STANLEY & STANLEY COMMON PARISH COUNCIL Date: 10/07/2019 To: All Members of Stanley & Stanley Common Parish Council Dear Councillor, You are hereby SUMMONED to attend the meeting of Stanley & Stanley Common Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 16 JULY 2019 in the Scout Hut, The Crescent, Stanley Common, Derbyshire, DE7 6GL, for the purpose of transacting the following business: Yours faithfully, Sabrina Doherty – Parish Clerk, Stanley & Stanley Common Parish Council AGENDA 1. TO NOTE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the Agenda as required by the Stanley & Stanley Common Parish Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011. 3. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION This provides an opportunity for members of the public to make representations to the Council in relation to items on the agenda. Time for this session is limited to 10 minutes. Councillors will not debate the matters raised and no decisions can be made on any items raised in this session. 5. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM THE FOLLOWING: I. County Councillor II. Borough Councillors 6. CO-OPTION OF A PARISH COUNCILLOR To consider and vote on the application of Rachel Seymour (previously circulated) 1 7. TO RESOLVE THAT THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 18th JUNE 2019 ARE A CORRECT RECORD – attached 8. MATTERS ARISING To receive an update on progress of matters from the last Council meeting not listed on the Agenda. I. Update on the repair and costs to the Stanley Common changing room steps. CT. II. Community Speed watch report. CT. III. Village Hall update awaiting sight of signed off completion of works.CT IV. Damage to posts on the Stanley recreation ground (Car Park Boundary) JS. V. Quotes progress - Replacement bench Park Avenue. VH. 9. TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF MRS S R DOHERTY AS PARISH CLERK COMMENCING FROM 10 JUNE 2019 10. REPORT OF THE CLERK I. Parish Records – filing cabinet renewal request and relocation II. Pre-school play area – site visit update III. Training course attended 9 July 2019, upcoming on 25 July 2019 IV. Website and domain names purchases – progress update V. End of Year Audit and Final Accounts requirements 2018/19, formal sign off of concurrent functions return attached at page 16. VI. Contracts for grounds maintenance 2020-23 – draft specification attached for approval at page 20. 11. PLANNING APPLICATIONS / DECISION NOTICES No planning notices 12. PARISH RANGER – To discuss and approve the establishment of the post of Parish Ranger to carry out minor repairs and maintenance to parish council property. Contract and terms attached for approval at page 21. 13. VISION AND STRATEGY FOR THE PARISH – To discuss the creation of a vision and a 3 year strategic plan for the betterment of the parish and to appoint a strategy working group to progress the development of the plan. Draft terms of reference for approval attached at page 26. Members of the working group to be determined at the meeting. 14. FALLOWFIELD MAINTENANCE – HEDGE AND GRASSCUTTING CONTRACT – To discuss future maintenance options. Members to consider an offer from a local smallholder to cut and take the hay, maintain the hedge and provide a donation to the council. 15. PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE O365 SOFTWARE LICENCES FOR THE COUNCIL – Report attached with recommendations for consideration and approval at page 27. 2 16. PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE A PARISH COUNCIL TABLET FOR COUNCILLOR USE – Report attached with recommendations for consideration and approval at page 30. 17. REVIEW OF PITCH HIRE FEES FOR 2019-20 SEASON – To determine the fees and letting basis for 2019-20. Members to consider a request to use the pitch on an ad-hoc basis and possible shortening of the pitch for child teams. 18. CHRISTMAS 2019 ARRANGEMENTS – To agree what events will be run and to delegate authority to the clerk to seek quotes for the purchase of Christmas trees and the installation and removal of Christmas lights. 19. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Revised statements for April and May and new June statement attached for review and approval/sign off at page 32. Current balance at bank as of 4/7/19 is £6,687.76 Less outstanding payments £969.96 Less committed budget £5,989.07 Plus VAT refund due £1,424.08 Remaining working balance £1,152.81 Plus Reserves £6,491.10 Total cash remaining: £7,643.91 20. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Payee Date paid Description Amount £ R Arter Litter picking / inspections June 80.00 S Doherty 30/6/2019 Clerk’s salary and expenses 431.81 HMRC 30/6/2019 PAYE deductions 109.20 Namespace 1/7/2019 Webhosting, SSL and domain 360.00 name registration S Doherty Parish Laptop and Anti-virus 399.00 software – re-imbursement of costs paid S Doherty O365 business software 124.99 subscription – re-imbursement of costs paid on personal card S Doherty Admin Equipment – re- 45.98 imbursement of costs paid on personal card S Doherty Stationery Supplies/equipment – 15.00 re-imbursement of costs paid on personal card Stanley PCC Parish magazine subscription 10.00 2018-19 S Doherty Website template and licences – 63.46 re-imbursement of costs paid on personal card 3 Steve & Anna Watering and maintenance of 231.53 flower and shrub beds 21. INCOME RECEIVED - No income received. 