READ THE FEATURES WHILE IT IS NEWS PICTURES FIRST IN YOUR ARTICLES MEMPHIS WORLD VOLUME 28, NUMBER 9 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, July 23, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS A final mammoth voting instruction meeting will be held at Metropolitan Baptist Church Monday, July 28, to help "those who have never voted before and who want to know the reason for voting." The meeting will open , at 8 p.m. Walker Avenue School. Klondyke Small sample voting machines will School, Hamilton High School. First be bn hand to give voters an idea Station at 832 Mississippi Blvd., and as how to operate the real mach­ other buildings. ines. It is advocated, however, that Tuesday. July 29 at Mt. Olive Atty. Pierce Says voters who do not know how to Cathedral. Linden and Lauderdale operate a machine go to the locat­ Streets, the Citizens Non-Partisan ion where they have been placed. Registration Committee will close Voters may find voting machines out Its registration campaign. The Group Is Almost at Church Park Auditorium, Booker I various workers who have been in- T. Washington High School. Man-1 strumental In helping get Negroes assas High School, Ford Road School.1 registered to vote will be cited. Citizens for Progress political or­ ganization. which says it is designat­ Mutual Association Opposes ed to “Keep Memphis and Shelby RETIRES — After 16 years at Memphis General Depot, Lee Jeans County Down in Dix’c.” was called (right), 1337 Dixie, retired at the age of 70. Sam L. Godwin “almost ridiculous” by a backer of Edmund Orglll for govenor last Integration Of Public Schools (left), Chief, Storage & Materials Handling Section, presents a week. Department of the Army Certificate of Achievement to Jeans in Clifford Pierce, attorney, com­ Declaring “we are working a- news In March when its president recognitionrecoanition of faithful performanceoerformance of assigned duties as a menting on the endorsement by CP gainst integration of school’s“ thc Rev. M. L. Young, published a por- civilian employee of the Quartermaster Corps. ; T of Buford Ellington. made the Mutual Association of Colored Peo­ gress report on "Negroes In Miss­ s‘a»cment at a Ho» el Peahndv ple, South, 197 Beale St., in a letter issippi,’’ in which be blashed the gathering of Orglll supporters. “This to thé proprietor of the Henderson “paradox' of the north" concerning racial integration. Citizens for Progress grouo is al­ Truck and Trackor Company in most ridiculous! Thev can’t vet fo- Henderson, Tenn., asked tor a "$25 Other names listed on the letter­ ce»her. And then they go against the donation” to carry on a survey of head of the pro-segregation asso­ demands of their own »own’” Tennessee in the Interest of main­ ciation are: . taining segregated schools. Another Orglll backer who at­ The letter, written on the Asso­ O. Mason, executive vice presi­ tended the meeting. John A.nne»-son. ciation stationary, requested aid dent; L. .Cunningham, vice presi­ attorney and chairman of the con­ “on this survey". The letter also dent; J. T. Truvlllion, national de­ fab. also ranked the CP’s nvpr »he stated that aid is being given by puty; Bernice Warren, executive coals for endorsement of Ellington: secretary; T. R. Robertson, nation-l "It’s a political proposition _ .the'» "the Bank of Henderson. Hender­ ST. LOUIS - (UPI)—The U. S. Court of Appeals Saturday was son Variety Store and .Morgan al secretary; E. Lewis, national or­ (the Citizens for Prograss neonle) Furniture Co." It was signed by ganizer; V. Ivory, state president; asked to set aside an order delaying integration at Central High are more interested in Politics Earl R. Harrison who termed him­ B. R. Shaw, state president of Mis­ School in Little Rook, Ark., until 1961. in the welfare of Memphis self “public relations” for the As- sissippi: W. Whitley, state presi­ Shelby County.’” soriatlori. dent of Arkansas; Nellie Carter, The brief was filed by Wiley A CP A. “MACHINE”? The Association broke into the clerk. Branton, Pine. Bluff, Ark., and Arthur Halle. Jr., business Thurgood Marshall, attorney for cut.ive. also slapped at. the CP or­ ■ the National Assn., for the Ad­ WATCH ganization: "Seventv-five nercen» of vancement of Colored People.' I the people with whom T’ve talked it sought to reverse an order by THE are tor Edmund Orglll Thev’re ORATORICAL EXCELLENCE brought smiles the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand lodge U. S. District Judge Harry J. Lem­ t’red of being told (by Citizens for to the faces of the three 4-H’ers, currently at­ F & AM of Tennessee, (left to right) Second place ley which set aside.. “for the time WORLD Prograss machine) who to vote tending the 4-H Short Course at Tennessee State