education commencing at a peg on a public road, distant 142·0 link. described in the Second Schedule hereto, shall be deemed on It bearing of 3350 38' from peg XXXIJIN on Survey Office to be added to the said endowment. plan 22188 (blue); towards the west, Dorth, and east by A 2218 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53 Allotment 217, Apata Parish, 196·5 links, 199·3 links, 165.31 I.and nlaert'ed under tM Scenery Preaervation Act, 1908. links, and 30·3 links to a public road; towards the south by the said public road, 222'0 links, to the point of commence­ ment. Be all the aforesaid linkages a little more or less. [L.S.j BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. Fourthly: 1 acre 3 roods 15 perches, more or less. A PROCLAMATION. Bounded, commencing at a peg on the south boundary of the East Coast Main Trunk Railway Relilerve, and numbered WHEREAS the Scenery Preservation Board, constituted 11M on Survey Office plan 23424' (blue); t.owards the east pursuant to the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 by Allotment 217, Apata Parish, 1735·9 links; towards the (hereinafter referred to as" the said Act "), has recommended south-east by a public road, 82·3 links and 46·4 links ; towards that the land described in the Schedule hereto should be the west and south by Allotment 217, Apata Parish, 1732.7 permanently reserved for historic purposes, and it is expedient links and 199·4 links; towards the north-west bv the East to give effect to snch recommendation: . Coast Main Trunk Railway Reserve, 295·2 liriks, to the Now, therefore, I,. ~harleB, Baron Bledislo.e, Governor­ point of commencement. Be all the aforesaid linkages a General 0: the DommlOn of New Zealand, In p~suance lit.tIe more or less. and exerCIse of. the powers conferred by the Bald Act, Fifthly: 3 roods 7 perches, more or less. Bounded, do hereby proclaIm and declare t~t t~e land described in commencing at a peg 56·1 links distant from an old peg, th? Schedule her?to shall be a~ .hlstorlc reserve under the which old peg marks the opposite angle from peg VlIIN on I saId Act, and subject to the provIsIons thereof. Survey Office plan 23424'1 (blue), towards the south-west by a public road, 159·9 links; again towards the south-west by Allotment 218, Apata Parish, 273'4 links and 429·2 links SCHEDULB, to a public road; towards the north-west by the said public MAPOUTAHI .PA HISTORIC RESERVE. road, 103·2 links; towards the east by Allotment 217, Apata Parish, 470·8 links and 414·2 links, to the point of commence­ ALL that area in the Otago Land District, containing by ment. Be all the aforesaid linkages a little more or less. admeasurement 4 acres, more or less, being Section 57 A. and As the same are delineated on the plan marked L. and S. closed road Section 1340R, Block IV, North Harbour and 20/454A., deposited in the Head Office, Department of Blueskin Survey District, and bounded as follows: Towards I,ands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon coloured the north-west generally by the Pacifio Ocean, 1500 links; green. (Auckland Plan No. 25540, blue.) towa~ds the north-east, east, and south generally by Pura­ kanUl Bay, 2200 links, and towards the south-west by a SECOND SCHEDULE. publio road, 250 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan ALL that area in the Auckland Land District, containing by marked L. and S. 4/581, deposited in the Head Office, admeasurement 343 acres, more or less, being Allotments 217 Department of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon and 218, Apata Parish, permanently reserved as an endowment bordered red. for primary education by Proclamation dated 1st April, 1884, and published in Gazette of the 10th April, 1884. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Given under the ha.nd of His Excellency the Governor­ under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of July, General of the Dominion of New ZeaIsnd. and issued 1930. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 18th day of E. A. RANSOM, July, 1930. Minister in Charge of Scenery Preservation. E. A. RANSOM, Minister of Lands. GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE 'rHE KING I (L. and S. 20/454.) (I.. and S. 4/581.) Land proclaimed as ceasing to be set apart /J8 Nat'lonal­ Land taken Jor tke PurpMea of a Road in Block X I V, Percival, endowment Land. lind Block II, Lyndon Stm:ey Districts, Cllnterbury Land Distrirt. [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. [L.S.] BLEDISLOE, Governor-General. HEREAS by section three hundred and two of the A PROCLAMATION. W Land Act, 192·t, as amended by section ten of the l. 7HEREAS the parcel of land described in the Schedule Lands Laws Amendment Act, 1926, it is enacted that on the \ (\ hereto forms portion of Pastoral Run Number 17, disposal of any national-endowment land by way of sale, or situated in the Percival and Lyndon Surv.ey Districts, and on the acquisition of the fee-simple of any such land, the held under license dated the first day of March, one thousand Governor-General may by Proclamation declare that such nine hundred and seventeen: land shall, as from a date to be specificd in the Proclamation, And whereas it is desired that the !!aid parcel of land should cease to be national-endowruent land: be taken for the purposes of a road under subsection two of And whereas the land described in the Schedule hereto section two hundred and fifty.
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