22. CORRESPONDENCE – To receive, discuss and resolve to action or note the following: a) Playground/Recreation Ground weekly reports – Unsecured bin, Cllr Smith b) Derbyshire Association of Local Councils (DALC) Circular no.9 (attached) c) CAB Annual Erewash Impact Report 2018/19 (attached) d) Request to replace the village sign (from West Hallam end of Stanley) and install new planters at the village entrances e) Request for donation towards new sports day trophy for St Andrews Primary School, Stanley (cost approx. £40) f) Resident of Stanley concerned about speed and volume of traffic along Derby Road. 23. DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING To discuss proposal to move meetings to alternative night. Currently scheduled meeting: 17 September 2019, Village Hall Stanley 4 Stanley and Stanley Common Parish Council Minutes of the parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 18 June 2019 at 7:00pm in the Stanley Village Hall, Park Road, Stanley Present: Councillors P Carroll, M Cheetham MBE (Chairman), A Garton, Mrs V Harvey and C Tomlinson In Attendance: Councillors Mrs C Hart (Erewash Borough and Derbyshire County), A Stevenson (Erewash Borough), A Summerfield (Erewash Borough) and Mrs S Doherty (Parish Clerk) Members of the public: Three 2019/43 VARIATION TO ORDER OF BUSINESS The Chairman requested that the order of business be altered to enable his announcements to be made at the beginning of the meeting. All agreed. 2019/44 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman welcomed and introduced the new clerk to the council. The Chairman wished to apologise to creditors for the delay in payments which had occurred as a result of the changeover in clerk. Unfortunately there had been problems with the paperwork at the bank and this had resulted in the parish council being unable to access its money in order to pay bills. He wished to assure everyone that the situation was almost rectified and that payments would be made as a priority. The Chairman thanked Councillor Tomlinson for the tremendous job he had carried out as an interim clerk. 2019/45 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J Smith. 2019/46 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS No declarations of interests were received. 2019/47 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION Mrs Green, a representative of the Village Hall Committee was in attendance and requested if the Parish Council could consider moving meetings from the hall to the meeting room. Councillors considered the request and it was reported that there had been complaints in the 5 past about the acoustics in the hall which made it difficult to hear proceedings. The other meeting room was considered unsuitable however due to the L shape and small size which would not suit large audiences which occurred occasionally. Councillors agreed to look into alternative venues before coming to a final decision. A member of the public requested that additional black and white posts be installed along the verges in Stanley village to stop cars from going on the grass. It was confirmed that this was a matter for County Highways. As Councillor Hart was in attendance she agreed to take this back to County and look into it. A member of the public reported that the hedges outside 6 Hurst Drive and along Queens Avenue required cutting back again and asked the Parish Council to resolve the issue. It was confirmed that the County Council had been requested to do this already however the Clerk would chase this up. A member of the public reported that there was excessive litter along Common Lane and asked if the parish council would arrange a litter pick to remove it. It was queried whether this was a borough duty but confirmed that it was unlikely that they would be out in this area without having been notified of the issue. It was suggested that the Clerk get in touch with Richard Windsor at Erewash BC to book a community litter pick which could then be advertised on social media to seek volunteers to help. 2019/48 REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNCILLORS Councillor Mrs Hart reported that a finger post in the village had been dislodged but she had asked B Lowe to fix it. She further reported that, due to an accident at the Kings Corner which had involved a resident of West Hallam, a traffic count at the cross roads was going to be carried out which would hopefully lead to some traffic management measures being introduced.
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