winner Hattie Jackson, Somerville; Erman Por-. being” a plan of, integration start­ for te-, ■-Millington,-'first place; otic Betty Jean TROOP USE IN SCHOOL CRISIS ed in the school-district in 1957. C. W. Bond, mayor ¿^Arlington, University, who won tKe first, second and third Nine Negro «siudwiUTjaad . attended * Bé Sure ToVote in Moore, Nashville,; third place winner will attend 't’ehh,, said. "Cvervbodv tn this place Annual Prince Hall Masonic Scholarship WASHINGTON — (UPI) - Asst; Atty. Gen. W. Wilson White Central High under_ the protection “Aug. 7 Primary. town, man, woman and child, ouvht Tennessee State in the fall, as did the three of federal troops. awards, being presented by Tennessee State assured angry southern senators Friday the Justice Department ‘ Deadline For Auto to car’*vr the torch 'for Edmund Or- winners from 1957 who completed their fresh­ will do its "level best" to avoid' any further use of federal Tne NAACP brief contended the cill. The politicians, Citizens for University’s speech and drama head Dr. Thomas man year at Tennessee State this past regular grounds upon’ which Lemley bas­ Sticker No. '2 Is Aug, troops in the Little Rock, Ark., school integration dispute. Progress, don’t want this man for Poag, (right) education commission director of school year. ed his decision did not constitute 30. governor. Before it’s over, thev’re “a legally sufficient ground for sus­ White, who has been serving peals set aside a lower federal going to gang upon him That, won’t without Senate confirmation as court order delaying further school pending the operation of the plan,” matter’ Orgill's going to be our next integration in the public schools. and questioned the right of the dis­ governor, and he’s going to bn the head of the department’s new Civil trict court to rescind or postpone Rights Division, said he did not He replied that the use of troops best governor Tennessee ever had ' ” believe the “same circumstances" is a “last resort.......... a last ex­ the. procedure already approved by. “NobodyCttri Woman Assaulted By Teen-Age that prompted the use of troops tremity” that “no one in the cqun- the court of appeals. •‘TURNING AGAINST last fall will arise again in Little • try. wants.” He said he “earnestly OWN PEOPLE” , Rock. I hopes there would be no serious Resign Me, ’’ R. A. Trippeer slapped hardest, at He insisted that he did not think trouble again in Little Rock.” the CP group, accusing the organi­ President Eisenhower made a "mis­ Gang Here In L. E. Brown Park Money ... Who’s Got zation of “turning against their take” last September when he own people.” He said. “Without a teen boys have been arrested "lp ordered federal troops to enforce Mrs. Qualls’s $300? Shores Says question this CP crowd’s turning A gang of teen-age hoodlums grabbed a middle-aged school integration court orders at woman ot St. Paul and Lauderdale streets in the Cleaborn connection with the assault. Teh ‘ “Nobody can resign me,” Klon­ against their, own people is go’ng are in the custody of Juvenile Court Central High School. Button, button, who’s got the fo hqve repercussions. They will, re­ button? That was the question ask­ dyke Manager Robert Shores said Homes and dragged her behind Emanuel Episcopal Church where and three were arraigned in City. He made the statements in testi­ ed in an outmoded parlor game. in answer to Magician Coach Willie gret it!” they criminally assaulted her "10 or 12 times," police said last Court Saturday where they. were, mony before the Senate Judiciary Ware’s request this week. “I’m at Tom MqKnight. accused Walter held to the state on criminal as­ But money, money, who's got the Chandler, co-chairman of the CP week. Committee which held its third money? That is the question being the top, and nobody’s going to After assaulting her behind the I Park restroom where they attack­ sault charges. • . hearings on his nomination since asked by Mrs. Ida Mae1 Qualls, an resign me! group, of betraying his word in Held to the state were Paul Kirk, backing Ellington: "Walter Chand­ church, police said, the thugs then | c<l her again, it was announced by President executive official of the S- W. Qualls “If somebody thought they could forced her into an I... • E. Brown Lt. W. O. Crumby said that thir 19, of 382 Wellington; William Eisenhower last December. He was College Aug. 16 Funeral Home. 479 Vance A.ve. resign me. they would have done it ler wrote me and said he was do­ James Webb. 20, of. 616-B St. Paul, ordered to return for further ques­ Mrs. Qualls reported to police 33 years ago when I first became a ing everything he could to prevent and William Parker, 1>8. of 632 Me-, tioning Monday afternoon.
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